Disclaimer: Dude that's my ghost doesn't own me. Is own to Jan Van Rijsselberge.

This is the first time I write in english, sorry about my grammar but I wanted to share my story with you. I hope doing better next time :)

It was an ordinary day in the life of Spencer Wright. He was wasting the time in his room, watching a horror movie and thinking in some inspiration for his next newest biggest zombie film. But it was really difficult to concentrate with Billy screaming and hugging him.

"Billy, stop! I barely can breathe."

"But, Broham, This thing is so scary! Why I have to watch this?" Said Billy in an over dramatic way. Without leave Spencer out of his super bro hug.

"You don't have to do it. Just go to your studio, play a song or something. Is almost finish, but I need to think about my next film. You know is important for me, I'm really serious."

"Blah. Blah, blah… Take it easy, Brometheus. It's so boring sing without you, so I'll stay here and will help you."

"Ok. Well, I've been thinking about a plot about a little boy, who has to survive in a zombie apocalypse, he's alone but discover an old prophecy and he become a mutant or something like that and…"

"And he fall in love with a zombie girl, they had fun together and all end in a disco zombie dancing! You don't have to thanks me, Pablo Brocasso. I'm a natural genius."

"What are you saying, dude? That's so freaking weird. Seriously, love?"

"Yeah, love. Everything is better with love. You can put drama, happiness, sadness; all the human emotions are connecting with love, even hate."

"A problem, dude, zombies doesn't feel emotion!"

"They were human, so they're can still feel. Only need to find the right person for them." said Billy with his puppy eyes.

"Even then, I can't do that. Is no my type of movie. Love, you know… I don't think that really exist."

"Of course love exists! What kind of bro serial killer psycho you are?"

"You think Saint Nicholas exist. And the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and…"

"What happen to you, Broccoli? Of course they are real. They're exists for two reasons: love and magic."

Spencer smiled to Billy. That crazy dude was really cute sometimes and so ingenious…

"You think I'm a fool, right? So tell me, do you believe in ghosts?"

"Ok, you have a point, dude. I'm a believer" said Spencer kidding.

"Well, my Broliever, you need to be more positive if you want to be happy in this world."

Spencer felt something in his chest after that comment. The cobra was right. It was prefer believe in all that's lies rather than saw the real cruel world.

"Billy, you talk a lot about this magic and love… I don't know anything about these feelings and if I going to make a film about that craziness… I need experience. So, did you fall in love when you were alive…?"

"…Well, no. I never found my person. I was too busy having fun; I used to believe that I had all my life to find it."

Both boys were summit in an awkward silence. Spencer tried to say something cheerful, but his mind was in blank.

"Is ok, Brownie. So, I'm going to make sure your find the true love."

"Hey, I said, I don't believe about that thing. I just want to have fun with you. Don't need anything else."

"And what about that girl… what's heir's name? Ammm Mallory? Oh, and Shanila. I think she has a crush on you too."

"I'm not interested. I mean, Shanila is only a good friend for me and Mallory is cute and I like her. But I don't feel all these love, all these magic. Is not like a romantic movie."

"I understand. That was the same feeling I had when I was hanging up with all the girls I met."

"Yeah, you had a lot of girlfriends."

"But it was so boring. All that girls only love me because I was Billy Joe Cobra. I don't blame them; I was really cool and handsome. I still am. Only, I always want somebody that loves me more than I love myself."

"Dude, that's impossible. You love yourself in an infinite way."

"Hahaha is true. I should have made out with myself."

"But that's no love, I mean; you should look for someone's you love more than yourself. If love exists, I think it would be that: An innocent and true feeling. Love a person more than anything else."

The Cobra was speechless, so that's why he never found his person. He never loved someone more than himself. He always was so selfish and ego maniac. In that moment, he felt something different. Billy felt he was mortal again, felt like a vulnerable child. Spencer. Of course, he loved Spencer more than a single thing in the world. More than himself, he could give his soul for Spence, he could give anything. Billy smiled, he was so stupid, and that was only friendship. He was dead, he couldn't love. He couldn't have a forbidden love with his little bromigo.

"Abroham Lincoln, sometimes you said things really coolest. You right. That could be love."

Spencer look in the eyes of the Cobra and felt like his chest was burning. That couldn't be love, but it was so close. Billy. Every time with him it was a movie. A comedy romantic horror movie and he loved that. But that was only friendship, love doesn't exist, and it if could be real, in that case he was totally in love with that Cobra. What an idiot. That can't be true.