Disclamer: Nah, I don't own it... v_v

AN: I wonder... do I have to say anything besides "enjoy this chapter"? Oh yea, right. I'm a very smart girl and I just figured out that this Puff Daddy's (I don't want to disrespect anybody, but I just don't know how to write it! I don't know a thing about rap! Sorry ^_^;) song – "Come With Me" or something like that is a remake of Led Zeppelin's KASHMIR! Ha! I'm clever, ne? I'm watching MTVClassic and I see a concert clip. I see Puff Daddy. Ok, everything's cool. But... I look a little bit on the right and WHO do you think I see?! Jimmy Page! Looking like an old 4000 yr mummy. Sorry Jim, but you should take better care of yourself... This is also refers to Robert Plant, Mick Jagger, Ringo Starr... and the list goes on. You should see their photos "20yrs before and now"... o_O;;  I wonder how John Lennon and Jim Morrison would look like if they were alive... Ugh... And Elvis?!?! *everybody sweatdrops*

Oh, sorry, I'm blabbing AGAIN. But it was a little shocking to find yet another remake of an old song... First "Dream On" and now this? Oh well.

And ONE LAST note. "Carpe Diem" means "catch the day".

Chapter 12

Carpe Diem

Bulma's POV

Now at least I calmed down a little... Heh. Oh my he's so... cute when he's embarassed. Wait... did I just thought "CUTE"?!?!?! If Vegeta heard it, he'd probably shout me to death... "Sayia-jin no Ouji is nothing but cute Woman, when will you learn your place blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, yadda."

I wonder if he knows how irritating his little "speaches" are. Probably yes. Annoying litlle monkey.

I sighned loudly and streched. You've never been on a ceiling, have you? You have no idea how it is to sit in the minus gravity for 5 hours... And I had to put up with with an angered Prince of all Sayia-jins, so I guess you know it was something like hell (eveybody knows I like to exaggarate ^_^;)

I yawned. Oh my Kami! Boredom! Boredomboredomboredom....  /AN: This is just reflecting my feelings right now/


Nothing to do.

He's not even insulting me...


Suddenly, a very good idea (read as: very evil) formed in my mind. An idea, how to piss Veggie off.

I took a deep breath and...

"IN THE TOOOWN THAT III WAAS BOOORN, (he opened one eye)


AND HE TOOOLD US OF HIS LIIIIFE (he was looking at me critically)

IN THE LAAAND OF SUBMARINEEES. (he seemed a little bit shaken)

SO WE SAAAALIED DOWN TO THE SUUUN (he raised one eyebrow)



IN OUR YELLOW SUBMARIIIIINE!(made a strange sound)

WEEE ALL LIVE IN THE YELLOW SUBMARINE, YELLOW SUBMARINE, YELLOW SUBMARINE...!" (and crawled up to me) I don't have to mention that I sang totally out of key...


Yes! I've got it! The Woman IS insane! What the hell was THAT?!? This text made no sense, and yet she sung like she belived every word! I eyed her sceptically, and decided to check if she had a fever.

I gathered my ki to move and started to crawl in her direction. She looked a little bit startled, but that didn't matter – she should be afraid. Hehe. "Time to learn to respect the Prince!" I thought. Of course, I din't want her to fear me, but just to SHOW SOME RESPECT, damnit!

When I finally reached her, she looked at me strangely and I just wished she saw her expression when I felt her forehead. Priceless.

- Well Woman, decided to shut up? Or I have to make you? – I asked dangerously, but with a hint of humor in my voice. Which she, of course, caught.

- Well my Prince, I think that I ended. For now. – Huh? FOR NOW?!

- What do you mean "for now"?! – I growled. I've had enough of her singing for lifetime. I liked her voice, but – let's face it – too much is too much... Besides, I wanted to sing along and that'd just RUIN my reputation (if I had any left)

- Yes. I'm bored, I want to do something, so I sing – what else do you propose, huh? – she raised her eyebrow

- Meditate – I stated and watched her cringe. Heh. Weak human.

- But I don't know how to meditate. – she muttered and lowered her gaze to the floor... erm ceilimg. She... what?

- You don't know how to meditate? But that's the easiest thing in the Universe! – I laughed and savoyed her angered look. Oh, how I love to bait her... – If you don't know how to meditate – I stressed the word – I can always teach you... All you have to do is ask... – I smirked and awaited her response.

- So teach me, my mighty Sayia-jin no Ouji. – she said with an evil grin on her face. That was NOT the answer I expected... Oops...

- Um... yes... that's right... Sooo... Sit in the lotus position – I waited for her to shift her form and when she finally did it, I told her to close her eyes, and clear her mind. We sat like this for about 15 minutes, when I realized how close we really were. Too close for my liking.

- Woman? – I whispered, though I didn't want to. I didn't know what I was doing.

- Yea? – She asked, equally quietly.

- I... – this time I knew what I wanted to say, but words never found their way through my throat. I just kissed her instead.


I don't think I understood that. I guess he was trying to tell me something, but words failed him and he decided to express it instead. At least I hoped that...

Just when I was about to kiss him back be both were thrown to the GR floor – our torment in this "minus gravity" was over. I came to conclusion that people act weird when they don't have anything constructive to do...  I can't belive that I sung in fron of Vegeta! My brain must've been so squashed in that dmned machine that I couldn't think straight... My Kami, I'll never hear the end of this!

We stood up, looked at eachother strangely and raced to the shower, never saying a word. Of course, the Sayia-jin no Ouji was first to get to the bathroom (suprise, suprise!) and just when I thought that he'd mock me and say that I'm a slow weakling, he moved aside and AGAIN without a word let me in first.

I must say that I was shocked (tough tried not to show it) and at first thought that it was some kind of joke, but when I looked up to him, I didn't notice even a shadow of his usual smirk. I calmly stepped into the bathroom, closed the door and heavily sat on the ground.

That, I thought, was that.

Vegeta's gone mad. 


I popped down on my couch and closed my eyes. The Woman looked right down shocked when I let her shower first, but at that moment I didn't care. I've been waiting for 5 hours, I could wait another 15 minutes.

Just when I was finally dozing off, I felt....

Trunks, Goku & ca³a reszta*

- W... who ARE you? –was all that Mirai Trunks could choke out. He din't belive his eyes. He REFUSED to belive his eyes. In front of him and Z-senshi stood a creature that, in some ways, resembled Frieza, but his (his?) ki was about 3 times stronger... The pure energy that this... something was emitting was unbelivable.

- Oh my, I'm disappointed that my dear btother didn't mention me before... But I guess that jelousy got the best of him... – the creature replied, smirking slightly

- Jelousy? – Piccolo raised an eyebrow

- Well, you see... I'm a great deal stronger than my little brother... He was always weaker, though our father tolerates him more than me... Strange, isn't it?

- But WHO are you anyway. – inquired Gohan

- Sayians... Always so impatient... – Frieza's brother shook his (let's say he really is a male) head – My name is Kooler, little one.


I showered and left the bathroom.

 In the second I got out, Vegeta grabbed my arms, led me to the living room and put me down on his couch. He had a serious look on his face and felt that something was wrong.

- Listen Woman. – he spoke quickly -  Something happened. Kakarotto's, his brat's, this weird kid's and the others went sky-high... I think it might be serious - I think the battle started and I have to go... Just... please, stay here, don't go anywhere, I beg you! – he brushed his hand against my cheek and looked at me almost... tenderly? – I love you Onna! – he finally blurted out and ran out as fast as he could. That's when I made a mad dash to the lab in a frantic search for a useful wepon...

*ca³a reszta (pl) – and the rest. I don't know why I put it there... Just out of the blue... o_O

A short note fo the end: Yes, I know, I know... Short and posted so late that I wouldn't be suprised if I found a scorpion under my pillow tomorrow... BUT, we have some action here, right? I wanted to show that peace and idylla is a fragile thing and it never lasts long... Bulma and Vegeta had their sweet time together and it was sometimes sad, serious, humorus or simple stupid, but now things change and they will face serious problems... I still wonder how the story will end... I have several alternative ways (some of them sad, some happy), but seriously think about a happy-end... Hmm... Well, I guess that you'll just have to wait to find out... Oh, and thanx to all my dear reviewers: Android18, Mystic, DBZ Fanfiction Queen, Vegito044 and MiraiGirl87 (I just adore your reviews girl!) And I love all of you guys!!! I'm very sorry that I'm such a lazy person, but I PROMISE and realy promise than next chap will be posted asap and it will be LONG. Untill then...

