A/N Sorry for the delay, So some misconception in the last chapter if Anne was hurt...or she hurt someone else ;) hopefully this chapter answers some of your questions. Also someone asked me if I was inspired by a book or movie for this fanfiction. The truth is I was inspired by a lot of things e.g. The Other Boleyn Girl as I think some of you already pointed out, though my plot will differ a lot and more of Philippa Gregory's work as she's one of my favourite historical writers. Also various points by TV shows like the Tudors, Borgias and even GOT :D that you will more than likely spot if you're into those shows. Thank you for all your reviews that are a constant motivation, I won't babble any longer, read on lovelies-

"Fortune and Love only Favour the Brave"

~Part Four~



"Here's the smell of blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand."- William Shakespeare, Macbeth


"What have you done sister?"

Caroline watched as the thick substance, hot like tar trapped the grooves of her fingers, burrowing a parasite beneath her nails she wondered if it would ever wash out after a night like thus. Caught in her sister's eyes she repeated the question to ears far from the confines of walls; and awaited answer that after counted breath was given in the chapped lines of a quivering lip.

"I…I…don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Her eyes moved about the room, a hand clutched upon her corset she spoke in tongues and riddles that both terrified and frustrated Caroline to no end.

"It was all so dark and I…can't. But the blood…oh the blood, and god her eyes!...she…"

"Anne!" Caroline yelled effectively cutting her off. "Just tell me what you remember after the ball" she moved a palm over her sister's shoulder careful to avoid more of murky red now turning brown into the fabric "Can you do that?"

She breathed a sigh of relief when her sister gave a small nod of cooperation and composed herself; wiping a wet cheek and taking a shaky breath, she placed Caroline back into the evening of dancing nymphs and quartets of vice.

"I decided to leave early when I realised Niklaus had been absent for some time; thought I might find him outside somewhere."

Caroline bit her lip hard, what if her sister had seen the outburst she had with the Prince on the balcony? Is this why she's…? Is Klaus okay?

"I was unsuccessful" she released a thankful breath at this and awaited Anne's continuation-

"So I enquired about his disappearance to one of the guards, and he told me that he had seen the Prince retire to his chambers some time ago" Anne's face suddenly twisted into a fierce grimace "He failed to mention however, that my fiancée had some company with him."

"Company?" Caroline asked not understanding her sister's anger. It was only with her pointed look did the blonde realise and let a silent Oh.

"Yes, the company of one Eleanor Beugaurd to be exact. That…Harlot! Moaning my fiancées name, leaving his chambers in our fathers' household. I listened to them you know, observed her from the shadows I could not help myself, and oh how I could just picture her telling all those desperate socialites how she fucked the future king of England; how she took my place in his bed and spat on it."

Anne's voice faded with vocal spite of brood mares as Caroline felt herself go still; consumed with fear and confusion, she could not find it within herself to hear more as the thud of pain hit her chest like a sharp knife. She wasn't sure of the ends of veins where the pain strived from and beat her. Was it in the first front her mind conjured she disgusted herself with? The one that concluded of her sister, her own family to be capable of such violence she dare not speak? She should find herself shocked with the revelation yet could not offer simple gasp of breath in return.

Mayhaps then it was the sting she felt as the Prince took one Eleanor Beugaurd to his bed? She knew it was ridiculous to think of such a thing at a time like this, and that there was no claim to Klaus or any of his dalliances. Had she not just spoke that she would not be one? It was the betrayal of her sister she fooled herself with valour, nothing more, nothing less. The mysterious rider in the woods could now only mean nothing to her. Upon releasing where her light head was flying her, she screamed in her own ears, scolded and berated; for this was not the time. For now she had to face the horrifying question she'd ask of someone who used to be so close to her. You see at one time she could look into Anne's eyes and know all her secrets and thoughts, now she hazed into white noise and fell as a blind woman when it came to her sister. Still she had to know…

"Anne" she swallowed as her sister stared at her with a face sore from the night. "Di…did..you…?" she stuttered, not being as brave as she thought. With the knot caught in her jugular, she settled for an alternative and asked "What happened to Eleanor after you caught her leaving the Prince's room?"

"Well that's what I'm trying to tell you, I don't know…I…" she trailed off capturing her sister's rapid glance down "Wait you think that I?" Caroline cursed herself as she watched her sister's face shine with betrayal "Caroline! how could you? I would never…"

"Well can you blame me?" Caroline jumped in, defending herself "Look at you Anne" she shook her head with disappointment "You're covered in blood. You said that you were so angry with her; and these days I honestly don't know how to look into your eyes and be sure that what I'm seeing is the truth."

"I'm still your sister!" Anne shouted her eyes brimmed with hot tears once again.

"And I'm still yours!" Caroline replied with as much power that shocked Anne who took a few steps back "but I am not the naïve child who will believe everything you say and trust you so willingly anymore; and I know that you're not telling me the full story. You wouldn't be in such a state if you were and you wouldn't come to me for help. So just tell me the truth sister. What happened to Eleanor?"

"I wasn't angry" Anne shook her head defeated with the way her sister saw her "I was furious Caroline; so furious that I doubt even myself. So perhaps you are right, and I cannot blame you for that. But I swear by Mary I am not lying when I say I do not know what happened next."


"Just listen" she held her bloody palms up "Please?"

Her beseeching shocked Caroline frankly, and it was the only thing to make her relent and give a bumbling nod to continue.

"Eleanor is dead" she spoke plainly it made the blonde catch herself from tumbling to the ground. She gasped on what seemed like dirty air, and clenched her own hands, spotted with another's blood.

"I saw it myself, in the woods. She lay there with eyes as pale as snow, so lifeless and drenched in her own blood. She'd been stabbed and when I woke up I…"

"Wait?" Caroline stopped her, distracted from the vile reaching her throat at her sister's morbid description "What do you mean when you woke up?…and come to think of it why should you be in the woods, I thought you saw her within the confines of the house?"

"I did!" Anne spoke helplessly "All I remember is feeling that fury and then…nothing. It was just black. Now you know I've never been afraid of the night, but when I woke up in those woods next her cold body, the very life source within her pouring out of wound and onto me; I…I couldn't breathe Caroline. I just couldn't breathe."

Caroline leaped to catch her sister as she fell to floor in a heap of blubbering mess. Loud and angry sobs poured from her body as Caroline nestled her into the comforts of her chest and stroked the hair once smooth and silk, now tatted and clumped with dirt.

"Shhh" she whispered into her ear "hush now"

She wasn't sure whether she was trying to comfort Anne or relieve herself from hearing anymore of this tale. All she knew was that a girl was dead and her sister could quite possibly be the murderer; though the word sounded so strange rolling off her tongue. It just didn't make sense. Could it be possible? She has never known her sister to experience these…black outs? before to her knowledge; and if that was the truth how does one who has took a leave from this world in a single place wake up in another…next to the body of a petty rival no less? She didn't have time to ponder these questions for long before she was stunned into silence by her sister's next plea.

"Caroline I do need you to help me" she sniffed, lifting her head to face her sister so significantly grim-

"I need you to help me bury her body."




Caroline wasn't exactly sure how she found herself in this current predicament. Hiking miles into the woods in her now ruined gown, a trail of wet leaves clinging onto the skirt while she shone daggers at a determined sister, searching for the tree spot in which she had dragged and camouflaged the corpse of a girl she can't remember taking the life of.

It was possible that she derived here from the frozen statue she had been by her sister's hands, pulling her into this web that was Anne's life. She had followed wordlessly, wanting to protest and speak words of reason to her less than sane sister but felt as though someone clamped a strong hand around her throat, suffocating her from breathing untainted air. Then after what seemed a hill taken and a day's past she felt herself snap, pulling her feet to a stop that caused Anne to turn from the loss of light footsteps in question. Well sorry to disappoint you dear sister but she had some of her own-

"What are we doing?" she flailed her hands around the tree landscape surrounding her "This is utter madness, we have to go back, tell father what happened and…"

"And what Caroline?" Anne snapped at her "Hmmm? Tell him that your sister is a murderer; tell him to take me away. Is that you want little sister?"

"No!" she cried in outrage "You said yourself that you don't know what happened. Perhaps if we just explain, father will see sense and we can find a better way."

"Sense?" Anne laughed bitterly "Oh Caroline I knew you could be simple at times but this is just brilliant. The only sense our father has is the one that looks out for his own best interest. You know he would throw me under the rug, any of us if it meant he held more power within his grasp."

"But this would not give him more power" Caroline glared "If anything it would ruin his reputation. His own daughter put on trial or declared insane would quite literally kill any worth this family has. He would protect you Anne."

"He would protect his own skin. Say we leave here now sister, Eleanor's body would be found quite possibly by tomorrow, she has gone missing her family will go searching. Even if not now, it's only a matter of time; and when that time comes I may be blamed. I was sure no one saw me entering the halls but that guard could speak about leading me to Niklaus's chambers; if he does I would be taken to the tower under suspicion regardless of the circumstances. When father hears of this he will not defend my honour, oh no. He will trade a false confession for his title and pardon; which leaves my head on a spike for all of London to see. And I refuse to be the next Esther Mikaelson Caroline."

"Well what's to stop that guard's tongue when it becomes clear that the lady Eleanor is nowhere to be found?"

"Nothing" Anne smirked, far from the girl who sobbed in her arms earlier "That's why we need to bury her body. If there is no evidence I cannot be trialled. Do you understand now?"

"Perfectly. Now let me just remove a shovel from my ball gown."

"We'll think of something" Anne rolled her eyes.

"We?" she spat in venom "I apologise; I think you're under the conclusion that I am going to help you do this. Anne; she was just a girl, a girl that was murdered. More than anything she was innocent."

"Innocent" her sister scoffed "She was a whore who made a name lifting her skirts for any man with title; including my fiancée. An adulteress and ambitious climber, who trust me, will not be missed by her cuckold husband or any of the wives of society."

"Well while we are on the subject of your fiancée, can we acknowledge his part in this?" Caroline winced at the thought of bringing Klaus into such a thing, but her sister had to see the truth "From your description I very much doubt he went an unwilling participant; so where is your name calling for him?"

"Oh please, Eleanor has always been an unrelenting seductress. I'm quite sure it was the spell of lust and too much wine. Nothing more."

Caroline immediately felt awful for her blatant stab as she watched the simmer of pain reach her sister's face, the thin arms wrapped around bodice in a move she knew all too well.

"Anne" she said in exhaustion "you do not have to make exceptions for him."

"Oh Caroline" her sister gave a half amused smile "Queens always have to make exceptions for their Kings" she shrugged "Always my dear."

The sad truth was that Anne believed that more than anything and it made Caroline worry so. What lengths would her sister go to in order to protect her crown she did not know. But she was aware that if this did get out Anne would never be Queen, was that a fate worse than the harsh consequences that would befall her sister? Would more death follow in the wake of a reign Caroline let happen because she made the choice of family? Would this blood be on her shaking hands?

"We're close" she heard the dark haired girl whisper breaking her solemn "It is only a short walk ahead; now come on we have to be back before morning."

"Anne wait" she sniffed helplessly as her sister gave an irritated growl "I told you I cannot do this. I know I once told you as a child I would do anything for you sister, but not this."

"Then don't do it because of a silly childhood promise" Anne grabbed both her hands tightly and kissed them with fervour "do it because we're sisters, we share the same blood and a bond that no one will ever understand. Just help me please. Save me Caroline."

Caroline looked away from her sister shamed and held her tongue for she did not know how to answer.

"I see" Anne said bitterly and snatched her hands away "very well then, you must do as you will. I shall see to this myself, for it seems I no longer have a sister."

She watched as Anne glowered at her once more before taking off in a dash through the trees, making Caroline regret she did not try harder to stop her.

"Anne wait!" she yelled, picking up her dress and began her own sprint through the wild. It was dark and the snuffs of animals in the rustle of bushes made her tremble with fear. Usually she loved being alone in the woods, but she was not a creature of the night and stories of rabid wolves made her jump. Picking up her pace with the rhythm of an owls hoot, she let out a series of grateful breaths when she saw Anne's muddy back standing unyielding from the patch of land below her.

"If you would just listen to…" she trailed off as she reached her sister's side; the girl's eyes were blank and her face white for the patch of floor she gaped at surrounded by throngs of overgrown grass and thistle bushes dinted, just as though someone had been… Wait!

Caroline felt herself grow colder as she also stared at the empty ground, bit her lip hard and felt the tinge of what she had seen the most of tonight. She forced the fractured sonnet from her mouth and yielded to what she needed confirmation-

"Anne I need you to tell me that this isn't where you…"

"Yes" her face was stoic as she spoke "This is where I dragged her body. I covered her with nettles and marsh so that no one would dare to search. And yet…"

"And yet she is gone" Caroline finished the page; taking her sister's hand and clutched on tight. For she knew this tale was far from over, and that the monsters to come were only just rising in their beds. Now if you asked what both girls knew; if there was anything in this world they could accede with. It would be that after this night, they understood that nothing would and ever could be the same again…




~The Next Morning~

Klaus woke with the bang of the large oak door, rubbed his eyes with the morning light that sneaked into his room, and tasted the after spill of hard scotch and the lips of a tryst he'd rather not remember. He turned away from the window, hiding from the chasing day and found his eyes upon the plump pillow next to him. At squint he could see stray blonde hairs that had been lost with writhe and found himself groaning in irritation. He took the pillow into his fist and threw it across the room with all the strength his tired bones allowed him.

"Good morning to you too sunshine"

Klaus raised his head at Stefan's teasing voice and found his friend standing by the door, kicking the previously thrown pillow at his feet.

"Leave" he grumbled, sitting up and resting himself against the giant headrest that sustained the cream canopy above him.

"Now you know I can't do that" Stefan smirked crossing his arms "What kind of friend would I be if I let the Prince miss his voyage home."

"What?" Klaus grunted wondering if his ringing ears had caused him not to hear Stefan correctly "it's only Sunday you imbecile, we leave tomorrow."

"Not anymore" he shrugged leaving his post by the door and coming to lean on one of the bedposts "Gilbert interfered with the arrangements."

"Now why would he do that?"

Klaus was entirely baffled, the quicker they were back to court, the quicker he became King; and he knew that was the last thing John wanted. So it begs the question why the sudden rush?

"Yeah it doesn't make sense to me either" Stefan broke his train of thought "but it would probably be best to keep our guard up today."

"As usual Stefan, I am already many steps ahead of you." He smirked at the lad's frown and revealed the plan he had been stewing over the past day "I've been contemplating with the idea that, it would be beneficial for someone of standing to stay behind with the Forbes and ensure the alliance between us is kept steady, wouldn't you agree?"

"Someone like Gilbert" Stefan grinned catching onto his idea.

"Exactly" he blustered at his own brilliance "I was thinking at least until the wedding and coronation have long past? You know to ensure everyone's bargains are kept forthright."

"Of course because the great Niklaus Mikaelson is nothing if not an honourable man" Stefan broke out in a fit of laughter much to Klaus's annoyance.

"Are you quite finished?" he gritted, offended by his friend's amusement in the case of his integrity. Perhaps he wasn't as upright as one who has not been mentioned in years, and did not hold his sense of propriety; but at least he knew how to do his duty. At least he stayed to make sure he could rebuild the kingdom his father has slowly been destroying for years. He didn't run away, even though sometimes he thinks he should have.

"Okay okay" Stefan gathered himself, clearing his throat as the echoes of chuckles threatened to escape. "So why are you in such a mood this morning?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he looked down, distracting himself with the knots of the bed quilt.

"Evidently" Stefan said, scrutinising him "Could it not have something to do with a young blonde? Who I am obliged to say has quite a temper to match your own."

"About that" Klaus clicked his tongue at his betraying friend "You could have failed to mention our little deal to her. If I knew you were this abysmal at keeping your mouth shut, I would have disposed of you long ago Stefan."

"What can I say? It was a misjudgement on my part" he held a smile that threatened to break through; though Klaus caught it and snarled at him in return.

"Well your misjudgement ended with me covered in a rather dry cognac."

"Really?" Stefan began to howl once more "You were right, she certainly has fire."

"What she has is no sense of respect or consideration for those held in regard above her."

"Well" Stefan cleared his throat and looked at Klaus in knowing "Have you given her a reason to respect you?"

Klaus lets his eyes drift with the question. No, he supposes he hadn't. In the short time Klaus has known Caroline he has done nothing but cause bother to her life; he observed the pain upon her face yesterday with strive and ended up with a woman who he had closed his mind too, in hopes the sprawled blonder hair would look brighter in lust. It hadn't, and now he was left with the bitter memory and the conjured image of Caroline's hurting in kaleidoscope of his eyes. He only hoped that at court he could protect her from such pain that would no doubt be drawn to her as addicting smoke. But how do you protect someone you have vowed to stay away from?

Before he could question himself any longer, Stefan who could see that the Prince was not going to give him an answer, as if that was new trait turned the subject back to one he was more than willing to discuss.

"Your plan for Gilbert is good" he praised an acknowledging Klaus "but what if while he keeps his bed here, he also tries to break the alliance? Turn Forbes against you?"

"I wouldn't worry yourself about that mate" Klaus grinned, already having thought about that possible outcome "Bill Forbes is a smart man. He's calm and calculated, but one thing he is not is a risk taker. He will always choose the side that leaves his belly fat and his pockets comfortable."

"Well haven't you just came up with everything"

"Every man has a weakness Stefan; you just have to know what it is and how to keep it hungry."

"Oh then what's your weakness oh wise one."

"I don't have one" he stated simply in all the seriousness he held, for this was not a topic he would relent on if anything in his life.

"So you are above all men now are you?"

"Of course Stefan. I am a King. We are above everyone."

"How very modest of you" the man veiled with the royal seal of knight laughed "but may I take this opportunity to remind you, that crown isn't on your royally large head yet."

"No but It will be" he rubbed his palm over the scruff of his chin in deep thought "and not John Gilbert, or France, Scotland; even my father will stop me from taking it and doing what I was always meant to do."

"And what is that?"





"So what trouble did you get into last night?"

Caroline froze from folding the gown she was currently packing into her trunk as she heard Kol's presence behind her; his words leaving her with a deep gulp as she stretched her face into a fake smile, turning to meet her frivolous friend.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said" he smirked taking a step across from her "What happened to you this evening's past?"

"Nothing" she laughed nervously "why would you ask that, did someone…say something to you?"

"No" he scrunched his nose "I was just wondering what was so thrilling, that you left me to the cruel fate of drinking alone."

"Of course" she breathed; wanting nothing more than to give her forehead a good slap at the stupidity running from an unstoppable mouth "I'm so sorry Kol, I had forgotten. Considering all the excitement of the ball and then some things after I suppose mental exhaustion came over me."

"It's no matter" he shrugged her apology off after a few stewing moments with the wave of his hand "I wasn't entirely alone…the whole night anyhow."

At his devious grin she latched onto his meaning and grimaced in distaste "Kol, there is a certain boundary about this friendship I take pleasure in. Please don't ruin it."

"Boundaries are meant to be crossed" he wiggled his eyebrows at her "In the most physical sense, of course."

"Ugh, I think your humour is what needs to be revaluated" she aimed her hand at his arm and huffed in irritation when he caught it, trapping it under his own. It was only when she caught the spot of a dry substance on her forehand she thought she had scrubbed away raw last night did she yank it from him and made a move to continue her packing, hiding from his look of bafflement.

"So" Kol said coming back to his wits "We both know what I got up too last night, but what about you darling?"

"Nothing" her face was blank though he could not see "I was just entirely too tired, I thought I might fall into slumber with the animals if I did not retire to my bed soon."

"So you just went to sleep then?"


"How utterly boring"

"Yes that's me" she threw him a tense smile "just a completely boring girl, with a very simple life as it seems."

"Well I wouldn't go that far" Kol teased "boring girls don't have Prince's lusting after them, when they should be getting acquainted with older sisters"

"Kol" she groaned, throwing her hands down on the trunk with a hard thud.

"I know" he came around the bed and held his defence "It's complicated. You don't have to worry darling, the last word in the vocabulary I like to mingle with is complicated. I much enjoy those of a baser and more primal collection."

"Really?, I never would have guessed" she smiled at him both in taunting and in satisfaction to not have to approach the subject of a man who she could not afford her pounding head to think of right now; and went back to her packing.


"Hmm?" she looked at the face that was zoned in on her hair. A messy chignon keeping it in place while she waited for Bonnie to return from her own packing, and ensure she was ready for the trip she had been blasted with the news of this morning. She tensed as he reached for the escaped curls hanging down her neck in amusement.

"Are you sure you didn't sleep with the animals last night?"

"Excuse me?"

He didn't answer her vocally but pulled a dried up leaf from the blonde locks, holding it in front of her with a questioning gaze.

"Oh" she let out a shaky breath "It must have blown in when I was returning to the house last night."

"But don't you usually sneak through the servant's quarters?"

He was right. She would always wake up early, to avoid her mother or mistress Landon who would scold her for what she deemed as mindless shenanigans. She would then tread quiet steps through the quarters of the staff as their back entrance lead to the side stable door so that they may collect eggs and milk for the morning break fast. It was her most hidden passage, and she'd damn Kol right now for knowing about it.

"Usually" she ran her teeth over a dented lip "but it was locked so I had to make my way to the front of the house as an unfortunate alternative"


"I have to help Anne pack" the words came tumbling out of her mouth before Kol could get a word in edgewise "she's having trouble deciding on the right dresses to take with her and does not trust the opinions of her maid. As a matter of fact I promised I'd come to her earlier, so I really shoudn't dawdle."

"As you say" Kol's face was torn between amusement and scepticism. But with a shake of his head he seemed to let it go. "I suppose I'll meet you outside then my lady, when we begin our journey to the snake pit known as court."

"I suppose so" she gave a weak attempt at her usually beaming smile before offering a haste goodbye, and all but dashing out the room with the weight of something she could not risk to sink anyone else down with.

Last night had been trying enough, and there were issues still to be seen. Although when her mother barged into her chambers this morning and told her the news of traveling early; she could not help the small spark of solace she felt for no longer having to walk the halls of this house; no longer having to see those woods. She wasn't as Naïve as Anne who had all but jumped for joy at the news and was now ignoring Caroline when she tried to approach the events that took place last night, shunning her as if they never happened. Caroline knew better, and she knew that this was far from over. Contrary to the ghost stories of Suffolk manner that body did not just get up out of its grave and walk away, in fact there was only one plausible explanation that had the hairs of Caroline's arms rising in fear. Someone took that body, and that individual knew where to find it, which means they were either a part of the bloody murder that occurred for poor Eleanor or they witnessed the horror; observed as her sister, the future queen of England hid the night lover of her betrothed; and wore her sins.

Either way, this was not good for any of them; and Caroline felt the tears hit her eyes for not being able to tell anyone about it; for lying to Kol and most likely the countless other people she may be tried with the task of deceiving in order to protect her sister. The one and only person she could talk to about this, who was acting like she was the insane one. She just didn't know which way to turn.

It's funny to think that yesterday the hardest thing she had to deal with was the Prince her mind could not allow her to have bustling through her shields and trying to invade her privacy, now that seemed not trivial but small compared to what life had threw at her or should she say what her sister threw at her; with her red flowers and soaked cheeks. She had supported Anne and wanted to hold her safe, but who would guide Caroline herself steady? Who would lead her on the right path? Much like everything else nowadays she did not have an answer.




The height of noon came with the trumpets of a hail and a goodbye of hooves; the Prince's party brought expected guests and some unexpected. As the Duke Forbes gathered to bid farewell to his daughters, he could not help but think that a bleak future had never seemed brighter. The tails of his grin would tell any doting man his beam derived from the happiness that came with seeing one's daughter seek her own home and love; but for Bill Forbes that brightness was reflected in the gold that would come plenty with Anne's reign and now Caroline's prospects for good marriage. The house of Suffolk had never seemed to have more potential than it did right now, all his hard work had finally paid off and other than the Prince proposing the demand that the leech more than man John Gilbert would stay with him, all was well in his harem.

Speaking of John Gilbert the Earl had never seemed more sour than on that day; and though no one knew exactly why most could have guessed it had to do with the Prince who strolled out of the estate with confidence; smirking at the man who greeted him with venom in hidden horns.

"Your Grace" he offered no more than the slight nod of his head, though Klaus let it pass for he was having too much fun.

"Earl" he greeted with a show of respect that made John clench his fists so hard they left nail embedments behind his back. "I trust everything is arranged."

"Of course your Grace, your journey will be more than comfortable and there have been preparations made for your arrival. If only I could be there to ensure they are met."

Klaus held a throaty chuckle at his bitter tone "I do apologise John, but it was of the upmost importance someone stay behind. And who better than a man as committed and strategic as you" he gave him a hard clap on the shoulder that had the older man lose his balance a touch.

"Yes" John gave a hoarse laugh "I suppose we will have to see what the King says about your hasty decision; if he agrees that my talents are not of better use elsewhere."

Klaus scowled at his reply and blatant derision "Well John once I'm consort you can be assured I will use you to the full ability of your 'talents' and faculties."

"I'm sure your Grace" he snapped back just as quick "It seems as though you will need them; I apologise if I cause offence but you do look quite tired today; if not a little worn."

"I can assure you I'm perfectly prompt" he said "In fact I slept rather well last night."

"Really? Because I could have sworn that someone spoke of you being "engaged" of a sort late into the evening; and it's the funniest thing, from their description your company looked nothing like your betrothed."

Klaus gritted his teeth at the small shot, the Earl now blustering in his own supposed 'brilliance' and replied simply "Well rumours are bound to spread; you know how the game is played."

"Hmm" John hummed "Well I wish you luck on your journey your Grace. And I very much hope that you continue to sleep like the dead."

Before Klaus could question the amused cheshire that John wore, he was distracted by the snuff of a horse he had become acquainted with and that of her rider, softly leading her to the area where the carriage and other stallions were waiting. Leaving John in his leering place and forgetting himself, Klaus moved in a determined jog forward.

"Caroline" he called out to her and felt his chest stab as she winced upon recognising his voice.

"Your Grace" she spoke with a quiet tone that was unusual for her, and gave a deep bow in presence of her Prince.

"How do you fair today my lady?"

"I am…well thank you" he could tell she was confused by his sudden civility "and you?"

"I am also well" he answered, not sure of what else to say not wanting to come off to strong after last night.

A few moments passed in awkward silence before the horse unhappy with the predicament her mistress and companion were currently in gave a distracting neigh, making both parties chuckle as Caroline soothed her mane.

"So I see you are taking my advice and bringing the beautiful Alstroeme with us" he grinned as the steed gave an acknowledging snuff for him.

"Of course" Caroline said, rubbing her palm into the steed's wet nose "I couldn't leave her; and I do not trust anyone here to look after her."

"Well I can assure you she will be catered to her every need in Westminster; I'll see to it myself."

"Thank you"

"Your welcome" he gave her a warm smile "If it's to your pleasure I can take her for you, and lead her onto one of our riders, while you make yourself comfortable in the carriage?"

"Oh I won't be traveling in the carriage with you"

"No?" he said politely enough, though he felt the disappointment cover him with her eager disclosure.

"As I have told you before Alstroeme rarely settles with anyone else, and Kol and I decided we would ride the journey there together."

"Kol" he gave a nod of resentment "I had heard he was coming along but to be honest I had hoped it was a joke…and not a very funny one at that."

"Your Grace…" she sighed at the circle she found herself caught in,

"Never mind" he held up a hand "I suppose if he is on a horse it means we won't be stuck together. Especially in a place that confines leaves very little air for such hostility."

"Yes" she nodded in agreement "I had thought it would be best"

He felt himself pleased with her small giggle of amusement. He honestly didn't expect her to be so responsive to him after what happened, perhaps now was the time to try and make amends? He decided to at least try-

"Caroline about last night…"

"I don't want to talk about last night" her face froze steady and he watched her turn as white as a ghost at the mere mention of such events. He was perplexed to say the least, but shook it off as broaching delicate lines to soon.

"Very well then" he coughed returning to his stoic posture "I wish you an enjoyable journey lady Caroline."

"And I you your Grace" she returned calmly before returning to the white steed, preparing to move to her desired destination.

"Oh and Caroline" He stopped her tracks, moving closer and running the brush of his fingertips over the bumps of her shoulder wrapped in a thick navy riding coat-

"Stay safe"

He whispered the words gently, leaving her with the pin of hot ear for where his lips were so close to and a stilled gaze as he walked away; not trusting himself to be so close and keep that line in axis between them.




"How much longer until we arrive?" Klaus heard the frustrated Anne ask for the third time, wriggling in her seat as if she had a bowl of worms caught in her underskirts.

"Just a little more time my lady; the worst of the journey is over I can assure you" he offered a formal smile and prayed that his own words were the truth; for he had never had a more unrelenting and uncomfortable journey, and to add that on top of his hangover; well it was fair to say that he too couldn't wait to get out of this plumped up box.

"I should hope so" she groaned in return, wafting her lacy hand-held fan in front of her "this heat is unbearable, and the company hasn't been entirely stimulating either."

"Oh well I apologise I can't entertain you my lady" he growled annoyed now "How exactly would you like me to change that, considering our confinements? Perhaps I can get you a dancing parade to march alongside us, or offer you a feast? It's of no trouble I'll just have the men throw berries they find on the roads into the cart. Would that satisfy you hmm?"

She scowled deadly at him before leaning forward "What would satisfy me right now my betrothed seems adamant to seek elsewhere. So I will settle for reaching Westminster without a bout of asphyxiation."

Klaus went still at her words; realising their worth. She knew of his tryst the past night, and was obviously keen on making him pay, God help him. Comprehending that he was fighting a losing battle he chose his response carefully and probably a little cowardly-

"I think the heat has gotten to us both. How about a short recess?"

He did not give her time for reply before he was banging on the carriage roof to stop the cart and ordering a break for the horses to get water and the men, from the heavy loads they pulled the party's possessions.

He moved with speed, reaching for exit and stretched his cramped muscles to take in the haven of a country's cool breeze. Ultimately deciding to seek rest at the stream.

Kneeling down and taking a handful of water, he splashed the refreshing substance over his hair and into his mouth; tasting the bearings of what Mother Nature offered. However materialised in the cerulean he could not miss the lines of a marvellously curved figure and the large creature she lead with her as they made their way behind him.

"Caroline" he grinned, standing to greet her and allow Alstroeme passage to the drink she thirsted for after carrying her mistress for so long.

"Your Grace" she replied softly "I wanted to give you my thanks for the recess, Alstroeme was growing restless."

"There's no need to thank me. I think we all were growing a little restless" he chuckled "It is a long journey and I know all too well how my own steed fairs in the humidity."

"Yes I saw Cratus being ridden by young Henrik; they both seemed to be enjoying themselves"

"Well my little brother is probably the only other soul in this world I trust with him" he smirked "I did try to teach Rebekah to ride at one time, but they did not agree with each other."

He laughed thinking about the way Rebekah had huffed and puffed when Cratus wouldn't move for her, calling him smelly then screaming as in return the steed jostled her off his back in insult. He had barely just caught her in his arms before she fell, saving his little sister from quite possibly breaking a leg.

"It was the same with Anne" Caroline replied in remembrance "we were both given lessons as a formality and she hated them so much. She used to say that she could not be expected to associate herself with an animal when she had a hard enough time stomaching the lower class."

They caught each other both rolling their eyes at the mention of her sister's distaste for well… everyone but herself and shared amused smiles.

After a few more moments watching Alstroeme drink, Caroline decided to take her own before reaching for her steed's reigns upon finish. Klaus on the other hand had been distracted by the cool blue running down Caroline's chin, in droplets strayed from mouth, he wanted nothing more than to lick them off and hear her whimper as his tongue reached her warm flesh. He was only pulled out of his fantasy by the movements of that very chin as Caroline began to speak once more.

"Well I should return to the carts your Grace, I promised Kol I would speak to him before we start moving again."

"I thought you were riding with him?" Klaus said confused, knowing the single horses took the front line where the carts were towards the middle of the party.

"Oh I was" she shook her head in forgetfulness "Kol isn't the most easy rider; he got tired some time ago and jumped onto one of the luggage carts instead. Come to think of it, he's probably worked his way through half of the wine barrels by now so I best…"

"So you're riding alone?" he asked, the secret tell of a curve rising with her every word.

"Oh I don't mind" she spoke quickly seeing where his mind was leading "In fact I rather enjoy my time spent alone with Alstroeme."

"Still a lady should not have to ride alone"

"Which is why you should return Anne. You have left her all by herself, and we both know she will not be very happy about that."

"On the contrary love. I think as of this moment your sister will be more than pleased to have some space from me."

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Don't trouble yourself with it love. In fact why don't you go talk to Mr Branton as you wished, I will go find myself another horse and come to receive you when we are ready to leave again."

"Your grace" she closed her eyes with grain "I meant what I said the previous night, I think it would be best if you…"

"Stay away from you" he nodded solemnly "and I fully intended too sweetheart, but I had thought perhaps would it not be better for us to come to a… trêve of sorts?"

"A truce?" her eyes widened with his suggestion, as it was perhaps the last thing she expected to come out of his mouth, he could practically see the disbelief overflowing her.

"Exactly" he nodded seriously "I will respect your wishes, if you try to abide by mine."

"And what exactly would these wishes entail?" she asked highly suspicious of his sudden epiphany.

"I suppose you will have to ride with me to find out" he answered before turning around, smirking at the sound of her disgruntled huff as he continued on his path; feeling much lighter than he had all day.




Caroline dug the nails of her hand deep into Alstroeme's leather reigns. They had been back on the road for almost an hour now, and instead of revealing his so called plans for a "truce" Klaus had been suspiciously quiet, offering no more than civil conversation when they passed by some specific scenery he thought was "quite lovely" and it was without a doubt driving her mad. And what was worse, was that Klaus knew what he was doing, but he wanted her to be the one to ask, so she couldn't complain about his idea. So after fifteen more minutes of listening to the scuff of hooves and Klaus's amused hum, she decided to just give in, and see it done.

"Your Grace?"

"Yes Caroline?" he grinned, obviously not wanting to make it easy on her.

"I thought we might discuss that truce you were so keen on talking about before."

"Ahh Yes" he smirked "our little cease fire as it were"

"Yes, you mentioned something about abiding by your wishes? As I'm sure you know I cannot abide by something I do not know the contents of."

"Well it's quite simple really" he shrugged "I will respect your desire to have me not meddle within your private affairs, as long as you consider that as part of my family which you will soon be I will sometimes have no other choice but to merge myself in those affairs."

Now she was very confused. Is that all he had to say? Taking into account what he could have wanted from her she found it hard to believe this could be it. So alas she tried a different approach-

"This is something I'm aware of, but I'm afraid I still do not know what you're asking of me your Grace?"

"What I am asking is that you accept that these are the duties I may have to perform as King, and that what I have to do is sometimes not of my own choice but in the interest of the Kingdom."

She shook her head, not sure of how to reply to that. What possible choices that happened to be not of his own will included her? and why would he bring up such a thing now? She wanted to say no not quite believing that this was all there was too it. But she had to take into account that if she did not relent there was a chance Klaus would involve and worm his way through her more than he had before, all her private affairs and secrets, which she had more of now than she could handle. She could not afford to take the risk, there was too much at stake for her sister, for Klaus…and for herself even. So thus she decided to play along- for now anyways.

"That seems fair" she replied simply.

"Good" he gave her a warm smile before turning in thought of sorrow "and I do apologise about yesterday evening Caroline. It seems as though my hot head and scotch did not agree with each other and…"

"Your Grace please, as I said earlier last night is something I'd rather not discuss. A lot was said and done, and I…well I would prefer to move past it. If I could amend to my list of wishes I'd ask that you do not bring the past night up in our future talks."

"So you wish to have future talks then?"

"That's not what I mea…" she closed her mouth as she saw the teasing tint in his eyes, making her give him a very unladylike glare in retaliation.

"I would very much enjoy future talks with you too Caroline" he beamed "purely platonically speaking of course."

"Oh of course" she rolled her eyes, before giving him a small smile of her own.

In retrospect she shouldn't be offering him anything more than a cold shoulder, given all the facts. His behaviour for a start and actions soon thereafter that she couldn't even yell at him for. Then there were the circumstances that would make her feel less awful if everything coming out of her mouth wasn't a practiced smile or a fast lie. One of the things she had enjoyed most about Klaus was that he allowed her to be herself with him, the words practically spilled from her lips without second thought when he was around and she both loathed and revelled in it. She couldn't do that anymore though, she had to learn how to keep that shield up should she falter and reveal all. More importantly before she did or said anything else, she had to get Anne to speak to her again. After all here they were acting out their childhood fairy tales while Eleanor was dead and now missing. A girl who had a family and a life; most likely her own dreams and wishes, yet she could not do anything about it. And with that revolving thought, plus Klaus's worrisome expression she knew she had become pale again, the bile rising in her throat.

"Caroline are you not well?" he laid a hand on her shoulder in concern.

"Oh no your Grace" she swallowed her own lies "It's just, I've rarely been out of the countryside, and I think the city air is getting to me. To tell you the truth I can't wait until we reach the Abbey so I may take a leave and lie down."

"Well it appears you won't have to wait much longer" he said peering out and over, grinning at something ahead of them.

"Your Grace?" she asked trying to see what he was looking at but found herself too short, even on the valiant Alstroeme.

"Ride ahead with me" he replied, not giving her a chance to answer before kicking the hooves of his boots and racing with the wind.

"What are you doing?" she yelled at his back, confused and a little concerned that no one was going after him.

"Come on" he waved his hand and strained his neck to smirk at her "Take a chance Caroline"

She huffed as he urged the grey steed to go faster, blurring in her sight. Turning around at the rest of the party that was still moving to slow, she gave a relentless sigh and kicked her own feet, making Alstroeme take off with a neigh and dash more freely than she had in days; knowing cheekily who her mistress wanted to catch. Caroline released a breath when she saw Klaus come into sight, and trotted forward, to where he and his horse stood still.

"Your Grace what has gotten into…" she pulled Alstroeme to a dead halt finishing her sentence with a whispered "You?"

"It's rather spectacular isn't it?" She heard Klaus chuckling at what she was sure was her mouth hanging open in awe for the sight that was laid in front of her.

She thinks even 'spectacular' would be too small an adjective to describe the giant structure that was set below the hill they were currently atop of. Westminster Abbey's reputation for being a wondrous palace was certainly well earned. The cathedral was high in its beautifully built walls, St Patrons danced by spherical windows and the bountiful garden memorised her with its colours and matrons, taking strolls by an angelic fountain that she had heard King Mikael had once dived into to have himself born again. To hear about it from Anne and her mother was one thing, but to see it was an entirely different experience. Caroline could not help but smile at the beauty that would be her home for some time now. She took a hitched gasp as the Prince saddled up next her and spoke with soft tongues into the curve of her neck…

"Welcome to Court Caroline."




End of Part 4



A/N: So Court was really where I wanted to get too in order to move on to the next part of the story :) which means a hella lot more klaroline then what you have seen...and don't worry Klaus hasn't been forgiven for his naughty deeds just yet, Caroline is struggling very much with everything that has been dumped on her in the past 24 hours and doesn't really know what to do about it. Which brings me to my next question-

At some point Caroline will want to confide in someone about everything that is going on, who do you think it should be? I have my own idea but I'm open to suggestions :) Do you want it to be Klaus? or Kol? maybe Bonnie? or someone else? let me know :)

So what do you think?-

Is Anne a murderer? does she have blackouts and go like ripper Stefan? or is she just a really good actress?

Let me know in all your wonderful reviews :D Thank's for reading!

- Dani