Neron's P.O.V:

Everyone stood in silent shock from Aria's words, including myself. Aria was a very naive girl, and obviously love was still a mysterious topic to her. She doesn't understand the fact that she is six, and I believe you can't really understand true love at that age.

"What?" Satan finally spoke up, stepping closer to her but I blocked her from him.

"Too close, my king." Mommy said to always respect other people, and it disgusted me to say his name. I knew him enough to know what type of character he was, and to know that he tried something with our mother in the library.

What, I'm just six, I can't help but eavesdrop.

"Neron." Aria placed a hand on my shoulder from behind, my name came out as a delicate whisper.

"Aria, you can't just-"

"Shut it!" The ruler cut off Damien, who immediately did just that. "You don't love him Aria, you love me, remember?"

"Not anymore, Damien actually cares about me." She hugged his legs once again and I pinched the bridge of my nose, I really wish it was my place to speak up, because I would.

"He's just protecting you by your mommy's orders." His tone was mocking. "He doesn't actually-"

"Satan," I finally spat out, "I swear, make my sister cry and I will handle you myself."

"What a big threat from such a little boy, and tell me, what will you do?" He ruffled my hair up and I smirked, remembering what my daddy told me.

"If you ever need any help, just remember, I will always help you, no matter where you are." I remembered his words clearly, I began to sniffle, tears starting to drip from my eyes.

"You made him cry!" Damien scolded.

"I didn't mean to." Satan seemed to panic, attempting to calm me down. "It's alright, you're a big boy, I am totally scared of you."

"Really?" Damien raised a brow at him, I began to hiccup and I could feel it coming.

"I'm not good with kids." Satan defended himself and I took heavy breaths.

"I can tell." He rolled his eyes, coming up to me and patting shoulder. "Hey buddy, forget what he said." He rubbed my back and I wish I could warn him to back up, but it was too late.

"Daddy!" I shrieked loudly, holding it until five seconds passed. I was breathing loudly and Aria stared at me, knowing what I just caused. I heard the doors to the hall open and then my daddy turned a corner, panting loudly.

"Got here, as quickly, as possible." He said and I ran up to him.

"Satan's being mean to Aria." I told him and he smiled at me, kissing my forehead.

"If you ever need me to kick his butt, you can call whenever." He picked me up and placed me on his arm, approaching the scene.

"Ikuto?" Damien looked at him strangely.

"Heard I need to beat up a certain ruler." Daddy turned to Satan and he chuckled nervously.

"About that..." He began to back away until fully turning around to dash out of the building.

"Coward!" I spat and Ikuto patted my head.

"That's a good son." He chuckled. Aria was still holding on tightly to Damien, who seemed confused by the situation.

"I don't understand, how did you hear him?" Damien looked utterly baffled, daddy turned me around so my stomach was against his shoulder, holding my butt to support me and used the other lift my shirt. I knew exactly what he was showing, a small pentagram that on the lower left of my back. He set me down and walked over to Aria, lifting her hair on the right side to reveal another small pentagram hidden behind her ear.

"I did it when they were younger, to keep a track on them." He explained. "Amu doesn't know either, so no one's telling her, right?"

"Yes daddy." Aria and I said in unison.

"Yes daddy." Damien's lips curled and Ikuto punched his shoulder.

"Hey!" Aria spread her arms out as a sign that she wanted to defend him.

"You're better than that redhead." Ikuto rolled his eyes.

Amu's P.O.V:

I brought the tea up to my lips, feeling my lips burn slightly against the hot cup and winced. I placed it down, hoping Persephone didn't notice but I could tell by the way she quickly looked away from me that she did.

"I'll wait for it to cool down." I said, she giggled and I glared at her. I heard a couple of doors open and footsteps, Ikuto passed by the entrance of this family room Persephone and I were sitting in. I was about to speak up until Neron also walked past it. Then Damien walked by with Aria clinging to one leg, but he seemed to ignored it and walked along.

"Alright." Persephone shrugged. "The only thing though, how come Aria was clinging to Damien like she usually does to Satan?"

"Aria got over Satan a day ago, when Ikuto woke up I believe." I mused.

"Really, why is that?" Persephone looked at me, eyes scoping for an answer to find. I didn't want to tell her that my inner me told Aria to get over him.

"I told her she was too young to be in love with someone like Satan." I partially lied, I mean I technically did, but I also didn't. Persephone smiled into her cup of tea and shook her head.

"Amu, someone once told me that you are never too young for love, and it changed my life drastically."


"It let me marry Hades." She said and my eyes widened, wondering who told her that.

"But Hades is different, he's a true gentlemen and a wonderful ruler of the Underworld."

"Amu, remember that night a couple of years ago, when you were sick of my mother judging Hades for what he wasn't?" Persephone leaned in over the small table.

"That's different, Hades was truly-"

"Amu, take a look through his eyes, maybe there is a true motive behind his disgusting personality." Persephone didn't sugarcoat that. She turned her back to look at the couch across from us, where Yaya was laying, candy wrappers scattered all over her. "What do you think about the situation, Yaya?"

"Love is stupid." She threw candy wrappers up in the air and watched them float down.

"See, Yaya gets it." Persephone sipped her tea and I sighed, taking my own tea and tried to drink it until my tongue burned and I quickly placed it back down.

"Was that made on the sun or something!?" I explained, fanning my tongue once I was done speaking.

Neron's P.O.V:

"You are truly stupid." I hopped onto our bed.

"No I'm not, I know what true love feels like." She placed a hand over her chest. "The lady in black told me."

"What lady in black?" I looked at her.

"She didn't tell me her name, but she said I could do better than Satan, and Damien is better." She skipped around the room in circles. I knew Aria had that bunny, but an imaginary friend that had a bit more common sense than her? "She said she knew mommy."

"Really now?" I chuckled to myself. "Have you asked mommy if she knows a woman in black?"

"No, that would be a good idea though." Aria lit up at my suggestion. Almost as if on cue, there was a knock on the door when the very woman we were talking about walked in.

"Hey kids, how was school?"

Amu's P.O.V:

"Hey kids, how was school?" I knelt and Aria ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"Mommy, do you know a woman in black?" Aria asked and I laughed.

"What woman in black?" I asked her, shaking her small body.

"She has these pink eyes and horns." Aria tapped her shoulder as if to try and jog her memory of any more noticeable features and my eyes widened. That's right, my inner self did visit Aria, she told me herself.

"Yes I do know her." I smiled gently.

"What!?" Neron hopped off the bed.

"I told you." Aria pulled down her bottom eye-lid and stuck her tongue out at him, I raised a brow in confusion. "He didn't believe me."

"Who is she then, and how did she convince Aria, the love expert, that she doesn't love that thing we call a ruler?"

"Honestly, you gained your hatred for him from your father." I chuckled.

"Then Aria must have inherited her love for him from you." Neron groaned and my eyes widened.

"I never loved him." I defended.

"Not even a little?" Neron pressed his index finger and thumb against each other, trying to indicate a small amount. I never loved him, I could admit that I was smitten with him from first impression, but that was all.

"No, why am I even proving myself to you?"

"As a sense of reassurance." He shrugged.

You just got told off by your son, the back of my head laughed at me, and I glared at him.

"Don't be so smart with me." I snapped.

"Better to be smart than dumb."

"Why are you acting like this?" I stood up.

"Well of course you wouldn't know!" He exclaimed, I flinched back and he physically calmed down, but tears of frustration poured down his cheeks.

"Neron, what's going on?" I knelt in front of him, using the pad of my thumb to wipe away the warm drops of water. His eyes flickered from me to Aria, who stood there, watching the scene intently. "Aria, can you give us a couple of minutes?"

"Of course." She walked out and shut the door, Neron sniffled, his large amber eyes rimmed with red from crying already.

"Everything is about Aria nowadays, I don't feel equally loved." He admitted and I swear I heard my heart crack, hearing that your child doesn't feel loved is probably the last thing a mother wants to hear.

"Neron, we love you both equally, Aria is just going through a lot more right now. With all of her love interests, she's going to need a little more attention." I joked and Neron giggled at this, bringing a smile to my lips.

"I guess, girls have cooties anyway." He reasoned and I nodded.

"That we do." I kissed his forehead

"Can you tell me who that lady is first, it'll make me feel better to know before Aria." He smiled cheekily and I shook my head, even though Neron is very mature, he is still a child.

"Mommy has a very long past, and the woman can be described as another version of me I suppose." I decided with this explanation, not really sure how it worked myself.

"Can I call her Mommy Two then?" He asked and I laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Of course." I told him and my senses were suddenly tingling, I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking to the door and opened it, Aria fell down in front of my feet.

"Aria, you're such a butt!" Neron exclaimed.

"Can I see Mommy Two again!?" Aria pulled at the end of my shirt.

"I want to meet her first!" Neron mimicked Aria's strategy of pulling at my shirt, I sighed as they continued to argue among themselves.

I was walking in the hall when I saw Charon pacing towards me quickly, he stopped in front of me and I stared at him, confused.

"We have a little intruder." He whispered, seeming scared that someone might hear us.


"I think you should see." He smirked and nudged his head in the direction he just came from, beginning to walk and I followed him. No one mortal can intrude, since there would be no way they would enter the Underworld. Actually, most supernatural creatures cannot enter if they do not know how to open the door to the Underworld.

We went outside and entered the garden in the back of the house, I saw bright red in the distance and instantly knew who it was, but what was he doing here?

"Aria!" I heard him hiss, a rock went flying and nearly hit the window, but missed by a couple of inches. I marched over to him and didn't even give him a chance to explain before grabbing and pulling on his ear.

"Care to enlighten me on why you are banging on my daughter's window?" I pulled out the most fake smile I had and wore it, he could feel the malicious undertone.

"Not really?" He squeaked.

"You're walking on thin ice Satan, if Ikuto caught you doing this, you would be bald and six feet under." I glared at him.

"I'm sorry, I just miss her." He sighed, his shoulder slacking in defeat. I stared into his ice-like eyes, suddenly feeling sorry for him.

"You're a pervert, a damn pervert. You broke my daughter's heart, and now you decide to show up after I clearly told you to stay away?"

"Technically, you said when she turns eighteen." He chuckled nervously and I raised my hand, he covered himself with his hands and I sighed, putting my hand back down to my side.

"Damien is her protector, you have no say in that." I decided to let him, keeping him away from her would just create more nights like these.

"There's one thing though, there's another vampire in that school that one of us is fairly acquainted with." He informed me and I eyed him cautiously.


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