Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Author's Note: Hello all! How are you? Hope you're doing well and had a very nice weekend. Today I have for you the next and final piece of "Baby Cakes" I am so very sorry fro not getting it up last week, it had been a crazy week with school stuff being thrown at me and then and my cousin who had helped inspire this story had her baby so we were all excited about that. Hope you all can forgive me for that. A couple of notes about this chapter, it is a little longer, but just a tad, than the last chapter. I thought about splitting it but then the final chapter would be too small and uneven so I kept it as a threeshot. Again, I hope you don't mind. Once again thank you so much for the amazing reviews and support you all have given the story, it means so very much! Hearing your thoughts from each of you has really made me smile. :D Thank You! A special thanks to those who gave their thoughts on the gender of JH's baby. Also a big thanks to Eliza Ghost for helping inspire me without even knowing it. And again a great big thank you to Marla's Lost for her help on the story's main title. And thank you to you readers who have stopped by to read this story, I really hope you enjoy it, please review if you can, I'd love to hear your thoughts, and as always, Enjoy!

"And that was when we found out about our baby boy." Kitty said, bringing her story to an end; her eyes shining with tears while her smile beamed on her face as she went on a little more, "After that we started getting ready for our little boy. We went out and bought everything blue. Blue blankies, blue onesies, blue toys…Red even painted Eric's room blue, remember Red?"

"Yeah. Took me two days to paint that room." Informed Red with a smirk but as he continued, his smirk sunk into a frown, "Then sixteen years later my hard work gets covered up by posters of some dumbass in his pajamas and an oversized flashlight."

Hyde couldn't help but be amused by the burn Red Forman had given Luke Skywalker, he would have to remember that one for the next time Eric brought up the movie character—which would be something he wouldn't have to wait too long for. However, as Hyde thought about his friend, his mind went back to thinking about the story he'd just heard about him; and the new details that had just been shared were only making him more inquisitive.

"How'd you go out and buy stuff for a boy if you weren't even sure that's what you were gonna?" Hyde wondered out loud, "The ring test wasn't that accurate. Half the time it was swinging for a girl."

Before either of his adopted parents could speak, Hyde's wife spoke up with her own thoughts, "Wait a minute, how do we know the ring wasn't trying to say something when it spun in a circle? I mean we've all seen Eric, maybe the swings for a girl were trying to show you that Eric was gonna swing like a girl."

Jackie finished her statement with a small shrug of her shoulders, a gesture that soon copied by Red when he gave the loud one's words some thought. Kitty saw the actions by the two of them but only shook her head before looking back at Hyde to give him her answer.

"You're right, Steven, we didn't know for sure if we were having a boy and sometimes you can never really know until the baby's born." She told him, not sure if he knew this or not. "But the ring did swing for a boy more times than it did for a girl and Paula did think it was a boy. That's the part of the test that counts. And Red and I figured if we did end up having a girl we'd have some of Laurie's old hand-me-downs to hold us over for awhile."

The answer seemed to satisfy Hyde's curiosity as he nodded his head up and down, though his eyes were fixed downwards and away from Kitty's smiling face.

"Mrs. Forman, I thought it was a wonderful story, even if I wasn't in it at all." Jackie said to the older woman, her voice actually sounding sincere all the way through.

Kitty gave a little nervous laugh, "Well thank you, Jackie."

"Yeah, I liked it too." admitted Hyde a smirk now playing on his lips, "Nice to see where the whole Laurie vs. Forman thing started. Pretty cool to find out it started before Forman was even born."

A confused scowl was on the mother hen's face at hearing this, "Now what are you talking about? This is not when Laurie and Eric started their little squabbling. Why on earth would you think that?"

"Laurie threw her baby doll on the floor when she found out she was getting a brother." Jackie was quick to remind but as she said this she found that she could relate to the young girl in the story, but probably not the skank that she grew up to be, "But if I had a brother like Eric, I'd probably do the same thing."

"I'm surprised she didn't break off the dolls head." Hyde remarked, making Jackie nod in agreement and the elders in the room to frown.

"Well now you're just being silly." said Kitty while shaking her head lightly, "Laurie did not throw her doll on the floor because she was upset, she did it because she was happy."

No one looked too swayed over by Kitty's theory but that didn't stop her from going on.

"You see when Laurie heard she was getting a baby brother she was so excited she realized she didn't need that baby doll anymore because she was getting a real baby. And that's why she threw the doll the way she did." she told the nonbelievers ending with another small giggle. "It's the truth!"

The reasoning still wasn't enough to convince the others. Jackie's expression showed how she'd become bored with this topic of conversation, she already had to hear a story that didn't even mention her name, she was the pregnant lady here all conversations should be around her and her baby! Looking more skeptical than bored like Jackie, Hyde looked over at Red who just gave him his own look that said 'If it makes her happy, let her think what she wants.'

"And besides," Kitty continued on, "the little feuding between Laurie and Eric didn't start until they were older. When they were little they got along like two peas in a pod!"

Despite Kitty's cheerful voice and laugh, the others in the room looked more doubtful than before.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need to see some physical evidence to believe that one, Mrs. Forman." commented Hyde to his surrogate mother.

"Okay, then." she was quick to agree before looking at her husband, "Red, honey, go get those home movies we moved into the garage the other day."

Red remained in his seat as he shook his head negatively, "Kitty, I'm not going to get some old movies that take longer to set up than they do to watch." he argued, "And every time you finish watching them you get all weepy and mopey."

Kitty sent a glare across the table, "Well how can I not be weepy and mopey? Those babies on those films have grown up and left me!" she exclaimed, close to tears.

Hating to see his wife cry, Red moved his eyes from her and over to the young couple sitting between them.

"You know, we were having a nice day before you two showed up." He said, sounding more annoyed than actually angry.

Hyde merely gave Red a smirk, that made Red's frown deepen, while Jackie seemed to have completely ignored the comment as she swung her head to her left and at Kitty.

"So can you make us the cake, Mrs. Forman?" she asked, her tone hopeful; she obviously hadn't seen the two frowns being given behind her back.

"Oh of course, I can sweetie. The blue or pink one, right?" Kitty wanted to make sure they were on the same page and the brunette's nod confirmed it, "Great! And you know I was thinking since the food coloring goes in at the end anyways why don't you stay around and help me bake the cake? Then when it's time to add the color, I'll just shoo you out of the kitchen."

Jackie's eyes lit up at the idea of getting to make a cake for her baby, "Oh my God, really?"

"Well why not?" asked an excited Kitty, she too must not have seen the scowling pair of husbands.

Though Kitty's question was meant to be rhetorical, it had instead instantly planted the reminder of why Jackie would say no to this activity.

"I won't have to touch any icky eggs will I?" she voiced her concern with a wrinkled up nose.

Kitty let out another laugh and touched Jackie's hand understandingly, "Don't worry honey, I'll take on the icky egg duty."

"Yay!" Jackie cheered excitedly, "Oh I'm so glad that we're doing this, aren't you Steven?"

She turned her head towards her husband and at last saw the frown on his face that seemed to be even deeper than the one of Red's forehead.

"No." the father to be replied, "Jackie, I never said I changed my mind on this whole thing."

"You never said you didn't change your mind either." pointed out the still smiling Jackie.

Standing onto his feet, Hyde's expression did not look very amused, "I'm saying it now."

"But Steven, you heard the Forman's story. You even said you liked it!"

"Yeah, so? It doesn't mean it was enough to change my mind, Jackie." He said firmly, maybe a bit too firmly he realized when he heard a familiar small gasp; he gave a small sigh, "Mrs. Forman, it was a good story, really. But… it didn't make me wanna find out the gender of mine and Jackie's kid."

Kitty's silence told Hyde that she understood, or at least was trying to. However, the discussion that in reality had started before even entering the Forman house, was far from over.

"But Steven," Jackie repeated once more, "The Formans did it."

Hyde heaved out a heavy breath, "Jackie just because the Formans did it doesn't mean we've gotta do it. We're not the Formans."

"Steven!" Jackie said, shocked that he would say such a thing right in front of the couple who'd practically raised him.

"No," Hyde was quick to say when he realized his words may have been taken the wrong way, "I didn't mean it like that."

He looked from one side of the table to the other. On his right was Red who was looking straight at him with a scowl indented on his forehead, something Hyde had been expecting to see, but on his left sat Kitty who looked puzzled by what he'd just said and that look filled him with guilt. And as much as he wanted to clear things up with the Formans there was something he needed to make clear to his wife first.

"Look Jackie, boy or girl, our baby's gonna be here in a few months," he reminded the young woman sitting in her seat still, "we've still got things to do and get ready. Things that are more important than making sure the nursery does or doesn't look like the inside of Hostess pink Sno Ball."

Jackie placed a protective hand on top of her belly, she didn't like her baby literally being in the middle of this, but what could she do?

She looked up at her husband, "The inside of a Hostess pink Sno Ball is brown and white. And whether we find out we're having girl or boy our baby's nursery is not going to be brown and white!"

For a good few seconds Hyde just stood there, staring down at his wife. She was still insisting that they find out the gender and what's even worse is she didn't seem to acknowledge any of the things that he said, minus the parts on the Hostess Sno Ball. He wasn't sure how much more he could take and decided he wasn't willing to find out.

"I need some air." He muttered and then turned away.

Hyde pulled open the patio door and walked out of the kitchen towards to the driveway. The determined look that Jackie wore on her face faded into a sadder one as she watched him leave. She knew he just needed some time and space—at least that's what she was hoping—so she remained seated, rubbing her baby bump with both hand now.

"Jackie, sweetie," Kitty spoke softly, place a comforting hand on Jackie's arm, "Are you okay?"

The expectant mother looked up and nodded, "Mmm hmm. But now I have a craving for a Hostess pink Sno Ball."

Kitty gave her a sympathetic smile, remembering those days of pregnancy cravings all too well.


Hyde took another shot.

He'd meant what he said when he said he needed some air; however, he couldn't bring himself to leave his pregnant wife behind. Sure, she would be in the company of two of the people he most trusted and in small town like Point Place, no matter where he went he wouldn't be too far away, but he just couldn't do it.

So he stayed nearby but outside. Outside on the Forman driveway to be precise. He'd found an old basketball and was shooting it over at the even older basketball hoop.

After catching the rebound from his last throw he tossed it back up in the air towards the hoop and it swooshed through the basket's net effortlessly—no help from others or even the backboard—then bounced onto the pavement once before flying into Hyde's waiting palms.

"Nice shot."

The voice coming from behind him caused Hyde to turn around and find Red Forman standing at the back patio. Hyde couldn't have looked at him for more than a few seconds before he looked away from Red and moved his attention back to his game.

"I don't wanna talk, Red." He said, already knowing why the older man was out there and wanting nothing to do with it.

"Good, because neither do I." came Red's reply, making Hyde turn back around in time to see the older man walking towards him, "Kitty sent me out here to look for those damn home movies."

Hyde nodded, that sounded like a reasonable and very believable story, it was certainly enough to convince Hyde that he was in the clear and could go back to shooting hoops. He then glanced down at the basketball spinning it in his hands a bit and bent his knees a tad but just before he could throw the ball in the air was an interruption of his concentration.

"And because you put the idea in her head, you're helping me look for the damn things." declared Red with a finger pointing straight at Hyde.

Knowing there was no point in arguing with the man, and he really didn't have much else to do, Hyde rolled the basketball off to the grass and followed Red to the open garage. Red led the way to a stack of cardboard boxes that were filled with old clothes, toys, family mementos, and other junk. The home movies had to be in one of these boxes.

Red bent down onto his left knee and picked out a box to begin his searching and then slid one towards Hyde, "Here. You check this one."

Without with question, the curly haired young man joined Red on the ground then pulled the box closer to him and opened it up, hoping the insides would be the home movies and they'd be done. It wasn't. Instead Hyde found old pieces of clothing and as he moved them around a bit to make sure the movies weren't hidden in there he found that several of the articles of clothing were in the size that only a baby could fit into. Hyde couldn't help but wonder if the older man had handed him this box on purpose, maybe in place of the talk he'd been expecting.

He'd been anticipating a talk from Red pretty much since the moment he decided to stay out on the driveway. He was sure that either Jackie, most likely Kitty, would push Red out the sliding door and probably lock it and not let either one of them into the house until they'd had one of those Ward and Wally Cleaver talks. And though Hyde definitely wasn't looking forward to the talk, he had prepared some things to say, even a few questions; but now it turned out there was no talk coming. This should've made Hyde happy and it did at first, until now when those thoughts and questions he'd prepared were now replaying over and over in his head as he and Red searched through the boxes in silence.

"Red, man," called out Hyde, hoping he sounded casual enough, "did you really wanna find out the gender when Mrs. Forman was pregnant with Eric?"

Looking up from his box, Red's eyebrows rose with interest, "I thought you didn't wanna talk."

"Right, yeah." Hyde said and nodded his head up and down until he was looking back into the box of clothes and straight at a set of pink baby footie pajamas.

"No, I didn't." Red suddenly said causing Hyde to lift his head again to see Red still looking into his box while going on with his story, "That was all Kitty. She's the one that called up my brother and her sister. She's the one that wanted to do the damn string test and find out if we were having a boy or a girl. I was perfectly fine waiting until she delivered to find out."

Hyde scowled a bit, this part hadn't been in the story he'd just heard in the kitchen.

As if reading Hyde's mind Red continued to speak, this time looking up and at him, "But I never said anything because like you know by now, at least I thought you knew by now, you don't cross a pregnant woman. Because you won't win."

"Guess I'm fighting a losing battle, huh?" asked Hyde, though he knew the answer.

"Afraid so, son." was the simple answer Red gave. There was a pause then he started to speak again, "But you know, I think you'd stand more of a fighting chance if you told Jackie the real reason why you don't wanna find out the kid's gender."

Zen intact, Hyde stared at the balding man, "I did tell her the real reason I don't wanna do this." He insisted then gave him a reminder, "I don't wanna force gender assigned colors and things on my kid. Let them decide what they like and don't like."

Red didn't need to have Hyde repeat his reasoning to him. He remembered the reason from earlier in the kitchen and if anything hearing it again only made him disbelieve Hyde's 'true' reason even more.

"Steven, I've known you since you were about five years old and for a good while now I've considered you one of my own. And just like with my own kids I can tell when you're lying. And right now, you're lying your ass off." he said sending Hyde a knowing smirk, "You don't wanna find out the gender of your kid because you wanna be able to get your baby girl a blue bear instead of a pink one. You don't wanna find out because you're scared."

"I'm not scared." Hyde argued.

An amused chuckle was heard before Red spoke again, "Oh yeah, you are."

Hyde frowned slightly, creating a small dent his Zen, and once Red's delight on the situation died down a bit he started his explanation.

"You know that once you and Jackie find out whether your baby is a boy or a girl you won't just be having a baby anymore, you'll be having either a son or daughter." Red began to say, right away catching the younger man's attention and interest, "Babies are a lot of work, they cry, poop, and puke but it's all just a stage and eventually they grow up so you don't have to worry about things for too long. But a son or daughter are part of your life for the rest of your life. And if you're lucky for the next eighteen years you're the one who has to take care of them, provide for them, give them a home, food, clothes and everything in between. If you're not luckily you end up doing that for over those eighteen years. And you're not sure if you'll be able to do it, that's what scares you. And that's why you don't wanna find out what the kid's gonna be. Right?"

Red was looking at him with that knowing smirk back on his lips which made Hyde shake his head and look down in attempt to hide his own smirk. He knew this talking to was gonna happen one way or another.

"Yeah, something like that." he admitted and then looked back up at Red, "We only have nine months to get ready man, and now we're down to three. And I know from the moment we find out what we're having to the moment he or she's born Jackie's gonna be on a blue or pink shopping spree. She's gonna wanna prepare the nursery instead of preparing the important stuff."

A small moment of silence passed before Hyde decided to just get this out in the open.

"We're not ready to be parents, Red." He said after letting out a heavy sigh, "Jackie and me, we don't have that natural parental skill stuff Mrs. Forman and you have."

Lifting his chin up in an understanding manner, Red voiced his realization, "So that's what you meant by 'we're not the Formans' huh?"

"Yeah, I didn't mean anything negative by it, man. I wish we were like you and Mrs. Forman, it'd be a lot easier." Hyde shared with him, "Instead we're stuck with the parenting skills of Bud and Edna Hyde and Jack and Pam Burkhart."

This made Red frown, "Parenting isn't genetic, Steven. If it were I'd be doing a lot more than threatening to throw my foot up Eric's ass anytime he does something stupid." He remarked sternly then shrugged a tad, "Besides your parents' crappy parenting style might turn out to help yours."

"Yeah, in the same way that Fez helps give out Halloween candy," muttered back Hyde.

"You joke about it now, but once you become a parent you're gonna wanna give your kid everything. Especially all the things you never had. I'm willing to bet that as soon as that kid is born you and Jackie are gonna give it all the love and attention your parents never gave you."

Hyde had never really thought about it that way but it was true. While the Formans showed him how parenting should be done Bud and Edna showed him how it shouldn't be done. He and Jackie were just going to have to find that in between, and hopefully a little closer towards the Formans' side.

"And you know, Kitty and I weren't always the Formans." Red continued on, "There was a time when we were just Kitty and Red, new parents—just like you and Jackie'll be in a few months. And we didn't become the Formans overnight, it was a long road and we hit a few bumps. I once left Laurie's baby carriage at the Piggly Wiggly with Laurie still in it and it took Kitty almost two months before she was able to change Eric's diaper without entering the splash zone."

Now it was Hyde's turn to find amusement in the words being said and to his surprise a scowl wasn't sent his way when he did chuckle at the shared stories.

"The point is we made mistakes, just like you and Jackie will. And that that's okay. Parenting is a trial and error kind of thing." explained the elder of the two, "Some things will work and some things won't, all kids are different. There's no secret to any kind of 'perfect' parenting and anyone who tells you differently is a dumbass."

To show his understandment Hyde nodded his head and soon felt a hand on his left shoulder.

"You and Jackie are gonna make a fine set of parents." Red said, firmly squeezing Hyde's shoulder before moving his hand completely, "Who knows maybe one day you'll be the Formans."

Hyde smirked at hearing this, "So one day I could be out in my garage looking for some home movies I couldn't care less about but Jackie wants to see?"


"Cool." Hyde said with a smirk and a nod, "Thanks Red."

And with that said, Hyde stood up and gave a quick pat on the back to Red before he headed back towards the kitchen to tell his wife the good news about him being ready to find out their good news.


"Steven, thank you so much for agreeing to this. It really means a lot to me." Jackie told her husband in a sincere tone of voice.

A few hours had passed since they first arrived at the Forman home looking for help and even fewer since Hyde told Jackie he was okay with the gender reveal. The pair was now seated together on the living sofa waiting for the older couple to come in from the kitchen. Kitty was putting the finishing touches on the cake and Red was keeping her company, giving Hyde and Jackie some alone time that they would soon be limited to when the baby was born.

"Anything for you, Doll." Hyde smirked before adding, "But for our next kid, you think we could let that one be a surprise?"

"Sure." Jackie quickly agreed, "Just as long as you're the one carrying that next child, Puddin'."

Hyde's mouth twitched into a fuller smile at his wife's words, "Sounds like a plan."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the swinging door Kitty was standing with a piping bag—full of pink frosting—in her hands a she added on the little details to the cake of the hour.

"Oh Red, isn't this so exciting?" she asked, bubbling with her own excitement.

Red was seated back in his seat at the table and did not look anywhere near as eager as Kitty did, "It's just a cake, Kitty."

After putting the piping bag down, Kitty placed her now free hand on her hip and turned to her husband, "Red Forman, you would think would be a little more excited about this. After all it means you get to have a little dessert after lunch and before dinner, and how often does that happen?"

A mischievous smirk played on Red's lips as he stood up and walked towards Kitty.

"The only dessert I'm interested in is you." he told her before moving his arms around her waist.

Feeling his arms wrap around her from behind made Kitty let out one of her infamous girlish laughs which caused Red to chuckle his own lighter but still happy laughs.

"Oh Red." She said bashfully then looked up at him; her tone less shy, "You are not getting me to kick those kids out of our house."

His arms were removed from around her waist and Red's smile dropped but he looked more disappointed than angry. Kitty noticed his expression and tried to hold in her smile but it still managed to crack onto her lips in a smaller, tighter form.

She scooped the cake up into her arms and headed for the doorway, "They'll be out of here in twenty minutes, tops."

To show that he could work with that plan, Red's smirk made a reappearance and he used his right arms to hold the swinging door open for his wife and the cake.

"Tada!" Kitty shouted as she and the cake entered the living room with Red not far behind.

Jackie and Hyde's attention was right away caught and the followed Kitty's hands as she moved the cake onto the coffee table in front of the parents-to-be so that they could get a better look at the masterpiece. The cake was round and covered in white butter cream frosting, there were also several polka dots in both pink and blue scattered on the cake and in the respective colors the words 'Boy or Girl?' had been written at the top of the cake. It wasn't a very big cake but it had been made with lots of love.

"Oh Mrs. Forman it's beautiful!" Jackie gushed while grinning at the cake, "Isn't it Steven?"

Hyde nodded, "Yeah, it really looks great Mrs. Forman."

"That's because I helped, right Mrs. Forman?" the younger woman beamed up at the older one.

Kitty smiled back, moving her head up and down, "That's right, Jackie." She giggled, "You were my like my own little Kitchenaid mixer."

Wearing a proud smile, Jackie informed, "I even got to lick the spoon and cake batter actually tastes a lot better than it looks."

"Are you cutting the cake or not?" Red asked impatiently from his seat in the green armchair, he didn't want this cooking story to grow into a longer one.

"Aw Mr. Forman, are you that excited to find out about your future grandchild?" a grinning Jackie questioned, thinking it was sweet.

Red frowned, "No. I'm just…looking forward to dessert."

When she heard his words Kitty instantly began to giggle again, this time a little too much and while Red smirked at the sight Hyde and Jackie were only confused, giving her strange looks before exchanging them between themselves. Soon enough, Kitty caught herself and tried to compose herself by cutting her laugh short, clearing her throat, and then rubbing her palms over her skirt nervously.

"Okay, then, let's get started, everybody gather around…" her words suddenly faded as she realized it was only the four of the in the room, "Where is everyone?"

"It would take them too long to get here," explained Jackie with a wave of her hand as she scooted closer to the table and cake, "I wanna cut into this baby." As soon as the words left her mouth, her eyes grew big and she placed her hand on her tummy, and spoke in a soft baby voice, "Not you baby, mommy loves you, baby."

Hyde looked on at the scene and placed her hand beside Jackie's, "Yeah, and don't worry once you're out here and get to meet her she'll be back to her normal self."

"That's what you think." Red commented, saving his adopted son from the glares coming from the women but getting them sent in his own direction; when he saw them he glared back, "Just cut the damn cake, Jackie."

The reminder of the cake and the baby associated with it appeared to help the women's anger fade and focus their attention of the main event of the day. While Kitty grabbed her trusty camera, Jackie grabbed the knife that Red had placed on the table not too long ago.

The brunette looked over at Hyde, "Steven, will you help me?"

"Sure." He nodded. "Ready?"

Just like when they cut their wedding cake, Hyde's hand covered Jackie's hand that held onto the knife and together they pushed the blade into the cake. The inside of the cake couldn't be seen just yet but as they moved the knife back up a few crumbs emerged.

Blue crumbs.

The little specs quickly caught the eyes of both Hyde and Jackie. Hyde's eyes filled with excitement while Jackie's looked to have worry inside them. Smiling away, Kitty snapped one photo and then many others. With the knife still in their grasp, the couple cut another slit and carried out the slice of cake and onto the nearby glass plate.

Jackie stared down at the plate of cake in her hands, the plate of blue cake.

"It's blue." She said still sounding surprised, "Why is it blue?"

"Because you're having a boy! Yay!" cheered Kitty before she took yet another photo.

"Steven, it's blue." Jackie said, showing the cake to Hyde as if he hadn't already seen it.

"I know Doll, we're having a boy." He said smiling softly before placing a kiss on her forehead, "A son."

As he said the last part, Hyde looked over at his surrogate father who only looked back at him with a proud smile on his lips.

"But…but it's blue Steven. It's not supposed to be blue." Argued Jackie in a shaky voice that quickly switched to an angrier one, "Mrs. Forman, your old people eyesight must've read the paper wrong."

Kitty frowned, feeling offended but did pull out the paper that had been in the envelope, "Jackie, I didn't read anything wrong. It says here, perfectly clear, that you're having a boy."

She lifted the paper for the young woman to see and when Jackie looked at it she saw that Kitty was right. There's in big bold blue letters were the three words 'It's a Boy!'

"We're having a boy." Jackie repeated, her tone of voice back to a fragile sounding one, "Excuse me."

Moving at a faster speed than one was used to seeing a pregnant woman move in, Jackie pushed herself off the sofa and hurriedly made her way to the back room of the Formans' den; and of course Hyde was soon on his feet and following her tacks.

By the time he reached the den he found Jackie seated on the chair in there, trying to pull her wedding ring off her finger.


Her head shot up, "Oh Steven, good you're here. Go get me a piece of string while I get my ring off."

"What're you doing?" he asked gently, taking a seat next to her.

"I'm gonna do that ring on the string test." Jackie explained, "Maybe this time we'll get a girl."

"Pretty sure the doctor's more accurate than Mrs. Forman's sister's test, Doll." came Hyde's reply before his brows began to furrow, "You don't want a boy?"

Jackie stopped her yanking on her ring and sighed, "It's not that. It's just…" she sighed, "I was so sure we were gonna have a girl, Steven. That's why I wanted to do this gender reveal cake thing. I knew it was going to be a girl so I figured we'd cut the cake and see it was pink and then I could use that as my confirmation to buy all those pink frilly things I put on layaway at the mall. That way I could have my cake and eat it too. But now we're having a boy. Boys are made from frogs, snails, and puppy dog tails. I don't like any of those things, Steven!"

Hyde wanted to laugh, he thought it was entertaining to see the roles had been switched, but when Jackie's big brown eyes looked up at him with worry instead of disappointment he decided against it and instead put a comforting arm around her and pulled her closer to him

"I'm not a boy, Steven." Jackie continued, "I don't act or dress like a boy either like Donna. What am I gonna do with a baby boy, Steven?"

"You're gonna baby and fuss all over him the way Mrs. Forman does with us guys." explained Hyde, then a sudden thought occurred to him, "Just don't make him into a Mama's boy like Forman, alright?"

That got a tiny laugh from her but she was still worried.

"What if we never have anything in common? What if he doesn't like me?"

"You're gonna find things in common." He tried to assure her, "And he's not gonna like you, he's gonna love you."

She sniffled, "You think so?"

"I know it." Hyde confirmed making Jackie smile once again, "Having a boy's gonna be great, Jackie. Bet you even end up being his personal cheerleader at all his games."

That idea made Jackie smile as she cuddled up closer into Hyde's chest, " I guess having a boy won't be too bad." she reasoned, "Maybe he'll even end up being just like you."

"Yeah." Hyde agreed with a smirk but the more he thought about the things he'd done and how he could now have a son who did all those things, his smirk began to shrink more and more until it was gone completely, "I gotta go talk to Red again."

Hyde then got up and exited the room in search of Red, leaving Jackie behind to think about what life would be like with their little boy. It didn't take long for her smile to turn into a big grin as she sat there, rubbing her belly, and thinking about the near future.

The End

Author's Note: So what did you think? Good? Bad? A little of each? Be sure to let me know in a review!

Hope you all liked the ending and didn't think Jackie's little freak out wasn't too OOC. A good point had been made about JH usually having girls in stories and when Eliza Ghost wondered how Jackie would deal with having a boy I started to do the same and came up with this! :D

Also I'm currently still thinking over the idea of doing more stories like this. Perhaps more baby like stories, or maybe just JH with RK stories because writing the interactions between the four was a lot of fun for me and you all seemed to like the first chapter and hopefully this one too. What do you think?

Once again thank you for all the incredible support that you all gave this story, all the reviews, alerts, and favorites and everything in between! Thank you!

Until next time, thanks for reading, hope you liked, please review and lemme know what you think, take care, and have a nice day!