I took a little liberty with the ages and time periods in this story. I know that Adam was alive in the 80s and cell phones didn't exist. Please forgive me. Afterall, it is a SUPERNATURAL story.

Adam is 12. This is the sequel to Road Trip.

Adam made one final copy and crammed all of his findings into his backpack. He couldn't help the tremble that went down his back and caused his feet to hop in place as he zipped up. A real live hunt, right here in his own hometown. Adam smiled happily and did a little jig out of the room. Ever since his father had admitted what he did for a living, Adam had been waiting for his chance to get involved. His dad had told him, in no uncertain terms, would he ever be allowed to join him on a hunt and no amount of pleading on his part had changed his mind. Yet.

Adam wasn't giving up hope and he was certain he could prove to his Dad he was ready. He, however, was not naive enough to think his father would be excited Adam was hunting on his own. No, his father would be pissed. But the end result would be worth it. Besides, his father was hundreds of miles away, doing his own thing and he expected Adam to be doing the same.

Adam slowed to a walk as he exited the library. He couldn't believe how easily everything was falling into place. The entire hunt had just tumbled into his lap. He had been at the local corner store getting a coke, when he heard some kid talking about a few campers who had gone missing a month ago and rumors of bear attacks. Then the guy behind the counter had added that others were saying it wasn't bears but something else, something supernatural. That word has sent a chill down Adam's spine- not out of fear but excitement.

Adam was pondering this piece of information the next day, while waiting for his mom to come out of the bank, when he spotted Rick, his local friendly park ranger, and after questioning him he knew something was up and he was pretty sure of what they were dealing with. The lore on werewolves was extensive and Adam knew just what he needed to take this thing down. The only question was when and where.

Adam rounded the corner to his house and stopped. There was his mom's car. What was she doing home so early? He reached in his pocket for his phone. Oops, two missed calls from his mother. He had forgotten he had turned it off when at the library. He also had kind of forgotten to get his mom's permission to be there in the first place. But surely she wouldn't be too upset; I mean he was at the library, for Pete's sake! He reasoned as he walked up his drive.

Adam forced a smile and pushed the door open.

"Hey Mom! You are home early." Adam sang out as he shut the door.

"I wish I could say the same for you, Adam. Where have you been?" his mom answered, coming out of the kitchen, her nose scrunching up, a sure sign she was not happy.

"I was just at the library, Mom. I didn't think you would mind." Adam replied quickly.

"You would of known if I minded, Adam if you had bothered to text or call." His mom retorted. "You know you are supposed to come straight home after school."

"Geez Mom, I was just at the library and for less than an hour. It isn't that big of a deal." Adam replied, getting a little annoyed himself. He was 12, almost 13, not 5 for Christ' sake!

"That isn't the point, Adam. You know you are to come to this house after school, unless you have my permission to do otherwise. Did you have my permission to do otherwise?" his mom asked, taking a step forward, right into Adam's personal space.

"Mom, seriously? You are making this into a federal case. I mean don't you want me to study?" Adam replied, taking a small step back.

"Adam, answer my question."

"Mom, you know the answer. Why are you asking dumb questions you know the answer to?" Adam asked angrily.

"Adam Joseph, you will not speak to me in that tone. Now, did you or did you not have my permission to go to the library after school?" his mom replied mere inches from his face.

Adam took another step back and tossed his backpack on the table. "No, okay? I didn't but I don't see why I need your permission. I am not in kindergarten anymore, Mom. I can walk to the freakin' library after school."

His mom quickly grabbed his arm and gave him a shake. "You most certainly DO need my permission, young man. And I am sick of this attitude you have developed lately. You can just march yourself upstairs and stay there for the rest of the night. As a matter of fact, you can be prepared to spend the rest of this week and maybe longer getting reacquainted with your room. That you DO have my permission to do."

What? Was she serious? Adam had things to do and being grounded was not one of them. Adam jerked his arm free.

"You can not ground me for doing my homework, Mom! That is just beyond stupid." Adam yelled.

"Did you just call me stupid, young man?" his mom asked, then shaking her head she added, "March your butt upstairs, before I escort you, swatting your behind all the way."

What? Did his Mom just threaten to swat him? "MOM! I am NOT five years old anymore!" Adam replied just as hotly then muttered under his breath " And I am not going to my room either."

His mom went to grab his arm, intending to make good on her threat, and Adam turned and ran, right out the front door.

He was not going to be treated like a child. He was in the damn 7th grade after all. What right did his mom have to treat him like that? Adam fumed as he ran down the street. He didn't stop running till his side hurt and his heart felt as if it would beat out of his chest.

His phone started to ring but he ignored it-he was not in the mood to talk to his mom just yet.

He jogged a little bit further and found himself at the park. He collapsed onto a bench when his phone begin to ring again. He yanked it out to turn it off when he noticed it wasn't his mother calling. Shit. It was his father. Adam ignored the call and watched as the new voice mail icon popped up. He debated just turning off his phone but curiosity won out. Besides, his dad was probably just calling to chat. He called his voice mail and waited for the message.

"Adam, you better answer your damn phone and now boy." His father's voice hissed at him through the phone.

Shit. And Shit again. That did not sound like a man who just wanted to chat. Adam hung up quickly and thought seriously about turning off his phone. As he was debating, it rang once again. Adam knew that it would be in his best interest to answer, so he did.

"Hey Dad. What's up?" Adam asked as nonchalant as he could.

"Adam Milligan, you get your ass back to that house this instant. You hear me, boy?" his dad wasted no time in getting to his point.

"But Dad, she is treating me like a child." Adam whined.

"That's because you are behaving like a child! Breaking rules, going places without permission, ignoring phone calls, talking back—and son, you are lucky I was not there to hear that. You do NOT argue with your mother. She tells you to do something, the only response I want to hear from you is "yes ma'am". You got me?" his dad hotly replied.

Adam fumed silently. His dad was being just as ridiculous. He was not behaving like a child, it was just that they were treating him like a child!

"ADAM! It would be in your best interest to answer me. And NOW." His dad yelled, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"But Dad…I was just at the library and…"

"That is enough, Adam. Your mother has every right to know where you are going and when. And YOU know that! You must ask permission. This is not something new, son. Is it?"

"No, sir." Adam replied, giving in a little. His dad did have a point. A small point. But still..

"But Dad, she had no right to ground me and then to well..threaten to..swat me like some 2 year old!" Adam whispered the last part, knowing his face was turning red. His mom hadn't spanked him since he was in elementary school! She much preferred grounding, extra chores, or her favorite, making him think about his poor decisions while writing sentences at the table. It was crazy she was even threatening it in the first place.

"No right? No right? Tell me son, did she not give birth to you? Is she not your mother and the adult in the situation? She has every right. And furthermore, if I had been there I guarantee you, you would not be sitting comfortably right now."

Adam winced, knowing his dad didn't make idle threats and he also knew if his dad had been there he wouldn't of argued in the first place. Hell, he probably wouldn't of even gone to the library! His dad was one mean mofo when he wanted to be.

"Yes sir" Adam replied quietly.

"Now, I am not telling you again, boy. Get your ass home and apologize to your mother. Now."

"Yes sir." Adam replied again, slowly rising from the bench.

"You have 20 minutes. You call me the moment you get through that front door and then hand your phone to your mother. You hear me?" his dad ordered.

"Yeah,yeah I hear you." Adam replied sullenly.

"Adam, I can turn this car around and be there in a less than five hours." His dad said quietly.

"No, no dad that wont be necessary. I meant to say 'yes sir' and I am on my way back now. Honest." Adam backtracked quickly. If his Dad said five hours, then he would be there in five hours. And why on earth was his dad so close? This could ruin everything.

"Good. Twenty minutes." And with that his dad hung up and Adam took off jogging to his house.

Adam made it to the house in 15 and slowly opened the door. Before he had it completely open his mom was there pulling him into a hug.

"Adam! Oh thank God!" then shaking him a little she added, "Don't you ever do that to me again! I was so worried, son!"

"I'm sorry, Mom. I don't know what I was thinking." Adam replied looking at the ground.

"I don't know either, boy. Seriously…"

"Um, Dad wanted me to call as soon as I got here." Adam interrupted before his mom could go into full lecture mode.

"Well then I suggest you do it." His mom replied, raising one eyebrow.

Adam nodded and dialed his dad's number. His dad answered on the first ring.

"You were cutting it close there, boy. Hand the phone to your mom." John ordered before Adam even opened his mouth. Adam wordlessly handed the phone to his mom and listened to the one sided conversation.

"Thanks, John for getting my boy-our boy home." His mom was saying. "Yes, I completely agree with you… No, no I have it covered…Yes, I see your point…No, I am sure such behavior will not be repeated" She eyed Adam, causing him to blush and look at the ground again. "Of course! Thanks again." And then his mom was handing the phone to Adam.

Adam sighed and held the phone to his ear. "Yes sir?"

"Adam, I am disappointed in your behavior today. But I am proud you chose to obey me and that you apologized to your mom. I expect you to continue to show your mom the respect she deserves and take what ever punishment she deems appropriate. You understand me?"

"Yes, Dad. I will and um I'm sorry too." Adam added glancing at his mom and away again.

"Alright, son. I've gotta go but hopefully I can squeeze in a visit soon." His dad said his voice much softer now.

"Yeah, that would be good, Dad. I miss you." Adam whispered a little embarrassed to admit it but it was true.

"I miss you too, son. Take care of yourself and your mother."

And with that his dad hung up and Adam turned to face the music.

The results were as he expected. One long ass lecture, grounded now for 2 weeks, and loss of his phone. Terrific. This would make the hunt a little more difficult but Winchesters and Millgans could do difficult. Not a problem.

Please please review. I know it isn't the reason we write and I am just as bad not to leave a review, but encouragement is the best motivator! Thanks you guys!