Sup Fairy Tail Friends. I was beyond stoked when I came up with this idea for a basiaclly contains every 'correct' (I personally feel like) big/major/whatever you want to call it couple in Fairy Tail...basically the main people- aka: NaLu, GaLevi, Gruvia, Jerza. I hope that you all enjoy it as much as I did and will enjoy writing it! Leave ya comments, concerns, cuss words in tha reviewssss. And I'm sorry in advance if there are grammer/lack of flow. I finished this late at night because I was so excited about it...but I also had school the next day #conflictions. So let me know of any major fixes and what nots. YOU GUYS ROCK!

Unfortunately, I do NOT own Fairy Tail.

The First Time

"Turn off the lights when you eight are done over there," Mira calls out at the group from across the guild.

A half full bottle, along with several empty bottles of sake sit in the middle of the round table. Encompassing the table sits eight mages: Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Gajeel, Levy, Jellal, Juvia, and Erza- each battling their own case of the hiccups from over consumption of alcohol.

No one exactly knows how each couple got into this mess. Perhaps it started when already tipsy Natsu yelled over at Gray about his wife Lucy being less of a lightweight than Gray's wife Juvia. The two got into it and then Gajeel and his companion Levy were thrown into the brawl. And of course Erza went in to try and break up the fight, but somehow she and Jellal got caught up in it too. And then it just turned into a marriage drinking contest.

So now, they all sat round a table, hiccupping uncontrollably, and speaking gibberish.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll get it Mira," a very drunk Natsu mumbles over at her, waving his hand shooing her away. Natsu turns his head back to the group. "So…where were we?" He says anxiously, looking around at his guild mates and honestly not remembering what they're talking about.

No one exactly knows how the subject got brought up. No one knows who started it…mostly because no one was sane or sober enough to recall or comprehend anything to begin with.

"Each couple was about to share their first sexual encounter," Erza says taking another gulp of sake.

"Oh right, right," Natsu responds slamming his hands down on the table, causing everyone's glass to jump a bit, "So…who's goin first?"

Everyone looks around at each other wondering who would tell their story.

Natsu takes another swig of sake and throws his cup back on the table.

"I guess me and Luce'll go first!"

"Uhm, excuse me?!" Lucy turns and looks at her husband. "I am not sharing that information with any of these people!"

"Man that was cold, even for me," Gray exclaims pouring himself another glass of sake.

Lucy turns back to herself and looks down at her hands and blushes, "Besides…it's way too embarrassing…"

"That's what makes it fun!" Levy says from across the table putting her glass up in the air and leaning onto Gajeel.

Lucy looked back over at Natsu who is smiling that full face grin he always does. His cheeks are a little flushed from the sake. Natsu lifts his arm up and wraps it around Lucy's waist, pulling her closer to him.

Lucy pours herself another glass and chugs it down. She wipes her mouth and sighs.

" was when we all went to that hot spring…" Lucy says to the group.

Levy gasps, "REALLY?!"

Lucy laughs at her reaction.

"I was wondering why you two were out there so long…" Erza says from across the table chuckling to herself a little.

Gajeel raises his glass towards Natsu, "Gotta give it to ya fire dragon, nice one."

Natsu laughs and raises his glass to his and clinks them together, then chugging down whatever was left in their glasses.

Lucy looked over at her husband and smiled recalling that night.

NaLu's Story

It was late. Team Natsu just arrived from a long journey and a hard fought battle. The hot spring was the closest place to sleep from where they were. The group waited outside while Erza went into the lobby and asked to see if any rooms were still available.

When she came back out, Erza explained to them, "Well, because it's so late and the weekend, there is only one medium sized room. Thankfully the man was generous enough to give us mattresses for each of us as well as our own private hot spring just for our room; unfortunately though, we will be cramped in that small room,"

Natsu yawned loudly and stretched his arms up in the air, "Fine with me!"

"Yeah well you're not the one who has to deal with your snoring in the middle of the night, fire for brains!" Gray yelled over at Natsu.

"Whatcha call me, Ice Princess?!" Natsu yelled back at him pursuing a fight.

Lucy giggled at the boys. Erza motioned Lucy to follow her, "Come on, we'll go ahead to the room and let them come at their own time."

Lucy followed her down the corridor to their room. Erza turned the key in the lock and opened the door. The girls stared in at the cramped room and looked back at each other in question.

"Um…how exactly is this going to work...?" Lucy said to Erza. Erza sighed and walked inside confidently.

"We're just going to have to deal with the space we have," Erza said.

Lucy nodded and followed her into the room, setting her luggage down in a corner. Erza went and grabbed a mattress from the other side of the room and laid it on the floor next to her five million pieces of luggage.

"Are you not going in the hot spring, Erza?" Lucy asked.

"No, I am. I just thought I would claim my space before those rowdy boys got in here."

And like clockwork, Natsu and Gray slammed though the door and into the room.

"Would you two keep it down? People are sleeping in this place!" Lucy yelled at them.

"Sorry, Lucy," Natsu whispered over at her. He threw his bag down and grabbed a mattress placing it near the corner where Lucy was standing. He knelt down to the floor, adjusting his bed on the ground.

"What do you think you're doing, Natsu?" Lucy said to him with her hands on her hips.

"What? Is this where you're sleeping?"

"Well I was going to sleep right there!" Lucy said pointing to a spot not five feet from where Natsu's bed was laying.

He looked at where her finger was pointing and looked back at his mattress and up at her big brown eyes. He smiled that full face grin he does, "I always sleep best when you're near me!"

Lucy was taken aback by his words, blushing heavily. She felt her face turn tomato red. She couldn't even say anything back- she just sighed at him. He got up from the ground and looked at her. His charcoal eyes lit a fire in Lucy's stomach. She turned her face trying to hide the extreme redness it had painted on it.

"I'm going to go change!" Lucy announced.

"Oh...okay…" Natsu said to her. Lucy stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

"Man…what was her problem...?" Natsu thought to himself. He looked over at Erza and Gray at the other side of the room. Erza was rearranging her stuff and Gray was already undressed down to his boxers.

Erza turned to Gray. "Clothes…" she instinctively called out to him.

"I'm goin in the hot spring anyway," He responded.

Erza sighed and turned back to her belongings. Lucy walked out of the bathroom in a complimentary robe from the hot spring they were at. Erza got up from the other side of the room and started to walk toward the bathroom. She stopped in the middle of the room.

"Natsu. Gray. You two don't have to wait for us. You can use the men's locker room. We have our own hot spring just out those two doors; so, just change and come back here...unless you feel the need to use the other hot spring."

She continued walking to the bathroom and closed the door behind her while Natsu and Gray filed out of the room.

Lucy sat by her stuff waiting for Erza to return. Erza walked out of the bathroom with a small white towel wrapped around her body. Lucy got up when she entered the room and Erza threw a towel at her.

"I think you'll want this," She said.

Lucy took off her robe and wrapped the towel around her body.

"Thanks," Lucy said smiling at the red headed mage.

There was a knock at the door and then Natsu barged in.

"You're supposed to knock you idiot," Gray said to the fire dragon.

"Yeah whatever, Icy Boy."

Lucy looked over at Natsu. She's seen him shirtless plenty of times, but this time, somehow, was different. Her brown eyes scanned his slightly tanned body. His arms were folded over his chest, the muscles in them bulging out. She noticed a scar on his collar bone and another one on the side of his body, right next to his abdomen. Lucy scanned his delicious looking abs and let her eyes wonder further down to the white towel. She dreamed for a moment what could be lurking under there, but shook those thoughts out of her head.

"What am I thinking?! Why am I looking at him like that? What is making my heart beat so fast?" Lucy thought.

"You okay, Luce?" Natsu said looking over at his partner. He tried hard not to openly stare at her breasts that were waiting to pop out of that white towel. If she ever caught him staring, she would hurt him for sure. But he's always caught a peek every now and then without her noticing.

Lucy looked back up at Natsu, feeling his eyes blaze at her. "Yeah I'm fine!" She said smiling at him.

"Are you all coming?" Erza called out to us as she and Gray exited out of the double doors on the other side of their room.

"Yeah!" Lucy called out. She gazed out at the hot spring outside. It was the most beautiful one she's ever seen. Cherry blossom trees and beautiful smooth rocks outlined the spring.

She walked out and stepped into the water. Gray was already sitting on one side and Erza on the other. She sat next to Erza, putting her back flush to the rock behind her and melting into the water. Lucy looked over at Natsu who sat sort of near Gray with his arms sprawled out of the water along the rocky edges. His muscles were clearly chiseled and defined. Lucy tried hard not to openly gawk at them.

The four of them must have been out there for hours. Erza called it a night when the conversation died down between them.

"I'm gonna hit the hay, too," Gray called out as he got out of the spring. Lucy still sat on her side of the hot spring with her back against the cold rock. She tilted her head back when she heard the door shut to their room.

Lucy gazed up at the night sky. The stars seemed exceptionally bright tonight. She admired the crescent moon as it hung there in the sky. Her eyes closed and she breathed in the air around her.

Her eyes flew open when she heard the water around her splash a little. She looked over to her left and saw Natsu sitting rather close to her.

"Wha-what do you think you're doing?" She questioned, scooting away from him.

"I thought it would be hard to talk to you from across the spring," Natsu responded innocently.

Lucy blushed as Natsu continued to move closer to her.

"Would ya quit movin'?" Natsu called out to the blonde, "I just wanna talk to ya."

Lucy stopped and Natsu settled next to her about two feet away. She felt the water become hotter with his presence- his body radiating heat and causing the spring to rise in temperature.

An awkward silence fell between them.

Lucy coughed. "Well…what did you want to talk about…?" She said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She accidentally pushed her boobs up, causing them to poke out of the water and her towel further.

Natsu immediately noticed. He gawked at them for a few seconds and then shook his head.

"Uhm, well…I don't know," He sighed throwing his arms out of the water and sprawling them out against the cold rocks around him. "We can talk about all the fun memories we had or our next mission together!" He said cheerfully looking over at her.

Lucy looked over at the dragon slayer and saw that same goofy smile sprawled out on his face. She couldn't help but to just smile back at him and giggle.

"What's so funny?" Natsu asked.

Lucy covered her mouth. "Oh, nothing," She said.

Natsu shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the stars laid out above them. He breathed in, "Sure is a nice night."

A shooting star fell across the night sky. Lucy looked up at the stars. "Yeah it really is…"

A rustling sound came from a bush a couple feet out of the spring.

"AHH!" Lucy screamed throwing herself away from the noise and two feet to her left …

Natsu laughed at her as a nocturnal animal crawled out from the bush. "Whatcha so scared of? It's just a little animal," he said to her. He looked down and saw how close she was to him. He could smell her…sweet vanilla. He smiled slightly.

Lucy looked back at him and started to talk but then realized how close her face was to his. She felt the redness crawl up from her toes all the way to her face. She quickly looked away and backed up a little bit.

"Sorry about that…" She said to him.

He gave her a confused look. "Sorry for what?"

"Sorry for-," Lucy stopped. "He must've not noticed how close I was to him…phew." "Never mind," she said and smiled at him.

Natsu gazed at his partner. He liked her smile. He liked looking into her big brown eyes. He looked at her and smiled. He looked at her shoulders and the skin on them. It looked so soft…like porcelain…so clean. He wanted to hold her in his arms. He wanted to pull her close. He wanted all of this, but he knew that she didn't…and that is what held him back. That, and Lucy was his partner…his nakama…he couldn't have feelings for her…that's taboo, right?

Lucy felt the heat from his charcoal eyes on her skin. She turned to him and saw Natsu staring at her. She blushed and smiled slightly.

"Hey Lucy…" Natsu started to say.

She looked up at him with her big, big brown eyes. Her blonde hair fell on her shoulders. "Yes?"

"…Um…you…you're really pretty," he said shyly.

Lucy looked at him wide eyed.

"What did he just say? Did he just tell me that I'm pretty…but not just pretty…really pretty?! Did Gray put him up to this…I swear…" Lucy thought to herself, but she looked harder at Natsu who was blushing and looking down at the water. "Oh my Mavis…he was serious…he seriously meant that…is this a dream?"

Lucy moved next to him in the water and smiled up at him. "Thank you, Natsu…that really means a lot to me."

"You're-," Natsu started to say but when he looked at the blonde next to him, her big brown eyes gazed up at him and something low in his stomach started to burn. He scratched the back of his head nervously. "You're welcome, Luce…"

Something exploded between them at that moment. Some chemical reaction. An unexplained force suddenly drove them together- like all the stars in the sky were forcing them to be together. Like the gravitational pull from the moon moved them together, like it moved the tides of the ocean. They both felt the pull- the electric shock.

Natsu glanced down at Lucy's lips. They looked soft and pink. He wanted to crash his own into them. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Lucy's lips met his.

Her lips crashed into his like a wave against a rock in the ocean. It was a graceful crash. And within that crash flew sparks. Something started to grow deep in their bodies. A new feeling…but an old one at the same time. A feeling that has remained since their first encounter, when they first met. And now, finally, that feeling exploded in both of them- causing an eruption of euphoria to flow through each of their veins and pump their hearts rapidly.

They both pulled away from the kiss and looked back in each other's eyes, wide eyed, lustful, and slightly out of breath.

"I…I'm so sorr-," Lucy began.

"Don't be," Natsu whispered wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist and pulling her close to his body.

"I want you…" he said and pushed her in for another kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. They both drew out again and looked at each other. Natsu slid his hands down from her waist to under her thighs. Lucy peered into his inferno eyes watchfully. He picked her up from beside him and moved her to his lap. Her legs straddled his thighs.

"Is…is this okay?" Natsu asked.

Lucy smirked at him. "You tell me…"

She fell into him for another kiss and let her hands search to the front of him and let them scour his chest. She felt his muscular shoulders along the way. His skin was surprisingly soft, but yet tough at the same time. She rubbed her hands over his collarbone and down to his pectorals. Natsu groaned from deep in his throat because of her touch. She felt his tongue knock on her lips' door. She let it in and his tongue then wrestled hers for dominance. Lucy smiled in the kiss.

Natsu moved his hands up and down her back. She arched it, which also gave him access to her neck. He began to make a trail from the side of her cheek, down to her jaw, and to her neck. He nibbled at parts and then licked it. Moans slipped out of Lucy's mouth. He smiled at her reaction on her neck. He then began to trail down across her collarbone and shoulder.

She gasped at his touch and arched her back more. Natsu glanced back up at the celestial mage's face and into her chocolate eyes. Her face was flush from his touch. He smirked, excited that he made her feel this way. Natsu went in to kiss her again, but Lucy placed a finger on his lips. He paused and looked at her confusingly. Lucy took the top part of her white towel in on hand and slowly unraveled it from her curvaceous body. Natsu's jaw dropped at the sight of her.

Of course he's seen Lucy naked before, mostly by accident and with her kicking his ass right when she noticed, but…she was different now. This beautiful woman was naked…and sitting on top of him. He beamed at her.

"You're beautiful, Luce…"

Lucy grinned at him and crashed into his lips. A moan erupted from Natsu's throat. His hands slid up and down her now bare back. Her skin alone turned him on. It was silk, pure silk. He could smell it too- one of his favorite smells. It did have a vanilla twist to it…but he could only describe her sweet smell as Lucy. He wanted that smell forever. He wanted her…

Lucy broke away from the moment and looked at him with a slightly angry face.

"…Did I do something wrong?" Natsu asked slightly scared at the emotion written on her face.

"Why am I naked and you're not," the blonde pouted. The dragon slayer smiled ear to ear at her and took hold of her waist and pulled her up so he could remove the towel on his lower body.

Lucy stood over him watching him draw up the towel from the water and throw it somewhere in the grass. She smiled down at him and straddled his legs. She threw her arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the base of his head and pressing her breasts into his chest. Natsu gripped her waist and pushed her farther up his body and into osculation.

He let his hands wonder around her body until settling on her stomach. Lucy arched her back for him to have access to her neck. Natsu slowly moved his hands up her abdomen and to the underside of her breasts. Lucy looked down into his gray eyes and took in other instance of him. One of his hands moved to her back while the other proceeded to move up to grope her breast. Lucy gasped when he gave it a squeeze.

"Natsu!" She said throwing her head back in ecstasy. He nibbled on her ear before moving down to her throat again. A noise elicited deep in his throat, vibrating her neck.

Natsu took her nipple into two fingers and began teasing it back and forth. She gasped louder and began panting softly. He removed his mouth from her neck to look at her rosy face. He greatly enjoyed pleasuring her. He loved the noises she made whenever she felt his touch become heated.

He started make a line of kisses down the front of her neck to her sternum. He stopped when his lips hit the surface of the water. Natsu looked up at Lucy disappointedly. Lucy then read his eyes and wrapped her legs around Natsu's tight, muscular body. She them swiveled around in the water so that her back was now against the rocks. She lifted herself up out of the water a bit so her breasts were fully exposed. Natsu gazed up at the sight. She let Natsu's body out of the vice grip of her legs. He slid up her body, grabbing hold of her waist to hold her in place. Natsu's lips then continued to kiss down her sternum and paused in the valley her breasts created.

Lucy propped herself up on her forearms to observe what he was doing. She saw his mouth move to her right breast. Natsu looked up at her for reassurance. Lucy smiled down at him. And with that, Natsu's hot mouth wrapped around Lucy's nipple. She arched her back in pleasure.

"Ahh, Natsu…" she moaned. He continued to suck and flick his tongue at the peak. Lucy embraced his body with her legs- wrapping around his body in a tight grip trying to soothe the ecstasy that was building in between her legs.

Natsu then moved his mouth from her right breast to the left and began to tease it. She tasted so sweet. Her body was ecstasy. He craved her.

Lucy panted faster and tightened her grip around Natsu and felt herself getting higher and higher- peaking. She began panting his name. A groan sounded from his throat, vibrating her entire chest. He took his mouth off of her breast just in time for that ecstasy in her not to explode.

He smiled up at the blonde, his dragon eyes devouring hers. She grew hungry just by looking at him. And a devilish smirk fell across her face. Lucy unraveled her legs from his body and slid out of his grip into the water. She appeared behind him seconds later. He looked at her slightly confused. She began to wade over to him, pinning him up against the rock wall. Natsu has never seen this side of Lucy…a dominating side…"and what's even sexier," he thought, "It's a sexually dominating side…" He felt something start to come alive in between his legs.

Lucy crashed into his lips passionately, rubbing her hands up and down his chest. Natsu breathed in deep allowing her to create a trail of kisses down his neck as well. He began propping himself up slowly out of the water so she could continue. Lucy's tongue lingered and traced around each individual muscle on his abdomen. He was so delicious. She paused when her lips hit the end of his abdomen and the top of the water. Natsu looked down at her, not knowing what she was thinking for a second.

Without hesitation, Lucy grabbed his member. Natsu's eyes grew wide as he looked down at the celestial mage's devilish face.

She began to pump his shaft with her right hand. Natsu threw his head back in pleasure.

"Oh God, Luce," he moaned. She circled the tip of his member with her finger nail lightly, greatly teasing him. Raspy groan fell out from deep within his throat. Lucy smiled up at him with a flash of her now dominating brown eyes.

"Sit up here," she said patting the rock in front of her face. Natsu followed her orders but looked down at her in suspicion. She smiled up at him and came face to face with his throbbing member. Before Natsu could register what she was about to do, her lips encompassed the head of him. Her tongue lashed out and flicked the tip.

"Ahh God, Luce…yes…" Natsu moaned, bucking his hips up and pushing more of his length into her mouth. She sucked in more of him while letting her tongue slide down the bottom length of his shaft.

His chest heaved in an out rapidly.

His breaths became heavy and sounded raspy.

He moaned with each exhale throwing his head back in ecstasy.

His body tightened as she picked up speed. His abs started to clench. Lucy felt him become harder and thicker. Her tongue felt a vein start to budge from the underside of his length. Her head bobbed fast up and down his member.

"…you have to…to…stop," he pushed out between pants. His hips moved with her mouth. "I'm gonna…" he started to say. But for Lucy, she didn't mind. She could already taste the liquid that oozed out of his manhood.

Natsu gave a final thrust of his hips and moaned rather erotically. Lucy slowly sucked him up to the head and removed her lips from him. She looked up at him from the water. His chest still rose and fell rapidly. She watched it move back and forth, mesmerized by its rhythm, and slightly impressed that she caused him to feel this way.

Lucy grabbed Natsu's hands and pulled him back in the water. His eyes burned at her, almost devouring her in their lustfulness. She kissed him and looked back at him with those big brown eyes of hers. Natsu grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. He sat back against the stone wall and let her straddle him.

She looked up to the night sky. "It really is a beautiful night..."

Natsu pulled her chin down to look at her face "Uh huh…" he said as he kissed her.

"You know, Natsu…we have to go back inside…"

"Uh huh…" he said still kissing her.

"Erza will kill us if we aren't up in time to make it back to Magnolia…"

"Uh hu-…oh shit you're right…" Natsu looked at the blonde slightly saddened that their fun had to end.

She giggled a little bit and said, "You're sleeping next to me right?"

Natsu's face lit up and smiled that goofy full face smile he always did.

Lucy got off of him and grabbed her towel from the grass. Natsu grabbed his and they both filed back inside. They crept past Erza first and then Gray, and finally they made it to their side of the room.

Lucy grabbed some clothes from her bag and went to the bathroom to change. Natsu had on his boxers and sat near his bed waiting for her. He smiled when she came out. She knelt down on her bed and looked over at Natsu. She crawled forward and gave him a long kiss.

"Goodnight, Natsu…"

He smiled back at her, still craving her taste, but relished in her scent that still filled his nose.

"Night, Luce…"

"And that's how it happened…" Lucy told the mages sitting around the table.

"Oh my Mavis…that's so hot Lu-chan!" Levy screams.

"Juvia would like to try that some time with Gray-sama" she says to her husband who pushes the glass of sake away from her reach and puts an arm around her and sighs.

Gajeel laughs. "Man…I didn't know you two really had it goin on from the start."

Gray nods in agreement, smiles over at Natsu and raises a glass, "Here's to Natsu for being the first one of us to get laid…who knew!"

Gray and Gajeel chug down what was in their glasses.

"I guess it was a connection from the start…" Natsu says taking another swig of sake. He starts to pour himself another glass when Lucy snatches the bottle from his hand.

"I'm gonna need an ass load of this after telling that story!"

"What your language little lady," Natsu says and smiles at her. He kisses her nose and takes the bottle from her hand and pours her a glass, as well as himself.

"I can't believe you two did…all…that…while I was sleeping…" Erza says slightly disturbed.

"Oh please, Erza. You act like we haven't done any of that stuff," Jellal hiccups from beside her. Erza's face turns as red as her hair.

"Ooooo, Erza! You gotta tell now!" A drunk Lucy calls from across the table.

Levy turns to Erza and Jellal. "Looks like we know who's going next," she smiles.

Everyone leans in towards the red and blue haired couple.

Erza sighs and looks at Jellal. He smirks back at her.

"Go ahead, Scarlet…tell em…"

To be continued

YOOOO...So thanks for reading. I TOTALLY appreciate it:) Leave your thoughts and such in the reviews- ya know what to do. Hopefully will come out with a super steamy Jerza one...I'm just as nervous/excited as you are (if you aren't then this is uncomfortable). :p Stay classy, but be a loon.

