Wow! This is my most popular story ever, I never thought I'd be over halfway to a hundred followers! So thank you to all my followers, readers, and reviwers!
Sorry about not posting a chapter lately. I've been extremely busy lately and I've had really bad writer's block. But now I'm back with chapter three! This doesn't have events from [01x15], Yes Men, as I assumed it would but it does have a reference. So yeah! I hope you enjoy! R&R is extremely appreciated!
I don't own Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, that belongs to the awesome Marvel Studios!


After a while, Skye had fallen back asleep after teasing Ward constantly about his response to her obvious joke. When he was sure she was asleep, he got up from her side and shut the door carefully, making sure he heard the reassuring click before letting go of the handle. In passing the cockpit, he made the courageous decision to tell May what had been at the front of his mind after since the incident at Quinn's mansion. When he opened the door, May made no movement to let him know that she had heard him come in, although Ward was certain she had heard him. It was only when he cleared his throat that May acknowledged him with a quick, "What?"

He took a deep breath, trying desperately to find the words to use in order not to hurt her. "I… Listen, we can't continue whatever we've been doing. It's got to stop." He surveyed her face, the face he had gotten to know so well lately, and found himself unable to read it.

May was silent for a long time. After a while, reached up and flipped the plane onto autopilot, pushing her aviators up to the top of her head and looking at Ward with cold brown eyes. "This is about Skye, isn't it?"

Ward was shocked to hear a slight tone of understanding in her voice, despite the hardness of her eyes. Nevertheless, he lied and said, "No. Absolutely not, I just think our relationship needs to be exclusively professional—"

"Grant, I can tell when you're lying." May said in the same tone. Ward refused to look into her eyes, afraid of finding that he'd hurt her. Instead, they shifted to the glowing controls at the dashboard above his head. She asked him again, in a harder voice. "Is this about Skye?" At her tone, Ward made eye contact, then sighed. "So what if it is?"

"Coulson will find out, and when he does, he will approach you, as he did before, tell you it's against code, and then tell you to break it off." May said flatly.

Ward wasn't why, but he was suddenly very defensive of their relationship. "Well technically she's not a part of the team—"

"Where is your head right now, Ward? Because it's not here. Coulson believes that Skye is part of this team, Fitzsimmons believes it, and I believe it. She may not have trained at the Academy, but she may as well have for the help she's brought us. Stop fooling yourself." May's tone became hostile; her shoulders tight as she pulled her glasses back to their original position at the bridge of her nose.

Ward knew he was the reason she was so belligerent, so he left her without a word, his point made with a slam of the door. May set her jaw angrily at the sound.

For a while, the central area of the Bus was silent. Soon, however, Ward heard loud argumentative science and knew that they could belong to none other than Fitzsimmons. When they saw Ward, who was swishing a strong beverage at a window seat, they stopped abruptly. He eyed them warily, telling them silently to continue, before turning back to the window and watched as the clouds formed a sea of foam underneath them.

Fitz, sensing his signal, continued to talk to his fellow scientist, but Simmons didn't seem to be listening. She shoved a box with their experiment into his arms, then said, "Go take this down to the lab. I'll be down soon. Off you pop." Fitz looked extremely uncomfortable holding the box, so Ward decided it was probably a dead animal of some sort.

Simmons lifted the pair of goggles on her face to the top of her head as she approached her friend. "Are you okay? You seem very down in the dumps."

Ward ran a hand over his face. "Ugh. It's complicated. I don't know." He looked at the biochemist. "You really don't want to hear about my problems." He saw that she was about to protest, and he smiled. "Really, Simmons, you don't." He heard a loud crash down the hall, and then glanced at Simmons again. "I think that's Fitz. You should get back to him, he doesn't do well with dead things."

A few days later, Skye had been discharged from the hospital-slash-prison that Simmons had kept her in. However, she was still called by Simmons for blood tests. "Please tell me this is the last time." Skye asked impatiently as Simmons drew more blood. "I've been better for like, a week now. I've been on missions and everything."

"Last time." Simmons said absently as she transferred the sample of blood she'd taken into a test tube, which she was going to take to the lab to test for any pathogens from the GH-325 drug. At the beginning, she hadn't found anything, and stopped taking samples of Skye's blood. After a couple of weeks, Simmons discovered that maybe she wouldn't show signs of rejecting the medicine until later, even though Coulson had showed signs of rejection quickly after it had been administered to him.

"Thank God." Skye said, reclining on the chair that Simmons had made her sit down in. She picked at the bandage that was stopping the blood flow, waiting to be dismissed, so she could get back to her laptop in her bunk. Finally, Simmons dismissed her. As she walked out of the room, Skye tried not to show her excitement. As she entered the main floor of the Bus, she accidentally ran into Ward. Ward was able to stay upright, but Skye lost her balance. Lunging forward, Ward grabbed her arm and pulled her back onto her feet. "Look at you, muscle man." Skye joked, poking him in the abdomen. "Thanks."

"Yeah…" Ward said. As Skye walked past him, he blubbered out, "Wait."

Skye turned back around, placing her hands on her hips. "Hm?"

"I still haven't apologized for… Lorelei." He said her name like it burned his tongue. Skye smiled. "I'm not sure what there is to apologize for. She was a sorceress. You couldn't help yourself." She added the next part under her breath. "Men are weak." although it was a joke, she just wanted to provoke him.

Ward caught on, and said, "Excuse me?"

"Men are weak!" she grinned, as Ward lunged at her. She jumped out of the way but was careful not to exert herself too much. Ward chased after her, his ordinary, rule-following personality completely dissolving. As she jumped over a couch with Ward at her heels, he grabbed her arm. He tripped over the sofa, and since he was holding onto her arm, brought her down with him.

They began to laugh, and Skye began to get up, Ward took his grip off her arm and tightened it around her waist, trapping her in his arms. And then, he did something that he never thought he would do: He kissed her. It was a kiss fueled by the fear he'd held in his hear at her near-death experience, the hope he'd had when she'd woken up with him at her side, and the love that he'd been developing for her from the minute he met her.

And to his surprise, Skye kissed back.

I hope you enjoyed! I don't know about you guys, but I am really excited for the seven weeks where we won't have some crazy hiatus. But anyway! R&R please!