This gallery is a huge place. I can't even begin to imagine how long it must have taken Guertena to put that much spirit into his work... ...I wonder where Viola is?

Aki and Viola had stayed behind in the Fabricated World; Viola because she sacrificed herself to save Mary, and Aki because she had been killed after burning Misao's painting.


She's probably exploring again...looking for paintings to hang out with...

Viola had turned the creepy blue dolls into dolls that looked...almost like normal dolls that younger girls played with. They still creep me out a little though...those eyes...won't stop staring...

Of course, Viola and Aki both had paintings as well. Viola's was of a beautiful rose garden, a greyish house with a red roof in the background and green roses decorating the edges of the painting. Aki's was of a schoolyard, not unlike Misao's, but with grey roses dotted here and there, and more people in the background. Aki couldn't spot any figure that looked remotely like Misao in the painting, though.

I wonder when more people will visit the gallery? Or when more people will hang the Guertena paintings somewhere else? Aki had been waiting for ages, but every time she found someone she could trap in the gallery, they fled from her, calling her numerous names such as "monster" and "witch". Aki knew that if she were to escape the gallery, she would have to trap someone here, and have them killed. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave.

Your heart is Fabricated...

The words rang in her head. She had first heard them as she'd followed Misao into the blackness, but she didn't know how strong their meaning was.

Your heart is Fabricated... ...I can't believe it...I'm really stuck in here.

Mary awoke to the sounds of birds cheerfully chirping . It had been a while since she had finally escaped the gallery, and she felt no guilt, no remorse, no nothing for what had happened.

I wonder what's going to happen today?

Mary loved being outside, breathing in the fresh air which had for so long been unreachable for her. She ran outside without any shoes on, feeling the cool grass beneath her feet.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound. It came from beneath her, and it sounded like the roaring of a monster. It was like the whole world was being split in half by a giant knife.

Almost straight after that, the ground opened up; a huge black crater that stretched back to the front door of the house. Before she really knew what was happening, Mary was falling, falling, falling. It seemed like she would never hit the floor. When she did, it wasn't solid ground that she hit. It was water. And she continued falling, past sea monsters that looked vaguely familiar. At that point, the world turned black.

Mary awoke in a blue hallway. What..? Is this...the gallery?!