"Uchiha Sasuke where do you think you are going now?"

Sasuke turned around and frowned. Nohara Rin stood in front of him with her hands clasped at her sides looking slightly annoyed. The expression didn't suit her and that itself made the entire thing more frightful.

"Leaving." Sasuke replied rubbing his right shoulder.

Rin shook her head, "No no. Impossible. You have physical therapy."

Sasuke glared at her, "There's no one here."

Rin sighed in response, "That's because you sacred them silly. Why do you think I am here?"

Sasuke looked away. It had already been three months since he took part in the ANBU exams and still couldn't get a clean bill of health because apparently there was a protocol that any sprained, fractures, nerve damage or broken bones a ninja experience, they are required to attend a week of physically therapy before they could be released.

Sasuke had been scaring his way out of his sessions for the past month and Rin was far from happy to hear that her personally trained nurses were traumatized by one crazed young Uchiha.

"Listen, I know how you feel about hospitals but really these are the rules." Rin remarked, "I need you to be reasonable here."

Sasuke looked around examining every point of the room expected where Rin was standing. One more 'session' and he would have been freed if she hadn't showed up.

"So you're doing it now and I don't want to hear any back talk." Rin stated firmly.

Sasuke grunted and crossed his arms. If it was anyone else this would be an easy task to avoid but Rin had an unnatural uncontrolled commitment to her medical profession and he was not leaving her until he bent to her will.

"Fine." Sasuke spat out making Rin smile.

"Perfect." She remarked before grabbing his arm and guided him to the therapy room. She had arranged for no one to be there knowing full well Sasuke worked better with less people around him.

As they entered the room, Rin noticed that Sasuke stopped and was sniffing the air.

"What are you doing now?" Rin asked finally losing her cool.

"Lavender." Sasuke remarked, "She was here." Before turning on his heal and leaving. Rin remained for a few seconds between she felt her annoyance bubble over and chased after Sasuke.

In the distance, Sasuke was wobbling ahead down the halls following the scent. For the past three months, Sasuke's thoughts were clouded from the scent of lavender. At this point, any bystander would think he was desperate to find the woman behind it all.

As Sasuke turned another corner, his foot slipped and he slammed his right shoulder onto the wall to stop from falling. His balance was still dangerously off. According the medical report- the part Sasuke remembered- he was injected with a substance that targeted his cerebellum that was supposed to temporary have him lack co-ordination and balance but because of Sasuke's obvious refusal not to be treated immediately, the effect was prolonged and now he was paying for the consequences.

Rin quickly grabbed him by the shoulder and forced Sasuke to look at her.

"Have you lost it now?" Rin asked. Sasuke grunted. The scent was moving again but he couldn't see the person. Suddenly, something brushed against his left shoulder and he turned and spied pink. Pink?! Who in the world would have pink hair?!

Sasuke brushed off Rin's hold on his shoulder and rushed after the woman. She was as fast as he remembered but now because he was expecting it, he kept up. The woman turned down the hall and escaped into a room. Sasuke smirked. Now he had her.

He walked slowly to the room -mainly because his feet were killing him- and opened the door. The room was dark but he could still smell it- the strong scent of lavender. He took one step in before he found his body pinned to the wall.

"You are one annoying little brat you know." A female voice spat out at him, "I never met anyone who doesn't give the fuck up when you can't win."

Sasuke smirked. This was the woman although he couldn't see her face. Her tone, her scent, her voice was exactly as he remembered.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked.

He felt the woman's grip on him tightened, "None of your business." She replied angrily.

"I'll make it my business." Sasuke replied. He realized his hands were free and he was sure that there was a light switch to his right. Now the question still remained if he could have reached it before this woman escaped.

"You got some nerve." The woman replied.

Sasuke quickly reached to his right and smacked his hand down on the switch. The room lit up blinding him for a second.

"As I said." He heard, "You really don't know when to give the fuck up."

Sasuke faced forward and looked at the mysterious woman. She was shorter than him probably reaching just below his chin. Her frame was small and petit despite having long limbs. She was wearing a usual Jounin uniform without the vest protector glaring him down with her glimmering jade eyes. She indeed had brilliant pink hair that fall to her lower back which she had down up in a French braid.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked again.

The woman glared him down before pinching his left cheek tightly pulling at the skin until it turned red. "You are really one cheeky brat. Who the hell do you think you are ordering me around?!"

Sasuke tried to swipe her hand away but the mysterious woman quickly pinned it other hand to the wall. She leaned in closer to him giving Sasuke a full view of her face. She had a surprisingly cute face with very visible cheeks and small lips that she seemed to have a nasty habit of bite like she was doing now.

"Now." Sasuke heard her whisper, "You are going to forget you ever saw me got it maggot."

He quickly felt a sharp pain to his neck and blacked out. When he finally came too, Rin was hovering over him looking far from pleased.

"I took my time off to come and make sure you didn't have to forfeit the ANBU exams and this is the thanks I get Sasuke!" Rin shouted furious.

Sasuke rubbed his neck carefully looking very annoyed as he realized he was once again strapped down to a bed in the hospital.

"Rin, I finished the exams." Sasuke said glaring at her silently telling her to untie him.

Rin stared at him for a moment before suddenly leaping up throwing the chair she was sitting on to fall back.

"You don't know do you?" Rin asked shocked.

Sasuke wiggled slightly trying to loosen the ropes that kept him tied to the bed. "What don't I know?!" Sasuke spat out annoyed.

"That the ANBU exams have been extended because of the large number of people who passed this year." Rin replied. She bent down and picked up the chair and sat back down, "Everyone has been training for the past three months preparing for when the ANBU captains are going to announce when the exam will continue. Haven't you noticed that your brother hasn't been home recently?"

Sasuke pondered on that thought for a moment and realized Rin was right. Itachi was busy these past few months but it wasn't for missions so it had to be ANBU related or clan business.

"Why the hell wasn't I told earlier?!" Sasuke shouted pulling his body forward breaking the ropes that were holding him down.

Rin sighed. "People must have mentioned it to but it was during your stay in the hospital so you probably didn't hear them."

Rin looked at Sasuke before giving him a small smile, "Okay since you seem more than capable of walking on your own I will sign off on a clean bill of health." She watched as Sasuke's face slightly light up pleased that he may never have to step foot back into this cursed hospital again, "But take it easy alright. I don't want to see you back here anytime soon."

Sasuke nodded as he carefully listened to Rin who told him to wait in the room while she gathered the last bits of documents to finally free him of this hospital. As she left the room, his thoughts drove back to the woman with pink hair. She was skilled- even better than he had organically anticipated- and seemed to have her whole world wrapped around her finger. Sasuke would love to break that world for her. She embarrassed him and made him look like a fool- although not publically- but his pride still hurt. If she was a man he may have been able to forget it but she was a woman. An abnormally powerful woman and Sasuke was going to find out who she was even if it killed him!

Sakura walked outside the hospital and sighed deeply. She hadn't expected Sasuke to be so determined to find her.

"What do you want Itachi?" Sakura asked aloud waiting for the older Uchiha to appear before her.

"Sakura you enjoy tormenting my brother." Itachi said. Sakura smirked before crossing her arms over each other, "I don't actually. He is just a very determined brat."

Itachi gave a small smile while Sakura arched her eyebrow. "Indeed that sounds like my adorable brother."

Sakura snickered, "You really do have a brother complex for him!" She paused for a moment and then looked at him, "It will be starting again. I wonder if your brother will be ready for the second part of the ANBU exams."

Itachi looked back at her before grabbing her cheeks and tugging at the skin. Sakura wacked his hands away and glared at him, "Oi you weasel what do you think you are doing?!"

She carefully rubbed her now red cheeks while Itachi looked at her and replied, "I was worried. You were suddenly acting as if you were worried for another human being."

Sakura huffed before aiming a kick at the older Uchiha, "Cha! Are you insulting me you weasel?!" Itachi avoided her attack and appeared behind her. "I wouldn't dare cherry blossom." He replied, "Because I rather like living right now."

Sakura turned on her heel and pocked Itachi in his chest, "Then don't say unnecessary things!" Itachi's expression softened before he bowed his head, "I apologized."

Sakura smiled slightly before turning her back to him, "I have paperwork to do in the headquarters right?" she asked, "I will get to them now."

Itachi walked to her side and nodded, "I will escort you there." Sakura nodded and they began to walk together.

Sakura glanced at Itachi at they walked together. She knew he had more to say judging from the tension in his shoulders. "What is it?" Sakura asked, "Just tell me."

Itachi smirked, "Nothing serious but the verdict is out."

Sakura stopped walking. They were in front of the headquarters now, "What is it?" she asked, "Tell me Itachi!"

Itachi smiled. A true honest smile. "Guilty." He replied. Sakura let out a deep breath as she felt her body trembled, "Then it's over? Seven years of torment over?"

Itachi ruffed her hair, "Go and do your paperwork." Sakura nodded and then bowed. "I will see you soon taichou."

"I look forward to it." Itachi replied.

Sakura smiled and entered the building. The weight that had always been on her shoulders for such a long time was suddenly gone and she felt light. It was strange. She had grown so accustom to the weight that it felt unreal that it wasn't there anymore.

As she turned to enter her office she sighed again.

"I really hope it's over for his sake especially." Sakura whispered before opening her office door and entering.