A/N: I'm so sorry guys. I swear, I thought I posted the end :/ I'M SORRY!

Virginity of the Soul

Chapter 14: Epilogue


"One more time."

"That's what you said the last two times."

"Perhaps it is time you stop trusting me."

Kagome laughed as she rolled onto her back, escaping his hold. Obviously, since she was wrapped up in blankets, he easily followed her. He covered her body with hers, resting his hands on both side of her. "And where do you think you are going mate?"

Her smile grew as she thought about the mark on her neck. In the midst of passion, she agreed to this decision. Once it was done and the fires of lust died down, she did fear she might regret it but regret never came. Instead, she was happy. This was not marriage, this was a commitment, this was them linking their lives together. After what happened to her, she did not think she could trust in a commitment again but she was proven wrong - she trusted Sesshomaru. She knew he would keep the promise he made to her and she knew his eye would not wander to another woman. He loved her. The cold ice man loved her. And she loved him.

Though he was not the ice man Inuyasha used to call him. Then again, Inuyasha never truly knew his brother. And it was not going to happen any time soon. She barely spoke to Inuyasha since their divorce. The rage had died down; she did not hate him. She would never trust him again in her life but she no longer let the hatred control her life. She got her revenge, she moved on and she was happy. She wished him happiness. Hopefully he would find someone that suited him one day, someone he would not cheat on. She did not wish him bad things. It was twisted but it was because of Inuyasha's betrayal that she found Sesshomaru and she could not be happier. Things were the way they were meant to be. Even if - it was strange sometimes. They eventually all got used to it.

He lowered his head and captured a free nipple in his mouth. Her breasts were extremely large and bouncy now that she was in her last trimester. She had a few weeks to go before she gave birth. Some days, it was hard to work around her immense stomach but they always found ways. It only made them more creative. Obviously he took on more of the work since she was exhausted quite rapidly and it was hard for her to lunge her stomach around but he did not mind. He barely noticed the extra effort. He lapped at her nipple and watched her squirm beneath him. She tilted her head back, heat spreading from her core to her chest.

Her hormones were her enemies and her best friends at the same time.

It was good because she was always horny and anything set her off but it was bad because well, she was always horny. It did have some downside sometimes. Especially since the locations were not always appropriate and then it was very uncomfortable. Sitting down in a restaurant with family with your arousal in full blown: not a good thing - particularly when that family was full of youkai with an excellent sense of smell. Though everyone became an expert at ignoring it - for her sake.

All he had to do was lay a hand on her and she was a goner. She felt one of his smooth, large hand travel the length of her stomach and she held her breath. She did not know why but the skin of her stomach was sensitive. Maybe because it was so stretched but anytime his caresses landed in that area, she was a goner. Her bottom lip began to tremble as his hand found its way to the bundle of nerves. He made slow circles, driving her crazy. He truly enjoyed torturing her and she could not even hate him for it. He knew her body a lot better than she did. Then again, she enjoyed it that way. After all, it was because of her relationship with him that she discovered… many sides of herself.

Her womanhood was so slippery that his finger slid in inadvertently and she had to bite her lip. As he began to pump inside and out of her she could no longer hold it in; she began moaning loudly, her mind slowly becoming a blank. She could not think about anything else but the pleasures he was providing her with at this very moment. It did enrage her slightly; it was difficult for her to move around and touch him now that her stomach was so large. It limited what she could do to him. He clearly did not mind that but she did. She enjoyed touching him, taking control and giving him pleasure. Those options were too restricted.

She tried to wriggle, she tried to shift her position so that maybe despite her obvious current handicapped she could reach her prize that laid so close to her hand. Unfortunately, in spite of her best effort, she could not do it while laying down.

"Lay still," he growled.

He knew too well what she was trying to do and he would not let her do it. Her days were difficult and moving around was a hard task for her. She was the one who had to carry his child; he did not have this burden. The least he could do to make it up to her was to pleasure her and show her a world of wonders. Unfortunately, his little vixen was a little stubborn and she always tried to please him instead. He was flattered, he would not lie about that and sometimes he missed being rough with her but this was a whole new kind of sex and he was fine with it.

"But I wanna-"

He pressed his free finger to her mouth, silencing her. "I will give you everything you want."


"Pleasing you makes me happy."

She knew he spoke no lies; he did enjoy it, she could sense it. Nonetheless, she did not like feeling guilty. Soon enough, their child would be born and she would return the favour in a way that he would never forget.

Once he was convinced she would stop arguing with him, he removed his finger from her lips and moved his hand to her right breast. He began to gently massage the mound while his other finger was busy pleasing her somewhere else. Her nipples hardened and her back arched while a tiny blush drifted across her cheeks. Her body heat rose as she glided her hands along her hips before she reached for his chest. Her palms were pressed flush against his chest, feeling the hard, tight skin beneath her touch. His body was that of a god. His skin was always warm to the touch and she did not think it was possible to be so tight and muscly. He was not large, he had a nice frame, not too bulky - simply perfect.

Meanwhile there she was, pregnant with a watermelon.

And he never seemed to mind and she loved him for that. Every time he laid a hand on her she felt like the most beautiful woman in the world.

He leaned forward, as far as he could without putting pressure on her stomach, and managed to reach her collarbone. He began to press soft kisses to her flesh, his moist, sultry lips sending jolts throughout her entire body. She arched her body into his, almost silently begging him to go lower. He listened to her body's indication and began to trail his mouth down. First to the top of her breast, to her nipple, going all the way to her stomach and following the curve. She knew where this was going and she shivered in anticipation. Her heart was racing, her blood was boiling and her lungs were on fire. The feelings were intense to the point that it was hard to breathe.

He followed her stomach until he finally reached his prize. He could already taste her sweet nectar and he felt his erection pulse with desire. If he followed his instincts, he would already spread her legs and bury himself deep inside of her wet core. Instead, he made sure to have self-control; his mate would be pleased. He would make sure she was not going to ever regret the decision of mating him. Every day was going to be filled with lust and passion with a hint of love. He licked his lips in anticipation before finally diving in. He took his fingers out of her and instead replaced them with his tongue. He twisted it inside, licking and lapping at her juices. It smeared over his mouth and he growled against her sex.

She moaned loudly, tossing her head around, unsure what to even with her body under such amount of pleasure. Sesshomaru knew what to do with his tongue. She managed to stretch her arms and tangle her fingers into his hair. She let the silky silver locks wrap around her fingers, brushing against her skin. It only made him dive deeper inside of her. She rolled her eyes, her body shaking. Sesshomaru snaked his arms around her, grabbing her ass and bringing her even closer to his face. Her first instinct was to wrap her legs around his head, both to keep him there and to keep him away at the same time. Her toes were curled and her legs were trembling. If he moved, if he just turned his tongue one more time she was going to go over the edge.

How could he bring her to climax so easily while only using his tongue?

He could smell it, all he had to do was finish the job. He moved his mouth up, circling her clit with his tongue while he put two fingers inside her wet, drenched core. She clenched around him, while he picked up his pace. It only took a few more seconds and she became undone in his arms. Her juices spilled out and he happily drank all of it while she shuddered in the waves of her orgasm.

Once he was done having his meal, he pulled away and removed his fingers. He watched her in marvel as she breathed heavily, her chest rising up and down rapidly. Her eyes were still closed while her wet bangs clung to her forehead because of her sweat. She was beautiful and she was all his.

Kagome waited a few seconds as she tried to catch her breathe. She was basking in a glow of happiness. She finally opened her eyes and looked into her mate's loving eyes. Nobody could make her feel special like him. He transformed her life and he changed her into a whole new person. How could she ever thank him for opening her eyes? For coming on to her that day at the club? If he had never made a move she would have never ended up where she was now. She ignored all the bad sides, she forgot all the negative that happened in between them at the club and them now. It did not matter and it did not make the situation any better. All that mattered now was that they were happy and they were starting a family.

"Ready for more?" he inquired, his voice husky.

She smirked, her excitement growing by the second. Oh god, it was about to get even better. It was not even supposed to be possible.

All he needed was that little nod of hers and he was ready to begin. His erection was throbbing to the point where it was nearly painful and he could not wait until he could satisfy all of his desires, until he could sheath himself inside of her. He put his hands on her knees and slid them down, pushing them apart at the same time. Once her legs were wide open, he nested himself between them. His cock pressed against her wet cunt, and he had to hold his breath for a moment. This woman would be the death of him one day. He would never be able to get enough of her, enough of her body. She would drive him wild until the very end.

Sometimes he took her like this. He could lift her legs up and pound into her until she was screaming for more. Other times he put her on all fours and put pillows beneath her belly to hold it up. Although, her breasts were sore and he figured she might not enjoy having them bouncing around. No, this was better and safer. He let his hands slid all the way to her ankles and then, wrapped his digits around them. While their eyes remained locked, he slowly lifted her legs until he rested her ankles on his shoulders. Anticipation made his heart race and he finally broke the gaze. Then, he took his erection in his hand and positioned himself at her drenched entrance. He inhaled deeply before pushing himself inside of her - all in and one stroke.

He heard her gasp and he smirked.

He pushed himself down, holding himself above her stomach, never resting his weight on it. He was very careful around her which was almost unusual for him. It taught him a new kind of control.

She tried to thrust her hips, tried to push him deeper inside of her. It was basically the only movement she could do since she was so restricted. He filled her, he stretched her and all she could do was moan in pleasure as he took over her entire body. She dug her fingers into his arms, forcing him to pick up his speed. His mate was a demanding little one. He supposed he was partly to blame for that.

He was forced to change his grip and take hold of her hips. It was taking all of his strength to make sure that he was not touching her stomach. He would love his child but he could not wait for her to give birth. He picked up his pace one more, thrusting into her with his strength. He managed to keep his sounds down so that he could hear her.. He relished in the sound of her moans and the way her voice was high pitched. He saw the sweat drops rolled down the side of her head. Her body was hot and sticky to the touch. He could see that she was trying to arch back but it was beginning to be difficult because of all the weight she had in the front.

This could not last too long.

"Please," she begged as she felt her pleasure building up inside of her. Her entire body was burning with a desire that she could not explain. Since her previous orgasm was so recent that her whole body was numbed out to every sensation except the ones he was providing her with. Also, she was extremely sensitive and the simple fact of his fingers brushing up against her skin was enough to make a fire erupt inside of her core. He was sliding in and out of her so easily that it was almost a punishment. She wanted him inside, buried deeply. He did not even need to move, she only wanted to be filled with him.

She tried to squeeze her ankles around his neck but it was helpless; she did not have enough strength left to do that. She gave up and instead whimpered. He seemed to interpret that as some kind of sign since he slowed down his strokes but went further and further inside of her. He was throbbing inside of her and each time she clenched around his cock he thought he was going to lose it and come inside of her.


That was it.


That did not sound like a good oh. He snapped his head up and looked into her eyes. No, it was not a good oh. Panic was shining in her eyes as she was gazing down at their joined genitals. Wet. But not the good kind of wet. Wait…

"I think my water broke."

Yes, that was - nope, that was not good. Oh… no wait it was good. The baby was coming, his son was coming. Happiness filled him as he did the first thing he could think of; he pulled himself out of her.

"Hospital," she proposed.

He nodded, quickly grabbing his pants from the ground and putting them on. His son. His son was coming. He was going to have a son. He was going to be a father. For a long time, he never thought this would happen, he never thought he would find someone with whom he would want to start a family. Alright, he did not exactly choose to start a family with Kagome but he was more than happy with the way things turned out.


"Yes, hospital."

"No, I mean, can you help?"

The sharp pains were beginning and she was so nervous that she could not feel her legs. She was convinced that if she tried to get up she would only end up falling on the floor and that was not good for neither her or the baby. However, she had to admit that the panic in Sesshomaru's eyes was cute. She never pictured him as someone who could be stressed over something, not even the birth of his own child.

He stared at her, feeling like a complete idiot. He ran to her side and wrapped his arms around her to help her to her feet. He retrieved underwear along with a maternity dress and helped her get dressed.

"Ready?" she said as she pulled down on her dress.

He stared at her before swallowing. "Ready."

This was it. After a long adventure and many twist and turn, their family was beginning.

Through pain and betrayal they managed to find the greatest gift of them all.


-The End-