The light glared into her eyes painfully; in fact Molly jerked back in pain from the sudden change from the dark. She closed her eyes instinctively, but jerked them open as an open hand collided with her cheek. Blood exploded in her mouth.


'No questions.' Molly couldn't put a face to the voice, the bright light surrounding her cast everything else in heavy shadow.

'You hit me before I said anything.'

Another smack. Another laceration to the inside of her cheek.

'Shut up!' A hand reached out grabbing her mouth, distorting it into a fish like pout; painfully. As soon as it had grabbed her, released her and all she could hear was a pair of heels clicking into silence.

She winced, vestiges of drugs still coursing through her system. Molly didn't have to move her arms to know her extremities were going to be useless in an escape. She was alone. And just in her underwear.

Well that was unfortunate. It also had the added misfortune of being incredibly smart. She had a couple of small blades hidden in her bra. The almost absolute dead weight of her limbs made that an improbable option for the moment.

And given the high level of organisation of the demons that had captured her, it was going to be next to impossible. As she twisted her arm experimentally she felt a foreign object in the crook of her elbow. Molly curled her arm around the best she could and rubbed it against the chair she was bound to. An IV.

These guys were really smart.

Too smart she mourned as she felt the pull of a sedative, her head lolling backwards.


Not good.

Not just a bit not good either.

Molly woke up again to find herself chained and bound quite tightly to a wooden bench.

Even her head was restrained.

Now that was excessive.


'No.' The woman had entered the room again, but was just out of her eye line. A gentle tapping echoed.

'Who are you?' The restraints contracted. Molly screamed loudly as her joints were being tugged out of their joints. Her vision whited out, this something was holding back from the world of unconsciousness. The pain was blinding. The woman, who ever she was; was leaning over her but she couldn't make out anything.

'For a smart woman, you are very slow.' Her voice gave way; the pain was too much. Tears streamed down her face.

'Enough.' She called out with all the seriousness of someone ordering a coffee. Molly's chest heaved as her joints burned.

'You will answer my questions or scream. That is all you are allowed.' She clicked her fingers, turning away. Molly glared unseeingly up at the ceiling, dragging up all the determination and stubbornness, resolute in not giving this woman another sound. Except her witticisms when she got to ganking her.

The head restraint was released, as were her leg ones and she was yanked off the table. She looked round, receiving another smack to the face.

Three demons dealing with her directly. The woman standing casually at the other side of the room; no clues to her identity. And at least six around the door.

She needed help.

So much. Then Molly was handcuffed to a freezing cold, wet wall. Wet?

'Now… Where is James Moriarty?' The woman, still in the dark to her; voice low and menacing. But there was something.

An element that stirred something in her. What that was? She had no clue.

'No idea.' She shook her head slowly.

'Oo!' A knife cut up through her barely healed injury but was deeper and reached up to just under the hollow of her throat.

'I don- don't know.'

Slit to just above her right breast, bra barely staying on.

'I haven't found him.' She wheezed around a punch to the gut.

One to the inside of her thigh, Molly just about bit through her lip in trying to not scream.

'We don't know anything.'

Ice cold salt water. She started to heave, but given she hadn't eaten in recent memory. Bile splashed the demon dosing her. It was like hundreds of tiny blades were spinning in her cuts. Molly had clearly missed some as more and more of her was yelling in agony.

'Enough. Leave her.' The woman ordered. A blindfold was wrapped around her head. Molly was only letting tears fall down her face as it was impossible to control that was well as the urge to scream. She froze as the woman stood in front of her; radiating a warmth that was unnerving. There was a moment. She was trembling, the woman oddly fluid as she reached up and stroked Molly's cheek. Almost tenderly.


Around and around the merry go round they went.

Five days of drugs, torture and the same questions being aimed at her.

The only difference was in the fact that it was getting more and more intense and severe.

And that woman was both intensely cold and creepily maternal towards her. She had woken up at one point, to find her humming and braiding her hair. Another; singing softly.

It was by far the weirdest interrogation technique she had ever experienced or heard of.

And it was beyond terrifying.

If she had the information they were looking for, she might have told them. Just for the sole purpose of getting her to leave. She hadn't been given a lone moment. Simply another means of getting under her skin. Luckily she had a Sherlock Holmes in her life.

Nothing was secret.

Molly had learned that with him, everything was in the open.

Except her hunter side. That, however; was a rare shadow in her life.



Her head whipped round trying to locate the source of the scream. The room was bright. White. Blind white light everywhere. Seemingly coming from every direction. No shadow could grow in it.

The screams continued.

Even though she felt the freedom of movement there, it was impossible for her to cover her ears.

Initially it was one voice and it quickly devolved to pandemonium.

Light blasting, screams howling and no escape; no way to help them.

Some of the voices were terrified, others angry but there was one; so pained and tortured it could barely pass as human. It rumbled through her, sending shockwaves through every nerve ending in her body.

Eventually she fell to the ground, trying to huddle in the foetal position, but suddenly the floor vanished from her.

Then she was falling, and it seemed like she would never stop.

This time all she could see was her own body. In fact she could see herself, reflect in one side as she dropped down.

Molly wondered if she would ever be able to look herself in the mirror without seeing that fear.

'Enough.' She jolted awake, sitting up and gasping for breath; not able to bite down on the nausea, vomiting copious amounts of bile. The woman was sitting at her side, gently stroking her hair back as she vomited.

'It's alright dear. Just breathe.'

'What is going on?' She managed to breathe out, coughing intermittently. Trembling constantly. Her vision was blurred, the slightest lights flaring.

'Looking for answers. Trying to find the King. Rest my love.' She reached down and kissed her softly on the top of her head. Molly pulled away feeling even more sickened.

'What answers? You've asked me so many times, I don't know anything.' She called after her, weakness seeping out of her every pore.

'You may know more than you know…' The tone was more chilling then the creepy motherly overtures. She turned giving Molly a clear view of her face. However, all Molly could see were the unusual midnight blush eyes. Black, yellow and blood red demon eyes she had seen, midnight ones…?

That was a first.

Also Molly knew that for all the touchy-feely stuff, she could not hesitate when the time came.

She had to get out.

The question was how.

Molly was now in a cell, alone for once. There was an occasional sentry. Nothing she couldn't handle. If you ignored the fact that she was just in her pants.

'Molly Hooper.' She ripped out a knife and held it up to the voice that echoed behind her. A dark hair man stood behind her. In a rather dirty trench coat.

'Annnnnnd you are?' She asked, taking a step back, bracing against the wall.


'The angel?'


'I thought you'd be taller.'

'Dean asked I bring you home.'

'Woah wait wa-'

Suddenly she was on the stairs leading to 221B. Alone.

'Molly! Jesus! Sherlock! Mary! She's here!' Molly looked up to see John at the top of the stairs looking at her in shock. She went to say hello, but collapsed almost as soon as she opened her mouth.

'Molly. How did you get here?' Sherlock appeared leaning over her. He scanned her body, completely unaffected by her state of undress. Or the blood slowly seeping from her injuries.

'Doesn't matter how, look at her!' The same could not be said for John though. He was inspecting each cut carefully. Sherlock shrugged off his coat and passed it to John. John blinked loudly. His friend rolled his eyes. John's face contorted and his eyebrows shot up as realisation dawned. Molly herself was barely able to follow the conversation. What little she had in her, was dwindling. John gently helped her up, wrapping the coat around her.

'Get her in here! I'll get the first aid kit and some clothes.' Mary's voice issued from the upper floor. Sounding completely fed up which, had Molly had the energy, would've made her laugh.


'Hi Sherlock.' She blinked at him, frowning. As her vision began to swim; the dark blue eyes glared at her from the ceiling.

Sorry about the delay with updating, but things have been CRAZY for me at the moment.

Hope you enjoy it!