Hey everyone! Thank you so so so much for the amazing reviews and kind words! Been working through some severe writer's block!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas, or few days off for those who do not celebrate the day, and that everyone has a safe New Years!
The plot is really deviating from AOS but I'm really liking where it's going! Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated as a New Year present ;)
Skye lay awake. She couldn't sleep. Although granted, there was the added tinge of a dull, drugged, pain, that was radiating from her right hip and bouncing up to her left ribs, that aided keeping her awake. Simmons said that the hip was bruised and the ribs were fractured, but to Skye, there was little difference in the degree of pain from each injury. Both hurt like hell. She had to keep pretending to do that thing Ward did when he got hurt, grind his teeth slightly and maybe tense his jaw. She was in her bunk room, well more specifically, lying in her bed. It was 1:37am and she could faintly hear Ward getting up, to do his early morning workout. It had been 2 days since Skye had returned to the Bus. The first day was spent with being checked over by Simmons, hugs and promises of safety. But the second day was more focused on sleep and recovery, so much so, she felt somewhat forgotten.
Simmons had assessed her injuries and issued her with a weeks bedrest, followed by slow and easy exercises. FitzSimmons spend their time now trying to figure out what had happened in the house. Coulson buried himself in the Hydra material, so much so he hadn't really come to see Skye. Ward, words were never his strongest skill, so he found he had neither the words nor the time of when to bring up what had happened. It appeared as if everyone was dancing around the edge of the question, but no one knew how to jump into it.
What actually happened? It seemed like such a simple statement, yet it seemed like no one could bear to ask it.
Next to her bed were some pain medication capsules, knowing they also had a sedative in them, Skye took two, hoping to finally be able to sleep properly. Since she had gotten back she'd had a series of x-rays, short naps and a shower, that had to be taken in a wheelchair due to her hip. It seemed like minimal activity, but it had exhausted her. The mere movement to pick up the tablets had caused a spike of pain from her ribs. Allowing the drugs to take affect, Skye attempted to get comfortable, having to lie on her back to avoid putting pressure on her hip and ribs.
Unable to get the words to come out correctly, in a way that wouldn't sound full of pity, was difficult for Agent May. She wanted to tell Skye that she had a friend that had worked in counselling for many years, especially with S.H.I.E.L.D operatives. It hadn't exactly gone the way she had hoped though, becoming more of an argument. It was now more obvious to her than previously, that Skye had trust issues. Getting her to even consider talking to Andrew would be a struggle.
"No, no I don't need to talk to a shrink," Skye had said with determination, she was still lying in bed, but propped up by a few pillows.
Feeling like she was repeating a fact that had already been covered, May was getting frustrated. Wanting to keep her voice even, but needing to illustrate her point, she continued, "Skye, believe me, Andrew is the best out there, he's dealt with many S.H.I.E.L.D agents before."
"Believe me! I know my own head, May, I am fine!" Next to Skye a glass of water trembled slightly, the ripples cliche of a Jurassic Park film.
Not noticing May moved and perched on Skye's bed, near her waist, but careful of her injured, and tightly bandaged hip. "Look, Skye," Her voice was far more caring now, yet still stern and precise, "This isn't optional, it's procedure for all operatives after a traumatic experience and I think you'll like Andrew, he's-"
"Exactly like every other shrink I've had to sit with," Lost for words, yet using her hands to convey what she was trying, without having to say the words. The ripples in the glass grew in frustration and the small container of tablets fell over.
May said her words for her, "The people you'd have to talk to in the system, they're-"
"Not like Andrew," The older woman stood, the slight, almost undetectable tremors ceased, "He'll be here in about an hour."
She left Skye alone with her thoughts. Memories flooded back, of small rooms and tired couches. The feeling of sinking into the cushions and wanting to be buried in the fabric. Stupid questions asked by underpaid individuals that weren't overly concerned if they got answers, Skye vividly remembering that she never gave them any. One woman in particular sprung to mind. Dr Stacy Duston. Skye had been sent to her when she was 9, when a home hadn't been exactly caring. Duston had found Skye's silence intriguing, as being the therapist to break any silence is seen as a great accomplishment. She'd tried multiple tactics, from fake comfort, to different methods of communication, eventually falling to berating and becoming angered at her lack of success. However, Skye spent almost half a year, at that age, not talking, annoying many psychotherapists and families alike.
Dr Andrew Gardner would've preferred not to do his sessions with Skye in her own bunk room. He found that most people wanted a space away from their discussions to regain a calm headspace. He was worried that Skye would want to have a physical 'safe place' and not be able to achieve that. But there wasn't a lot of choice, Skye still hadn't left her room unassisted, and even then it was to go toilet, or have a shower. Her ribs were healing well, but her bruised pelvis was still very tender.
He knocked twice before entering the bunk room. Skye wasn't quite what he expected, she looked young. Yet somehow her tiredness was etched into her face to create an artificial age. He would have guessed she would be in her early twenties, rather than mid teens. When she saw him, her expression changed from bored to cautious, irritated and unamused. Skye didn't want to see Andrew.
It was obvious this wouldn't be a fun session, but Andrew tried to form a trust between them, "Hi Skye, I'm Dr Gardner, call me Andrew though."
"The classic 'call me by my first name' move," Skye muttered, more to herself than anyone else.
Andrew still heard though, deciding to respond with, "And the classic 'keeping the topic shallow', it's an expert move."
"Yeah well I've done these before," She snapped back, folding her arms over herself, subconsciously being defensive, but unable to hide the wince from her protesting ribcage at the movement.
Gardner sat on a chair near the bed, on the opposite wall. He had a leather bound notepad, which was sitting on his lap, black pen in his left hand. Both were unused. He decided to not play along with Skye's distracting ploy, cutting straight through her facade, "When you joined this team, why did you not inform them of your age?"
"Well how old are you? Age doesn't normally come up in conversation," Skye had stopped making eye contact, focusing on her fiddling hands.
"That's not what I mean, Skye. Did you not tell of fear of rejection, being let go?" Andrew didn't want to argue with her for answers, incase she shut down and stopped replying all together.
There was a definite pause, "Both, I needed to find out about my parents, but I almost felt normal here." She replied slowly, tasting each word as it came out.
"Why normal?"
Skye made a small smile to herself, "Well not many of the team have had normal childhoods; Coulson's dad died when he was nine, Ward's whole family is a mess, Fitz's mum was in the army and he never saw her, I mean Jemma's fairly standard, and I don't know much about May's but one could assume-"
"Mum died when she was twenty four, her dad is from a small village but moved to a larger city for work," Andrew filled in the blanks for her, with a knowing smirk.
Cocking her head in curiosity and confusion, Skye asked, "How do you-"
"If you felt a sense of normality here, then why did you run away?" Gardner interrupted, wanting to stay on topic.
In a defiant tone Skye tried to divert the conversation back, "No, no, how do you know May?"
Dr Gardner had an idea, "I'll tell you, if, you answer my questions."
Thinking the proposition over Skye nodded.
"No diversions, distractions or jokes. Just answers."
With a loud sigh she answered, "Yes!"
Surprised that had worked, Gardner smiled, "Well then, how many homes had you been in before you were placed with Scott Dawson?"
A quiet voice replied, "A lot."
It was a vague answer, and was not what Gardner was obviously searching for, "I have worked with a fair few individuals who have lived in foster homes. It isn't a number that is forgotten easily."
"39," Skye quickly answered.
The room was filled with quick scribbling on the notebook.
"Did you feel at ease in these homes," Andrew moved his hands as he spoke, "Did any of them actually feel like homes?"
Skye had stopped making eye contact and was looking towards the closed door, "You can quote this; I stopped allowing myself to call them a home as a coping mechanism to help deal with the likely rejection." The statement, whilst was truthful, irritated her, biting her lip and crossing her arms over her chest.
Smiling to himself Andrew nodded, writing what she had said down. "And did Dawson's ever feel like home to you?"
Her back stiffened at the suggestion of comfort in his care, "Not once."
"What exactly happened there?" Dr Gardner asked softly, "The other night?"
"Sir, I've never seen this compound before." Simmons informed Coulson, in the lab. She was referring to the blue substance that was in the a small container that was grabbed from Dawson's locked room. There were four containers and one was empty, with a small amount of residue still visible on the inside.
Fitz was at her side and added, "But we have still made significant progress considering it's origins."
"Hydra," Coulson stated.
"Actually sir," Fitz started.
Jemma finished, "It predates the formation of Hydra by approximately 65 million years. At that point of Earth's history; it was the end of the Cretaceous period."
Obviously confused, Phil offered, "So older than humankind?"
"It was the start of a mass extinction. The only creatures that survived were some reptiles, birds, aquatic and very small mammals." Simmons corrected.
"Think end of the dinosaurs," Fitz restated for Jemma.
"Aside from origins, what else have you found?"
"Well we think we understand it's properties, to a rudimentary degree at least," Simmons gladly said.
There was a pause.
"And?!" Coulson hurriedly asked, the pair were brilliant, but often got lost in there own world, forgetting to let others in.
Fitz took charge, "They are terrigen crystals sir. Howard Starkfirst discovered them in a cave during an expedition in the Chinese mountains. He characterised them as a sort of enzyme, an activating agent. It is absorbed into an organism and turns on some sort of genetic marker. We hypothesis, that it is similar to the Project Centipede in the sense that it can, well it can create-"
"It can create incredible abilities in organisms," Jemma finished.
Seeing past the information he had just been told Coulson directed attention to the real world implication of this, "So what does an empty capsule mean?"
Fitz answered when Jemma didn't, "Someone, or something, has ingested this compound."
"It was weird," Skye began calmly, "He made dinner. I normally cook the meals, but I though maybe he was just in a rare good mood. It was pretty average, greasy burgers. Mine had a weird aftertaste. But other than that it was pretty normal."
"Keep going Skye" Gardner encouraged gently.
Her eye's clouded over, lost in a world that was not present around her, "I must have done something wrong, I don't remember what, but, but he got mad."
Andrew could see Skye was becoming unsettled, agitated at the memory.
"He, Dawson, he," In an attempt to stay in control Skye drew a deep breath, "He started yelling and took me into the living room. I waited and he came back with this," She held up her first finger and thumb, about two inches apart, "Capsule about this big. It had blue stuff in it. He kept yelling about these people, inhumans, and how they were worth money. I though he meant like Mike Peterson, but then he threw it on the ground near me."
Her breathing had become ragged again and Gardner could see she was getting upset. He was torn in his pursuit of knowledge of what happened, and of helping Skye. He decided quickly that bringing it up again later would have a similar result so pursuing as they were going would be best. He failed to notice the leaves on a small pot plant, to his right, shake slightly. "Then what happened?"
Tears welled in large, soft eyes, "I don't know, he stopped moving and fell to the ground, but broke apart. I don't know, he looked like he was made of rocks. The last thing I remember is there was the earthquake, then Jemma woke me up." The trembling increased, till it was noticeable.
Dr Gardner paused and looked around, to reassure himself that the room was indeed shaking. Skye also appeared confused, but also vulnerable.
Meanwhile May and Ward, who were training stopped once they saw the tremors. Those in the lab could hear the rattling of glass bumping glass due to the vibrations.
Phil and FitzSimmons all paused from their discussion.
"These powers, what do they tend to be?" Coulson slowly asked, speaking aloud what they were all thinking, yet all dreading.
"Uncertain sir, but Stark's findings speak of a woman who never aged, a man with no eyes who could teleport and a doctor who had extreme strength. So varied to say the least," Fitz replied quickly.
Coulson shut his eyes to clear his thoughts as the shaking continued, "So this is likely to be caused by-"
"Skye," FitzSimmons answered in unison.
So there's Chapter 7! Think of it as a late present!
Hope you enjoyed it, and it's super long length!
Have a great end of year celebration and leave a review on you way out?
Much love team!