The muffled sobbing from upstairs drew his attention. He opened the front door with his key and found his older brother passed out on the couch. He directly went upstairs to her room. Daryl snorted and already knew what must have happened while he was out working. He shook his head and grinded his teeth before knocking on the door softly. Her sobbing stopped and he heard her voice gently saying "come in."

Daryl opened the door slowly and saw her, lying on her bed, wearing a black dress. Her mascara and eyeliner ran down her face, but she quickly wiped away the tears, causing the make up to spread all over her face. She sniffed and Daryl stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

He nodded at the bed. "May I?" It almost sounded ridiculous; she wouldn't refuse, since he was the only with whom she could talk about it.

Daryl knew he had gone too far this time; Elizabeth would never cry. She was a true Dixon, and would repeat her daddy all the time whenever he said 'Dixon's don't cry'. But that was a lie, because this little Dixon right here was crying, heartbroken.

Elizabeth nodded and pursed her lips together, trying to stay strong in front of her uncle. But when Daryl sat down, he shifted carefully towards the girl, hesitating before pulling her into a hug. She started to cry again and Daryl tightened his hold, while his other hand stroked her back. "Hush Lis, don' cry baby girl." he soothed, while feeling uncomfortable because of him holding her. That wasn't Lizzy's fault; he never liked to touch nor get touched by people, because the only pshysical contact he had experienced was from his ol' man, and that wasn't exactly the positive kind of touch that he had received.

But this was different. The girl was lying in his arms, broken, and she reminded him of himself when he was younger. Daryl wanted to say that 'Dixon's don't cry', but he decided it didn't matter now. She had all the reason in the world to cry.

"I jist wanted 'im to come," she sobbed, while she was clutching Daryl's shirt. "I even asked 'im tonigh', make sure he'd remember, but 'm sure he jus' forgot 'bout it." she continued while her voice was trembling.

"Lizzy, it ain' yer fault. Ya know what he's like." "I really wish you were there," she suddenly interrupted him, leaning back so they broke contact. Daryl flinched at her words and felt guilt washing over him as he eyed the girl. Her blue eyes pierced his, but then she looked away and stood up. Daryl followed her with his eyes as she watched her reflection in the mirror that was hanging on the door. "I look like a mess." she grumbled. There were black lines on her cheek and she started to rub them away.

"Dixon's don' cry," Daryl stood up when he heard her say these words, his blood starting to boil, and left the room without saying a word. The door slammed behind him and he walked down the stairs. His older brother was still passed out on the couch and Daryl tilted the couch over, not bothered by the fact about his harsh action.