I do NOT own Attack on Titan or its characters. They belong to Hajime Isayama.

~Waking up in a New World~

"Tell me that is not so! They can't do something like that!" Mikasa pleaded to the aged woman who was trying to lock up the many bolts she had on her homes front door with her shaking hands. She had to take extra precaution for being a caregiver for those homeless young Omegas' that would be placed in her care, like the young fearful one who was complaining to her while her back was turned.

The old woman sighed and pushed aside a small part of the curtain to peek outside the window, scanning the streets to assure no one was hovering too closely to the house. When she turned back around, she saw how the young omega with once soft blue eyes was now coated in terror and heartache. But who could blame the young girl? Her parents had been violently ripped away from her life and now her only friend was being taken as well… The poor young girl was loosing everyone she had ever grown to love in such a short time span.

The grey haired women closed her eyes and shook her head slowly. "I'm so sorry, dearie. The boys sentence has been finalized and will be carried out late this evening." She watched the raven-haired girls world shatter right through her eyes.

"T-there must be something we can still do! He saved my life!" her voice cracked as she continued to beg, but she was begging to the wrong person.

"I'm afraid not. If the chance comes for you to say goodbye in person, then I will help you achieve that in anyway possible, but that will be all I can do I'm afraid." The elderly lady walked up to young omega and grasped her petite hands in hers in her own slender ones.

Mikasa looked up at the lady who had only been a stranger to her but a week ago before she was introduced as her new caretaker. She'd taken her in and washed her parents blood off of her, changed her stained clothes, and fed her a warm meal while not saying a single word to her. Somehow she understood her and that she was not yet ready to be spoken to. Mikasa was pleased because she had nothing to say to the woman whom she did not know. She didn't want to speak to anybody about what she went through except for Eren, but he was ripped away from her and now she was here with a woman she was finally speaking to after days of silence.

"My dear, you have been through so much pain and sorrow that any youngling should have to endure at such an age. I know the world must be collapsing around you at moment, but you must remain hopeful that this will all get better as time goes on and the wound will heal." She caressed Mikasa's hand lovingly as the young girl bit her bottom lip and sealed her eyes shut to hold back her tears.

"The wound may heal but the pain will forever last!" she whimpered and the woman sighed, frightful for the damaged omega before her. "I don't think a day will ever go by without my heart aching."

"Maybe not my dearie, but know you are not along, oh no, oh no." she smiled and placed her hands on Mikasa's face, swapping away a few tears that escaped her closed lids. "I know you do not think of me as family or anything more than another an old lady, but hopefully over time we can ease that gap, hm?" she lifted Mikasa's head up and waited for the girl to open her tear filled eyes. "I'm here for you, Mikasa and I promise that I will try my best to make you feel at home again."

Mikasa threw herself into the old woman's arms and let out all of the pain and heartache she had been keeping sealed within herself since the day of her parents' death and when Eren was taken away. She didn't know just how desperately she needed to hear that things would be all right, or that someone was still there for her. The thought of being alone absolutely frightened her.

"Dear…" the kind woman stroked the young girls hair and let her weep into her shoulder as she let her weak cries out. She knew that after the girl stopped her crying that she would go back to the reversed girl she was getting used to. Hopefully after time she would open again and learn how to move on even if the pain is still there.

Mikasa's desperate cries were stopped short when the sound of strong hooves and carriage wheels went passing by the house. The two women froze as the same realization crossed both their minds.


Before the elderly woman could stop her, Mikasa was out of her arms and already working on the doors locks. She was shaking so badly that her slim fingers were having a hard time grasping the metal and getting them to unlatch. She only stopped when a pair of hands was placed on top of hers. She looked up at the woman who was looking sadly down at her.

"Please help me." Mikasa pleaded softly and was relieved when her wish was granted when the woman started assisting her with the doors many secure locks. One the very last one, the woman placed her hand on the little golden handle in front of them.

"You have to promise to be careful, young one." She said sternly and Mikasa nodded. If she were to act careless then Eren could get in more trouble because of her. She just had to see him one more time. She had to say goodbye even though the thought of that hurt her deeply.

Together they both turned the handle and Mikasa wasted no time and sprinted from her caretakers home and went darting through streets, dodging people as it started to become more dense with curious spectators the further she advanced to the village center.

People whispered to one another, as they watched what Mikasa could not see because of her short height. Men shook there heads in disapproval and dared to say that the boy's punishment was too kind and he deserved something along the lines of death for his treason. Mikasa said nothing to the alphas that spoke of such cruel things because she did not want to upset them and bring harm to herself, or waste any extra time she could have to see Eren.

Finally she broke through a barrier of people and gasped at the scene before her in the villages square. Eren had heavy metal shackles around his ankles and wrist as though he were some type of threating criminal. She narrowed her eyes at the alpha that clamped another heavy ring around his neck. There was a man who stood on a podium and read out Eren's crimes to the crowd as the whispers grew louder and people pressed closer to get a better look at the boy who was now the villages murderer. But to Mikasa he could never be such. He was here savor, her best friend, her alpha…

Mikasa tried to take another step forward in attempt to get closer to the podium where her friend was chained, but a stern grasp gripped her shoulder and held her forcefully back. She looked up and expected to meet the harsh glare of an adult alpha male but instead the pair of eyes she meet were at her own eye level. They reminded her of ice and Mikasa found herself looking into them lost as they focused on her. She was reminded of her situation when the person spoke.

"Whatever you're thinking of doing is a bad idea." The person who held her back, a girl about her age said calmly. Mikasa could only stare with wide eyes at how this stranger knew of her intentions before she did.

"What are you talking about?" Mikasa bit out and turned her stare back to her friend on the wooden podium who looked absolutely enraged as people shouted slurs at him and some dared to throw things such as fruit or glass bottles.

"You're that omega, aren't you?" Mikasa spun around and slapped the other girls hand of her shoulder and glared at her fiercely. That's all she was in the story, the poor omega. They didn't even care to share her name to public and focused the entire story on Eren who was only doing the right thing in her eyes. He didn't deserve this punishment. The only ones who did were those alphas who were rightfully killed by him.

"What does it matter to you if I am?" she hissed and the girl with ice blue eyes shrugged and crossed her arms carelessly. "Nothing I suppose."

"Good then leave me alon-"

"But to him it might." She continued and Mikasa held her tongue.

"If it were anyone in the crowd to speak out then his fate might be changed, but if you did then your friend will only find himself in more trouble."


The girl glanced around at the people and how they all seemed to be on the side to banish the other young alpha. They didn't know the full story if they even cared to listen to it. They just followed the rest of the crowd and acted as though they all fit in and were doing the right thing. No one had his or her own opinion anymore. They just simply followed the current no matter where it guided them.

"You're the girl that he supposedly rescued, acting out now would only draw more attention to his crime and have the people stirred and request for further punishment. I doubt the fools here even know what's taking place before them besides a good show."

Mikasa thought about her words as she turned to watch Eren again on the tall podium for everyone to see and banter. She desperately wanted to help him but what the other girl was saying was the truth. It would only draw more attention to them both and she'd be damned if they decided to kill him on her poor thought of actions.

She turned to speak to the girl but was surprised to see that the other was nowhere to be seen. Mikasa didn't pounder it and turned back to watch as the carriage she had heard early was now being pulled up along side of the podium. The alpha who clamped the metal collar around Eren was now pulling him over to the carriage as two other alpha guards opened the doors. She watched in agony at how hard Eren fought to not be shoved in the carriage and listened as he screamed at the men who were roughly handling him. He was halfway into the carriage with only his head sticking out when he noticed her. Mikasa clutched at the red scarf around her neck and did her best to look strong for him. She needed him to know that she was going to be all right even if she wasn't, just for his sake she would try and convince him.

Eren Stopped his struggling in the short seconds that their eyes connected and took every moment he had left to take in her image. He watched her grab at the scarf he'd given her when they were younger and a part of him was relieved that he was able to leave a small part of him with her for her to always remember him. His omega friend was smiling softly at him and he tried smiling back as well to assure her that'd it would be ok. He knew that it may have looked like this was their final farewell but he made her promise when they were younger and one day he was sure he would carry through on that promise no matter the odds.

Mikasa watched when he was at last pushed inside the carriage and then when Eren's father entered without a single emotion crossing his older feature's as he did so. He didn't even flinch when one guard shoved him rudely. Her friend's father just entered the carriage and then the doors were quickly slammed shut behind him. They didn't waste a single moment and were off down the roads, the crowd making a clear path for the criminal and his son to be escorted out of the village.

Mikasa covered half of her face with Eren's red scarf and closed her eyes and tried to tune out the sound of the people wrongfully cheering. She wanted to cry but she wouldn't until she was in the security of her new home. A home without her mom, dad, or


Mikasa's eyes fluttered open for a moment before she let them weakly fall closed again. Her limbs felt so numb and weak that she wasn't for sure they would work when she'd command them too. It felt as though somehow pain had managed to seep its way into every inch of her body. She hadn't felt this much pain since she was thrown off a horse at a young as a little girl. Though, how was she able to remember that but not what happened to her to cause her this pain now?

What happened?

The Omega opened her eyes again and stared at the ceiling while waiting for her eyes to adjust and become un-hazy. Once clear, the first thing she noticed was that her bedroom ceiling was no longer wood, but something else and was a lot higher up. Confused to her where abouts, she turned her head to the side slowly and found that her nightstand was filled with items that were not her own. Beyond the bedside table was a desk with a few chairs in the corner of the mysterious room. The longer she stared, the longer she let the disturbing thought sink in that she was not in her room or any room that she had been in before.

Fear struck her heart as it started to beat rapidly in her chest, causing her breathing to pick up and her mind race with unnerving thoughts of the worst things imaginable to happen to an Omega.

She was in a bed in some stranger's room and her body ached all over… There was only one answer to that and it meant what she absolutely dreaded of ever happening. She bit her bottom lip and willed tears not to spill over as she tried her best to try and remember how and when it all happened, but nothing came to mind. How could she have let this happen to herself? After years of hiding from Alphas and keeping to herself on the streets, they were still able to get to her and the worst part was that she didn't even know how it all happened.

The candle beside her flickered on the nightstand and it drew her attention. She watched the flame, wishing she could scorch all those who brought her pain. She thought of the men that murdered her parents, the ones who chained her best friend, and the one alpha who had bed her. Her knuckles twitched and she realized that she had been squeezing the bed sheets at her sides. Sighing, she let go and turned her eyes back up towards the ceiling, deep in thought about how things would be from that point on.

She was suddenly brought back and startled when the sound of something was being slammed down upon a hard surface, splitting the silence in the air of the room. She froze, barely even breathing as her ears strained to hear every other sound in the room that she thought to have been in all be herself. The whole time she wasn't alone in the room, there was another silently lurking about without her knowing. Her fear soon turned to anger when she thought about the Alpha who had taken her innocence being the one in the room with her. She tried moving her arm and winced when it ached from the slightest movement. With her body in the state that it was, she wouldn't be able to put up a solid fight to the Alpha but hell she would try.

Mikasa almost leaped when a voice was casted from her right and she snapped her head in the direction and scanned the room. Her eyes stopped on the large desk in the corner of the room. It was so dark that she could barely even see when she squinted but someone was definitely hiding in its darkness there. She could feel their presence but what bewildered her was the fact that she couldn't smell them. If the Alpha were there the entire time then she would have smelt them right away, she even would have smelt him on herself and his bed sheets.

There was the sound of objects being shuffled around on the desk and Mikasa watched and listened before they stopped, whatever they were looking for was found it seemed.

"Who's there?" Mikasa barely even recognized her own voice when she spoke. It was so horse and weak that it could barely be heard from her ears and she doubted the other across the room was able to hear it either.

There was more silence from the desk before a match was cast and lit a candle, lighting up the surrounding area and revealing a face within the dark. Mikasa gasped at the sight. She knew that face… She had seen in somewhere before, but where? She couldn't remember.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting on you to wake up?" the voice asked and Mikasa found that her cheeks were starting to heat up for some reason. She heard the voice before but since she couldn't remember, it sounded as though she was hearing it for the first time all over again.

She didn't answer but the man continued on like he hadn't expected her to anyways. "Too damn long, but how would you know? You were comfortably asleep as I sat here and waited on your ass." There was a pause before she watched the man pick up something from the desk and hold it up in the candle light. "You're lucky I found a book while waiting or else I would have woken you myself." He sounded irritated during his speech because of the way he seemed to stretched each of his words. Mikasa also noted how his eyebrows were knitted upwards like how he was more annoyed with what he had to go through as though it were some type of punishment.

There was silence again as they watched each other across the room. She didn't respond and the man just sighed and set the book back down on the desk before standing, which made her pulse start to rise with what she assumed fear if not something else.

The man started walking towards her and Mikasa started inching away across the bed very as unnoticeably as possible. She listened as his boots clicked on the stone flooring and echoed off the stone walls as he drew nearer. Her heart thumped in her chest with every click with the unknown creeping up to her. She thought of this man to be familiar, but until she remembered she told herself to fear him. He could be the one who took advantage of her after all.

He stopped at the side of the bed and looked down at her and she froze from her scooting to stop and stare up at him. She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.

"Funny how you're scared of me when everyone else is of you..." She watched as he narrowed his eyes for a split a second as if thinking something over. "I'm not going to touch you so you can stop acting so damn tentative." He sounded annoyed and for some reason the Omega felt embarrassed by the way she was acting.

The raven-haired girl cast her eyes away for a moment then looked back at him who was still staring at her from above. She felt her face heat up again from under his stare and hoped the poor candlelight hid that from him.

"You don't trust me, do you?" he suddenly asked in a lower yet softer voice as his grey eyes narrowed intriguingly.

Trust him? How could she possibly trust a man to be in the same room as her in a some strangers bed with her having absolutely zero memory prior?

"How could I?" Mikasa weakly replied in a faint whisper but she could tell he heard her by the way his expression changed once she uttered the words. He looked as though taken back by her response yet also very impressed.

"So you do speak…" he mumbled beneath his breath and Mikasa couldn't help but watch his small lips move with his words.

"Yes, I know how to speak." She tried to make her voice come out smoother but her voice was hoarse from what she assumed was screaming and that thought added a heavy wait in her gut.

The corner of his lip twitched a little as if he found that amusing and was trying not to show it. He then crossed his arms over his chest and shifted his weight to one leg, also wiping that almost amused expression from his face. "If you insist that you know how to talk then how about giving a name?" he asked and Mikasa bit her tongue at the question. Should she tell him her real name? What would be the consequence if she did?

"What's yours?" she wanted to hear his first before telling him her own. It only made more sense to her that they were fair about it.

"That wasn't the question." He retorted back.

"Yes, but it was my question." She mockingly smiled and he looked at her with a face of growing interest.

"Why do you want to know my name?"

Mikasa paused and thought about it for a second before answering honestly. "Because I feel as though I've met you before."

The man's head tilted to its side and his bangs fell softly with it. "I wouldn't say we've met before, but I suppose I'm impressed with you remembering me at all." His eyebrows rose slightly as proof.

This confused Mikasa because it only proved to her thoughts that she was right. This man and her had seen each other before but have not actually met. This was probably the first time they've talked as well then.

"Impressed? Why do you say it like that?"

Something in his expression changed and he tuned his head at an angle that the candlelight barely touched his features. The most visible part of his face became his eyes as the fire from the torch danced across them. It made Mikasa almost wish she didn't ask the question.

"You were about to become another one of those bastards snacks before we found you." His tone dropped as hate practically radiated off of him like heat would from a flame. It was entrancing to watch and Mikasa couldn't look away from him as he glared at a spot on the bed instead of directing his anger at her.

"The way it was flinging you around and holding you, we thought to be already too late and to not bother, but then you screamed…" he paused but Mikasa didn't notice because the horror filled memories from before all came crashing back to her. Her chest felt restricted as though something was wrapped around her and she began to breathe heavily. She remembered how the creature treated her clumsily in its grasp and tussled her around all while she was defenseless. The thing stared at her through its dull eyes, forcing her to watch her fearful self in them as it reflected back like some repulsion mirror.

It had lifted her right from her horse and she did nothing but watch the hose gallop off without her. In that moment she thought she was going to be dead. She remembered being so scared…

Mikasa twitched when something touched her cheek and snapped her from her nightmare. The man was now sitting on the bed beside her and had his arm extended out to her face where one of his fingers skimmed her heated cheek. She was now at his eyes level and she stared into his eyes, trying to figure out the man before her and what his intentions were. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, he seemed completely harmless and he wasn't the one she should be taking her anger out on.

She felt his finger withdraw from her cheek and she placed her own hand there where his once was, not convinced he moved his hand away because she still felt it. He frowned at her and the fire she once saw in his eyes was out and filled with something else. Mikasa couldn't quite put a word to it but it fell along the lines of remorse.

"I'm sorry for bringing up memories like that. I should have been smarter and kept my mouth shut about it while you're lying here and still trying to recover." He looked at his finger and Mikasa's eyes followed and she saw what he was looking at. The tip of his finger was wet.

He had wiped her tear away.


The man froze and his eyes became wider as he just stared at her as if he imagined her speaking just now. "What did you just say?"

She smiled weakly at his bewilderment and rubbed her face clean of any more tears with her sleeve before responding. "My name is Mikasa."

He didn't say anything for a long while and just stared at her with his mouth slightly agape. "Mikasa…" he breathed out the foreign name and she nodded. Her smile grew as she continued to watch the curiosity and fascination in his pale strict features. Without the usual look of boredom on his face, she noticed just how handsome he really was when actually showing some type of other emotion. She also noticed he didn't quite have the facial features that an Alpha would usually bear.

"Now its your turn." She asked and watched as he straightened up and his face become straight lined again. His mouth opened but in the next second he was off her bed and standing a few feet from the bedside in a heart beat. She watched as his form become solider like with his shoulders held straight lined back and his arms neatly still at his sides. What bothered her the most was the expression that was on his face. It was back to the typical bored look that she saw when he was sitting at the desk.

Completely baffled by his sudden actions, Mikasa wanted to press the feat but stopped once the door across the room on the other wall went flying open as three people came walking in with the same odd clothing like the man who now stood on the other side of her bed.

When the door was swung open, Mikasa expected their scents to hit her but they never did. Sure, they all had a different smell to them but they weren't what she was looking for or expecting. None of them smelt of Alpha ranking nor Omega.

The three intruders walked in and stopped a good distance from Mikasa to not intimate her. The man who stood in the middle was tall with broad shoulders and had a face just as serious and menacing compared to the other two. The one to his right was a woman with auburn hair and some glasses in front of her wide hazelnut eyes.

"It appears we've come at perfect timing now that our quest is awake." The tall blonde man noted and grinned kindly at Mikasa who just stared blankly back at the stranger. Most men in her village who were tall, handsome, and appeared strong never showed an Omega such a kind and innocent smile like that.

"You should had sent for us, Levi." He said and looked past her and Mikasa followed his stare onto the man on the other side of the bed, still standing in the same position as before.

"I was about to until you all waltzed on in here. Might I remind you that this is my room after all that you're intruding in?" The man with black parted hair responded back tiresomely and Mikasa could do nothing but stare. She was in this mans bed. She was in Levi's bed. Levi noticed her staring and casted his eyes down at her for a brief moment, knowing that she now knew his name.

There was then a chuckle from the woman with the funny glasses. "Ohhh, should we have knocked first, Levi? Hope we didn't interrupt anything going on between you and the young lady here." She snorted and looked at Mikasa then winked, making Mikasa blush furiously.

"Tsk, whatever you're thinking in that imprudent head of yours better not leave your mouth." He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed her warningly. She just covered her hand over her mouth but wasn't able to fully cover her smile when the ends up her lips peeked out the sides.

The blonde man in the middle smiled like he was used to the banter between the two and it made Mikasa wonder what relationship the woman and Levi had together. Something inside her chest stirred but she took the feeling as pain from her earlier torment in the woods.

"I can assure you that we did not come here aggravate you, Levi. We only came to check the status of our guest's health. If you may, Hange." He nodded his head at the woman who then started walking towards Mikasa. When she reached her bedside the woman named Hange just grinned down at her before leaning over to get a closer look while fixing her glasses.

"Um…" Mikasa scooted up in the bed and leaned in the opposite direction away from the strange woman who was smiling oddly at her. Not even as close as the woman was Mikasa still couldn't get a proper breed scent from her. It was all so odd. Maybe her senses were put out of order when she was attacked by that monster in the woods?

"Whoaaa, no wonder Levi wanted you all to himself. You're gorgeous!" she beamed before cackling to herself and Mikasa heard the man behind her tsk. "Oh come on, Levi! You know I'm only playing with you! But this young lady here really is something to behold. I've never seen anyone with characteristics quite like hers before. How strange, eh?" she rubbed her chin and moved in closer towards Mikasa's face to the point where is became uncomfortable as her eyes studied almost every aspect of her face.

"I wonder…" she mumbled to herself in thought then reached out with her right hands towards Mikasa's face who watched nervously while leaning away. Hange's hand was but an inch from her face till another hand shot out from nowhere and stopped Hange's by gripping her wrist.

Mikasa looked up and saw Levi leaning over her, glaring at the woman while the candles flames danced across his daring features. Mikasa worried for the woman but the expression on her face was something she did not expect.

"Ohh, defensive and possessive!" she grinned up at him before looking back down to the girl on the bed. "I'd look out if I were you." She winked.

"Hange." He rumbled darkly.

The woman with glasses laughed and he removed his hand from her wrist and she leaned back up then placed her hands on her hips and swayed them to the side. "I think you'll be in good care if you are to remain here."

"I don't doubt that but she will be moved to another location to continue with her healing process." A deep voice said and Mikasa saw the tall blonde man move forward with another blonde man at his side. He was tall and had long sandy colored hair that covered his eyes completely. She wondered how he was able to see his way around with his vision being blocked like that.

"I thought we agreed on her staying here until-" Levi started but was cut off.

"We agreed on her staying until she has woken up and now she has. She will be moved to another room to be watched over and cared properly for. Don't you agree that having an actual doctor to tend for her would be better, Levi?" Mikasa noted how his voice dropped a few levels and the look in his blue eyes swift. Even though she wasn't able to smell this mans breed, there was no doubt in her mind that this man had to be an Alpha and a powerful one at that.

Levi was quiet and stared at him with his thin lips pressed in a straight line. The atmosphere in the room felt heavier as the silence continued and Mikasa shuffled in the bed uncomfortably. Her movements drew Levi from his thoughts and casted his gray eyes down at her before sighing and looking back up to the blonde man.

"I suppose you're right since I don't know shit when it comes to medical aid. When will she be moved?"

"Well that depends on how our guest is feeling." He turned to Mikasa and his serious expression turned soft and he smiled sympathetically at her from his stance across the room. "Do you think you'll be able to move on your own?"

Mikasa didn't want to risk her voice cracking so she just nodded at him and he eyed her for a moment. "Then we will come for you later when we have your new room prepared. I wish you well on your recovery miss." He smiled again at her then turned to leave. Hange gave her a final wink as goodbye before turning on her heels and followed the blonde to the door but the man with long bangs didn't budge. Instead he started walking towards Mikasa and stopped right at her bedside. She looked to Levi who was looking away with a peeved expression on his face that he was attempting to mask.

The man leaned forward into Mikasa's face before she had the chance to move away. He stopped just an inch from her and took in a long sniff though his nose then leaned away without a word and turned to leave. She watched as he walked through the open door and that the other blonde man was holding open. Her eyes met his for a moment and she wish that they hadn't. The way that he was staring at her was different from before. Instead of those blue eyes filled with sympathy, he stared at her sternly and callously. She shivered and looked away as she heard the door shut soon after.

She almost jumped when the man to her right let out a heavy sigh. She looked over and saw that he had his arms folded over his chest again with his eyes on the closed door. He seemed to be thinking hard over something the way he stared and how his stance didn't move. Mikasa was quiet and waited, hoping he would tell her what he was pondering so intently over.

Finally he dropped his eyelids and let his head drop a little. "So damn rude…" he muttered then looked over to the girl sitting patiently in his bed. She was just staring at him, her fair blue eyes looked so curious but also very tired. She even seemed a little pale in the face and he started to grow apprehensive for her health and whether or not to move her now to get some real assistance from someone other than himself, who knew shit next to nothing about caring for others.

"Levi…" all his of his thoughts suddenly went cold and he turned his full attention on the girl who just weakly uttered his name for the first time. She was watching him with those large blue eyes, filled with so much damn inquisitiveness that he almost wanted to supply her with every question she threw at him. Of course he wouldn't though, because for her own sake of course.

"What is it?" He asked and quietly watched her as her eyes darted away from his and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink that looked lovely compared to her pink lips. He stopped the thought and looked back into her eyes that were on him again.

"I was wondering…" she said faintly then cleared her throat by gulping. She seemed nervous about whatever she was going to ask and for some reason that made him nervous. Interest with her question was eating him away and he was about to demand what she wanted to ask him until he saw her lips part.

"Are you my Alpha?"


Commander Erwin walked into his office with Hange and Mike following him in with Hange shutting the door behind them and locking it. She turned and looked over to Erwin who was sitting at his desk with a solemn expression on his face as he stared at nothing with unparticular on his desk. He was quiet until he looked up and met eyes with Hange.

"What do you think?" he asked and she sighed sliding her fingers through her auburn hair steadily.

"Like I said before, I've never seen anyone with facial aspects quite like hers. You'd think you'd remember seeing another similar with a face like hers but I can't recall a single other one. Its as though she is one of a kind."

"Or of another kind." Erwin conjectured and the two others in the office looked up at him.

"Where do you think she came from then? She could be a survivor living off the lands from Shiganshina District? Though, I doubt she would have survived all that time on her own with Titans on those lands." She rubbed her chin deep in thought over another explanation. "If somehow she did though, I'd loved to gather what information from her on how she avoided them for so long alone."

Erwin looked up at her and shook his head. "She had a horse accompanying her before she was found. Wherever she must have come from, she used that horse as her way of travel. She couldn't have been completely alone out there."

"Did we ever find out what breed of horse that was?" Hange questioned and Erwin shook his head.

"For some reason its breed can not be identified. I was thinking of having it taken to ranches on the outer walls with those we could consider to have in trust that wouldn't tell of our intentions. "

Hange's eyebrows shot up as she gaped at the information. "So even her horse is of another kind… How interesting. That means that are probably more of them somewhere out there."

Erwin nodded and folded his hands in front of his mouth. "Now we just need to figure out where."

Hange was silent then suddenly remembered her question that she had meant to ask Mike once they entered the office. "Hey Mike, did you find anything interesting from our guest?"

The man with shaggy bangs turned his head toward her from where he stood with his arms folded over his chest as he leaned against a wall. He was quiet for a moment as though still in thought over his own assumptions then let out a defeated sigh. "I've never smelt anything like her before. She seems harmless, and I believe her to be, but something about her still isn't right. She's not normal. She's not like us."

"Oh? What do you mean by that exactly?"

Mike frowned and rubbed at the back of his neck wearily. "She's not human."

AN: No shit Mike. Thanks for the reviews and follows! See you next chapter!