Chapter 56

"What do you mean this is it?"

The raised voice belonged to a normally shy and quiet seventeen year old girl.

Her black hair was twisted up into a bun and her glasses sat unevenly on her nose, hiding steel gray eyes.

"Please settle down."

Artemis shuffled her feet as she glanced around at the Librarian's reprimand.

No one really knew much about the Librarian. Most couldn't even tell whether the tall, thin, graceful, eerily beautiful being was male or female.

Art had been coming to the Archives long enough to know.

Her particular strain of Magic decreed it.

After so long with Magic slowly dying off, to have a resurgence like this was unusual.

She wasn't the only one researching it. But she was the only one she knew of who had the knowledge of the old Archives.

The man in front of her had never seemed to age, and with the slight shimmer of rainbow colors if one caught his eyes just right, she could almost swear he wasn't quite human.

She knew he had to have Magic. No way could he run this place by himself without it.

"I'm afraid that what you've read is the last bit of the old Fairy Tail stories I've got. I'm unsure of when I might get the rest, as it is...well, hard to find." He said.

"You mean it isn't real?" Art sighed. "This isn't going to help me with my Magic one bit because it is all just a story."

He reached to pat her hand on the desk as she heard a shuffling sound as someone came towards the desk.

"I never said that these novels weren't true. All I'm saying is that they weren't written by a member of Fairy Tail."

"I know. They are supposedly written by the granddaughter of Acnologia and his mate. But if a Dragon wrote them, wouldn't that Dragon still be around?" Art looked up into those shimmering eyes.

He looked amused. "Who's to say Haven isn't still around?"

"But...if immortal members of Fairy Tail were still here...wouldn't they be protecting us Magic users?"

He looked up past her and she turned as a large body moved around the desk.

The hulking man terrified her even as he sparked a hint of familiarity with his red eyes.

"And have you heard of Magic users dying? No, just disappearing." The Librarian said.

Art sighed as she started to leave.

"I'll let you know if I ever get anything in again."

She nodded.

As she went around the dark glass wall blocking the old Archives from the outside wall, she stopped to look in.

She could faintly hear it as her Magic kicked in again.

"Really Ani, must you tease?" The bigger man was leaning against the desk now, his hand reaching up to cup the cheek of the smaller Librarian. "The poor girl is trying to learn how to control such unwieldy stuff."

"I know Ast, but Erik would be best suited to her style and he's out of town."

She could swear they could both see her through that dark glass as both of them looked at her direction.

The Librarian leaned into the caress and put his own hand over the larger one on his left cheek.

"Besides, your family history seems to be pretty important to her. I figure it's my duty to harass and obstruct anyone showing so much interest in us."

The deep rumble of a chuckle met her ears as she turned to walk away from the building. "I suppose you're right. Now please come home? I'm hungry and you know I like the soup you make best."

Art stuck to the alley paths as she made her way back towards the hovel she lived in.

As the sun was setting, she looked up into the red sky.

Faintly, she caught the flash of shadow and caught her breath as she took in the shape of the creature making it.

That particular shape was that of an ancient race. A mythological race.

A Dragon.

She just knew they were still out there. But until she read more of the Fairy Tail story, she would never know what happened exactly.

What happened to Fairy Tail after that year? Did Gajeel and Levy continue with the Council? Did all of the pairs Mira was setting up ever make it? How could a group of people who should have been immortal disappear after a while?

Honestly, Art didn't care why they disappeared. She just wanted to know where they went after that year the last book ended on. And whether it was just made up or not.

She crept into her house and locked everything up again.

As she settled in, she took hold of the pendant on her necklace.

Fairy Tail was real. She knew that as well as she knew one of her own ancestors was a member. But why were they disbanded? Where were they now?

The things in the books had happened hundreds of years ago, she could read reports proving the events happened.

She sank into her nest of blankets.

It just made no sense that they broke up a second time like that.

Art was just falling asleep when she finally realized who the Librarian and that other man were.

She smiled as she came up with a plan to make them talk.

Her Magic didn't always do as she wanted, but sometimes she could use it. Tomorrow needed to be one of those times.

She would have her answers.



AN: Hey everyone. Sorry I've not been updating this as promised. I'm a horrible person when it comes to keeping timed things...very bad of me. And if it helps, I honestly do feel bad for being late and going so long without notifications. Like the kind of bad that eats at the back of your mind and drives you nuts.

I just wanted to let everyone know that this story is going on break until I can find the urge to finish it up. I would like to finish it in a satisfactory way to me, and until I know how Fairy Tail itself is going to end, I can't feel right calling this truly complete. I've spent too long making this seem realistic to the real story, as if it is actually going on in the background. I like to think it feels that way anyhow. So until either I get some motivation built up in myself to go on despite the incomplete series, or the series ends and I can marathon it and write up my own bit of background story just as I had been doing so far, I'll be marking this as 'Hiatus' in the description.

Sorry for this crappy partial chapter bit, but I did want to let you all know that I feel quite similar to you all, even though I'm the writer...if that makes sense? I'm seriously annoyed at myself for not being able to continue. I really liked the concept of writing a background story kind of deal, though some events happen a bit differently in his canon story.

Suffice to say: this is by no means ended, so please don't throw out your following of my story or if you're like me and have bookmarks like crazy, don't delete your marks. I will finish this, that I can promise. I'm just not sure when. And I'd hate to feel worse by giving you guys a date then failing to meet it because of lack of motivation. Until then, I'll hopefully be putting up other work here and there. On complete series/stories/games. I've learned my lesson.

Thank you for putting up with me so long, and I hope you decide to check out some of my other stuff while waiting.