A/N: Note the birth years for the characters so you know their age. I will put what year it is as a time reference at the beginning of each chapter

Chris Noble 1994

David Noble 1995

Matt Noble 1996

Donna Noble 1995

Rose Tyler 1995

Mickey Smith 1995

Martha Jones 1995

River Song 1996

Amy Pond 1996

Rory Williams 1995

Jack Harkness 1994

Jimmy Stone 1994

2000 (Kindergarten)

"Welcome to your first day of school," a woman with blonde hair said. She was standing at the front of the room by the chalkboard, waiting for the classroom to settle down. "Now, I have assigned seating so please listen as I call your name and point to the desk you will be sitting at."

The women went down the rows of seats calling names. Once everyone was seated a boy with spikey brown hair and a girl with short red hair walked into the class. "Sorry we are late Mrs. Alice, the principal wanted to see us," the girl spoke.

Alice gave them a small understanding smile before directing them to their seats. The red head was seated next to a dark haired boy and the boy with the spikey hair was seated next to a blonde with short hair that was in small pig tails.

"Hi," the boy said, giving the girl a bright smile.

"Hi," she replied back with a smile of her own.

"I'm David, it's nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand to her.

"I'm Rose," she said, shaking his hand.

The boy beamed at her and she asked him why.

"We are going to be best friends," David declared.

"For how long?" she asked with a smile.
