Hey everyone, this is my new fanfic and this is a team kidnapping fic which I haven't done before so please be kind as I'm getting the hang of doing it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and yes, this will focus on Reid as he's my favourite character and I just love torturing the little genius. While it will have a heavy Reid viewpoint, other team members will have their points of view in this. I'll leave you now with this short and sweet message. Enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you all.
Enjoy and please review
All mistakes are my own
Hotch tried to focus himself as he woke up, he felt sluggish and slow, he rolled over to his stomach and pressed his face down. Instead of his comforting pillow, he found a cold hard floor touching his cheek and finally began to become more aware. He sat up and looked around his surroundings. As his vision cleared, he looked across and saw Garcia asleep on the floor, her blonde hair sprawled across it. He looked at the bars and knew he was in a cell, so was Garcia, he moved to the metal bars and found cells on each side of Garcia's cell. Rossi was in one of them but another was pitch black and he didn't know if anyone was in there. "Garcia," he called weakly, he shook his head as he tried to get rid of the heavy haze weighing down his mind.
"Hotch?" a voice came from next to his cell, he recognised the voice immediately. "Morgan, is that you?"
"Yeah, what the hell is going on? I feel like hell," Morgan moaned. "I've been calling Garcia for a while, I think she's still asleep."
Hotch looked over and he saw Rossi beginning to move. "Rossi, wake up!"
He heard another person next to his cell. "Rossi, who's across from you? Who's on the other side of my cell?"
He waited as Rossi gathered himself. "It's Alex and JJ, Alex is waking up but JJ is still out. Where are we?"
"I don't know," Hotch answered honestly. "Wait, where is Reid?"
Hotch jumped as he heard a metal door slam open, he came to the bars and watched as a man kicked a large sack down some stairs and then drag it into the empty cell, the man wore a vendetta mask. He couldn't see who he was putting into the cell and hoped it wasn't Reid. The men left with the large sack that was now empty, leaving them all to wonder who had taken them. A small moan came from one of the cells next to him.
"JJ's waking up," Rossi said with relief. "Alex, help her get her bearings."
"Is anyone hurt?" Hotch said loudly. Multiple answers of 'no' reached him and he was glad of that. Garcia was still asleep but he decided to let her stay like that, he knew she'd be scared and afraid, she didn't need to feel like that straight away.
"Hotch, where is Reid?" Morgan asked.
The dark cell came alive as light flooded it, his eyes widened as he saw Reid on the floor, his face bloody and bloody bandage around his arm. Hotch didn't get the chance to call out, Morgan beat him to it.
Morgan rushed to the bars of the cell and tugged at them fruitlessly, Reid's cheek was swollen and one of his eyes was black, blood trickled from his nose and down his split lip. "Kid, wake up! Reid, wake up!"
"Is he okay?" Rossi questioned as he came to the front of his cell, he was only able to see across from himself.
"He's hurt," Morgan said angrily. "He's got a bloody bandage around his arm, his cheek is swollen with a black eye and a split lip, he's got a bloody nose too. Why did they do this to him? They didn't hurt the rest of us."
A small moan brought his attention back to his best friend's cell. He watched as Reid began to move.
Reid felt horrible as he woke up, he kept his eyes closed as he tried to remember why he was in so much pain, he could hear voices but couldn't focus on them. He stilled as memories came into his mind, only flashes marred with pain.
Glass shattering as he got thrown into his glass table, a sharp pain coming through his arm.
A hand around his throat pinning him to the floor as a fist punched him in the face.
Fighting the arm around his throat as it cut off his breathing.
Opening his eyes, he winced as his eyes became seared with light, he closed them before turning away from the sharp light. He slowly made his way to the wall and sat against it. He finally began to focus on the voices and recognised one of them as Morgan's voice.
"Morgan," he groaned before letting the wall support all his weight. He looked to the side and saw Morgan in a cell exactly the same as his.
"Hey, kid, are you okay?"
He looked down and realised there was a bandage around his arm, soaked with blood and poorly tied off. "I'm in pain," Reid sighed. "Head hurts like hell. Where am I?"
"We don't know, kid. The whole team is here, even Garcia. What did they do to you?"
"He was wearing a vendetta mask, I stayed up late to sort out some of my books. The next thing I knew, someone tried to grab me but I fought back, I guess I lost."
"That you did," a voice came from the top of the stairs. Reid could hear someone coming down some stairs but wasn't in a place to see them, he jumped as the man suddenly came to view. "Hello, Spencer."
"Who are you?" he said with all the strength he could, he felt woozy from the blood he had lost. The others wouldn't hear this conversation.
"Let's just say you won't find out till you're dead."
"Leave him alone," JJ yelled across the room.
"Let them go," Reid pleaded stoically. "If you have a problem with me, then keep me and let them go."
"Now, why would I let your family go when they're gonna be so fun to play with? I can think of all kinds of things to do to them. I know that you care about each of them and I assure you that if you try anything, I'll carve into little Garcia first. The others have training, she doesn't. Do you want to hear her scream, Spencer?"
"No," he shook his head. "Don't hurt her."
"I'll be back soon and then we'll begin the fun times. I want you to know that you deserve this, you deserve everything that is about to happen."
The masked unsub left his cell and made his way up the stairs.
"Let us go!" Hotch shouted.
"Why do I deserve all this?" Reid whispered.
"Hotch!" a scared voice came from next to Reid's cell, a voice that he recognised instantly as Garcia's voice. He could hear her fast breathing as she tried to calm herself down.
"Babygirl," Morgan called. "It's okay, you need to calm down though. We're going to get you out of here, I promise you that. The whole team is here and we won't let him hurt you."
Reid remembered the man's warning, Garcia would get hurt first if he tried anything. The man had spoken in such a low voice that the others had no heard anything, Reid wasn't about to make them panic now.
"Who took us?" Garcia panicked. "I can't see Reid or Rossi."
"We're here," Rossi assured her. "I'm to your right and Reid is to your left."
"Hey, Garcia," Reid said before letting out a small groan as he moved his head.
"Reid, what's wrong?" Garcia demanded, he heard her shuffle across her cell.
"He's a little hurt but nothing too serious, I hope not anyway," JJ said as she met Reid's eye.
Reid closed his eyes but didn't have the strength to open them again, he felt himself slide down the wall and hit the floor, he felt his entire body losing its energy before he fell into the comforting darkness.
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