Hi guys. I was really hoping that you all could check out that video, because I need feedback on that, no matter whether it's good or bad, I appreciate feedback on anything. Even this.

Oh yeah. Does anyone think that I should write Jeffery's story? If four or more people support the idea, I'll start working on it as a side project.

Thatdudethere789: It's gonna happen eventually… at some point. Spoilers…

flutterlikeanangel: Yes, it most certainly is.

mayrosethehedgehog: Thanks.

spisaacman: No, spoilers, and maybe.

MLPEGMLPCool: I cannot understand you.

Christian Ape99: Look, I'm sorry, but either make a fresh start on your review topics in the new chapters on the original, or stop reviewing, because I can't understand half of what you say anymore.

mayrose: "YEEEAAH!" Also, I'm glad you're a fan.

Spike Hedgehog: I can't wait either! I made this one long!

Okay, backing up. That phrase 'all hell broke loose' wasn't entirely legit, as that was only what happened based on Cobalt's point of view. As he thought back on it, what had really happened was that five or so missiles had been fired at his friends, and they'd all been dodged, so that there were explosions behind them.

Rainbow Dash stepped into the light of the room and instantly turned back into her normal form, as she'd been in the werepony form before. Out of his peripheral vision, Cobalt saw Eggman whip out his knife, but Rainbow was at his side and had knocked it out of his hand before he could do anything with it. She turned around and bucked him across the room, where he lay twitching as if in malfunction loop.

"Cobalt!" Rainbow grinned at him, but the grin vanished as she saw his situation clearly. "Sweet Celestia!" she said in an expression of her surprise at his state, and zipped over to Eggman and grabbed his knife in her teeth, dashing back as fast as she could. "Hang on." She said around the knife and started using it to cut his bonds.

Pretty soon, ropes littered the floor at his hooves and he was finally able to examine how deep they'd cut into his skin. He was right, the fur where they'd cut into him was caked with dried blood and deep cuts ran down his back and sides and muzzle. Almost every movement hurt.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen." Rainbow told him, her face betraying her guilt at his situation.

Cobalt raised an eyebrow. "You let this happen? No, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't just let me get taken." He grimaced; of course it would hurt to talk with his luck.

"But I did!" she insisted. "I didn't keep a close enough watch on you and it's all my fault!" a tear traced its way down her face.

"Hey." Cobalt said. "I don't want you to blame yourself, and I definitely don't want you to cry. It wasn't anypony's fault; you had no idea that this idiot would come and kidnap me." He gave her a quick hug and straightened up, ignoring the pain. "Now, we need to find the last temple and blow this place up."

"Um guys?" Light Gaia called from a few feet away. "What about Eggman disappearing?"

"Ah, I doubt we'll have to worry about that." Rainbow said, smiling for real for the first time in days now that she knew that Cobalt didn't blame her. "I think he'll stay in glitch mode for a while."

"No, I mean he's disappeared!" Light Gaia gestured toward the spot where Eggman had been lying just a few seconds ago. The pegasi glanced over and started when they realized he'd gone.

"How–" Cobalt looked around at his two companions. "How did none of us notice that?"

Light Gaia shrugged. "Well at least he could only have gone that way." He pointed down a hallway.

"Cool! Come on guys!" Rainbow called, and started off at a gallop down that way. Cobalt tried to follow at the same pace, but his cuts and bruises stung like crazy whenever he moved, so he was unable to keep up even a steady trot. Add that to the fact that he couldn't fly, and he was going to move slow until they got to a place where the darkness could envelop him. "Hey! Dash! Hold up!"

She turned back around and trotted over to him. "Yeah?"

"Slow up for a while; I can't move without wincing." Cobalt told her, wincing.

Rainbow cringed guiltily. "Sorry… I forgot…" she let her front hoof unconsciously trace the rope cuts on his snout. He held still despite the stinging. "Come on, let's get moving." Cobalt said, then tried to take a step and added, wincing, "But slowly."

Five minutes later there was another holdup when Cobalt passed out in another one of his memory things. Of course it was literally the worst time for this kind of thing to happen, but it turned out to be the most informative one he'd ever had.

This time he saw nothing and heard nothing. It was all black. All black and nothing else but agony that seemed to split open his head. But it wasn't physical pain… no, this was purely emotional hurt. If this vision was connected with his past like the others had been, he had suffered beyond what he could have ever believed.

He woke up in a cold sweat, swaying where he stood, and when he turned to a concerned Rainbow Dash, he gripped her neck with an insane look in his eyes, "Do not let me remember! Under no circumstances are you to let me remember my past! I forgot for a reason!"

After that, Cobalt seemed more driven. He didn't let his injuries hinder him anymore, acting almost as if they weren't there. He walked at a regular pace, and didn't talk to either of his friends, like they didn't even exist. Rainbow Dash was worried about him; what with that outburst earlier and the fact that she didn't know when they would find a patch of darkness for him to heal himself. She didn't know how much more he could physically take; he was so injured.

"Cobalt…" she tried.

"No." he replied brusquely.

"Cobalt, come on, it's me…"

He turned around with a scowl on his face. "I said no and I meant no. I don't want to talk to you or interact with you because I'm afraid of what I'll do or what I'll say. I'm scared of myself right now."

She narrowed her eyes. "Well I'm not. I know you and you wouldn't hurt me."

He ran a hoof angrily and repeatedly through his mane. "Look, I don't know what I'll do. I pretty much can't tell at the moment." He felt his face scar tingle a little and rubbed it as if that would stop the feeling.

Light Gaia glanced back at them. "Can you all stop arguing? We've reached a pit."

"A pit?" Cobalt asked. "Literally?"

"Uh, more like half cavern half pit."

"Oh, that's cleared up." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Well, let's see it." she stepped forward a little and drew back just as quickly at the sheer drop off into the circular pit below. "Okay, we've gotta get you fixed before we get down there, Cobalt."

Cobalt glanced down at the dropoff. "Yup. Do you have a way to turn out the lights?"

"I do." Light Gaia hovered up to the ceiling and used his body to block out the lightbulb, which was finally possible due to the lack of light at the edge of Eggman's hallway. Cobalt felt himself being transformed by the dark energy, and personally thought… well, let's just say that it wouldn't be his preferred way to transform after his memory thing. So he shut his eyes tight and when he opened them he'd been almost fully healed and was in his monster form, as was Rainbow Dash.

He thought this might be the end of her concern; he was wrong. She looked up at him and a look of worry crossed her face. "Cobalt, your scar."

Cobalt raised a hoof to his face and touched the place where his scar had been. She was right, it was still the healed wound he'd had before. Eggman must've used something so that it wouldn't heal. "Yeah, so?"

"It's not like it's bothering anypony, I just thought you might not be okay with it…" she shrugged and sighed heavily. "I just can't figure you out anymore."

"Welcome to my world." He grinned, and Light Gaia nodded in agreement, even though he'd never really met a girl, he could see how they'd be confusing.

Rainbow's face grew red with anger and embarrassment and she turned her back in anger. "Colts." She muttered indignantly.

As it turned out, Eggman had escaped through that hallway and he was now in the pit and planning to attack the pegasi and the creature as soon as they stepped into his trap. But he hadn't planned for them to stall for so long, as if they knew what he had planned.

Emotions. He thought with detest. What power do they give you?

Eventually they did jump and glide down, where he was ready to freeze, burn, or slice them to bits with his newest, deadliest robot, the Egg Dragoon. Halfway through their descent, he powered up the robot and fired a blast of pure freezing energy at them. By pure luck, it seemed, they avoided it, and managed to regroup enough to face him in fair fight.

"Hey, that's hardly fair, is it?!" Cobalt shouted down at him, dodging a burst of fire. "Just ambushing us like that?!"

"Lay off!" Eggman snarled, slashing at him with a buzz saw blade, which he narrowly avoided by shifting his flight path.

The two wereponies slammed into the rock surface, surprised to find that the ground couldn't take the impact and broke off from the walls surrounding it, and charged Eggman's robot, which was circling the now falling chunk of stone.

Eggman really needed to work on his designs, Cobalt decided, his robot's weak points were too exposed. It was a matter of dodging the attacks until they could get in close enough to hit its… stomach area? Either way, it was a big glowing ball like a light bulb, easy to hit and easy to burst when it was under too much pressure. Eventually it shattered and the robot collapsed, drained of its power source. Eggman ejected from the robot as usual (the coward), and was now laughing in apparent triumph.

"What's so funny?" Light Gaia asked, having just landed. "You've lost."

"You'd think so!" Eggman cackled. "But now it's time to meet your sister." He pressed a button on his Eggmobile and all of a sudden the cavern started to rumble. The dark creature they'd seen enshroud Equestria from the spaceship rose up from the lava below them and let out an earthshaking roar that caused the ponies' eyes to widen and their pupils to shrink down in terror.

"Yes!" Eggman shouted in victory. "Follow me, Dark Gaia, and together we will rule the world!"

The creature's response to this proposition was to whack Eggman into the distance, screaming, "Blame the credits!"

Then, as if just to mock them, the dark energy began to flow out of Cobalt and Rainbow, until they were back in their normal form and considerably weakened.

"Okay, I'm scared." Rainbow gulped. "We have any ideas at all?" she asked her friends.

"Yes, I do." Light Gaia nodded and stretched out his arms and legs and began to glow with a green light.


All over Equestria, all the temples began to unlodge themselves from their original locations and fly straight to the cave, smashing straight through the ground of Eggmanland and into the cave, converging to become a giant stone warrior, with the Eggmanland temple at the head, literally.

As Light Gaia stopped the process now that it was complete, Cobalt and Rainbow looked down at the warrior they were now copiloting. "SWEET!" they both exclaimed at the same time. That exuberation (LOL, made up a word) was stopped when the warrior was smashed by Dark Gaia's fist.

"Okay, Cobalt, Rainbow Dash!" Light Gaia yelled. "It's time to use the mental link the temples have established with you two to kick my sister's butt!"

Cobalt and Rainbow exchanged a look, shrugged, and tried to use their minds to control the temple warrior and fight Dark Gaia. It took a while for them to manage to get a hit, but when they did, it just got easier and easier. But right when it seemed like they'd won, the giant dark beast decided to wrap its arms around the temples and refused to let go.

"Okay… plan?" Cobalt asked, somewhat desperately.

"Hit her eyes!" Light Gaia yelled, focusing with his entire mind on keeping the warrior from breaking to bits. "Find some way to launch yourselves off the temples and put out her eyes! I remember this part!"

"Dude, we can fly!" Cobalt shouted.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot that part!"

Rainbow grinned at Cobalt, and the two of them flew up to Dark Gaia's defenseless eyes and punched them until they burst into slimy green goo, splattering the pegasi.

"Oh, eww!" Rainbow complained, looking down at herself and hastily attempting to clean the slime out of her mane. Cobalt looked at her and snickered. "You missed a spot."

"Don't get smart with me, scar boy." She growled, but then the scowl on her face turned into a laugh at his shocked expression. "Hey, smile, we won!"

"Not what I'm frowning about!" he shouted, and spun her around to face whatever had made him look that worried. She saw it too and immediately the look on her face went from amused to what could only be accurately described as a 'holy crap we're doomed' face.

Dark Gaia had regenerated. She was bigger, faster, stronger, uglier, had more eyes, and was better for mass destruction in every way. And all around the world, just like regeneration energy destroyed what was around it, every single Equestrian was feeling the shock waves of dark energy. The sky was turning purple everywhere, and the planet was falling apart again.

Back in Ponyville, the five other elements and Spike were gathered out in the streets, looking up at the purple sky in fear.

"Oh my…" Rarity's sentence, whatever that might've been, trailed off into silence.

"Those two had better know what they're doing." Applejack said darkly.

"Don't be silly." Pinkie snorted with laughter. "They never know what they're doing, but it works out anyway!"

"I sure hope so…" Twilight gulped.

"Well that sure didn't happen before." Light Gaia sounded shocked.

"Great!" Rainbow shouted over Dark Gaia's loudest roar yet. "Now we're outpowered (golly gee, I just keep on making up words, don't I?), we have no plan, and the entire world rests in the balance!" she gave an insane laugh from the pure adrenaline rush. "We're SCREWED!"

"Not just yet!" Cobalt said with an crazy grin, the one that suggested mayhem would follow shortly, and with his maximum speed he zipped around the temple warrior and returned moments later with the emeralds in his forelegs.

"You can't be serious." Rainbow told him disbelievingly.

"I am absolutely serious." He smiled. "Put your foreleg around my neck, quickly." She did as he said, and as soon as she'd done that, he yelled, "CHAOS CONTROL!" and the emeralds began to spin around them with steadily increasing speed, before converging on them with enough force to kill a small horse, which they were (Somehow I feel like I've typed that before… whatever…), and an explosion of white light followed suit.

When the light faded, a shining golden version of Cobalt with red eyes–though still with the scar, which would not fade no matter what–and Rainbow Dash, whose fur was now white, and her cutie mark was a thundercloud instead of a peaceful white one, and her mane was flowing upward like it was made of rainbow colored fire. Her eyes were red as well.

The two exchanged a look of incredulousity (more made up words that sound like real ones, LOL) before a wide smile crossed both their faces.

"Cool!" Cobalt exclaimed. "So, what are you gonna call yourself?"

"You know, I would go with Super Rainbow Dash, but that's just copying, isn't it?" she mused on that for a moment. "Maybe, like, Hyper Speed, or Thunderstorm, or Rainbow Warrior… something that–"

Light Gaia narrowly avoided a firey comet that Dark Gaia had sent firing at him and lost his temper, shouting, "YOU'RE SUPER RAINBOW DASH! NOW KILL MY SISTER, PLEASE!"

Rainbow glared at him before giving a curt nod that clearly said, 'if it must be'. She and Cobalt both charged Dark Gaia at the same time and started to super dash at her many eyes. If there'd been only one of them, they might not have defeated her before she overpowered them, but with both of them going at it, most of her eyes were burst into green goo within a matter of thirty or so seconds, and all that was left was the big one in the middle.

Cobalt grinned and offered his hoof to Rainbow as if he were inviting her to dance. She took it with a wide smile, and they both used their boost speed to accelerate toward the middle eye. Dark Gaia fired several meteors at them while they were charging, but they dodged back and forth to avoid them, and when they got close enough, they burst the eye into a shower of green goop, and with it, Dark Gaia herself.

Once again tired with the effort of staying super, both of them lost the super power at the same time and began to fall toward the lava below. Cobalt drifted toward Rainbow as they fell and wrapped her in a tight hug, feeling as though it might be the last thing he ever did.

One thought came to Rainbow as she fell into the black void of unconsciousness: The old Cobalt is back. Then her eyes closed and she didn't feel or think much of anything after that.


Cobalt and Rainbow sat up gasping and in a cold sweat. They'd been lying side by side on a hard dirt floor. When Cobalt's vision cleared he saw that he was back in the Golden Oaks Library and muttered sleepily, "Hey, Dash, we're back home."

"Thank you, Corporal Duh (heh, I'm getting to the point where I can reference myself. That's a pretty big accomplishment in my book)." She mumbled sarcastically without thinking. But when she glanced around she saw he was right. "Hey, how'd we get here?"

"I dunno." Cobalt said in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

"Oh hey!" they heard Spike's voice from behind them and whirled around. "You guys are awake!" he exclaimed happily. "YO GUYS! THEY'RE UP!" he shouted out of the room, and almost instantly the pegasi's friends were swarming them and speaking words of congratulation and relief. To Rainbow, though, it just sounded like a bunch of noise that was distracting her from comprehending what was going on, and she gritted her teeth, flattening her ears against the incoming amount of noise.

Eventually the noise died down, and the two were able to understand what their friends were saying.

"I can't believe you actually managed to save the entire world!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Yay!"

"Ah didn't doubt y'all at all." Applejack said proudly, to instantly be shot glares from the others. "Well, maybe a little…"

"But what really matters it that you saved us all and we couldn't be more grateful." Rarity finished.

"Yeah, the whole of Equestria owes you a debt!" Twilight added.

"Sure, that's great and all…" Rainbow held the side of her head as if to steady her thoughts. "But where's Chip?"

"Chip?" Pinkie asked. "Like a chocolate chip? I like chocolate chips! Ooh! I'll throw you a 'saved the world party' and make a chocolate chip cake and–"

"No, he's a little pixie creature? This tall and purple?" Cobalt described Chip to them.

"Haven't seen him." Spike shrugged. "We did find this with you." he pulled out a silver necklace with a green orb on it and handed it to Cobalt

"Oh." Rainbow muttered in a small voice that suggested she'd just realized something terrible. "He saved us and since Dark Gaia had to go, so did he."

Cobalt frowned, looking down at the necklace in his hooves. "That makes sense. I'm sad we didn't get to know him better."

Rainbow sighed. "But we can't feel sorry about that forever. Everything goes away at some point and we must move on."

"Poetic, which is odd coming from you." Twilight nodded in approval of her choice of words.

Rainbow shrugged and gave a small smile. Little did she know that her words would be proved true for her in not a long amount of time…

Darkness. Will. Fall.

Whelp, that's that, and now I can work on season 2! Woo!