A/N: Heeey guys! Long time no see? Well I'm back with another Star Wars the Clone Wars fic! This story will probably be about three chapters long so stick around! Well enjoy! :D

Disclaimer:I do not own Star Wars: The Clone Wars. But it would be awesome if I did.

The only thing I feel right now is pain. The only thing I hear right now is the pounding of my heart. The only thing I see right now is darkness. Pure blackness shields my eyes from anything that might try to hurt or help me.

Suddenly, I feel two strong hands clasp on to my forearms and lift me up.

I groan as a sharp pain fills my head and, strangely, my eyes which still see nothing but darkness.

"Ahsoka!" I hear someone yell my name. The pain in my head prevents me from pinpointing exactly where the person is and the darkness that is my vision certainly isn't making things any better.

"Commander, are you alright?" I recognize the voice of Captain Rex right beside me.

"No," I say, a sharp cry escaping my lips as a stab of pain makes its way through my eye sockets. I raise my hands up to my eyes and rub them to try to make the pain go away but the second my fingers touch my eyes an excruciating pain spears through my eyes. I scream and move my hands to the sides of my head and hold them there.

I hear the voice of my master and Rex but I can't make out what they're saying.

I let out another cry of pain as a sudden spike of pain makes its way through my head as someone picks me up and starts running.

I have no idea who is carrying me or where we're going, all I know is that something is wrong. Very very wrong.

Darkness still clouds my eyes as I sit in the infirmary at the Jedi Temple. I sob lightly but no tears come from my eyes.

Anakin is in the room with me, muttering curses under his breath about the Separatists.

Suddenly, I feel a rush of air as the door opens. I hear a female voice greet my master and me as the nurse comes over and immediately gets to work.

She tells me to hold still as she pries my eyelids open and drips drops of liquid in my eyes.

I bite my lip and try to keep from crying out in pain.

After a few minutes of simply sitting there I hear my master's voice.

"Was that supposed to help or something? Because it doesn't look like it helped!" I don't hear a reply from the nurse as the room returns to an uncomfortable silence.

I notice after another few minutes of just sitting that the pain in my eyes has almost completely gone but my eyes still see nothing.

I reach up to rub my eyes and maybe restore my sight but a hand grabs my wrist before it touches my eye.

"That will be incredibly painful," the voice of the nurse says to me.

I relax my hand, which is still in her grip, and she lets go.

"Why can't I see?" I ask, pointing my head in the direction that I assume is where the nurse is.

There is no answer to my question.

"Why can't I see?" I ask again, this time with more force in my voice.

This time there is mumbling between my master and the nurse but no one answers my question.

"Tell me!" I cry, desperation apparent in my voice.

Finally, Anakin answers me.

"Ahsoka, when that grenade went off you were lucky to survive, especially because you weren't wearing anything to cover your faceā€¦" he trails off and the room returns to silence.

The nurse continues for him, "The grenade releases some kind of chemical into the air that was supposed to disable all enemy weapons within a fifty-foot radius. Unfortunately, there was a malfunction with the grenade and it released a chemical that caused the enemy weapons to be destroyed but the chemical is extremely dangerous and when it came in contact with your eyes it caused some very serious damage."

"The damage was so severe that it has made you permanently blind," Anakin finishes with a sadness I have never heard from him before.

I just sit there, shocked. The reality of my situation sinking in deeper and deeper with each passing second.

"You were very lucky," the nurses says, a soothing tone in her voice.

"Lucky?" I say as my voice cracks, " I will never be able to see again and your saying I'm lucky! "

"The chemical could've killed you, Ahsoka. She's right you are lucky," Anakin says calmly.

"It would probably be better if I did die!" I cry out in anger, "What good is a Jedi who can't even see? I'll be kicked out of the Order as soon as the Council finds out!"

I know that it's wrong of me to take my anger out on the nurse and Anakin but I don't know what else to do right now.

"Calm down, Ahsoka. It's not our fault that this happened," Anakin says.

"Just take a deep breath," the nurse says calmly.

I shakily take in a breath and let it out smoothly.

"Sorry," I whisper quietly.

"It's okay," both the nurse and Anakin say in unison.

"So I'll never be able to see again?" I ask sadly.

"I'm sorry, but no, you won't," the nurse replies.

Suddenly I hear a beeping noise that I assume is coming from the nurse.

"Excuse me, but I have another patient to attend to," the nurse says, "Don't touch your eyes because it will hurt if you do."

The door swishes as the nurse leaves the room leaving Anakin and me in silence.

"I'll never be able to see again," I whisper shakily as my voice cracks. Suddenly, I begin to sob but no tears make their way down my cheeks.

Anakin doesn't say anything. He's not exactly good at comforting people. Instead, he simply wraps his arms around me in a warm hug.

After a few minutes I calm down and Anakin releases me from his hug.

"I guess this is the end of me being a Jedi," I sniffle, reaching up to wipe my nose.

"How do you know that?" Anakin says softly.

"Master, I'm blind now. I can't see anything. I'll die if I'm put in battle," I say.

He doesn't say anything for awhile but after a few minutes he says, "Maybe you weren't meant to fight in battles what if you were meant to do something more?"

I smile at his optimism. The force does work in mysterious ways.

A/N:Well I hope you enjoyed that! :D If you did guess what I'm gonna ask you to do? Review! Favorite! All that good stuff! Well thanks for reading! Thanks you guys! Thou art AWESOME! :D

Disclaimer:I do not own Star Wars: The Clone Wars. But it would be awesome if I did.