This one took a little too long to complete but I am glad that it is done now. I am also glad that I've managed to get this story started again too, it has quite an intricate and plot heavy so my honeys will have to bear with me for now. There are quite a few warnings for this story but they are mostly listed in the prologue, I'm not going to repeat them over and over again. This is a multi-chapter fic so it is slow going but this story has never been abandoned.

The warnings for this chapter is only a quick lemon, I'm still introducing all the characters, the setting and so forth. The main pairing for this story will remain:

Yhwach (ユーハバッハ) x Kurosaki Ichigo (黒崎 一護) x Kurosaki Yuichi (黒崎 雄一)

Although, I may work Haschwalth into the strange pairing somewhere too…I'm just a little undecided about that at the moment. This is just as a warning beforehand. This story is very far from being completed and a lot more is going to be added to it. Sorry for the long wait in updates too.

I have a favour to ask my German readers, I ask that you NOT point out my mistakes. I am fluent in Afrikaans, not German, so there are bound to be mistakes and it makes me feel inadequate when it's pointed out to me. Also, most of the German in this story is derived directly from the Manga in any case. The mistakes do not always lie with me.

Other than that, please enjoy my honeys. I don't know what else to say. I'll see you at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 2: Bending Obscurity

It was raining again, several rushing breaths of calm control misting the cold autumn air in front of hauntingly beautiful features as Kurosaki Ichigo paid no mind to the torrent of rain that was soaking through his clothes and sticking vibrant orange locks to deeply furrowed tangerine brows. Allowing for several wet strands to brush playfully against his cheeks as he bent his head forward in gentle respect, contemplative chocolate brown eyes never once wavered from the memorial stone that he was standing in front of as the world seemed to fade away from around him and a burning sear of emotion filmed over an intensely focused vision. Only through his dimmed perception however, could he feel Yuichi's gentle presence that was standing several feet behind him supportively. His brother had not yet moved forward to comfort Ichigo, not even when the first traces of a single despaired tear slipped from long curling black lashes and a soft, near unheard, sob lodged itself painfully in the back of the younger being's throat. And there was a reason for that, the younger Kurosaki silently thanking the shattered heavens for enveloping his kneeling form in its vast protection and shielding his dark sorrows from sight as he was given one last chance to pay his respects to his father's grave before they were expected to leave for the Silbern Fortress.

Today was Otou-san's Meinichi.

Marking nine long years since Ichigo had last heard his father's gentle voice and stood in his presence with childlike innocence, it was a loss that he knew would only increase with time as the years passed on. There was literally no going back to retrieve the spiky black haired being's soul from Soul Society or Seireitei for that matter. Shiba Isshin had died as a Shinigami. His soul had either entered the cycle of rebirth or he had dissipated into the fundamental particles of reishi that made up all three worlds tied together by the Dangai. Brushing tanned fingertips against the familiar name that was engraved upon cold stone, the orange haired seventeen-year-old couldn't suppress the shudder of heavy grief that chased down his spine as he carefully memorized the kanji characters one for one until they had become burned into the depths of his heart for eternity. There was no reprieve for his emotions in those moments, his shoulders completely weighed down by his despair as Ichigo tipped his head back to stare mournfully at the weeping skies in askance for deliverance. And bathed in the creeping shadows of the overcast sky, a light blue bracelet made up of two long dancing tassels, fell forward to brush against the cold stone beside his fingertips as the howling wind picked up in intensity around him and he was forced to draw a calmer breath into harshly resisting lungs.

'I swear upon my very breath that I shall protect your memory, Otou-san.' A haunting tenor whispered quietly, the words so soft that no one but the wind was able to hear his prayer as the orange haired teen fell into the brief delusion that his father would be able to hear him wherever he was. 'You shall no longer be tarnished by the ones who stole your life, I shan't allow them to shatter and taint the honour you gifted me by protecting my life with your last breath. You once told me, that fate is a millstone and we are the grist. I was six, Tou-chan, and I never understood those words until I realized that sometimes there is nothing that can be done against destiny.' Drawing a considerable amount of strength from the memories he had once shared beside his beloved father, no matter how brief; the orange haired teen dragged black nailed fingertips through a soft array of vibrant, wet, strands as he forced himself to stand on intricately buckled black boots. 'However, I continue to wish for strength in spite of that. If I cannot protect those I love from the wheel of fate, then give me the strength to find a blade and unshakable will strong enough to shatter fate (1*).' Shamefully swiping away another despaired tear that rolled sorrowfully down his cheek, chocolate brown eyes abruptly clenched shut in emotional strain as Ichigo curled frustrated fingertips in black cargo pants.

There was a warm red scarf wound loosely around his neck, tugged restlessly by the wind as a black zip up hoodie displayed a tight long-sleeved carmine shirt below and Ichigo drew a warm black hood over his head to shield himself from the torrent of rain. Dark shadows were concealing his sorrowed features tenderly, leaving behind little trace of his visible sadness as intricate belts and twining black chains, wound evocatively through several black belt loops, tinkled restlessly with his shifting movements. The loose fabric of his black pants were tucked securely into calf-length boots, several spiked and stylish leather bracelets winding restrictively against his left wrist as three silver rings were placed upon his forefinger, thumb and left ring finger. The last of the silver bands, to Ichigo, had a very special meaning as it remained securely and permanently placed upon his left ring finger. Inscribed with kanji of his twin's name: 雄一 , it was the only physical symbol they both carried of just how deep their bond was entwined these day. To many, even their mother, it was merely a strange curiosity that the twins indulged themselves in, especially the inherent meaning of its placement. But to the two of them personally, it was a mark of the deep and unspoken intimacy binding them regardless of it being thought of as a mere unspoken quirk that existed between close brothers.

Because just as Ichigo wore his brother's name with pride on his soul whenever he went out into public, there was a mirror image of his ring's existence too. One that was inscribed with his own name, one that also never left Yuichi's finger. Expressing the eternal comfort that only they could find in each other's arms, Ichigo rested his left palm upon his father's gravestone one more time before he turned around mournfully in search of his twin's freely given gentleness. He did not have to wait long or say anything to receive its tender caress, his head tipping forward sorrowfully as a warm palm cupped his cheek and Yu-nii's slightly taller frame bowed protectively over him to bring their foreheads together in a loving touch. A soothing and all-encompassing warmth instantly lighted through the younger orangette's blood, several shudders chasing down his spine as bound hip-length orange locks fell forward over a strong shoulder to tickle parted lips and two steady arms wound reassuringly around his waist. Several controlled exhales were mingling together intimately in those moments, the unusual cold of the late afternoon air misting their merged breaths as sorrowful pale blue eyes filled the entirety of Ichigo's vision and his twin dutifully searched chocolate brown orbs for a way to ease depthless and pained emotions for a while.

'Still hurts, Yu-nii.' Ichigo whispered brokenly, his words nearly unheard as strong arms tightened ever so slightly around his waist and a warm kiss pressed against his forehead several seconds later. Black nailed fingertips were fisting the back of his brother's neat white trench coat, the state of their dress displaying the vastly different personality traits and styles that they incorporated as gentle fingertips tipped his chin back tenderly to swipe away a trickle of escaping tears and intense pale blue eyes completely dismantled Ichigo's soul from the inside out. Gazing at him intently from behind the orange and black frames of stylish glasses, Ichigo was treated to a sight that was rarely seen because his twin wore contacts most of the time. Only, that had changed that morning because Yuichi had complained that his eyes were too dry and irritated to wear lenses. The younger orangette didn't mind their presence, however. He preferred it this way, knowing that he got to see his beloved's beautiful blue orbs without the colour being dulled by something foreign. Instinctively leaning forward when warm lips brushed against the top of his head though, the spiky orange haired teen dragged the tip of a pierced pink tongue across his lips to sorrowfully gather a salty drop caressing the corner of his mouth as he listened to his beloved's soothing baritone caressing his ears.

'I know, Otouto.' Yuichi acknowledged tenderly, swiping a tender thumb beneath chocolate brown orbs to ease his beloved's emotional unrest. 'I know that it does, even when we have to keep moving forward. This time, though, I know that we'll have enough strength to make things right, to sculpt our own fate and face the world with our rightfully inherited power without holding back.' Not able to keep back the soft, near hysterical chuckle that escaped luscious petal pink lips at those comforting words; Ichigo marvelled at the fact that his twin had probably read the depths of his heart and heard the words he had spoken to his father privately before they had ever left his lips. At the soft enquiry to his laughter however, a wan smile curled across the younger being's lips as he caressed a pale cheek with the tips of his fingers before he leaned more fully against a strong chest and rested his forehead against a steady shoulder. 'It's nothing, Nii-san. I just realized that we think alike far too often, that's all.' Merely allowing his trembling form to be bathed in the haunting warmth that caressed his skin once a soft sigh skittered across the top of his head, Ichigo gazed to the floor absently when Yuichi shifted mirroring black boots to steady himself against his twin's sagging weight.

The blue eyed Quincy was dressed contrastingly in tight dark blue jeans instead of cargo pants, a light blue polo shirt that was partially hidden beneath a thigh-length white trench coat and a neat white and gold belt as he thoughtfully tapped an unopened black umbrella against the stone walkway beneath their feet. He should probably open it, he thought absently. Hip-length orange locks were thoroughly soaked just as much as his clothes were. Only, Yuichi did not wish to break the meaningful moment of flowing comfort that had been forged between the two of them. He did not like seeing his twin like this, Ichigo's pain was so palpable that he could taste its bitterness on the tip of his tongue as it served as a catalyst to bring forth, in his own mind, the pain of their father's underserving and cruel end. He may not retain the trauma from witnessing his father's death first hand, but the oldest Kurosaki felt the loss of Isshin's presence just as much as his baby brother did. Today however, they had come to say goodbye just as much as they had come to pay their respects. In those moments, he too could allow himself to show a flicker of his own vulnerability; his heart remaining grateful that his beloved had pressed his forehead against his twin's shoulder so that he did not witness the single crystalized tear that fell from curling black lashes to obscure against the lens of stylish glasses.

This was their last day, he noted sorrowfully. The both them already having been forced to say their goodbyes to Okaa-san when her gentle presence had disappeared down the cemetery pathway to collect her thoughts and she had returned home before the rain had truly started. Their small family of three had spent the last day of peace together beside an empty grave and the harsh reminder that a cherished soul had been lost for eternity, just as they had been forced to acknowledge that the time had come to face the demons who had tainted their past with bloodshed and inconsolable nightmares. It was a day that was coming to an end far too quickly and as the creeping shadows of the approaching night swept into the depths of Karakura Town, it brought along with it a recognizable presence that swam into focus against Yuichi's intensely trained senses. This was not an unexpected visit, though. Over the last two days, they had both become accustomed to this specific Quincy's coming and going reiatsu as they prepared to make the final and permanent shift into the Schatten Bereich (1*) at the Kaiser's (2*) behest. Pale blue eyes were fluttering shut briefly in response to his own restlessness however, searing his beloved's natural sweet scent into the depths of his mind as Yuichi passed an unopened umbrella into Ichigo's hand.

Chuckling softly as dazed chocolate brown eyes gazed up at him with pure confusion, Yuichi effortlessly silenced his twin's puzzled words with an affectionate kiss to the centre of furrowed tangerine brows as he ruffled his fingertips through wet orange locks before resettling a warm hood over Ichigo's head where it had fallen down to rest against slumped shoulders several minutes ago. He was reluctantly drawing himself away from their comforting embrace, uncurling his arms from around a thin waist as the hip-length orangette stared at his messy orange haired doppelganger and traced the pad of his thumb against infinitely soft lips to memorize their plush, velvety, texture. They instantly parted for him, the tip of a pierced tongue caressing his curious, exploring, fingertip as Yuichi struggled to control his desperate need to capture their soft surface in a leisure entanglement of pure bliss. He knew that if he were to do that, he could somewhat ease the flicker of dark regret and melancholy that tainted beautiful and inherently pure chocolate brown orbs. But, not now; he scolded himself harshly. They had a guest looking on and they were also standing before Otou-san's grave. He would have to save his desires for later, even when he knew intimately that it wouldn't help his beloved in any case.

Ichigo needed something more tangible to ground him against his sorrows, something that his beloved couldn't offer himself just yet.


'Go keep Haschwalth company for a few minutes, Ichigo. I want to say my farewells as well.' Frowning in confusion at the loss of warmth around him, Ichigo had to forcibly drag himself into reality as Yuichi drew away from him and walked towards the place that the younger of the two had been kneeling several minutes before. 'We can leave as soon as I'm done, I promise.' Eventually forced to nod his consent at those words, Ichigo obeyed his twin's request without question as the soft echo of heavy boots created a steady rhythm of slow steps upon the rain-wet cemetery walkway. Flicking open the black umbrella once he came to a halt next to a familiar blonde haired figure, Ichigo courteously offered its minimal shelter to the older being as stoic blue eyes briefly flicked in his direction with unspoken gratitude before they returned to where Yuichi was standing quietly in front of the Kurosaki family grave. Ichigo wasn't far behind in that aspect, taking in the sight that his brother made with both regret and loving admiration that could never be contained. Shifting restlessly on his feet, the orange haired seventeen-year-old shivered softly as his silent companion's powerful Quincy reiatsu skittered darkly across tanned skin and completely took over the depths of his mind in mere seconds.

Its touch felt quite different to Yu-nii's power, much more refined and controlled. And like this, even Ichigo could feel his own powers begin to stir in curiosity at its lilting caress. Shiro Zangetsu, Ichigo had learned, loved the sensation of powerful presences. He was naturally drawn to them, always seeking out the strongest to pit his strength against and in return, he often affected the orangette's perception of the world as a result. His Zanpactō was restless, never finding enough pleasure to be content with, but Ichigo usually had Yuichi's help to control him if it got too much. He had a feeling though, that the hip-length white haired being was going to be very content once they stepped into the Schatten Bereich. Not quite able to conceal the hiss of irritation that spilled from his lips at the sensations that were prickling across his skin, Ichigo was eventually forced to drag himself from his thoughts when a soft tenor echoed an unheard inquiry next to him. Cursing himself for missing Haschwalth's quietly spoken words, Ichigo was forced to ask for the question to be repeated as his grip around the umbrella tightened distressingly once the falling torrent of rain seemed to lessen slightly and the howling wind died down minutely.

'A relative of yours?' Ah, the one predictable question that Ichigo should have known was coming. Haschwalth had not yet been made aware of why the Kurosaki Twins had accepted the Emperor's request to join the Wandenreich so readily. Not even five days had passed since the blonde had made the Heika's invitation known to them and they were already ready to leave the Human World behind without looking back that night. Twirling a black umbrella in his palm thoughtfully, a soft sigh spilled from petal pink lips as the orangette glanced towards the tips of black boots to hopefully find the strength to answer that question without his voice cracking painfully in his throat. 'Father, actually.' He noted sombrely, graciously accepting the condolences the blonde offered him afterward before they fell into a companionable and thoughtful silence again. Ichigo had instinctively braced himself for a slew of other questions that he knew was coming, just like the ones that everyone asked after hearing about the Kurosaki patriarch's death, but he was grateful that the Stern Ritter Grandmaster had not pursued the topic any further than that. They both merely returned to watching the hip-length orangette as Ichigo felt his breaths becoming slightly distressed when he noticed his older brother resting his palm upon cold stone before he too turned his back on the silent memorial.

Ichigo had not missed elegant pale fingertips that lifted to swipe away forgotten emotions beneath orange and black framed glasses, his heart twisting painfully in his chest when he knew that it had been his fault that his twin was caught in the pain of his own emotions despite the reassuring smile that he was offered when Yuichi come to a halt next to him. Quietly and unseen by their Quincy companion, two hands twined together palm-to-palm in search of strength before a reprimanding tug tightened the red scarf around Ichigo's neck and the older of the brothers scolded his twin for exposing himself to the cold on purpose. Not that Ichigo actually did anything about that, merely rolling his eyes in exasperation as he scoffed in irritation when a finger flick to his forehead reddened his skin and he was pinned with a sharp blue eyed glare. His fiery gaze in return, was interrupted by a stoic tenor ringing out next to them quietly.

'Have you said your goodbyes, little Prinzen (2*)?' It was Yuichi that nodded his answer, indicating that they were both ready to leave as he never once displayed an aversion to intense blue eyes that gazed at them from behind silky golden bangs that fell forward to caress pale cheeks. Lidding behind pale eyelashes in a commanding gaze, hip-length blond locks swayed restlessly behind a tall, lithe, frame clad in nothing but white the instant that a startling gate of pure shadow opened up into oblivion before them. At the sight of it alone, both Ichigo and Yuichi knew that there was no longer time to fear anything. The small smirk tugging at the older Quincy's lips as he lifted white gloved fingertips beckoningly, spoke volumes of both the darkness of the world they were stepping into and the roles that were now expected of them.

'Then step into the shadows first, Prinz des Licht. The Prinz der Nacht is bound to need your guiding light in the darkness of our world. Protect him well, too. As Grandmaster, Stern Ritter 'B' and His Majesty's Balancer, I can only shield the both of you so much until His Majesty has marked you as his Heirs. For now though, I'm afraid that quite a few of our bolder Stern Ritter are going to be unsettled by your presence, especially Ichigo's, regardless of them already having been warned to keep their hands and power to themselves.'

'Rest assured however, that I have been ordered to protect the both of you. I shall do so even when the strength of your own power should not warrant such a task in the first place.'


Shivering unexpectedly at the cold that was present inside the obscure and ice incrusted depths of the Silbern Fortress, Kurosaki Yuichi tried his hardest to keep the frosty air from seeping beneath his skin as he leaned his head back against the intricate wooden headboard of a towering black canopy bed and shifted his back more firmly against a soft array of white and light blue pillows. A soft throw of soft white fur was tugged only halfway up his torso, elegant fingertips resting a heavy book against his propped up thigh as the orangette absently untangled carding fingertip from his twin's spiky and messy locks to pause in his reading and flip a considerably aged page with careful and controlled movements. He was taking his time with his task however, very aware that the caress of pages beneath his fingertips was the unspoken and carefully guarded lore of the entire Quincy race; written in several languages that ranged from Latin, ancient German, Old English and modern Japanese through the elegant hand of their original creator. This was the oldest book of the Quincy Schrift (3*), the first of ten heavy volumes that were still stained in parts with the blood of enemies, allies, ink and the complex thoughts of their Emperor when he had first begun to keep record of the indiscernible years that passed and the complexity of his own power he himself had not yet understood.

Studios Prinz that he was, the oldest of the twins had decided to occupy his first night spent in the Wandenreich Fortress starting on the task that Haschwalth and the Emperor had assigned to him specifically; even when the knowledge he gained was to be shared with his brother equally. Considering that little Ichi was too lazy and content where he was to pay attention to much of anything, Yuichi had decided to let his beloved fall asleep with his head cradled in a warm lap, his lithe frame sensually concealed in a thick fur throw, and his soul practically purring beneath petting fingertips. Every contented exhale that brushed against the inside of the slightly older teen's wrist or tickled humidly across clothed skin, left him a little distracted from complex readings the moment that tanned fingertips wound through a thigh-length white trench coat, several strands of hip-length orange locks and a light blue shirt in search of gentle comfort. Ichigo was curling even closer to his twin's side, unconsciously seeking out his eternal warmth as a small groan of unknown dreams echoed through the cold air several seconds later. Resting a soothing palm against furrowed tangerine brows, the orange haired Quincy allowed a brush of gathering reishi to sink into tanned skin as he attempted to ease his beloved's restlessness before he could be dragged back into consciousness.

Ichigo deserved his rest. Their day had been more than a little stressful, he thought absently. Leaving home, meeting more than just one Stern Ritter objecting to the younger orangette's presence and being told by Haschwalth that they were not allowed to leave their room until morning when the Quincy Emperor rose at dawn; was enough to exhaust anyone regardless of how much strength they carried. That was seven hours ago, the time now long having passed midnight if they were to follow the same shift of day and night as the Human World did. And neither of the twins had had enough mind to change out of their clothes yet, it was too cold to leave the warmth of their close contact and even the thought of a warming bath in the elaborate en-suite bathroom of their surprisingly opulent quarters, was too straining to attempt. They had merely settled on the bed three hours ago after Haschwalth had given them brief tour of the higher ranking Stern Ritter private halls, explained some of the rules they were expected to follow and made sure that a whole wardrobe of intricate white uniforms had been delivered by the Arrancar servants promptly. His Otouto's expression at that last event had been absolutely priceless, Yuichi had never seen vibrant chocolate brown orbs widen with so much trepidation, disbelief and a glare of absolute defiance at exactly the same time.

It was utterly adorable sometimes; the inherent stubbornness that Okaa-san had told them had come from their Shinigami father shone through so powerfully in his beloved for the simplest of things and Ichigo's beloved Yu-nii was grateful that he had been given a chance to see it that day. After the dark melancholy of a Meinichi, it was a light in the ray of darkness where Yuichi was forced to mentally correct Haschwalth's chosen name for the two of them. He was no Prinz des Licht, unfortunately. Kurosaki Yuichi was rightfully the Prinz der Nacht that bowed down to his beloved Ichigo's whims just like he was given the same courtesy in return. Many beings struggled to comprehend this, even when their souls were infinitely twined together by chains of pitch black reishi. Black chains that became visible on the both of them when the youngest orangette released his dual Zanpactō in Bankai and Yuichi called forth a difficulty controlled Vollständig that was likened to a fallen angel bowing under the weight of pitch black wings. There was no light, no darkness, just two beings that were twined irrevocably for eternity. They were restricted in their power however, neither of them ever having the true ability to release their strength because Soul Society constantly monitored Karakura Town for high reiatsu density and kept a strict eye on the last living Quincy family, the Ishidas.

But that was according to their records, however. Even in death Shiba Isshin protected them somehow by having managed to erase the existence of all and any intelligence files pertaining to the truth of the Kurosaki Bloodline and Kurosaki Masaki's relation to Ishida Ryuuken. It was as if everything had evaporated into smoke, the incident from twenty years ago completely non-existent even when it had altered the outcome of fate—. Abruptly dragged from the depths of thoughts when a warm nose nuzzled the inside of a sensitive thigh playfully, a slow breath of surprise hitched unexpectedly in the older being's throat as fingertips slipped unexpectedly beneath the fabric of his polo shirt and an icy cold touch caressed warm skin deliberately. Causing the hip-length orangette to jerk back in surprise, he barely managed to capture a priceless tome from tumbling to the floor as a playful cackle caressed his ears and pale blue eyes glanced downwards to observe bleary chocolate brown orbs gazing at him from behind sensually lowered lids that were partially concealed behind a soft array of shaggy orange locks. Hissing in irritation when icy fingertips dragged a nonsensical pattern of sheer eroticism against a sculpted abdomen, intense blue eyes narrowed in a dark glare as he placed a heavy tome aside before bringing up a forefinger to push sliding glasses up his nose.

'Don't do that, O-nii-san.' A lilting tenor purred seductively, dragging out three syllables sensuously as a flash of golden desire sunk across chocolate brown eyes for several seconds before the older being was startled when Ichigo's shifting weight suddenly straddled his propped up thigh and his entire lap was invaded by a heated body. A forefinger and thumb had gripped his chin, forcing two pairs of eyes to collide heatedly. 'You imitate our dear cousin a little too much, when you are like this. Can't sleep, Yuichi? Do I need to help you?' Taken aback by the sudden shift in his twin's mood, the older of two felt his voice getting stuck in his throat when a soft pair of luscious petal pink lips sealed tenderly over his own and expertly drew him into an erotic entanglement of pierced tongues that completely overtook the depths of his mind. Dear god, what the hell had his baby brother been dreaming whilst he had been reading? This was…this was definitely the influence of Zangetsu's usual restlessness, that sly teasing grin was a good indication of his theory but Yuichi couldn't feel his twin's soul in upheaval at the Hollow's touch—. Biting down suddenly when a slick tongue slipped into the depths of his mouth without consent, a muffled whine of pure frustration brushed against pale lips as the orange haired Quincy thoroughly took advantage of the distraction he had created.

Forcing Ichigo to yield himself to the rapturous entanglement of their tongues, regardless of the boldness that had prompted the younger twin to start the blissful kiss in the first place; the older of two demonstrated a fair amount of skill and gentle patience as pale blue eyes fluttered half-mast in pleasure behind orange and black glasses and he drew a series of delightful moans from his beloved's throat without any true effort. Bringing up gentle fingertips to caress a fast reddening cheek, a soft groan of pleasure was soon swallowed by Ichigo's mouth when sly fingertips slipped beneath a light blue shirt again and dragged expert black nailed fingertips against sensitive and responsive flesh. Eventually having now choice but to break the intimate dance of their tongues, several rushing breaths of faded control spilled passed parted lips as lidded pale blue eyes took in the astounding sight that was sitting so evocatively in his lap. Vibrant locks were skittering playfully across deeply flushed cheeks, seeming much more dishevelled than before as the rain that had soaked through it earlier that day and had dried the strands naturally, caused a wild curl to settle across cheek length, scruffy orange locks as a pierced pink tongue swiped across plush lips to snap the thick string of saliva connecting them intimately before a gentle smile soon whispered hauntingly across beautiful features.

'Hn…not that I'm complaining, Otouto. But what brought this on? Is Zangetsu bothering you again?' Brushing gentle fingertips against a fluttering pulse point, Yuichi shivered in rising bliss when black nailed fingertips captured his left wrist and promptly dragged a ring finger into the depths of a warm, wet, mouth. Caressing the sensitive pad of his finger with the ball of a silvery tongue ring, a dark flare of lust instantly ignited across pale blue eyes as the hip-length orangette was teased both emotionally and physically by that simple action alone. Ichigo had chosen his ring finger on purpose, the flash of silver band inscribed with the kanji letters; 一護, was there for only one reason after all. There was no doubt that the caress of soul deep pleasure shooting instantaneously though his veins had been brought on by it, blue eyes watching intently as expressive chocolate brown eyes swirled with emotions that were far too deep to contain within a single gaze alone. It was almost too much, Yuichi fighting desperately with his control as his right hand twined restrictively through messy orange locks until the restless tugs brought forth a soft moan and dark eyes fluttered shut at his touch. This was becoming dangerous, very dangerous and the flicker of swirling need that was present in his twin's eyes was telling enough of that fact already.

'Shit!' Cursing openly when the younger orangette retracted his pleasured action, a heady string of saliva still connecting the tip of his tongue to a wet finger; there was a playful smirk curling alarming across petal pink lips as a soft tenor purred the answer that the older orangette had been looking for. 'I owe a pleasure debt, Yu-nii. Have you forgotten? I'm not in the habit of taking and never giving anything back.' Well fuck, now the Quincy counterpart of the Kurosaki Twins knew that he was fighting a losing battle with the scorching hot arousal that instantly ignited like a fire in the pit of his stomach. Prompting a concerned sigh to fall passed parted lips, Yuichi tenderly dragged the pad of his thumb across moist lips before he leaned forward slightly to bring their foreheads together in a grounding touch. There was still a brush of dark melancholy swirling within his twin's expressive gaze, a deep sadness that seemed to call out for a more intimate connection as he struggled to suppress his shudder when emboldened fingertips rested against the inside of his thigh before trailing upwards to trace a rapidly hardening arousal. And when warm lips suddenly pressed against the side of neck, forcing him to tilt his head to side…he could find no more protests the instant that tugging fingertips undid the tie in his hair and spilled cascading torrent of hip-length orange locks over his shoulder.

'Alright, I'll accept. But you know the rules, Otouto. Pleasure debts, repaid or freely given, are only one way. So are you alright with that tonight? You won't be getting anything in return for yourself—.' Interrupted by a soft chuckle of amusement, the hip-length orangette growled lowly in his throat when gentle fingertips trailed a path of heated fire up his chest to pinch a hardened nipple between a forefinger and thumb before Ichigo shifted down the bed with sensually swaying hips until his nose brushed against a tensed abdomen. His whispered words were skittering humidly across slowly revealed skin as the partial Shinigami twin pushed a light blue shirt up an arching torso and dragged a pierced tongue across luscious petal pink lips to wet their sudden dryness. 'Oh I know, Nii-san. I'll just have to bear the consequences won't I? Just like you were forced to lock away your own desire before. I do have some self-control, too, so don't worry. I can take the strain of denied pleasure for now. Next time though, Yu-nii. I'm going to need something much deeper and on equal terms.' Laughing quietly at those words, pale blue eyes fluttered half-mast sensually as Yuichi parted his legs to cradle his brother closer to him and brushed pale fingertips through messy orange locks when a sly tongue teased newly exposed flesh and coaxed his rising need to completely dim reality around him.

'Agreed. But don't dawdle tonight; Ichi. We have a busy day ahead tomorrow and I think that the both of us will need to get some sleep at some point.' Glad that he had managed to get his words out mere seconds before the buckle in his belt was undone and a zipper pushed down deftly, Yuichi tightened his grip in his brother's hair as a soft breath of strain hitched in his throat when a rapidly hardening arousal was teased through thin fabric before being exposed to the cold air of the Silbern Fortress. Luckily Ichigo's humid breaths were unconsciously easing away the shock, the hip-length orangette's mind sent reeling when the edge of a white fur throw caressed highly sensitized skin and the tip of a pink tongue trailed heatedly from the base to the tip several times to bathe his erection in slick saliva. Getting a response out of the blue eyed Quincy in those moments wasn't hard for Ichigo, a low whine of frustration colouring the air as Yuichi shifted his hips impatiently and leaned his head back against the headboard to find some much needed control not to yank his brother forward in the need to satisfy his release. An uncontained curse was echoing deafeningly inside his own head though, Yuichi cursing himself for having forgotten just how sweet and skilful his little brother's mouth was when he put his mind to gifting emboldened pleasure.

It felt so good! The ball of a silvery tongue ring creating a blissful contrast of metal hardness, a slick tongue and warm, flowing, saliva that was taking over the depths of his mind within seconds. Moaning softly in deep appreciation when the slit of his erection was teased with the harsh press of a round tongue ring, the few minute older twin was forced to tug his bottom lip between his teeth to silence his rising rapture when his hardness was expertly drawn into a scorching hot mouth. The sensations chasing up and down his spine were overpowering, bowing his back in a sensual arch as he tugged desperately on messy orange locks to simultaneously ground himself and force his need deeper into his beloved's mouth. A strong grip curling around his hips, halted his desperation however. Ichigo taking his time to tease his beloved out of his mind with unfulfilling caresses that were enough to drive anyone out of their mind with sheer desperation. In those moments the younger being was given dominance and he absolutely revelled in it. It had been a long time since he had heard the word 'please' spilling from his twin's lips, especially in situations like these. But tonight, Ichigo would make them tumble from parted lips just as he eagerly drank in every sigh, hitched breath, quiet groan and desperate moan that teased his hearing in tandem to every pleasure swipe of his tongue and suck of his mouth.

'Hn! F-fuck! Ichigo, please! You are going to break me like this.' Yuichi cried with panting breaths, a dusting of pink colouring across his cheeks as the minutes of teasing caresses dragged by one rapturous and torturous lifetime at a time. So good, so good, so good his mind chanted continuously but his body was never given enough to push him over the edge. The steady bob of a head was always once pace too slow, black nailed fingertips digging into the skin of his hips to keep his beloved's hips still as the hip-length orangette was forced to yield himself to his beloved's mercy in those moments. He was losing his vast amount of patience in the minutes that passed, pale fingers pulling on messy orange locks forcefully as he watched chocolate brown eyes gazing up at him with pure satisfaction before a startled cry of rapture echoed into the depths of their quarters when his growing sexual frustration and pleading calls were finally answered after what felt like an eternity of blissful torment. Swallowing his entire length in one fluid movement, the back of an orange head collided harshly against a wooden headboard as desperate fingers stubbornly kept his twin in place and the Quincy felt his entire being enveloped in nothing but sheer, unadulterated and completely satisfying ecstasy.

'Ichigo!' Yuichi's cry of completion was uncommonly loud, his very soul completely rearranging itself from the inside out as sheer white exploded behind clenched eyelids and several swallows drank in his essence without complaint. The sensual act only served to increase the orangette's pleasure all the more, his release dragged out for what felt like a lifetime where he was suspended in nothing but a world of life and death and mind numbing bliss. And when he was to come back to himself, watching through a lidded gaze as his twin swiped the tip of his tongue across pink lips gather the taste of his beloved; Yuichi gripped the fabric of a black zip-up hoodie as he forced their lips to seal together in a leisure entanglement of tongues that expressed both his gratitude for the gifted pleasure and a small reward that paled in comparison to what he had just been given. This was why Yuichi didn't like it when 'pleasure debts' were created between them. However, for the brief bliss he had been gifted…he wouldn't be able to find another thought or word of complaint until he woke up in the morning again to face a new day.

'Aishiteru (4*), Yu-nii.' Smiling tenderly at those most beloved words, Yuichi swiped away a trickle of white that had escaped the corner of a skilful mouth before returned those words just as truthfully and gently as they had been spoken to him.

I love you too, my eternal Beloved. My Ichigo.'

Carding black nailed fingertips through a haunting array of hip-length orange locks, Ichigo hummed a quiet lullaby as he closed his eyes thoughtfully when he was finally aware of his beloved drifting off to sleep next to him. A soft sigh of relief could finally spill from his lips, Yuichi's rested state placing the younger orangette's unrest at ease as he whispered a quiet 'oyasumi (4*)' and tugged the warm covers back over shivering shoulders. It was cold in the Silbern Fortress indeed, cold enough to make Ichigo want to crawl into the large bed beside his twin and never come out. But something was preventing him that night, luscious petal pink lips whispering across furrowed tangerine brows for a chaste kiss as he tenderly pulled his twin's glasses from his nose and placed them on the bedside table. After making sure that Yu-nii would stay asleep for a while still, the orange haired teen allowed his socked feet to lead him over soft cream carpets and towards the walk in closet of lavish quarters. He was still marvelling at both the style and size of their room. It was bigger than the entire Kurosaki Clinic, making it feel like he had just into a timeless German palace where a warm fire was burning brightly in the hearth but hardly seemed strong enough to heat up the air despite the purpose of its presence.

Using the dim dancing light to help guide him forward, Ichigo did not spend a long time staring at immaculate white uniforms when he had come here for another purpose all together. Pulling a heavy, regal, white cloak from a carefully crafted wooden stand on his side of the opulent closet; Ichigo threw the warm fabric over his shoulders as he paid no mind to the fact that his black hoodie and cargo pants were still settled beneath. A rich, flowing light blue velvet was worked into the inside of the cloak, heating up the inherent cold that had enveloped his form entirely as black nailed fingertips drew an obscuring white hood over his head so that his features were thrown into shadow and several breaths of unease could spill from parted lips. Leaning into the gentle brush of white fur that lined the edges of the cloak to brush against his forehead and ears warmly, Ichigo eventually settled intricately buckled black boots on his feet and brushed aside dishevelled orange locks that tumbled forward to skitter across his cheeks and partially obscured his vision. Yuichi was going to be worried when he woke up to find his twin missing, but Ichigo was hoping to return back here again before that could happen.

Now was not the time to make his beloved too unsettled with his missing presence, there had been too much happening that day to comprehend in the first place. However, this was something that Ichigo had to do on his own. He couldn't explain his reasoning's to his beloved no matter how he tried, because Zangetsu's presence had been stirred into awakening that night. It felt a little worse than usual because the Zanpactō spirit had stimulated something unknown within the seventeen-year-old that wanted out desperately. Instead of making him anxious, overrun with false pleasure, unsettled and in desperate need to satiate his bloodlust…it was like a darker and much more carnal, sensual and heady instinct had been aroused within him. It was skittering like electricity through his veins, completely taking over the orange haired teen's consciousness as two arched doors clicked shut behind him and steady boot steps carried him deeper and deeper into the castle. Nothing but the darkness of an eternally obscure world was enveloping him from all sides, instinct the only sense he could truly rely on along with several sconces that were placed on the hallway walls at set intervals. They were burning bright blue with dense reishi, barely illuminating the misting breaths that were falling from sensually parted lips as Ichigo made sure that his reiatsu did not spill passed briefly lived but affective control.

'I implore, Prinzen, that you do not go wandering through the Fortress at night without me by your side. His Majesty should never be disturbed from his rest. At night, the other Stern Ritter also become more restless.' Cautioning and wise words, Ichigo could remember them being spoken a while ago. Only, deep within him, he could not control restless footsteps that carried him ever forward as his heart raced erratically in his chest and a soft moan spilled from his throat unbidden of his permission. His blood was still on fire from the unfulfilled pleasure he had given his brother, his stomach twisting urgently with need as the essence of his power skittered powerfully and incessantly across tanned skin. In those moments not even the cold of the shadows could reach him, flickering Fullbring lights dancing evocatively beneath black booted feet as a deep and instinctual gold coloured chocolate brown orbs and a steady trickle of ink black began to seep into the whites of his left eye. This was where the youngest Kurosaki twin usually began to fight his Hollow instincts, to push them aside in order to regain control but not that night. He didn't want to, didn't feel the need to and as black booted feet came to a halt in front of two imposing double doors inscribed with the Quincy cross…the orangette was sure that he had found what he was looking for and what his instincts cried out to.

Resting black nailed fingertips upon a sealed door, golden eyes cautiously glanced over his shoulder to search for threatening presences before the heavy doors creaked open under the lightest push of his power and he did not spare a second thought before crossing the threshold. It was pitch black on the other side, a thicker and darker heaviness flowing through the entirety of the room he had just entered as the doors abruptly slammed shut behind him and several flickers of blue light instantly ignited brightly in the darkness. Frozen to the spot when he felt the sensation of an exceedingly powerful and indiscernible presence crashing in torrents against him, a soft breath of surprise was instantly tugged into harshly resisting lungs as golden eyes widened at the increasing light that flooded the depths of what looked like a large throne room. There was a shadowed form seated regally upon an almost menacing throne, the entire platform suspended above a rising dais and as those dancing lights…like the wicks of hundreds of burning candles…illuminated the tall frame; Ichigo took several instinctive steps forward to discern if what he was seeing was real. He had to get closer, to see, to know why Zangetsu was purring like a cat against his soul and why the hell he felt so comforted in this being's mere presence just as much as he feared it instinctively.

'Such a curios child.' A rumbling baritone echoed with a brush of dark amusement, golden eyes snapping upwards instinctively just as a pair of fathomless dark eyes fluttered open and Ichigo became completely entranced by the sound of a soothing voice and haunting features that seemed both eternally wise but ageless all the same. Hip length black locks were falling over a blood red cloak as the King leaned forward curiously, dancing reishi glinting off dark facial hair as fathomless orbs lazily followed the soul that had entered his realm without permission. Unable to still booted footsteps until he came to a halt directly in front of a white throne, Ichigo parted his lips to speak but was quickly silenced with a deadly smirk instead. 'I am glad that there is at least one little rule breaker amongst my Heirs. What troubles you so to seek out your Vater's (4*) presence before dawn, Prinz der Nacht? Are you unable to sleep?' Completely unable to form the words to answer that question at all, Ichigo just nodded numbly as intense eyes seemed to take in his form with appreciation before a rich chuckle echoed into the night and beckoning fingertips reached out to call him forward. Something within Ichigo yielded instinctively, his body bowing forward submissively to bare the back of his neck as warm fingertips reached forward to push a white hood from an orange head and he was offered a gentle smile.

The instant that a large hand brushed through orange locks affectionate, the prickles of electricity that had been chasing throughout the orangette's veins settled down instantly as a loud and contented moan spilled from parted petal pink lips. Ichigo frowned deeply at the origin of the sound, not quite sure how or why he had made it as another warm chuckle caressed his ears and he was given a glimpse of the transcendent being that the Quincy referred to as their Heika, the Emperor, His Majesty, the King and Kaiser. And he was surprised that he wasn't afraid. The brush of fear he had felt when stepping inside this room had completely faded, confusing the orangette now because rationally he knew he should be very afraid—.

'Troublemaker indeed, Haschwalth's going to be very upset in the morning. You must be fast to slip through his intensely trained senses, little one. Faster than I expected.' Reminded once again about the words of warning that the blonde haired Quincy had spoken to him earlier, Ichigo guiltily cast his eyes to the side as he shifted nervously on his feet. 'I'm sorry, did I disturb you?' He asked guiltily, frowning in confusion when a soft sigh echoed into the air before another bout of amused laughter caressed his ears. Ichigo had glanced up just in time to see a deadly smirk dance across pale lips, a flash of depthless emotion swimming into dark eyes as Yhwach shook his head in the negative reassuringly.

'Trust me, Kurosaki Ichigo. If you had disturbed my rest, you would have been dead before you had even set one foot in the hallway leading towards this room. You are a fortunate child, fortunate enough that sometimes even Emperors have restless nights where sleep is hard to find.'

'Now, are you going to stare at me the whole night in awe or are you going to tell me what troubles your rest, child?'

1* - Ichigo Quote – The original quote from the Manga reads: "...If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength... to shatter fate." I just altered it to fit the story.
2* - Prinzen – Plural of Prince
3* - Schrift – German for Scripts, it means 'Holy Scripts' in the Manga
4* - Aishiteru - I love you

Right, that's it for all my notes. Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it. If I could please ask for a small review, I'd be eternally grateful to you. It really would mean a lot. As for my next update my honeys, we'll have to see. I have to think of a birthday fic soon because it's almost my birthday but maybe I can manage one more update like this before starting to work on that specific two shot. This is it from me for now though, I'm too tired to think of anything else to put in my notes.

I'll see you again with another update, even though I don't know which one it'll be. I'm rather busy as of late and I haven't been getting as much time to write as I'd like.

Yours Always

Chocolate Carnival