Chapter 7-

Greg never did hear from Mycroft, the text he patently waited days for never arrived. He didn't want to wait for a text from Mycroft, so he had tried to talk to the man again a few times by waiting at his window or his front door but Mycroft never wanted to see him so he stood back and gave the other man some space. Mycroft's curtains always stayed closed recently.

To say the least, Greg was confused at Mycroft's behavior. It had almost been a week since he had gotten back from looking at university's with his parents and Sherlock, almost a week and he had only said a handful of words to Greg. Greg was trying to think if he had done something to upset Mycroft, but he always came up empty. Molly was still waiting for Greg to tell her about his and Mycroft's new relationship, but Greg was beginning to wonder if he would ever be able to tell her anything at all because he hadn't had the opportunity to even say hello to Mycroft, let alone ask him out.

Greg was working late at Speedy's, tonight Greg and Mycroft had made plans to meet up with Greg's football friends and play a game in the park but Mycroft had obviously cancelled and Greg wasn't in the mood to go anywhere without him. Locking up the store, Greg took his time to get dressed in his motorcycle gear, what was the rush of going home to an empty house? Lifting one leg over his bike, Greg turned his key in the ignition and kicked up his stand, pulling out into the street, Greg slowly drove his way home.

Opening his refrigerator, Greg blinked as the sudden gust of cold air breezed over his face and he stared glumly at the stacks of food. Pulling out some bread and other ingredients, Greg made himself a sandwich before he climbed the stairs to his room. As he neared the top of the stairs, Greg's ears picked up the sound of music and his eyebrows drew together in confusion, pushing the door open to his room, the music got louder and his eyes landed on Mycroft who was sitting on the floor by his stereo.

Mycroft jumped as the door to Greg's bedroom opened, a hand flew to his chest as a yell got stuck in his throat. "Greg!" Mycroft looked up at the man in the doorway holding a sandwich in surprise. "I didn't think you would be home yet!"

Greg blurted out a laugh in shock, "Mycroft, what the are you doing here?"

"I-I was just, listening to music," Mycroft flushed and fumbled to turn the stereo off before he started to quickly put away CD cases. Standing up, Mycroft straightened what he was wearing and flicked his eyes over to Greg who was just standing there watching him.

Greg made eye contact with Mycroft, "how long have you been here?"

"Since you left," Mycroft whispered.

Greg's eyes went wide, "that was at 5:30, it's now-" Greg looked down at his watch, "-10:43, Myc, you've been in here for five hours?"

Shrugging, Mycroft suddenly felt extremely awkward and stupid, frowning, Mycroft shot Greg a glare, "don't call me Myc, Gregory. Sherlock calls me that and you know I hate it."

Greg grinned, "yes, I know. Sorry." Mycroft knew by his grin that he wasn't sorry at all.

Clearing his throat, Mycroft started to make his way over to the open window, "I'll just go now," he whispered an hoisted himself up onto Greg's desk.

Quickly putting down his sandwich, Greg followed Mycroft over to the window but he leaned past him and drew it shut.

"Greg what are you doing?"

Greg stood back and folded his arms across his chest, "you haven't talked to me in days Mycroft, and then you just show up in my bedroom acting like everything is fine. What the hell is that all about?"

Mycroft looked down at the carpet, "I wasn't feeling well, I'm sorry." He muttered.

"No, no." Greg shook his head, "I know what sick Mycroft looks like, you weren't sick."

Mycroft just sat, not really knowing what to say.

"Mycroft, I have no idea what happened. At first I thought something happened at your university visit things but I asked you about that and you said it wasn't that. So naturally I thought maybe something was wrong with Sherlock, and you also said that that wasn't it. So then I thought, maybe I did something? But I honestly can't think of a single thing that I could have done. We were fine before you left, and then when you got back you just, shut me out." Greg ran a hand through his hair, "do you not want to be friends anymore?"

Lifting his head, Mycroft shook it quickly, "no, of course not."

"Then what is it?"

"It's nothing, I'm sorry." Mycroft muttered unconvincingly.

"No, you owe me an explanation Mycroft."

Mycroft drew in a breath and he felt a light blush kiss the tops of his ears, "I realize now that it's quite silly."

Greg shrugged and waited for him to continue.

"We got home early, because Sherlock got car sick. So I went to go see you at work and I saw you with the red-head."

Greg blushed, "oh." Shit, Greg thought. "Oh" he whispered more to himself and he sunk down into his desk chair as the realization hit him, Mycroft heard what him and Molly were talking about and he doesn't feel the same way.

"See, I told you it was silly. I saw you kiss her and I over reacted, I was surprised that's all. I thought I'd give you two some space to settle into your new relationship." Mycroft bit his tongue and forced himself to stop talking, you're such a lair he thought to himself.

"Wait," Greg looked up at Mycroft who was still sitting on the edge of his desk, "what?"

Mycroft's forehead crinkled in confusion, "what?"

"Our new relationship?"

Mycroft nodded.

Greg blinked and then laughed, Mycroft just sat on the desk confused.

"Me and Molly? Molly's has a girlfriend, Irene, they are so cute it makes me sick."

"B-but, I saw you kiss her?"

"Oh, that," Greg laughed, "I was just being a dick, Molly was being ridiculous in thinking I needed a lesson in initiating kisses so I just, gave her one to annoy her." Greg stood up from his chair and stretched his back after laughing some more.

Nodding slowly, Mycroft's blush spread to his checks and he pressed a hand to his chest, commanding his heart to calm down.

An awkward silence followed after Greg's laughter died down, "Mycroft? Greg asked.

Mycroft just sat, saying nothing, embarrassed by the entire conversation.

"Is that why you haven't been talking to me? Because you thought her and I were together?" Greg took a step forward so his waist and Mycroft's knees were almost pressed together.

Leaning back, Mycroft tried to create some distance between them.

Greg sighed, "Mycroft, please just tell me what's up?"

Mycroft swallowed and looked up, his eyes landed on Greg's throat and he trailed his eyes up to his lips before finally making eye contact. "I like you, okay? Seeing you with her just, hurt. I don't know how to, process these feeling's I have for you, you are the first real friend I've had and I enjoy our time together a little more than I probably should. I want-" Mycroft watched Greg's Adams Apple bob as he swallowed "-something more than just, friendship and I just." Mycroft trailed off, unable to finish.

Greg licked his lips, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Mycroft." He whispered and lifted the hand that was on Mycroft's knee to cup Mycroft's cheek.

Mycroft's eyes went wide at the contact and it felt as though Greg had ignited a fire where his skin touched his own.

"I invited Molly to lunch to ask her advice on how to ask you out."

Mycroft's mouth went dry and he swallowed dryly, "what?" He managed to choke out.

"I've had trouble processing my feelings for you too, I was going to finally do something about it when you got back but then you just, shut me out so." Greg trailed off and began to rub circles around the corner of Mycroft's mouth with his thumb.

"Oh," whispered Mycroft and he straightened his back, bringing himself up to eye level with Greg. Removing the hand that was pressed against his chest, Mycroft slowly moved it towards Greg's other hand that was hanging limply by his side. Extending one finger, Mycroft hesitantly slid it against Greg's thumb before he curled the rest of his fingers around the hand so he could thread their fingers together.

Smiling, Greg gave Mycroft's hand a squeeze before he removed his other hand from Mycroft's face and used it to push Mycroft's knees apart. Mycroft shifted on the desk a little and spread his legs, with the new-found space between them, Greg quickly closed it and soon enough their chests were flush together and Greg's hips were surrounded by Mycroft's thighs.

Leaning his head forward, Mycroft breathed in the air that Greg exhaled and he smiled. Greg lent his head forward like Mycroft and pressed their foreheads together. Smiling, Greg thread his fingers through the hair and the nape of Mycroft's neck and licked his lips before he shut his eyes and finally kissed Mycroft.

Mycroft's eyes fluttered closed and a quiet moan hummed in his throat. With his other hand that was just sitting on Greg's desk, he lifted it and cupped Greg's cheek like Greg had done to his and he opened his lips a little to take a breath in before pressing his lips back firmly against Greg's, kissing him back.

Greg smiled against Mycroft's lips and he pulled back a few seconds later, not removing his hand from the back of Mycroft's neck. Opening his eyes he just smiled and watched Mycroft's eyes open to.

"So," Greg said casually, "would you like to go on a date with me Mycroft? We could get a drink, something that's not coffee? Or we could go to a movie? A walk in the park? A drive through the country side? A trip into the city? I know a couple of good restaurants-"

Mycroft cut him off with another kiss, and he smiled. "I'd love to, Greg."

The End.

Disclaimer- I do not own BBC Sherlock, I do not own these characters, nor have I made any money from this.

The cover page drawing thing for this story was drawn by my amazing boyfriend who surprised me with the piece of art work. He understands my high interest (not obsession) with Sherlock (and many other television shows).

This story was inspired by a tumblr post I saw randomly one evening, so credit for the inspiration goes to that post.

I would like to dedicate this story to my sister who helps me stay grounded, who encouraged me to write this story and fangirled over my ideas. She is my conductor of light and I wouldn't be here, in this existence if it were not for her.

Thank you to all the people who have followed, favourited and reviewed this story. If it was me reading this, I'd probably stop reading after the first chapter cause it sucks. So thank you to all those who have put up with my shitty writing.

This is the end of this story, my sister wants me to do an epilogue, but I don't think it needs one?, and I don't really want to write one, I have assessments to do and they will never get done if this story is here to tempt me. But if you think it needs one, or just want one, review to tell me? But if not, its aright, thanks for reading.