A/N: Hey guys! This is going to be my first multi chapter fic. This is also my first Teen Wolf fic, but I hope I do well because Teen Wolf is like the best thing ever.

Sorry if you all hate me by the end of this. There will be some major character deaths and a lot of angsty stuff ahead, so be prepared.

Anyway, here you go~


Pure darkness.

Stiles couldn't help the sharp chuckle that passed his lips at the irony of it all, but that is what his life had been up till this point. A huge joke and he was the punchline. Isn't it fun how at one moment you are a completely normal teenager, with normal teenager problems, such as school, grades, friends, actually managing to get a girlfriend, even a date to Homecoming, but life has a way of ruining all of that. He used to be normal, that is until he made a horrid mistake.

They were only supposed to be out looking for a body, him and his best friend, but they were separated in the woods by his father. His best friend was bit by a werewolf and their lives began spiraling out of control. Until now.

Now. Well now his best friend, Scott, had finally learned to master his once out of control abilities and managed to become a True Alpha. But he would never hurts someone. On purpose that is. Nor try to bite someone against their will. For an Alpha, that is truly admirable.

He rolled his eyes as sarcasm permeated through the room, almost palpable in the air. A small smirk spread across his face as the room around him contorted, the darkness being replaced by a hazy light. The thought Don't go towards the light sounded in his head before he was pulled fully into consciousness.

His eyes blinked in rapid concession, trying to rid them of bleariness. His back ached like he had slept too long and his head pounded like a jackhammer. Though his mind kept drifting back to the dark room, which was now only a distant memory as light flood through his brain. A beeping resounded from beside him, making him turn his head to the source. He found himself hooked up to several different machines, each making their own separate sound, filling the room with an off beat orchestra.

He sighed heavily in his chest and let his eyes slip closed once more. He hated hospitals. Trying his best to block out the now annoying beeping from next to him. Soon, it grew to get the best of him, making his eyes snap open in frustration.

"Can somebody please make these things shut up?!" He shouted out the door, hoping desperately that someone had heard him and was coming to his aid.

"I don't think they can do that." came a monotone voice from beside him, a voice he knew quite well. Upon turning, his jaw almost dropped at the sight. Derek Hale sat in a dingy hospital chair, arms crossed over his chest, with his trademark scowl in place.

He sat gaping at the man like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing like a moron. When he said nothing, the man continued.

"What do you remember?" His deep timbre resonated through the room. "Before you woke up." He clarified, making sure the human understood him.

This snapped Stiles from his act, making his face furrow in confusion. He remembered bits and pieces, but nothing really solid to go on. He wracked his brain trying to get something, anything, when he heard a voice.

'Stiles...' It was also a voice he knew well, but just couldn't place. He jerked his head from side to side, trying to find the mystery person, but no such luck. He was alone in his room, apart from Derek being there, which still freaked him out a little bit.

"Stiles!" Derek snapped at him, making the boy turn his head in his direction once more, the mysterious voice all but forgotten.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"I asked if you remembered anything. Listen when I talk dammit." He growled out, practically oozing anger from his pores.

"Um...No. I don't remember anything really." Even to him his voice sounded confused and slightly lost.

Derek dropped his head into his hand, scratching down his face with blunt, human nails before facing him again. "I was afraid of that. After talking to Kira's mother, I knew there was a possibility that you wouldn't know what had happened."

"What are you talking about dude?" Exasperation, with a hint of desperation, making itself known.

The elder glared, trying to entice fear, but only made Stiles roll his eyes. "You're glare lost it's effect after the first few dozen times."

Derek sighed in frustration. "Don't call me dude."

"Whatever. Just tell me what happened."

A look of panic passed over the werewolf's face before he quickly covered it. "Stiles." he said, voice straining in tension.

The smirk fell from the others face as fear took over. "You're freaking me out." He didn't get the chance to finish before Derek was cutting him off.

"Stiles. You were possessed. By a nogitsune." The words came out quickly, as if he wanted to be anywhere else but here.

"Yeah." He shrugged as if it meant nothing to him.

"You already knew?" Anger flashed in the werewolf's eyes, making them bleed red, before shifting back to hazel.

"Well I remember that part of it. Kind of hard not to when it was pretty obvious. I would never try to kill you guys. You're my Pack." A small smile pulled on his lips, though never managed to reach his eyes.

"Stiles. What exactly do you remember?" A questioning look passed over his face, masking all forms of panic and anger.

"Well...I remember what happened at the Nemeton. I don't think I could ever really forget though. Then I was having all these...dreams after, but they didn't feel like dreams. Or maybe they did. I wouldn't know. I could barely even distinguish between a dream and reality and most of the time I was in a daze anyway. After that, I remember that Barrow tried to kill people, but was really targeting Kira and I was the one who told Barrow to kill her. Then I was at this party at your place, sorry about that by the way." He smiled sheepishly before continuing. "Then nothing for awhile. After that, I remember going to Eichen House and how Oliver tried to kill Malia and I. Then, there's nothing. And I woke up to a pure black room and I was talking to myself, but I guess it was a dream. Now I'm here. Talking to you, which I still don't really get."

The man across from him sighed. "That means you only remember when you were in control."

"What do you mean? Only when I was in control?" His eyes widened in sudden realization. "Derek." His voice cracked unpleasantly. "What did I do?" He could feel tears brimming in his eyes as he thought of all the possibilities. He could have hurt someone. Or worse. His mouth opened in horror as Derek said nothing. "Derek?" His voice came out in a whisper.

The man could no longer meet his eyes and swiftly looked away, saying nothing.

"Derek. Please." Stiles shifted on the bed, trying to untangle his legs, rip the IVs out and try not to have a panic attack all at the same time. Though he didn't get far until he found himself pinned under the werewolf, hands forced down into the bed and red eyes staring down at him.

"Don't. Move." He growled out, fangs peeking out over full lips.

Stiles couldn't help but shift uncomfortably, though his head moved in a slight jerk motion, finding a lump rise in the back of his throat. He was sure if Derek wasn't a werewolf then he wouldn't have caught the motion.

Once he was sure the teen wouldn't try to remove himself from the bed, he shifted off, eyes bleeding back to hazel.

"Derek." He said in a quiet voice, clearing his voice to get more volume. "Tell me. Tell me what happened." He took a deep breath, but it got stuck in his throat, making his lungs ache softly. "Was it...Is it my dad?" When Derek still said nothing, the panic set in.

His heart beat against his chest, threatening to burst out, the monitor beside him going crazy. His breaths became labored as tears gathered in his eyes. Already he could feel the burn of his lungs from lack of oxygen and tried desperately to fill them, but the more he tried, the more he failed. Blood rushed to his head, making him feel light headed. His hands grabbed the sides of his head in agony, a cry escaping from his mouth. His vision blurred with fresh tears as the others had already rolled down his chin. Visions of his mother passed behind his eyes only making him sob louder, pleading. Pleading with anyone who could hear. He felt hands gripping his forearms, his waist, his back, but the hot brand against his skin did nothing to dull the ache in his heart. Another vile sob wracked through him, echoing through the room. A picture of his father flashed behind his lids, making his heart pound louder.

His sobs slowly quieted to cry until he was just shuddering, silent tears falling down his face and soaking into a pale blue shirt, dying it navy. He looked up in wonder and found himself sitting in the brooding werewolf's lap, hands rubbing gently against his back in circular motions. The elder was humming softly under his breath, eyes screwed tightly shut. Stiles whimpered softly, bringing the werewolf's attention to focus.

"Stiles? Are you okay?" He asked, concern flooding through the tension in his shoulders and neck.

A mumble replaced the answer, so he tried again. "Stiles. It wasn't your father."

The teen's eyes grew wide, brightening behind the tears that still ran freely down his face. "He's..." His voice broke horribly so he cleared his throat. "He's alive."

A sad smile pulled onto Derek's usually stoic face, but didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yes. You're father is fine. A few scratches and bruises, but he's fine."

Relief flooded through the teen, making him feel oddly weightless. A smile tugged on his lips as he buried his face into the others neck. "I'm so...I don't even know how I am feeling right now. There are no words to describe it. I'd...I'd be lost without my dad. I don't know what I would do if I had hurt him. I don't what I'd do without him. I'm just glad everyone's oka-" His voice suddenly cut off as another realization hit him. His father was alive, but...

"What about everyone else?" He asked, already expecting the answer that was sure to come out of the werewolf's mouth.

Instead of responding, he pulled the teen closed to him, burying his face in his messy hair. He could already feel Stiles shivering against him in fear, panic, anguish. Already knowing the human was going to have another panic attack, though it never happened. Stiles looked up at him with doe eyes brimming with fresh tears and he couldn't hold back.

He deserved to know.

"Scott...Scott is dead."

A/N: WOW I feel like a horrible person right now. I'm sorry. D:

I didn't want to kill you Scott. But it just happened.

Scott is beautiful and amazing and he shall live on in the afterlife as a unicorn. Because who wouldn't want that.

I'm sorry if this kinda sucked :/ Like I said, never written a multi chapter fic before so don't be too hard on me.

Yeah. So...That's about it.

If you liked it, please leave a review. It would be greatly appreciated.

Goodbye my lovelies. Hope you stick around. 3