"How do you like the new house Bubbles?" Blossom asks her sister, looking up at the tall, white building in front of her. Three dark, circular windows line the front of the rectangular, two story building.

Bubbles smiles. "It's nice. I could plant some flowers out here." She gestures to the empty space beside the red, rectangular door. "Daisies, maybe. It'll add some color to it."

"Why did we move to this house again?" Buttercup asks, eying the building with disdain.

Blossom rolls her eyes. "Because there's a large basement, dad wants to turn it into a research lab." She answers, walking off towards the moving truck to help the movers with the boxes.

The other girls both frown at that.

"Great." Buttercup scowls, her words coming out dripping with sarcasm. "So he's never home anyway, but he bought this house so when he is home he can go down to the basement instead of spending time with his daughters."

Bubbles smiles a little, trying to lighten the mood. "Look on the bright side Buttercup! I saw a gym just a few blocks down!"

The raven haired girl smiles, reaching her arm around her sister's neck and pulling her into what passes for a hug from her. "Alright, miss sunshine." She chuckles. "Let's go help Bossy-Blossy with the boxes."

The blonde smiles, nodding.

It may not be the house they had hoped for when they heard they were moving, but as long as they had each other it would be home.

~The Next Day~

The girls stand outside as the teacher had told them to, he was going to inform the class of their arrival, then they were to come inside and introduce themselves.

"I hope they like me." Bubbles nervously adjusts the bottom of her baby blue skirt.

Buttercup chuckles. "Bubbles, you're a sixteen year old girl and you act like it's your first day of kinder-garden. I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like you."

Blossom nods in agreement. "You're the most likable person I've ever met."

"You guys have to say that, you're my sisters." Bubbles says, although her smile shows relief.

Blossom bobs her head towards the door when the teacher gives the signal for them to come in. "Let's go girls."

"Girls." The teacher smiles at them. "Please introduce yourselves, then you may sit in any available seats.

Blossom nods, stepping forward to go first, as both her sisters had expected. "My name is Blossom Utonium." She smiles, her voice clear and loud enough for the whole class to hear. She scans the room, looking through various teenage faces.

Bubbles goes next, jumping up beside her sister. "I'm Bubbles Utonium!" She states, her smile radiating friendliness.

"Buttercup." She nods her head towards the room, not bothering to step forward. She looks around momentarily before resting her eyes on the back wall.

"Where did you girls move here from?" The teacher asks, though all three girls can tell he doesn't really care. He's nice enough, but it's obvious he's the kind of teacher who just tries to fake his way through the class as quickly as possible. He's using the girls to fill space.

"Castleville." They all answer simultaneously.

The teacher nods, still faking interest. "And, why did you move here?"

"Our dad got a new job that required us to move here." Bubbles is the one to answer.

The teacher smiles, trying to think of something else to ask the girls, but before he can Buttercup speaks up.

"So, can we sit down now or. . .?"

The teacher nods, his eyes flickering towards the clock. "Since it's so rare we get new students. . Why don't we just take a break for the rest of class and talk amongst ourselves?"

Blossom raises an eyebrow at his poor teaching method, but shrugs it off when Bubbles grabs her arm. "There are three empty seats over their." She smiles, pointing near the back of the classroom.

There are, in fact, three empty seats. Not side by side, but one in front of the other.

Buttercup follows them to the seats, taking the one in the back for herself.

Bubbles takes the one in the middle, leaving the one closest to the front for Blossom. Leaving only two seats between her desk and the teacher's desk.

Bubbles, eager to make friends in a new place, smiles at the boy in the desk beside hers. "Hi!"

The boy eyes her up and down, pursing his lips in a tight frown, before turning away with no response to her greeting.

Bubble's smile quickly drops into a frown at the boy's reaction, wondering if there was something wrong with her. Did she do something to offend him?

Buttercup scowls. "Hey!" She talks towards the boy. "Blondie, my sister said hello, the polite thing to do is say hello back."

The boy doesn't respond, further angering the black haired girl.

"It's alright Buttercup." Bubbles smiles at her sister, placing a hand on top of hers.

Buttercup huffs, but doesn't say anything else to the blond boy.

Blossom turns around to see her sisters. "What rooms are your next classes in?" She asks, trying to see if they're near hers.

"I have art." Bubbles answers. "Room One-Oh-Three."

"I got gym." Buttercup smirks. "In room gym."

Blossom chuckles, rolling her eyes. "I have English. Room Two-Forty."

Bubbles sighs. "So we're all going separate ways?"

Buttercup nods, cracking her knuckles. "If anyone messes with you make sure you get their names Bubbs."

Blossom purses her lips. "Try not to get suspended in the first week of school. Please?"

"I won't make any promises." Buttercup smirks as the bell rings.

"Try though?" Blossom asks, standing and grabbing her pink bag.

"I'll be on my best behavior." Buttercup promises.

Blossom sighs, turning to Bubbles. "Why doesn't that make me feel better?"

Bubbles giggles. "Because her best behavior isn't that good?" She suggests, smiling.

Blossom nods. "Sounds about right."


Bubbles walks into the art room with a smile on her face, until she sees that the boy from her first block is in here too, sitting beside the only empty seat in the room. She lets out a small whimper before feeling a hand on her shoulder.

She turns around, coming face to face with a brunette girl with hazel-green eyes. "Hi!" She smiles.

Bubbles smiles back, happy that someone's talking to her. "Hello!"

The brunette smiles wider, then looks at the seat beside the blond boy. "Sorry about that." She gestures towards it. "No one wanted to sit next to him, so it's the only one open. I saw you talking to him earlier, don't take it personally, he's that way with everyone."

"Oh. . ." Bubbles smiles a little, glad to know it wasn't something she had done that provoked him to be rude to her. Then she smiles back up at the girl. "My name is Bubbles, by the way."

"I know." The girl smiles. "I have first block with you. I'm Robin."

The bell rings again and Robin sighs. "Guess we'll talk after class alright?"

Bubbles nods, watching as Robin walks towards a seat on the other side of the room. Then she sighs, looking anxiously towards the empty seat. It's her only option. She gets a few sympathetic glances as she walks towards it, and she finds herself wondering if people don't want to be around him because he's rude, or if he's rude because people don't want to be around him.


Buttercup walks in just as the late bell rings, though since it's gym she doubts it would matter how late she was, if it's anything like the school in Castleville.

She flinches a bit when a loud whistle blows in her ear. "You're late!" a tall, slightly chubby, man behind her yells.

"And you're old." She retorts, staring at the wrinkles around his eyes.

"Give me fifty push ups!" The man yells, obviously angry.

Buttercup eyes the man up and down. "Aw, c'mon now. You don't need a push up, your tits stay up on their own."

By this time the mans face is at the maximum redness level. "Down!" He points to the concrete floor. "One Hundred pushups!" He yells. "JOJO!" He calls, luring a black haired boy towards them, handing him the clip board. "You're a good kid. Make sure this girl does A hundred pushups before the end of class."

The boy nods, taking the clip board and eying Buttercup up and down, but he doesn't say anything.

Rolling her eyes, Buttercup drops her bag and gets on the ground, laying into push-up position. "One." She counts as she lifts her body up. "Two"

The boy just watches her, not creepily, more disinterested.

"So." Buttercup smirks up at him, continuing her push-ups. "Your name Jojo?" She asks. "Like the singer?"

He doesn't answer.

She growls. "Do boys here not know what being polite is?" She mumbles to herself, thinking back to the blonde boy from her first block.

"Butch." The boy answers, scowling down at her.

"What did you call me?" She stops the push-ups, glaring at him.

He raises an eyebrow. "I didn't call you anything. My name. It's Butch. Now, seeing as you've only done twenty three push-ups you should get back to them."

She scowls at him, but continues her pushups anyway. Muttering to herself about the rudeness of this school's students.


"Hello." Blossom is greeted almost as soon as she walks into English class by a red haired, blue eyed boy with square, wire rimmed glasses.

"Oh! Um, hello." Blossom smiles at him, which he quickly returns.

"My name is Dexter." He says, extending his arm towards her. "Dexter LaBoratory."

Blossom laughs a bit taking his hand and shaking it. "Like Laboratory?" She asks, to which he nods.

"But with a bit of a french accent."

"She nods. "I'm Blo-"

He stops her. "Blossom Utonium. I'm in your first block."

She laughs a little. "Oh. Well it's nice to meet you."

"You too." He smiles. "I was new here too, and I know how slow people here are to make friends with the new kid, and I wanted to invite you to sit beside me if you don't have anywhere else you'd prefer to sit."

She nods gratefully towards him. "That would be nice, thank you."

He nods turning around. "This way then." He says, walking towards a cluster of desks.

He sits down, motioning to the seat beside him, which she takes.

Looking to her other side there's a girl with a yellow dress and huge, curly, poofs of hair on the top of her head. She's looking into her mirror and coating on lipgloss like it's a bullet proof shield and she's about to go into a shoot-out.

The girl snaps her head towards Blossom with a scowl. "What?" She asks. "Are you a lesbian or something? I mean, I know I'm pretty but can you stop fucking starring at me?"

Blossom looks away, shocked at the girls insulting, offensive comments.

"Ignore her." Dexter whispers to Blossom. "That's Princess MoreBucks. She thinks she runs the school."

Blossom smiles at him, grateful to have mad a friend at least, when the teacher comes in to start the class.


"So. . .You girls have fun at school?" Blossom asks, closing and locking the door behind her.

"Oh yea. A hundred Push-ups, a fucking math quiz, school food, what's not to love?" Buttercup rolls her eyes.

Bubbles smiles at her. "Aw, c'mon Buttercup! Something good had to have happened? Like, I made a friend!" She giggles. "Her name is Robin, and she's really nice!"

"I made a friend too!" Blossom says. "His name is Dexter."

"Oooohhh!" Buttercup raises her eye brows. "Blossom has made a male friend. Let's break out the wine and dresses Bubbles, I smell a wedding!"

Bubbles giggles as Blossom's face flushes red.

"Shut up Buttercup. Did you make any friends?"

"Oh yes." Buttercup answers sarcastically again. "Cause I just drip with invitingness. People are lured into the trap that is my friendship."

"Not even one?" Bubbles asks, her voice sad. Worried that her sister hasn't made any friends.

"Nope." Buttercup smirks. "Don't worry Bubbs, I didn't want to make any friends." She says, not easing her sisters mind. "I think I'll go check out the football team tomorrow."

Blossom smiles. "I'll come with you."

Bubbles nods. "Me too!"

"Whatever." Buttercup shrugs.

"C'mon girls." Blossom smiles. "I'll make some dinner."

Guys! I had the next chapter of my hangover story all typed up but my grandpa borrowed my laptop to do something and closed it out without saving. I couldn't make myself re-write it yet so I decided to write this to ease my writers not exactly block but laziness xD This is not over, I will be trying to update this a lot -though I say that about all my stories don't I? ;-;I am a horrible person- But I'm gonna try motivation for this. I'm gonna set a date for updates. The next chapter shall be up on thursday, and I'll just try to do one every Thursday.