Kuroko no Basuke belongs to Tadatoshi Fujimaki

I do not own anything but the plot


written by: redheadlady

part one

If it wasn't because her bestfriend's family hosting this "high-class" party, she wouldn't be here. She swore to God, she'd rather stay at home, writing down a hundred book reviews herself. She had never liked parties and she never would. It's pointless to her. She couldn't do a ballroom dance. She didn't like to have any conversation with strangers, especially the high class humans being. They only talk about politics and businesses. Like hell she'd understand. She even still watched those heroine anime in her middle of 20s. Other reason, she knew no one besides her bestfriend that was having a chat with some adult dudes. Basically, she had nothing to do on that glamorous ballroom.

She stood alone at the side of the ballroom, trying to have pleasant time of her first experience to be part of the sparkling world. She travelled her baby blue eyes along the ballroom. The sight of couples moving rhythmically to the music reminded her to those western love story novels on their 19th century but in modern ways. The sounds of the classic instruments and the singer voice were lightly touching her ears. It was an enchanting night, but she still preferred writing down a hundred book reviews.

She wondered why all girls at her age could get along with these kind of dazzling world. The could walk like royals on their highheels swiftly. They could easily dance like high-level princesses in their tight gowns and heavy jewelries. They could manage themselves to spending their night with obnoxious grown up me. For her, being like one of those girl are impossible.

She closed her eyes slowly. It's rare for her coming to a party. You can say it was a Valentine Ballroom Party because it held at the night of February 14th (hey, this kind of party still exists now, don't ya think). But besides love, all she saw were people trying to impressing each other with lies and fake manners. All they wanted were attention, popularities, anything like that but love.

Honestly, she thought that day would be her best day ever remembering she just spent her afternoon with three of the people she loved the most; the redhead american tiger named Kagami Taiga that was the only one who could understand her feelings, her big brother called Daiki, and his rich princess girlfriend that was hosting the party that time called Satsuki Momoi. Thanks to God, Satsuki didn't invite Kagami nor her boyfriend to the party remembering their manners were just too barbarous.

She also had taken a moment to thank God for giving her a petite body and weak presence. Imagining herself being surrounded by tons of questions and strong smelled fragrance were just too much for her. No one noticed that she was there if Satsuki wasn't counted. That's a relief because she couldn't imagine how much the embarrassment she'd get from being the worst girl that doing the ballroom dance or the worst girl to be a conversation partner.

She believe everything would be alright as long as no one notice her which she was sure no one would. Or so she thought until she saw a pair of heterochromatic eyes were looking straight against her baby blue eyes from the other side of the ballroom. She replied by staring back with an innocence looking. But she couldn't keep it so long. She felt a high temperature on her chest and it's getting hotter as she looked at the owner of those rare eyes. A man with spiky red hair in a white tux and black tie, casually crossing his arms in front of his chest. He had a strangely strong aura flowing around him. Intimidating.

She saw that man was about to make his way towards her when she felt someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her from her back.

"There you are! Searching you is like searching a puppy!" a girl with pink long hair and white sweetheart-cut gown complained in front of her face.

"I've been here since I came, Satsuki-san," she replied as she looked upward to the taller girl's face.

"You've never changed. As transparent as usual but it doesn't matter since I've found you. Anyway, I want to introduced you to some on my acquaintance. Sounds good, huh Tetsuko?" the pink headed, Satsuki, asked cheerfully as she looked directly to the shorter girl.

Tetsuko turned her head and tried to find the heterochromatic red head. She couldn't find him anywhere so she started walking with her bestfriend.

"Kuroko Tetsuko, nice to meet you,"

Tetsuko gave the best smile she could make as she shook her right hand with some adult men she couldn't remember their names. Correction, she wasn't even listening when they're introducing themselves because she didn't even care.

"What's wrong, Tetsu? Don't you like the party? Is it that bad?" asked Satsuki when the men had walked away.

"I do like the party," answer Tetsuko. She didn't lie technically.

"You look upset, more like, annoyed."

"I'm good. Just don't feel comfortable around strangers," Tetsuko exhaled. Satsuki was about to say something when someone called her and started to have a conversation with her. Tetsuko didn't want to be introduced to anymore strangers nor interrupt their chat. She used her lack of presence to sneak out from the small group and went out to the empty balcony.

Finally, fresh air.

Tetsuko walked to the edge of the balcony and travelled her eyes yo the star-blanketed night sky. She felt the wind touching her pale skin and flew her semi long blue hair. It's chilly but better than being introduce to a lot of strangers.

She felt bad to Satsuki. She didn't mean to look annoyed or looked like she didn't like the party at all. She liked the entire party; the food, the decoration, sight of people dancing, music. Anything. Anything but the big headed high-class humans and being introduced.

"You'll get cold if you're standing there too long in dresses."

Shocked knowing someone noticed her presence, Tetsuko turned around her body automatically. The first things she saw was a pair of heterochromatic eyes.

She began to feel a strong intimidating aura filling the cold air. She put nonchalant face but didn't let her guard down. At this distance, she could see the man clearly. He's about 178cm tall or more. Looked like he's at the same age with Tetsuko. His red hair contrast with his light skin colour and white tux. And about his eyes' color, just like another heterochromia, one red and one hazel. The red one was just as bright as his hair.

"Why are you making such a face? I'm not going to bite you," his smirked as he walked towards Tetsuko.

"Don't you like the party?" he asked when he reached the spot next to Tetsuko.

Tetsuko shifted her blue eyes from the taller guy to the ground, "it's not like I dont."

"You look unpleased. I'd like to help you if there's any pro-,"

"Please don't worry. I don't want to troubled you," Tetsuko cut his line. There's a silence for a second. Tetsuko was sure she decline his offer politely. She threw a glance to the red head. He raised his brows like he didn't believe that she was okay. He smiled sarcastically then.

"I see," he responded. Tetsuko was about to go because the thought the conversation was over when he added, "so, you don't accept any offer from strangers."

Tetsuko stopped her movements and looked directly to those heterochromatic eyes, "thank you for giving me an excuse to go."

"Well then, how rude of me. Please accept my apologize and let me introduce myself," he asked calmly.

Tetsuko casually flicked her hair from her shoulder, giving a signal that she's ready to listen. But before the redhead could speak a word, someone shouted behind their backs.

"Tetsu! How dare you are using your lack of presence to disappear in front of me!" her pink haired bestfriend showed up at in lack of oxygen.

"I'm sorry," answered the bluenete expressionless.

"Don't you dare vanish again. Come, I want to introduce you to one of my friends. He's important so but I can't fin-" Satsuki stopped her line when she realized the man that standing next to her petite bestfriend.

"There you are, Akashi-kun! Eeh, you know each other already?" Satsuki shifted her gaze from the redhead to the bluente.

"Actually no, but technically yes because you shouted his name just now," Tetsuko replied.

"I was about to introduce myself when you came. But there's no need now since you've said it," the redhead Akashi smiled on his flawless face.

"Is that so? My bad," Satsuki looked surprised at first but she quickly put a pretty smile as she apologizing.

Akashi turned around and face the blunete directly. "Akashi Seijuurou. I'm pleased to meet you," he introduce himself casually.

"My pleasure. I'm Kuroko Tetsuko," Tetsuko bowed down formally remembering Satsuki said he was important friend.

"Akashi-sama, are you here?" a thin and tall man in black suit came to the balcony searching for the redhead. Akashi chuckled and walked towards the man. They began to talk seriously in whisper. After some seconds, Akashi walked back to the girls that were standing there still.

"I think, I've gone from the party for too long. I need to come back before they start to call the SAR team. You too, Momoi-san. I'll see you later, Tetsuko," and with that high-class unfunny but true joke, he left.

Those two girls didn't say anyting as they were watching Akashi walked away. When he's gone from their sight, the pink head broke the silence, "how did you approach him? I mean, get his attention?"

Tetsuko looked into those magenta eyes. Confused about the question she just got.

"You really don't know him, do you?" the pink headed raised her brows. Tetsuko agreed about that statement. Satsuki rolles her eyes, "do you live inside the cave? He's Akashi Seijuurou!"

"That's what he just told me."

"No,no,no,no. I mean, who don't know Akashi Seijuurou himself?" Tetsuko raised her hand. Satsuki palmed her face.

"Let me guess," Tetsuko rolled her eyes, acting like she was thinking but she just said nonsense words that came up on her mind first,"a famous shogi player?"


"Ok, wait. What?"

Satsuki giggled at the bluenete face. The bluenete looked surprised, never expecting her sarcasm answer would be true.

"No, not exactly. He takes control of his parents' company which you'll never understand even though I explain. He's a sucessful young bussiness man. And he has a unbelievable abilities on board game and won a lot of competition, especially shogi," the pink head explained.

"Sounds like he's a victorious human beings," Tetsuko commented,

"He is. So, now tell me. How did you approach him?" Satsuki begged the bluenete to answer.

"It was him," Tetsuko answered shortly. Satsuki seemed surprised. She looked straight to those baby blue eyes, asking if the bluenete wasn't lying. Tetsuko shrugged. Satsuki studied those innocence looking eyes. Then she sighed, "ok. Now answer honestly. Didn't you say he's a victorious human beings?"

"I believe I did."

"Good. Now, we know that he's vitorious. It means he's successful, rich, handsome, can do anything. Basically, perfect," the pink head concluded. Tetsuko just agreed, still confused about where would that conversation going.

Satsuki added, "do you think someone like him will approach someone like you? I mean, I know Akashi well because we're a good friends. He's famous for being a prince charming. But even he's good to ladies, he has never showed any interest to them. He's never made the first move. Not even once before today."

Tetsuko was still clueless. Satsuki sighed, "let's be honest, Tetsu, shall we? You're cute and adorable but you're not famous around here, I mean this high-class world. I'm sure if it's not because of my family hosting this party, you'd never be here. There're tons of lass out there that have everything that you have to live without. Akashi has never showed any interest to them nor get attracted. But he noticed you. It's strange, isn't it?"

"That's a coincidence."

"Really, Tetsu?" Satsuki raised her brows, "I think, it's not. He's interested in you. Believe me, a new love story will be soon started."

"You're wrong and that's crazy."

"What can you say? God has his plan."

"No, that's too naive. If that's true then he surely has a really bad type on girls. Mentally ill?"

Satsuki was going to take a word when Tetsuko sneezed in front of her. Tetsuko was the longest one that stayed on the balcony, let's not forget.

"We'll get sick soon if we stayed here still. It's midnight already. I'll bring some drink to you, let's go inside first," Satsuki grabbed her bestfriend's wrist and pulled her leaving the cold balcony. She brought Tetsuko to the corner of the ballroom where there're less people there. "Stay here. Don't go anywhere and vanish like a puppy. Okay?"

Tetsuko nodded and with that, Satsuki left. Tetsuko leaned her body to the cold wall and took a deep breathe. She checked the time and it said it was 00:07. Valentine day was officially over but the party still going on. Tetsuko travelled her eyes through the room from side to side. At this time, all she saw was full of sexual passion grown up men trying to bring home some ladies with their sweet words and their prince-charming attitude. In the high class ways of course.

It's okay. As long as no one notice me again, everything will turn out fine

"You look pale,"

Godamn- oh.

"How long had you been on that cold balcony huh?" Satsuki walked towards Tetsuko as she hand over a glass of water to her petite bestfriend.

"Longer than you and Akashi-kun. You know, i think, I'll head home first," said Tetsuko after she drank the water Satsuki had given.

"Ehh? Now? Oh my gosh, Tetsu! You're 24 already. Only middle school student will left the party this early!" Satsuki complained.

"It's 'tomorrow' already. Futhermore, i need to go to work in 8 hours and-" Tetsuko tried an excuse as she handed the pinkhead her cellphone that had 9 missed calls and 23 messengers on the screen, "-Daiki has gone insane for searching me."

"Hufft, that guy. He have never even texted me to ask where i am except if he needs something. You know, you have a really over protective big brother," Satsuki grumbled as she mentioned herself. Tetsuko chuckled hearing her brother attitude from his girlfriend point of view. Satsuki grinned seeing how adorable was her future sister-in-law, "okay then, i dont want you get any disease. I'll order a taxi-driver to drive you home safely now."

"I'll wait outside then, thank you for your kindness."

Akashi put a business smile for the hundred times tonight as he shook his right hand with a man that had huge silver rings hanging on all his fingers. He rolled his eyes and exhaled as the man walked away. The red-head observed the elegant and enchanting ballroom with his eyes. He tried to ignore some ladies that were trying to get his attention by acting like he didn't see them.

He felt a little bit fed up. He was planning to enjoy his day off by attending this party. He wanted to spend his 'valentine' by getting rid from his family business and all about it. He wanted to enjoy his life like another young adult at his age. He thought this party was a good idea as he knew the host pretty well. The party was fine but the upper-class people were just ruining his mood. All their topics were only around politics and worst part was knowing they tried to catch popularities by being close to him. Why couldn't they get rid of those shits and enjoy life.

He continued observing until his eyes caught a pair of baby blue eyes. A pair of eyes that reminding him to the clear blue sky in the middle of summer.

He looked to the owner of those beautiful eyes. She had mid-length hair that fell gorgeously through her shoulder. Her hair was as blue as her eyes. She had pale light skin colour- almost looked like she didn't have any blood runs in her body. She looked uncomfortable in her light blue strapless dress and her indigo high heels. Not like other ladies, she looked plain with light make-up and she didn't even wear any jewelry.

She replied Akashi's stare. Akashi felt curious about her. She was standing on the other side of the ballroom herself. Nothing she did. She looked like she didn't enjoy the party but didn't seem that she hates it.

He raised his eyebrows before he started to walk towards that girl. But before he could reach her, someone with pink hair grabbed her wrist and took her attention. Akashi stopped his step as he also heard someone calling his name. He cancelled his action then.

After finished talking with some grown up men and felt like he didn't want anymore conversation, he gave a signal to his only real friend- a green haired tall young man with a glasses that was also his partner at work- that was having a chat. He wanted him to leave his small group and come.

"What's wrong Akashi?" he asked when he had reached the spot near the red-head.

"Nothing. Just want a little space," Akashi answered shortly. He moved his eye from his tall friend to the other side of the ballroom. The first thing he captured was the light-blue-haired girl he saw before was beind introduced by her pink hair friend to some people.

"Hey, Midorima. Do you know her?" Asked Akashi as he pointed out his point finger to the blue haired girl. The guy called Midorima followed the direction Akashi pointed.

"Umh? Don't you know her? Isn't she's Satsuki Momoi, the host of this par-"

"No, not her. The blue hair that is standing near her."

Midorima narrowed his eyes and found out the girl that Akashi mentioned. Midorima took a moment to think before he answered, "No. I've never seen her before. Not even once."

If Midorima didn't even know her, there's now way she's kind of successful business woman or kind important people like that. Maybe she's one of Satsuki's friend. This is a high-class private party anyway. There's no way for ordinary people to come in.

Akashi smirked as he saw the blue hair girl sneaked out from the small group to the empty balcony.

This story should be interesting.

Tetsuko checked the time and it said it was 00:35. It had been about 20 minutes but Satsuki nor a taxi driver came yet. She started feeling the midnight air freezing her body.

Well waiting at the terrace isn't a good idea of course.

Tetsuko took a deep breathe as she looked around. She had taken a moment to admire this glamorous huge mansion that her bestfriend's family had when she came. She felt lucky to had a bestfriend that could fulfil her one of her childhood dreams- going to a glamorous ball room party.

"You sure do really like waiting outside, huh?"

Oh not this again

"Didn't i say you'll get sick if you're outside for too long with that kind of dress," Akashi walked towards her from the mansion main door.

"You didn't say that."

"No, not exactly. But it's the same things, Tetsuko. What should i do to make you listen to my advices."

"Technically, I am listening right now."

"You know what, Tetsuko. I've gone to this kind of party a lot. But i've never seen you before," told Akashi signaling that he wanted Tetsuko to talk more about herself.

"This is my first time. I'm a friend of Satsuki Momoi-san, that's why i get permission to come here without any high-class label," Tetsuko kept her explanation short.

"I see. Do you run any business or kind of that?" Akashi asked, still curious about this girl. Tetsuko shook her head. Akashi was going to ask another question when his cellphone broke the silence first.

"Ah sorry. So many disturber," he apologized as he took his cellphone from his pocket. The took a look for a second before decline the call and said, "what are you waiting for?"

"Taxi," Tetsuko answered shortly.

"Well, I guess you don't want to wait inside for this, knowing you're an 'outsider lover'" Akashi said as he took of his jacket and put in on Tetsuko shoulder, "I really hate for leaving you but I gotta go. You okay?"

"I'm fine, you don't have to-"

"Don't you dare take off the jacket and that's an order."

"Well thank you but how will I return-"

"Don't worry any of that. The taxi will come soon, I believe. I'll see you next time," and without waiting another word from the bluenete, he left.

Tetsuko watched the redhead walked away. She was eager to know about him. Satsuki said he was an "important person". The first reason was because his family company took a lot of affect on business realm and it was taken care by the redhead himself. And that's amazing. Second reason was because he's like an untouchable prince charming inside and outside that a lot of ladies dreaming of. And that's about it.

Tetsuko recalled the conversation of her and Satsuki on the balcony.

'He's never made the first move. Not even once before today'

'There're tons of lass out there that have everything that you have to live without.'

'Akashi has never showed any interest to them nor get attracted.'

'But he noticed you. It's strange, isn't it?'

Tetsuko closed her eyes and shook her head quickly.

There's no way.

She could feel a strange feelings on her chest. The feelings that she had never felt again since she graduated from high school.

No way. Could it be...


Tetsuko turned around and saw his pink haired bestfriend running toward her in lack of breathe.

"Geez, i'm sorry for taking a long time. I couldn't find my cellphone anywhere and- huh?" Satsuki stopped explaining as she looked at a white jacket leaning along her petite friend's shoulder.

"Oh? Akashi-kun found me a second ago. He lent me his jacket," Tetsuko explained without any question.

"Oh my god, Tetsu. He sure is interested on you!" Satsuki concluded in all sudden.

"Isn't he nice to every lady?"

"I believe he is. But anyway, It won't be a crime believing a new love story will be start soon."

"He treated me like another lass. You're too positive."

"Oh my goodness. My Tetsu finally finds her soulmates again!"

"That's a crazy conclusion, Satsuki-san."

"He's Akashi Seijuurou, Tetsu. Let's not forget. He always gets what he wanted."

"Do you even believe that he wanted me? If he does, he surely had made a wrong decision for liking ordinary girl like me."

"Are you getting amnesia every 2 seconds because i have to keep reminding you to not forget that he's Akashi Seujuurou. Since he always wins, he always right, Tetsu. That's his motto."

Since he always wins, he always right.

What an self-confidence overload motto he has.

Redhead's note:

So, that's what I came out with. I'm really sorry for any grammar errors and typos since English is not the languange i speak.

Enchanted is my first fanfic that i've ever made and I'm very proud of it. I wrote it on my notebook and type it on my phone during school classes. I'll try my best to update it every week!

Fun fact that I did need three people to help deciding Kuroko's name since he'll come out as Female. Tetsuya is nice but it's boy name, so we decide to change the third hiragana. We thought of "Tetsumi" or "Tetsuna" but i just didn't think it'd suit up well. And after about one hour thinking we ended up with "Ko". Tetsuko sounds sweet and warm don't ya think?

This story isn't related to that disney's movie nor Taylor Swift songs with the same title. And I do believe, Dictionary words don't belong to anyone, do they?

I'd like to have reviews and comment. I'll see you guys later, bye~!