Brushing up on some of my favorite Villains and they're history and I came across a certain one. So I've been playing around with this and lemme know what you guys think (:

Much love,

ReesesPieces2112 (:

"Let go of me!" Felicity struggled against Maseo as he sat her on a chair in a dim lighted room. "What's going on?!"

"Please, calm yourself, Ms. Smoak." Ra's Al Ghul stepped out from the shadows. "I simply wish to have another word with you."

Her face screwed up into a grimace and her hands balled into fists. "I'm sure you'd understand why I wouldn't give you the damn time of day."

Ra's smiled, but barely as he approached her slowly, "You're a remarkable woman, Felicity. You can imagine why I'd take such an interest in you."

Felicity huffed and glared at him, showing no intention of bowing to his every whim like his League.

"You know when you were born," he folded his hands together behind his back, catching her attention, "you were beautiful…healthy…you smiled as soon you heard your mother's voice. You lit up a room even back then."

"How would you know that?" She swallowed loudly as the memory of her mother sharing that moment with her when she was old enough to understand.

Avoiding her question, Ra's continued with, "When you were five, you were eager to go to school and it was easy to see why your schoolmates had loved you so much. Your personality shone brighter than the sun, your laugh could make anyone smile, you-."

"Why are you telling me this?" Felicity let out a ragged breath, holding back her tears; the things he was saying…how he described her…as if… "Who are you?"

He chuckled, "Your name, the name you had been given before your mother whisked you out of that hospital as soon as she could…was not Felicity Megan Smoak."

"Shut up." She whispered, not willing to hear the rest.

"It was Talia…"

"Shut. Up!" Felicity demanded louder as she stared at the ground.

"Talia Al Ghul."

"No!" She shot up from her seat, tears pouring down her face. "No."

"This was in no way the way I'd hoped to tell you." Ra's put a hand on her shoulder.

"Get the hell away from me!" She slapped his arm away. "How long have you been planning this?"

"Since you were born and your mother ran from me."

"I can see why."

"Felicity, you must understand-."

"Oliver wasn't part of this." Felicity put the pieces together. "You used him…to get to me."

"Oliver was indeed not part of my plan." Ra's confirmed. "However, when he came into the equation, it made it easier to get to you."

"You son of a bi-!" She shot her hand out without thinking, grunting as he caught her wrist. "I'll kill you!"

"Oliver Queen is not what's best for you." He stated calmly.

"Who the hell gave you the right?!" She shoved him even though he didn't budge. "You think just because you're my biological father, that you get any right or say in my life? You're a monster, Ra's, you are evil itself. There is a reason my mother kept me from you and I'll be damned if you think I'm going to stand here and listen to you tell me that I should have grown up with you. I'm glad I got to live a childhood, I am glad you weren't a part of it, and I am sure as hell glad that I got to live the life I have. How dare you? How dare you manipulate the man I love for the sake of seeing the daughter you don't deserve?!" She drew in a shaky breath as she tried to control the flow of tears. "I want Oliver back, my Oliver, not the hollow shell of a man you've turned him in to."

"Oliver is no more." Ra's stepped away from her. "He is what I've created. If you want him back, it's up to you to set the bar."

"I hate you." She seethed, her bottom lip trembling as she bit it. "I…will trade my life for his."

Intrigued, Ra's tilted his head as a sign for her to continue.

"I will stay here if you let him go."

"He is not the same, he will not be the same if he were to leave here." He explained to her.

"Then help him. Help him back to who he was, I will stay out of the way and when it's over, I'll stay if he's allowed to go home."