Hello everyone, ando sorry for the really late update on this story. Hope you all like it enough to forgive me! Gomen nasai, minna!

Disclaimer: I do not own Love Live!

In an arcade in Akihabara just before noon…

"Kotori-chan, Kotori-chan look at that little bird over there. Isn't it adorable?" Honoka pointed at the stuffed bird inside crane game.

"It is!" Kotori became excited after seeing the little bird.

"Do you want it Kotori-chan?"


"Okay, so I'll get it for you!" Honoka got pumped up and rolled the right sleeve of orange and white stripped sweater.

"Go for it Honoka-chan!"

Honoka inserted her coin and carefully maneuvered to where the little bird was and pressed the "grab" button. The crane went down slowly… and grabbed the little bird.

"Yay!" The two intertwined their fingers and hopped in excitement, until the little bird slipped out of the crane's clutches. "…" Their mood fell as did their heads in disappointment.

The crane game right next to them, however had better luck.

"Winner!" The game flashed as Yukiho succeeded in grabbing one of the stuffed animals.

"Yay, I got it Arisa-chan!" Yukiho retrieved the stuffed kitten from the game and gave it to Arisa.

"Thanks Yukiho-chan!" Arisa pecked Yukiho's cheek and hugged her. "Heh…" Yukiho got embarrassed from the kiss to her cheek and scratched the cheek that was kissed.

"Don't worry I'll get it this time Kotori-chan!" Honoka got pumped up once more.

She inserted a coin in and maneuvered to where the little bird ended up from last time. This time she wanted it to be exactly above the little bird, so the same thing won't happen again.

"You won't slip away from me this time!" Honoka said to no one in particular as Kotori continued to stare at the little bird in the game.

She pushed the button and the crane descended… closer…closer…closer… The crane grabbed the little bird and ascended and made its way to the prize hole.

"Almost there…" Kotori and Honoka said in unison, while holding each other's hand as they continued to keep their eyes on the little bird.

The crane was close to the hole… drop… Honoka and Kotori gulped as the little bird fell from the crane. They averted their eyes, being scared of the outcome.

It fell to the prize hole and the game flashed after it fell.


"You got it Honoka-chan!" Kotori jumped onto Honoka and gave her a big hug.

"I did it! I got it!" Honoka returned the hug and squeezed Kotori in her arms.

"Ahem!" Yukiho coughed as she and Arisa walked closer to them.

The cough separated the two out of their hug and blushed from their display of affection.

"A-anyways, here it is Kotori-chan!" Honoka retrieved the little bird and handed it to her girlfriend.

"T-thanks Honoka-chan…" Kotori turned redder as she hugged the little bird tightly in her arms after receiving. "Here's your reward…"

"Huh-" Her confusion was interrupted as Kotori kissed her on the lips. Although it was chaste, Honoka could sense all the passion and feelings Kotori was trying to show her in that short kiss.

"Thanks…" Honoka held her down and scratched the back of her head.

"You two are so cute." Arisa said, completely out of the blue.

"!" It surprised the two, but they were also flattered.

"T-thanks Arisa-chan…" The two idols said with their faces heating up from what they did earlier and what Arisa told them.

"Well, of you two are done blushing, why don't we get something to eat?" Yukiho told her older sister and her girlfriend.

"Oh right, it's almost noon so we should eat some lunch." Kotori told her ginger-haired lover.

"Ok then, where do you two want to eat at?" Honoka asked the younger girls.

"Hmm…! I know, why don't we eat at where Kotori-chan used to work. The maid café." Yukiho suggested, which her lover quickly agreed on.

"Huh? Why, we c-can always eat somewhere else?" Kotori tried to avoid the four of them eating there and so tried to suggest other shops. "How about that new Couples Café that's getting popular here? I hear they have great food and service."

"Yes, that's a great idea. I've been meaning to go there with Kotori and now's the perfect time." Arisa sided Kotori after hearing the words "Couples Café".

"See, Arisa-chan wants to try it. How about you Honoka-chan?" Kotori looked at her with pleading eyes, begging her to agree with the Couples Café.

"I also want to try this Couples Café, sorry Yukiho, majority rules." Honoka told her sister.

"Fine, but the next time we're doing this, I get to choose." Yukiho pouted as Kotori began to lead the way while connecting her arm with Honoka.

"That's fine, so let's hurry okay. You sound hungry to me Yukiho-chan." Kotori teased her as Yukiho's stomach growled loudly enough for the four of them to hear. Yukiho instantly turned red as at the sound and tightened her grip on Arisa's arm as she laughed along with Kotori and her sister.

"Geez, fine hurry up then." Yukiho pouted as the others continued to giggle at her.

As they walked, the three continued to tease Yukiho On their way to the cafe.

They quickened their pace and arrived at the café. They entered and found themselves in an interesting environment.

"Wow, when you said couples' café I was not expecting this…" Yukiho said as she was dumbfounded by what she saw.

"I didn't hear about it being like this, either…" Kotori's mouth was slightly open, but was closed by Honoka as she gently closed it for her. "Thanks Honoka-chan."

What the four saw that surprised them so much, was that the couples in the café weren't boys and girls, but girls with other girls. They were holding hands, hugging each other tightly, giving each other quick kisses, and there was even a couple in the corner that was practically having sex with each other, right there and then.

"Hello dear guests, a table for four?" A beautiful girl with green hair that was in a ponytail greeted them.

"Oh, uh y-yes." Honoka was still in shock by seeing the couple in the corner.

"This way to your table." She guided them through the various tables that were filled with lovey dovey couples and stopped at the table that was in front of the couple entranced in their intense "love-making" session.

The four sat down, Kotori and Honoka sat at the side that was closer to the couple while Arisa and Yukiho sat across them. When they all sat down and tried to get comfortable, they gulped and turned red as they heard moans from the other side of their seats.

"Here is the menu, what would you all like?" The waitress was acting as if nothing was happening near where she was.

Kotori and Honoka looked at the menu together and found something they could eat together. "We'll take the Spaghetti and the "Red Velvet of Love" milkshake." Kotori told the waitress as Honoka laid her head on Kotori's shoulder, beginning to act lovey dovey.

"We'll take the omurice and the same milkshake as them." Arisa said as Yukiho's stomach continued to growl.

"Okay then, I'll hurry back with your orders." The waitress gave a smile and left.

As soon as she left, Honoka stole a kiss from Kotori's lips. Kotori quickly returned it, while Yukiho and Arisa were just shocked.

"Onee-chan, Kotori-chan! What are you two doing?!" Yukiho said loudly in surprise, but no one really cared and just ignored it while they continued to flirt with their girlfriends'.

They parted from their kiss, but never spaced from each other more than a centimeter.

"What's the matter Yukiho?"

"What do you mean 'what's the matter'? You just kissed each other in public!"

"It's not that big of a deal Yukiho. Just look around you, practically everyone here is doing something like this, so there isn't anything to be embarrassed about."

"Ehh?!" Yukiho was going to continue to make a big deal about it, until Arisa shut her up win a kiss. "Mhhh!"

Yukiho was taken by surprise, but that didn't stop Arisa from making their kiss as passionate as they usually do. and because of the kiss, Yukiho simply gave up at what she told Kotori and her sister earlier.

After seeing that Yukiho and Arisa we're doing the same, the two continued to what they were doing earlier. They kissed normally at first, until Honoka licked Kotori's lips To beg for her tongue's entrance. Kotori eagerly opened her mouth and soon afterwards Honoka stuck her tongue in Kotori's mouth and explored it. She licked everything inside her mouth and pulled Kotori closer to her body so she could kiss Kotori better.

Unlike Kotori and Honoka's, Yukiho and Arisa's kiss lasted a little shorter than their elders. When they parted from each other's lips and looked over to the other side, they were frozen from shock at the two's intense make-out session. They could hear moans escaping their lips and the sounds of their tongues exploring each other's mouths.

The kiss was heating by he second and Kotori started to pull on Honoka's sweater, as if she was trying to take it off. The very next second that idea was confirmed when Kotori's hands stopped pulling on it and went to their Honoka's chest and began to unbutton it.

Arisa and Yukiho didn't know how to stop it, but luckily the arrival of a certain someone saved them from having to do anything.

"Honoka, Kotori!" A new voice that sounded a little angry was heard by he four, but Kotori and Honoka didn't care enough to part from their kiss.

The voice kept calling out to them, but was continuously ignored. "Kotori, Honoka!" The next thing you know, Kotori took off Honoka's sweater and started kneading her breast.

"Okay, cut it off you two!" The voice didn't only just yell at them, but separated them as well. They were forcefully pulled from each other and when they did, they saw a blonde, a red head, and a raven haired girls standing near their table.

"Ehh, Eri-chan, Maki-chan, Nico-chan! What are you three doing here?!" Honoka said in awe at seeing the three of them at a couples' cafe.

"The question is, what are you two doing in public!" Nico scolded the two from what her juniors were doing.

"Um..." The two just became silent upon hearing the question Nico asked them.

"Well, we're waiting." Maki said sarcastically.

"..." It was just an awkward silence between he seven, that is, until the waitress returned with their order.

"Here is your order, dear guests. Oh, it seems we have more guests." The waitress spoke as if there wasn't any weird atmosphere. She tilted her head when the seven of them just looked at her at the same time. "Hmm, what's wrong?"

"..." The seven just continued to stare at her with awkward faces as she's continued to play dumb at the moment.

Hey guys, did you like this chapter. if you did please forgive its tardiness and review your thoughts on it. By the way, any guesses on who the green haired waitress is? Give your best guess and I'll see if you got it right.

Anyways, thanks for reading and BYE BYE!:D