Chapter One-

Slowly making his way up the stairs, Mycroft Holmes pushed the door to his bedroom open and discarded his jacket in his wardrobe. Shuffling his bare feet across the carpet, Mycroft made his way over to his desk by his window and sat down. Reaching down, Mycroft shuffled through a stack of papers and files by his desk until he found a few stapled together pages and laid them flat-out on the desk top in front of him.

Uncapping a pen, Mycroft sighed in disgust as he read the words that formed his English paper and drew a couple of harsh lines through a sentence, before grabbing a new leaflet of paper to start the sentence over again. Scrawling some fresh words on his sheet of paper, Mycroft was interrupted by some loud music, smiling to his self, Mycroft lifted his head and flicked his eyes up to stare through his open window and into the one across from him.

Through that window, Gregory Lestrade was bent down by his stereo, putting away an empty CD case. As a guitar solo rifted out of the stereo, Greg stood up and formed an air guitar with his arms and hands and played along with the tune.

The music was quite loud, but Greg didn't seem to mind and Mycroft was happy watching the man across the way from him jump around, In a non-stalker, creepy way of course.

Greg had shifted into the house next door to Mycroft's 11 months ago, and for those 11 months, Mycroft had been slowly become more and more interested in the handsome man across the way from him in the next door window. The houses each of them lived in were strangely built, the first floor roofing for each house was built so only a step of space were separating the two. This provided an easy entry and exit point to climb out of a second story bedroom window, but Mycroft had never tried that before, he was too afraid of slipping and falling to the ground below.

Forcing his eyes back down to his English paper, Mycroft scratched a paragraph and then read it back to him self. Pleased with the newly formed paragraph, Mycroft started editing the next. School was almost over for the year and finals were just around the corner, Mycroft was trying to get all the study that he could do into his busy schedule of looking after his younger brother so that he could breeze through the exams without worrying that he will fail.

A loud bang interrupted Mycroft from his paper a few minuets later, he flicked his eyes up startled to discover Greg's father yelling at Greg through his window. Mycroft couldn't hear what was being said because of the loud music but it must of been pretty bad because Greg didn't yell back for once and he allowed his father to rip his stereo plug out of its socket in the wall. The deafening silence that followed made Mycroft a little uncomfortable and he jumped when Greg's father slammed Greg's door behind himself when he exited his sons bedroom.

Once his father was gone, Greg let out a frustrated groan and flopped himself down into his desk chair. Greg's desk was set up just like Mycroft's in front of his bedroom window, a cold chill form the night air blew into Mycroft's window and he shivered. Opting to give up working on his English paper for the night and go lie in his warm bed.

Mycroft lent forward and pulled his window shut, flipping the latch so it would lock. Mycroft allowed himself one last fleeting glance at Greg before he drew his curtains. Mycroft noticed a calculator and a chewed pencil. Greg must be studying maths then, Mycroft wished that he could work up the guts to talk to the man in the window across the way for him, but he never did. Maths would be the perfect ice breaker, though Mycroft as he drew his curtains and went to bed.