
I am sorry for the wait, but I have been in and out of hospital and with trying to balance homework on top of that...

Anyway, this has been a working progress over a few weeks and I am sorry for its poor quality (I will improve it but I need to upload it for you to judge what needs it most).

Here's the party that you've all been waiting for- it's skipped ahead a few days than the last chapter, just so you're not confused.

No! I haven't abandoned this story, I intend to finish it-I just might take more time than I thought.

Thank-you all for patiently waiting and I've decided to answer your wonderful reviews at the end of each chapter- because you're all amazing and you need more love (if that were possible)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.



The late night air was chilled, but not so much that a jacket was necessary, stars winked at the earth while the moon smiled in its crescent state. Though the streets were quiet, the bars and clubs filled with people celebrating the weekend.

Zero strolled down the side paths in between the buildings with his guitar case his left hand and a piece of paper in the other. He was wearing simple black jeans; black shoes that had a cogs and gears for detailing around the back of his heal; a light blue shirt, with Three-quarter sleeves and the top three buttons undone; his waistcoat was black with horizontal stripes down his sides. There was no need for his heat and gloves- due to the lateness and it looked more of a costume than anything else- though he needed the make-up still.

Chewing his bottom lip, he came to a stop in front of a green metal door. He looked at the paper than looking around the street. Seeing nothing that matches the paper, Zero stepped forward and knocked.

The door swung open, nearly smacking Zero, to reveal messy haired, steampunk-ed Shiki.

"Hey, you're early." A smile filled both faces as Zero entered the club.

Music roared in his ears, instantly muting all other voices and rational thoughts- and they weren't even in the main area yet. Battling their way to the instrument holding area by the stage, for Zero guitar, before heading to the actual party.

Stepping into the main area, Zero saw the majority of the Night class, on the dance floor, in the seating booths placed around the club or at the bar. The smell of drinks, perfumes colognes and sweat flooded Zero almost to the point of gagging. It was dark with light of all colours and patterns illuminating the air from the stage, where the DJ had just switched to another song.

"Hey, Zero babe! - over here!" The Silverette glanced at the bar to see Kalera motioned for him to come closer as she poured out drinks for students. Battling his way through the crown he made it to the bar.

She had done the same as Zero, make-up to cover her marks but Kalera was wearing a strapless leopard print dress that stopped below the knee- her ears, claws and tail were present to act like a costume.

"How've you been, babe? You wanna drink?" she motioned to the multiple levies in front of her. Zero just shrugged and pointed at the nearest one. As Kalera filled a class, a pair of arm circled 'round his waist followed by "Not too much kitten, you still need to play for Takuma, yet." Zero tuned in Nancy's grasp to hug her by earning a small squeal "Aww, I knew you loved me." They released each other, still smiling. Nancy was wearing a comic styled dress covered in the word ROOAR!And BIG KITTY! The dress covered her shoulders and stopped at her knee. Her own gold coloured ears poked through her slicked hair that held a Chibi mountain lion clip on the right side.

"Only you could pull that dress off at your age Nancy" remarked the other female.

"That's why I wore it" then she struck a girly pose with her palms making a V-shape for her chin and leaned to the left.

Zero couldn't take it and started laughing.

"Hey!" then the pout happened.

(Time skip)

Shiki made his way over to the bar, to where Zero was talking to his older sister (as he calls them).

"Hey, Zero. It's time" he bided goodbye to the older females as he lead Zero through the crowd back to the stage. Shiki checked his appearance in the mirror and sighed, 'What if a muck it up for Zero, will Taku like it, will-'. Zero heard this so placed a hand on Shikis' shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. "I-It'll be fine; you'll be fine. Just take a deep breath and smile."

Raising an eyebrow, Shiki complied- Taking a deep breath in and, as he slowly breathed out, a smile grew on his face. Looking to the Neko a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Make sure you smile as well Zero."

Walking out onto the stage, he signalled the DJ for a mike and the music quietened.

All eyes were now on Shiki. He gulped.

'Take a deep Breath and Smile'

So he did "Welcome everyone to Taku's 18th Birthday. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves, as this is only the beginning of the night.-" he looked to where Takuma was sitting at the bar "I hope you like the piece that has been made for you-" then he swept over the audience with his eyes "Enjoy."

An applause was given so he took it as his que, he bowed and left the stage just as Zero was entering.

Whistles and chants joined the clapping as Zero set himself up on the stage, plugging in his guitar and sat on the bar stool that was placed in the center.

Everyone quietened as all but one of the lights dimmed, illuminating Zero on the stage.

Fingers ghosted over the strings for a moment, before he gave a pluck.

A pause

Slowly, he played the melody, swaying in time. Many of the people turned their heads back to their drinks and conversations. Shiki played with the curtain nervously as he tuned from the audience to Zero-where he saw a smirk made itself known.

Zero picked up the beat, he had stopped swaying but his foot began to bounce to the beat. People in the audience (the ones who had turned had turned back to him) began to do the same, some with their hands as well.

The Beat increased in tempo, Zero's hands now flying up and down the guitar whole body getting into the rhythm. Everyone now was either tapping, dancing or cheering.

Shiki looked out just as Takuma looked to where he was standing. As eyes met a wide smile grew on each face as they knew what the other was thinking.

The beat slowed again, as the last six notes were made, the whole club cheered. Zero bowed and left the stage but not before hugging Shiki on his way back onto the stage.

"Thank-you Zero. Have a great night everybody." another cheer and drinks were raised for the night.

OXOXOXOXOX- Time Skip till after the party - OXOXOXOXOX

Zero was tired. When the party ended, it was nearing three in the morning. So, with his guitar in one hand and his waistcoat slung over his back with the other, he headed back to the Academy.

It had been fun, everyone danced and had a great time. When it came to the cake, Takuma had smiled and blew out the candles in one, Then he got up and stood by Shiki, so when he turned he met Takumas lips. It was silent for that brief second. When they parted, Shiki as chuckled nervously, which Takuma shouted "My wish came true!" It had been a good night.

"Hey, Zero!" Turning around he saw Kaname jogging to catch up with him. The jacket of his suit was open, giving a good view of the slightly see through shirt underneath. As Zero's eyes were seemingly glued to his torso, the brunette took the chance to envelope the smaller male in a warm hug.

"See something you like, hmm..." Kaname teased. Zero went red up to his ears. Tuning his head to the side, He muttered under his breath. Detaching himself from the other, the Neko turned and carried on his way.

"I'm tired- I just want to have a sho-" he glanced back at Kaname "I want to have a bath then go to bed." Then, as if to prove a point, he started to yawn, showing his cat like teeth to the world.

"Sounds like a good idea, may I join?" He synced his steps with Zero's, walking alongside him.

"Do I really get a choice?" he replied sarcastically, before intertwining his fingers with the brunette and resting his head on the others shoulder.

For 20 minutes they walked in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. It wasn't until the gate that they broke apart from one another to enter the school grounds. Then after, Zero's' feet swept from underneath him, much to his displeasure.

"What are you doing?! I can walk on my ow-" Kaname nuzzled a small spot on Zero's neck-just below the jaw- causing the young Neko to sigh and lean back, enjoying the sensation of his partner,

"Tell me Zero-" Kaname whispered against the others neck "Why don't you tell me how much you love me?"

Zero blinked at the question before taking a deep breath in through the nose... Alcohol? The Silverette chuckled lightly before cuddling more into the brunette, sighing into his neck.

"Kaname, I love you." he whispered "Please don't leave me."

Those were the last words before smoke started to rise from the day dormitory, along with sirens and terror-filled screams.

End chapter

Reviews- Starting from Chapter 16


Does not everyone. I know what I did was mean and a little cruel- but I find writing horror is easier than writing anything else. But it's all for a cause, just keep reading to find out.

Guest 2-

Yeah, the story is now has a re-established plot. Now, let us get going.

K x Z fan Girl-

(Chapter 16) It's good to be back. (Chapter 18) Here is another update for you- because I'm nice like that =). If I were to find an audio of a guitar for you, I would try to make a YouTube video based of Vampire knight and send you the link, if you want.


There will be more Kisses of all sorts- don't you worry.


Chapter 18) Thanks for the love, and I hoped you had fun with Takumas Party. (Chapter 17) Ichirus' one of those characters that (I think) were introduced for plot reasons- so just imagine him with another personality and… just be happy about it- why not. It's anime- where anything can become something. If you're going too re-read (didn't think it was worthy of something like that) make note of the mistakes so I can fix them- that would be great.


Thank-you, strangely enough, so am I.


It's never too late. Yes, the movie was August Rush, it's one of my favourites, although it's not really heard off around where I live.


Heck, why not- here's a virtual Cupcake with your favourite icing *Say thanks to Oliver*

… Sorry I had to get it out of my system *Eats a different cupcake*


Your reviews always entertain me- no matter how long. I'm not to give many spoilers but you will see Ichiru again. Thank-you for reading my story.


Thanks for reading. You are not a fool as you finally clicked onto this =). Yes my previous Beta never picked up on those, but I think I got all of them. Just saying- one of your suggestions is actually going to happen later on- not going to tell you which one though. =-) ha-ha.


Don't worry- they will get what coming to them. Glad the fluff is okay- I can't seem to write it right for me though.


I'm glad you love. Hopefully I will have quicker updates after this one. =D

Jingle Cat-

I hope my schedule won't be too full so I have enough time to keep working on this- I will never abandon this story or my viewers. My OC's will have a big part to play later on but they won't take over But I personally like just like adding other characters to stories so viewers won't have to judge the base on what they did in a manga/anime and their personalities are all their own.

Thank-you so much for reading and I hope you like this chapter.

Thanks for reading- don't forget to review.