AN: Sequel to the story Angel with a Shotgun

Chapter 1

So here is the start of the sequel to Angel with a Shotgun. I wanted to at least get the first chapter posted so people can start to follow it.

I would suggest reading the first story and then the bonus. The bonus has some things mentioned in it that leads into this story so yeah... don't know when the next chapter will be up, but I hope you all enjoy! ^_^

Lucy was unpacking boxes in her room of her new house her and Loke had bought and moved into. She smiled as she thought to herself. 'I can't believe that three years have passed. Loke found us a small house in Magnolia, it's a cute little house, even though it's only one floor and a two bedroom, two bath house, it's enough for the two of us. Lily had grown up so fast and was now four years old. She looked exactly like Levy but with Gajeels' black hair. It was short, almost to her shoulders, and just as wild at the ends like Gajeel's hair. Levy and Gajeel had found a large house in Magnolia as well and lived with Pantherlily. Gray and Juvia ended up getting married after their first child was born two years ago.' Her smile faded slightly as her thoughts continued. 'After Gray had his child, he came up to the band and asked to disband. Gajeel seemed to agree seeing how Lily was getting older. Loke wasn't happy with the idea, but he understood and agreed to disband as well. He continued on with a solo career and was on a constant tour with his new manager. He is seldom home with me, but I'm ok with it, I guess...'

Lucy looked down at the tiny rectangle box in the box she was unpacking. It was the box Loke had used to trick her a few months ago to propose to her. They had gone out to dinner and he had told her he found her a new celestial key. He presented her with the box and while she was opening it, he had knelt on one knee without her noticing. When Lucy opened the box and saw nothing, she was slightly angry and moved the box away to question Loke. Her eyes went from his empty seat to the man kneeling before her and her face became bright red as her eyes went wide. Loke looked nervous as he held a smaller box in his hands. He opened it and before he could say anything to her, Lucy jumped from her seat and into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck tightly. He laughed slightly and asked if that was a yes. Lucy gave him a kiss and nodded her head saying that it was a definite yes.

Her sweet smile came back on her face as she placed the box on a shelf. She opened the box and placed in a picture that was taken that night into the middle. Lucy had gotten through a few more boxes before she heard a knock on the front door. She quickly ran to the door and swung it open, seeing Levy and Lily standing before her, both smiling excitedly.

"Auntie Lu! Auntie Lu! Momma and I brought you gifts!" Lily said as she jumped up and down in front of Lucy. She knelt as she gasped at the small child.

"You did?! Is it something sweet?!" Lily smiled and shook her head. Lucy brought her fingers up in front of her body. "Are you sure? Because I see a tasty treat standing in front of me!" She reached out and started to tickle Lily's small belly. The little girl laughed uncontrollably, squirming at Lucy's touch. Lucy giggled as she picked up Lily in her arms. "Come on in, sorry the place is a mess, Loke had to leave this morning and I've unpacked all day!"

Levy waved a hand as she stepped in. "No need to apologize Lucy. I know how it is." Lucy closed the door behind Levy and walked over to the couch, setting Lily down in the seat next to her. Levy took the spot on the other side of Lily. She put her arm up on the back of the couch as she turned to Lucy. "So how are things with you and Loke? I haven't spoken to you since he proposed to you a few months ago!"

Lucy sighed softly. "Yeah.. I'm sorry about that. I've just been busy writing my new book and I went with Loke on a few of his out-of-town concerts. I missed getting together with you guys. How has everyone else been doing?"

"Well, Gajeel as you know has stayed home ever since the band separated, which he loves. Gray and Juvia are doing good. They finally bought a house of their own, and I believe Juvia found another company to work for. And Gray last I heard was giving guitar lessons from their home. And I've been just taking care of my bookshop. I recently started to give books and money to the library I used to work at, you remember, the one Gramps owns?"

"Oh yeah! That's great! I'm so happy for you Levy."


Levy looks down at Lily. "Yes sweetie?"

"Can I tell Aunt Lucy what we're having for dinner tomorrow?"

Levy smiled and nodded. Lily jumped up in her seat and climbed into Lucy's lap. She bent her legs so that they were underneath her. She reached down and grabbed her feet as she spoke. "Daddy said he was going to make us all pizza, and I can help!"

Lucy's eyebrows raised. "Really? You're dad is going to make a pizza for everyone? I think you're going to have to help him out a lot Lily." Levy and Lily both giggle.

"Say Lily, why don't you take your toys and go play over there?" Levy said as she pointed to a small space in the living room, free of boxes. Lily jumped from Lucy's lap and grabbed her small backpack, running over to the small space. She pulls out her dolls and begins to play by herself. Levy turns back to Lucy. "So how are things with you and Loke going?"

Lucy sighs and runs a hand through her blond hair. "Well... Everything was going ok... but if I was being honest... we're definitely having some issues. Between him being gone, and me being here, and the wedding plans, it's just all one huge headache."

Levy lets out a soft sigh and puts on a half-smile at Lucy, shrugging her shoulders. "No one said planning a wedding is easy. Don't you two have a wedding planner?"

Lucy rolls her eyes, "Yeah, well... our wedding planner is also one big headache too. With her, she wants the whole theme to be "Fairy" related. Fairy this, fairy that... I mean, honestly, Loke doesn't care what the theme is or how everything looks, as long as we pick out our outfits, he said the planner can take the wedding in any direction she wanted." Lucy looks down at her hand and sighs. "I just wish he could help me out more."

Levy put a hand on Lucy's and smiled. "I'll help you out Lucy. Gajeel and I planned out our own wedding and everything turned out fine."

Lucy smiled brightly and pulled Levy in for a hug. "This is why you are my best friend! I love you so much Levy!" The two giggle at each other as Lily walks back over to the couch. She rubbed an eye with a tiny fist lightly. Levy puts her hands on the side of Lily's arms and smiles.

"You getting nappy sweetie?" Lily simply nods her head with a slightly pouty face. "Alright.. let's get you home for a nap before dinner. Go pack up your toys."

Lily's expression turned to slight anger as she mumbled. "I don't wanna..." She crossed her arms over her chest and stomped her foot on the wooden floor. Levy looked at her seriously and asked again.

"Lily. Please go pick up your toys so we can go home. Do I need to call daddy or uncle Pantherlily?" Lily shakes her head and looks down at her feet. Levy rubs her head lightly. "Go get your toys then." Lily turns slowly and walks back over to the space she was playing at, picking up her toys and putting them back in her bag. "She's so much like her father I swear... she gets more stubborn by the day."

"At least she has your brains." Lucy said with a smile. Levy matched Lucy's smile with her own.

"She's got my looks too! What a combination!" Both of the girls laugh out loud. "Well Lucy, dinner will be ready around 6 tomorrow so we'll see you then. Come on Lily." Levy holds out her hand as the small child runs up to grab hold of it. Levy waves goodbye as they walk out of the front door. Lucy waved back and shut the door after they left. She stood by the door and thought to herself. 'Looks like it's back to unpacking...'

Loke waved to the fans around the limo, smiling to everyone. He stepped inside of the vehicle and sat down on the seat with a thud. Loke took off his blue shades and rubbed his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. "I swear that new drummer and guitarist get worse each show... Warren can we look for some new band mates? Also what's with these new tour sites? I thought we were only scheduled to do 5 this month, not 9! Where did these new shows come from?" Loke looked up to his new manager who was across the limo from him with his index and middle fingers up to his head. He seemed to be using his telepathy magic to communicate with other people.

"Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah that's right. We're heading back to his hometown now. Yeah the show went great! Everyone sounds awesome. They all seem to be getting along great as well. Yes. Of course. Loke has assured me that he is still working on more songs. Yep. Alright, I'll talk to you later." Warren puts his hand down to his side and looks at Loke. "Hey you guys did great out there tonight!" Loke just stared straight at Warren with a look on his face. He sighs as he rolls his eyes and leans his head back in his seat.

"Did you even hear a word I said Warren?"

"Yes I heard every word. Band mates and whatnot." He said as he flips through paperwork. Loke glanced over at him and then moved his attention out the window, thinking about Lucy.

"Let's just get back home as soon as possible. Lucy and I have something to do early in the morning."

"Sounds good, yeah, yeah we'll get together tomorrow." Warren had gone back to talking with whoever was at the other end of his telepathy message.

Levy was in the kitchen, finishing up making dinner and listening to Gajeel practice his drums in the living room. Gajeel was sitting in the little swivel chair behind his drum set. A small table beside him with a pen and paper on top of it. He wrote down a few notes and played them right after, listening to it to see how it sounded. Pantherlily was curled up on the couch, nappy peacefully. Lily comes running around the corner of the hallway in her pajamas, a wide smile across her face as she runs straight for Gajeel. She grabbed his arm and jumped up and down excitedly. "Daddy! Daddy! Can I play too?"

Gajeel smirked down at her and set down his drum stick on the table. He turned back to Lily and scooped her up in his hands, setting her down on his lap. He keeps one large arm wrapped around her to keep her from falling, and grabs his drum sticks with his free hand. He hands her the sticks and moves closer to the drums, setting her in the middle of his legs so she could reach easier, he holds onto her sides and leans in close to her ear. "Ok just like I taught you Lily."

"Kaay!" Lily said with a smile. She holds up her hands and slams down the drum sticks on the tops of the drums in front of her. She played like a wild woman who had just discovered the drums for the first time. Inexperienced, but somehow Lily made it sound pretty good, even if she didn't know what she was fully doing. Levy looked from the kitchen corner with a smile.

"She's going to surpass you one day, Gajeel." Gajeel looked up at Levy and smiles, revealing his white fangs with his wide smile.

After dinner, Gajeel was putting Lily to bed. He sat on the tiny bed that he had made for her as she ran around the room, fully of energy still. The small bed had carved dragons on each side, both laying on their backs with a book in their hands. Gajeel had his arms resting on his knees with his hands placed in between his legs. Lily ran over to him giggling. He smiled and grabs her in his hands before she could run away from him. As he picked her up off the ground, she kicked playfully and laughed. "Noo! No! I'm not ready for bed! I wanna play!" She said in between giggles. Gajeel set her down in the bed and pulled the blanket up.

"Come on Lily, your mom and I let you stay up a bit later than usual and you promised us you would go right to bed, remember?" Gajeel asked with a raised, pierced brow. Lily stuck out her bottom lip slightly and mumbled. "Use your words Lily."

"But I'm not..." She lets out a yawn before finishing her sentence. ".. sleepy..." Gajeel shakes his head slightly, laughing lightly.

"How 'bout you just try to lay down and close your eyes. I think you're more tired than you think." He lets Lily lay down in her bed before pulling the blanket over her small frame. He leans in and kisses her head lightly, running his hand over her hair lightly. Lily's hazel eyes being to close slowly as Gajeel continues to rub her head. The feeling was smooth and peaceful. For some reason, it seemed to be able to put her to sleep right away. With his other hand, he tucked her in and handed her a stuffed animal that looked like Pantherlily. She scooped it up into her arm as sleep took hold of her. Gajeel smiled as he kissed her small head again, whispering into her ear. "Goodnight tiny Shrimp... sweet dreams." He gets up slowly and quietly and closes the door slightly behind him, leaving a small beam of light in her room. He looks up to his bedroom and saw Levy in the doorway in her light blue nightgown. She was smiling and holding out a hand to him. He grinned and walked over to her, taking her hand into his. He let her pull him into the bedroom and shut the door behind him. Once the door was shut, he pulled Levy into his body, holding her close. Levy wraps her hands around his neck and looks up at him.

"How do you get her to fall asleep so quickly?"

Gajeel plants a soft kiss on her lips. "I have my ways..."

Levy scoffs and pushes him back slightly. Gajeel simply held her tighter, placing a kiss on her neck. He walks her back towards the bed, giving her soft kisses as he does. Once her legs touched the bed, she pushed against his chest lightly. Gajeel brought a hand up to her shoulder and moved the silk fabric away from her shoulder, revealing naked and pale skin. Without a word, he moves his lips to her soft skin, leaving kisses in his path. Levy's hands ran up through his black hair and gripped it lightly. She closed her eyes as he laid her down onto the bed lightly, climbing over her body, he holds himself up with his arms and looks down at her, smiling wickedly. Levy looks up at him questionably.

"What is that look for?" She asked.

"Oh nothing... just getting ready for operation baby maker number 2 is all..." He lets out his unique laugh with his eyes closed happily. Levy smiles slightly and rolls her eyes at him.

"Do you really have to call it that?!"

"Look...we've been trying for a long time now... I just figured we could use a code name when we want to try for another child."

"And "Operation baby maker number 2" is the code name? Honestly Gajeel I thought you would come up with something better than that." Levy said with a slight smirk.

Gajeel growled as he smiled. "Is that challenge, Shorty?"

"No, not by any means so don't get excited. Let's just try to make another life to bring into this world." She reaches a hand up to his face and kisses him lightly. "I think it's time Lily has a brother or sister to play with. We're both ready and well prepared... we just have to place the last piece of the puzzle in." Gajeel smiled and kisses Levy on her forehead.

"You don't have to tell me twice." He stands up and pulls his shirt over his head, showing off his muscular torso. "Now then... commence operation baby maker!"

It was late into the night when Loke walked through his front door. He closed it quietly and looked around. Lucy had set up the apartment without him. He smiled weakly as he took off his shoes and coat. He made his way to the bedroom, pushing the door open slowly. He could make out a figure in the bed and he smiled. He took off his shirt and changed into pajama pants before making his way beside Lucy under the covers. Her back was to him when he first crawled in. After he pulled the blanket over his body, she rolled over to face him. Sleepy brown eyes looked at him softly. Loke ran a hand over her cheek. "Did I wake you?" Lucy smiled and shook her head.

"No, I've been up... I couldn't sleep." She moved in closer to his body, putting her head right into his chest. Loke wrapped his arms around her body holding her close. He put his head down on top of hers and breathed in her scent. He missed her heavenly sweet smell. "Don't forget we have to get up early tomorrow for the planner..." Loke kissed her head and closed his eyes. Lucy wrapped an arm around his waist and closed her eyes as well.

"I'll be up Lucy. Don't worry." Lucy smiled once more as she heard him slip into a deep sleep.

'You must have had a busy day...I better get some sleep too... I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be quite the eventful day for us both...' She thought as sleep took her over as well.

AN: This story is called Last Goodbye for a reason. (one to which you will all find out later on in the story) I had a hard time coming up with ideas for a sequel for my first story when a good friend of mine, wisdomk6906 was listening to the song Last Goodbye a lot. So then I got to thinking about this story and using that song like I did for the first one. Well... then came the whole problem of coming up with ideas to write out this story and make it work. So I just want to thank wisdomk6906 soooo very much for helping me write out the plot line for this story. without her I don't think the sequel could have even been possible. ^.^ So just like Angel with a Shotgun, please go check out the song Last Goodbye. Or check it out later when I write it out in the later chapters. :P

Prepare yourselves for one hell of a ride with this story... *insert evil laugh*