This was actually not my idea, though the name of the person it was escapes me right now. This is simply what that person wanted to see, so I decided to go about trying to do it for them.

I do not own either Infinite Stratos or Date A Live (but I honestly wish I did). I only own the Technician (including her powers) and whatever other OCs that I wish to add later.


It's three in the morning at the IS Academy, an all-girls school designated for the training of IS pilots. Of course, that's not completely the case anymore. It used to be that only females were thought to be able to pilot an IS, that is until one male was found to be able to do so. The story begins in his room, from which one could hear an extremely loud, yet still unfamiliar sound coming from somewhere outside of the city.

"What the hell?!" Ichika Orimura said as he was jerked away from his dream. It was three in the morning and Ichika was suddenly awoken by the unknown sound. Ichika usually wasn't a light sleeper, but tonight was different for some reason. It was as if someone somewhere wanted him to be involved in their crazy story right now for some reason or another. Slowly a blue-haired girl could be seen sitting up in the same bed from her slumber as well. "Hmm? What's going on?" Ichika's roommate, Tatenashi Sarashiki, mumbled. "Ichika-kun, it's late. Why are you yelling right now? Go back to sleep." Tatenashi wasn't wrong, it was almost morning, and with how the paper-thin walls of the dorms are he probably woke some of his neighbors with his outburst. "It's nothing, I just heard loud noise is all. It sounded like it was coming from near the city or something." The blue-haired girl sleepily looked over at him and said, "Unless it's something that attacks the school, it can probably wait until morning. Let's just get some sleep," letting out a yawn afterwards. "Hmm, yeah. I guess you're right. Let's go back to sleep then," the boy grudgingly agreed.

With that, they went back to sleep. However, a few seconds later, Ichika woke back up violently, jumping to the floor, and looked questioningly towards his apparent sleeping partner. "What the hell? Tatenashi, what are you doing in my bed?!" Playfully looking up from her attempted slumber, the blue-haired girl replied while tilting her head with a small smile, "What? Don't you want me in your bed my little Ichika-kun?" Ichika's eyebrow twitched as he winced at the thought of any of his friends catching her in bed with him, which isn't unlikely knowing his friends. "NO!" he shouted. Of course, this was met with one of their neighbor's banging on the wall dividing their rooms. "Hey, Orimura! Keep it down! We're trying to sleep over here!" "Sorry!" he said quietly in a sort-of whisper yell.

Backing away from the wall slowly in order to keep from making any more loud noise, Ichika stopped after bumping into something…familiar, "Wife, explain yourself!" Ichika quickly turned around and saw a livid, half naked Laura Bodewig staring at him with her uncovered eye. She had apparently snuck in through the window in order surprise him by getting in bed with him while he was asleep only to find him awake and another girl already there. "Uh, Laura, I can explain," Ichika said, sweating profusely understanding immediately what she was referring to.

Without even thinking about it, the silver-haired German partially deployed the arm of her Schwarzer Regen with its Beam Saber deployed and quickly pointed it at the freighted boy. "ICHIKA!" she yelled. Being the only guy at an all-girls school can be absolutely awful sometimes, especially when you have an unwanted harem full of violent girls (that he doesn't know exists).

-Scene transitions miles away to the familiar airship Fraxinus-

"So, there was another spirit?" the young commander Kotori Itsuka sleepily inquired. "It appears to be so commander. Our sensors have indicated that the spirit known as 'the Technician' has just appeared near the IS Academy at around three this morning," her vice-commander Kyouhei Kannazuki quickly replied, almost cheerfully.

Still being a young teenager, Kotori was struggling to stay awake at this hour, and she wasn't in the mood for her vice-commander's cheerfulness. In fact, she had thoughts about kicking him in the groin as punishment for it, regardless how much he would actually like for her to do that. However, given the situation at hand, she simply put her bad mood aside and tried to come up with a solution. Normally, she would get her older brother, Shido Itsuka, to go and find the spirit immediately in order to try and keep the AST from getting to her first. However, considering the circumstances of it arriving so early in the morning and how far away the IS Academy is from here, there isn't much they could do about it at this time. Besides, there is still much preparation that needs to be done for this one.

For one thing, while they didn't currently have a lot of data on the Technician, they knew enough to know that she was extremely intelligent and crafty, almost rivaling the Nightmare herself, Kurumi Tokisaki, in that category. Kotori knew well enough that the Technician would try to infiltrate the Academy somehow in order to hide out from the AST as this wasn't her first trip to Earth. If she were to somehow enroll in that school like Kurumi managed to do at Shido's high school, this would make it very difficult to get to her due to the protection given to the students who go there. This would mean that they would need someone to somehow infiltrate the school themselves, and by "someone" she means a certain idiotic brother of hers. They also knew that the Technician's Angel was not that unlike an IS in how it looks and operates, so she would fit in well with the actual IS users (all of this the Technician was no doubt aware of as intelligent as she was).

However, before they could go in there and do this, arrangements would have to be made; a lot of arrangements. Not only would they have to somehow get Shido transferred to the academy, but they would also need to get him a personal IS that would somehow allow him to pilot it. IS frames aren't supposed to work with males (with one famous exception), and there is no use in transferring him to a school to learn how to pilot something that he isn't able to pilot. Luckily, Kotori knows just who to call a favor into in order for that to be arranged. Shido would also likely need to disguise himself as a girl in order to blend in and not attract too much attention.

With that in mind, Kotori quickly unwrapped one of her signature lollipops and stuck it in her mouth. "All right, it looks like we are going after the Technician this time. She's likely to infiltrate the Academy at some point, so we'll need to get someone on the inside ourselves (everyone knew that she meant Shido). There are a lot of arrangements that need to be made in order to make this happen, so get to it, understood?" she commanded. "Understood commander!" everyone else in the room exclaimed. With the room in agreement, she quickly turned to her trusted Analysis Officer, Reine Murasame, and said, "Reine, could you go and wake up Onii-chan for me? There's a lot that he needs to be briefed on in order for this to be a success, so it's best if we start on it right away." Reine simply nodded with her usual exhausted look on her face and replied, "Yes of course, right away," and left to do so.

As soon as Reine left, the young commander quickly whipped out her cell phone and dialed the number of an old acquaintance of hers. "Hello, Shinonono-san? This is Kotori Itsuka…" she said. Immediately after saying that, she quickly moved her phone away from her ear quick enough to miss the explosion of "Oh, Koto-chan! How are you?! What do you need from me sweetie?" An anger bulge quickly appeared on the red-haired commander's head, but she managed to stay calm enough to put the phone back to her ear and say, "Yeah…hey listen, I've got an important favor to ask of you. It's about my brother, Shido…"

This is just the set up this story. Hopefully I did a good job of explaining what is all going on so far.

I'm going to try and use honorifics as best that I can, but as I'm not used to using them, I may either use them wrong or not use them when I'm supposed to so please forgive me for that if it happens.

This is actually my first true fanfic, so please forgive me for any mistakes that I have made so far.

To be honest, I'm not sure how long I'm going to make this, or how long it is going to take me to do so. I'm not 100% sure how I want to do this beyond what I have already stated. Also, school and writer's block will likely get in the way, so while I'll try to update when I can, don't expect me to update at regular intervals (though if I can I will try to do so).

Anyway, review, follow, and favorite as you please. I'll appreciate any input that you have (as long as it's not too negative obviously).