So, this is the final chapter. I don't want to go too far, and I think the ending is on a happy positive note. Enjoy, and thank you.

Harry had a fair amount of time to explore Kyoto on his own. When Monday morning came, Ruth was back at work (after having handed in her notice), so Harry was alone for a large proportion of time. After wandering around the city and visiting some of the beautiful temples, he had to admit that Ruth could have ended up in much worse places than this. Three years might be a long time, but she hadn't wasted those many months, which was good to know. Even though he would have preferred it were Ruth with him for that time.

Harry set the alarm for early on Thursday morning, so he wouldn't miss his flight. It had been good to get away from the grid, and the peace of not being on call, but he had to go back. He couldn't be away for too long.

"I booked a flight," she said quietly, when they were in bed the night before he was due to leave. "To come home."

"When?" he asked, stroking her back gently.

"Three weeks or so," she said. "I know it's a while, but I want to… finish here properly. And pack the things I want to take home with me."

"Three weeks is nothing," he said. "Considering."

"Why are we always saying goodbye?" she said sadly.

"This isn't goodbye," he reassured her. "Just a brief pause." She smiled and kissed him softly.

"Roll over," he said lowly, hand drifting between her thighs suggestively. She chuckled gently, then did what he asked, sighing in pleasure as he touched her.

Harry kissed her like his life depended on it. They were standing in the middle of Kasai airport, and he didn't care if everyone was watching. It was only going to be a few weeks separation, but he was going to miss her badly. "Call me when you land," she breathed in between kisses.

"It'll be late here," he murmured.

"I don't care," she said. "I need to know you're in London safely, and it would be an oddly wonderful experience to receive a phone call from you. Especially without it being work related."

"I'll call," he promised. "Come here." He caressed her lips incredibly gently and she felt her heart race.

"Thank Malcolm for me," she whispered in his ear, before licking him delicately. He shivered powerfully and sighed.

"You can't do that in public," he murmured. "It makes me want to pin you up against walls."

"I'll do it in private when we get to London, then," she said, eyes sparkling.

"Are you giving me a good image to hold onto on that long flight?"

"I might be," she said. The amusement faded and sadness set in.

"Look, there's a gift for you at your flat."

"If you've bought me more jewellery…"

"Just wear it when you see me again," he said. "Promise."

"Fine," she agreed. "I'll wear it."

"Good," he said.

"Don't buy me something every time we're parted," she said. "I don't need gifts. I need you."

"Hopefully we won't be parted very often when you come home."

"Mm," she said. "Go," she added, feeling him twist to look at his watch. "You can't miss your flight, I know you can't."

"I love you," he whispered.

"I know," she said. "And I love you. So much."

"Goodbye," he said, kissing her once more.

"Bye Harry." She watched as he left and she sighed once he'd been swallowed up by the bustle of the airport. He'd gone again. But this time, it was only temporary. She'd see him in a few weeks time. She refused to allow herself to cry, and found herself sniffing. There was no point waiting any longer, Harry wasn't coming back, but she still found it hard to leave. After countless minutes she turned, and left the airport, heart beating fast.

Ruth unlocked her front door and looked around the flat she'd soon have to say goodbye to. It had been a rabbit hole to hide away from the world, but she had had some good times here. Her and Alex drinking a merlot while they put the world to rights at her kitchen table. Talking about London and New York. She had to say goodbye to her friend too. Alex flew home tomorrow, so she could say her goodbyes then. She wasnt sorry to go back to the UK, but she did have a tinge of regret for the life she was leaving.

She moved through into the bedroom and found a gift box on her bed. The same size as a shoe box, but slightly flatter. She opened it, relieved it wasn't jewellery, as she didn't want Harry to spend that kind of money on her. She gasped as she took out the black flimsy silk and lace lingerie. It was very revealing and she was very aware of the fact she'd already promised to wear it when she returned to London. She held up the bra to her chest, and she saw how little fabric there was. It would barely even covered her breasts. She felt the fabric between her fingertips and knew it was good quality. The silk slipped delightfully between her touch and she knew she'd have to try it on.

She did, quickly, and looked at herself in the mirror. It was revealing, but she knew Harry had seen every part of her, and tasted nearly as much. And she had to admit, it did look good on her. Harry clearly had a good eye for women's underwear, and he'd got her bra size perfectly. Clearly he'd been paying a lot of attention to her body. She smiled at the thought of Harry. Three weeks would pass soon enough.

3 weeks later

Ruth looked out of the window of the plane, feeling warmth fill her. London. Home. The flight was about ten minutes away from landing and she couldn't wait. The desire to see Harry was there, but much more powerful was the feeling of coming back to the UK as a free woman. The elation of being back in London where she never thought she'd ever manage to be again.

When the plane touched down she felt an echo of fear, the last time she'd landed in the UK she was a fugitive, and that mindset was hard to let go of. But the echo was much less than the terror when she'd landed in Exeter seven months before.

She looked at the mass of the buildings of the airport, and knew Harry would be in there somewhere. It was a comforting and reassuring thought.

"Welcome home." She hugged him tightly, breathing in the scent of him. He smelt of London and Harry. Two indescribable but perfect scents, at least to her. He held her face softly as he kissed her, the brush of his leather gloves on her skin making her shiver with delight. "Are you here to stay?"

"Yes," she said, reassuring him. "I am."

"Good." He kissed her again, a hand on the small of her back, pulling her close. "You look beautiful, especially after fourteen hours on a plane."

"I feel exhausted," she said. "All I want to do is lie down in bed." He raised his eyebrows suggestively and she laughed. "I meant to sleep," she said. "Not that I'd object to the other, though." His hand twitched on her back, wanting to go lower, almost in question. She saw it on his face, and she leaned close. "I am wearing it, Harry," she murmured.

He groaned and she laughed before he kissed her again, deeply.

"Let me take you home."

The End.

Thank you for all the encouragement and reviews on this fic.