A/N-Yeah, this is my second MG fic, but they took mine off from this site.... (grrrrrrrrrr). If you wanna read it, go to http://www.playstationpro2.com/ and look for the Chat Room one . That's not the name of course. ne hoo here's the story. I'll only post more chapters ONLY if I get reviews.

Ring Ring!

This is Snake. Do you read me, Otacon?

Yes, where are you?

I'm in the armory.


One question, Otacon.


Why'd you tell me to go here?

You'll see.

Whaddaya mean I'll-

See ya later, Snake.

Snake and Otacon were on yet another mission for Philanthropy. However, this mission seemed, somewhat, different and questionable.

It's been only six months since the Big Shell incident, but yet it seemed so far away. Snake was walking around the armory wondering why the hell he was there since Otacon hadn't told him any significant reason.

While Snake was investigating the armory, he slipped on a wire and tumbled backwards into a couple of guns. (A/N- Yes, I know, very unlike Snake.) Luckily, he took care of all the sentries in the area, so no one heard the racket.

"I'm getting to old for this," he mumbled to himself. Well at least he thought it was said to himself.

He heard a sound. A sound which sounded like a laugh, but more like a chuckle. Snake jumped at the note of the sound. He got up and recuperated himself with his USP equipped and ready to shoot, looking all around. He looked everywhere, everywhere but the ceiling. Little did he know that someone was watching him. That person was watching his every move, like a *sniper* or an *eagle* wait for *her* prey. When thew light from his USP reflected against a puddle on a floor, it hit her soft hair. Snake felt a bit stupid looking for something in which he knew wasn't there, He started to think it was his imagination getting the better of him. Snake was just about to contact Otacon to tell him off when his Codec went off.

**- Hint Hints... hee hee