A/N: Well, everyone the final chapter of Blind but Strong has finally come. *sniff I have really enjoyed this story and I hope you have too. It didn't turn out like I had originally planned but I am proud of it. Anyway, I'll stop wasting your time and just give you the chapter already. Enjoy! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars: the Clone Wars.

2 months later:

I rush through the battlefield. The sound of gunshots rings through the air. My feet pound onto the ground and I can sense the energy all around me.

"Ahsoka bring the squadron to the high rise!" I hear my master scream. I nod in the direction of Anakin's force presence and motion for my troops to follow me to the high rise.

I hear the footsteps of the men behind me. I feel the vibrations of sound coming from the battle. I know where everyone and everything is. It's almost like I can see again. Almost.

I cannot see color and I can only imagine the details in an object but I am aware of my surroundings. I choose not to look at the negatives. I can fight. I can be a Jedi.

I do not have sight but I have hope. I remember the Council's reaction to my new abilities. Pride. Their reaction had been one of pride. I could sense their hope. If a blind Padawan can learn to fight in battle, the possibilities are endless.

I smile as I deflect a shot with my lightsaber. I feel the earth beneath me begin to rise. We have reached the high rise. I sense we are coming in on a battalion of droids and I ready my lightsaber.

When I sense a droid in close proximity, I slice its body in half. I smile triumphantly and continue the fight. The clones around me fight valiantly by their blind commander's side.

When the Council deemed me ready to return to combat, my battalion hadn't questioned anything.

I slice through the body of the final battle droid. The battlefield is silent for a moment. We have won. Then, I hear cheers from the clones and other Jedi generals. My smile widens and I pump a fist into the air.

My first mission since the accident was successful. I feel joy pulse through my body.

I sense my master's presence nearing me and I turn my head in his direction.

"We won!" I say, jumping a little bit. I feel a hand on my head.

"Great job, Snips," I hear Anakin say.

"Thanks," I say and I sense Anakin walk away to go tend to the wounded. I sense his pride in me.

"Commander!" I hear Rex yell. I turn my head in his direction. I hear footsteps coming in my direction.

"I'm proud of you kid," he says, "You really showed us all how to fight." I flash him a smile and thank him. I sense clones and some Jedi looking at me. I square my shoulders and walk towards the ship my master is at.

I walk, feeling incredibly proud of myself. I know a Jedi shouldn't be prideful but I think I am entitled to be proud of myself in this situation. I remember the training it took to be able to become ready for combat again. I trained hard for two months just preparing for this moment and my mission was a success. Why shouldn't I be proud?

I feel the stares people are giving me but I don't care. They all know I am the blind Jedi. The blind Jedi who just led a squadron of clones in a full-fledged battle against the Separatist army and won.

Suddenly, I hear someone clap and then I hear more people join in. They are clapping for me. I smile from ear-to-ear as I go to the ship. My master was right; the force does work in mysterious ways.

A/N: Awwww man it's over now! :( I couldn't really think of a proper way to end it and that was the best I could do but I'm happy with how this story turned out. I hope you have enjoyed the story of Blind but Strong! If you did please review and favorite! Thanks so much for reading! Have a lovely day, little Chihuahuas! (Yes, I just called you all little Chihuahuas :P)

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars: the Clone Wars.