Disclamer: I do not own DBZ

AN: READ, READ, READ!!! IMPORTANT!!! Well, that's my new story, I hope you'll like it. It's an AU B/V fic that takes place right after Freezer Saga. Mirai Trunks looses with King Kold and Freezer (I wonder how could that happen...) and everyone including Vegeta, Goku and Bulma are enslaved. Our beloved Freezer decides that he'd use Bulma in his science departament and that Vegeta will be her lab rabbit while upgrading the GR. He thinks that either they would kill eachother, the GR would kill Vegeta of Vegeta would kill Bulma and than Freezer would kill Vegeta... Well, that's one hell of a complicated plot, but I hope that everything will be clear after the first chapter. One last thing. In my first fic there was no Yamcha bashing, but in this one, there will be MAJOR bashing of this charakter, so all you Yammy lovers out there – you were warned.

Please, don't mind my spelling or grammar, but if you'll notice  a mistake as big as a Solar System, inform me. English is not my first language.

What Are We Gonna do Now?

Chapter 1

Things may not be as bad as they seem.  (Bulma's POV)

How could this happen? How could I let this happen? And why the hell a little and insignificant planet like Earth could deserve such a fate? Now I'm here, on this ship full of horny bastards that know nothing of me... Why...? Why...?


' I shall destroy that planet of yours in a blink of an eye, you pathetick creatures!' the white lizard-like looking monter shouted and smirked like a maniac.

'No! I won't let you, Freezer!' Yelled Goku, but he knew that he had no chance against his opponent. Freezer nearly killed that lavender-haired boy, and he was a Super Sayia-jin!. Goku was seriously injured, with his ki decresed nearly to zero. He looked around for some kind of help. Piccolo and Gohan couldn't move, Yamcha and Krillin were uncontious, Bulma was taken to the lizard's ship long time ago and Kami knows what they were doing to her and Vegeta... Vegeta fought Freezer first, but he lost and he was dragged by some soliger to the ship right behind his best friend. In this moment Goku fell to his knees and everything went blank...

End Flashback

All I remembered was waking up ina strange plasteel room that resembled a cell.. Later, I was graced by "His Allmightiness" presence.


'Greetings, Little one. No need to fear me if you'll cooperate.' Said Freezer with his strange feminie voice

'I shall NOT cooperate with you, you bastard! What did you do to my planet and friends!' Bulma  refused to back down from the disgusting lizard

'Calm down, sweete. I destroyed your worthless planet, but no need to worry. I will provide you everything on MY planet. You will be impressed, you shall see...'

'My friends' she managed to choke out. She was trying her hardest not to bake down and cry. "EARTH! My beloved Earth!

'Most of them are in the anti-ki chamber, so they wouldn't do something stupid. But I belive one of them was wise enough to drop that foolish "courage" as you call it, and join me.'

'Who...?' she couldn't belive that one of her friends would do that.

'As I recall his name was Yamcha.'

'YAMCHA?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?' she cried and fell to her knees 'It's impossible, you're lying!'

'I wouldn't lie to you. Now if you don't want your precious friends  to die, you must work for me'

 'I willnot work for you! EVER! My firnds will get me out of here!'

'Ha! Like they could defet me... Do you really think they have a chance against me?'

'It doesn't matter' Bulma replied calmly 'They will defet you anyway. Your imagined power is your weakness, Freezer'

'And your faith in your friends is yours!' Freezer snapped back 'Ah... If you don't cooperate, I will brain-wash them, and make them kill you and than kill themselves. Does that sound appealing?'

Bulma paled

'This time you win... But you've only won a battle. We shall see who will win the war.' She said quietly

'The war is long over, my dear... Anyway, I have a suprise for you.' He said with devilish smirk 'Zarbon!' (wished back with the rest of Freezers army by Earth Dragon Balls) he called, and a few seconds later, a tall, green figure appeared at the door, dragging something behing him. This "something" was "someone".

'Vegeta!' Bulma shrieked 'What is HE doing here? What did you do to him?!?!'

'Relax, my dear. He will be your lab rabbit. I want you to work on a new type of a Gravity Room.'

'How the hell do you know about GR?!?!'

'I have my ways. But back to the main subject. You may test new abillities of your machine on him. He has no right to complain, he eats less than you do, he sleeps less than 3 hours per day and if he doesn't stand this, it's his fault. Understood?' Freezer glared at the poor Chickyuu-jin female, who was looking at the bruised and bloody body before her. She felt a stab of pain. She hated seeing anyone like this...

End Flashback

Than they took me to this planet and gave me an apartament and a lab. I must say that it is very modern. I build the GR and right now I'm upgrading it. Vegeta is still delirious, but he will be fine. At least I hope so.

I know that he is cruel and has no feelings but... I heard him talking in his sleep. He was speaking something about his planet, family and that he must ascend ssj and kill Freezer. Than he started to cry. It really hit me that a proud warrior like him can cry. Of course, Krillin told me that he cried before his death, but I thought that it was only some kind of joke. I only hope that he will wake up, I need him to help me get rid of Freezer. I know that he can reach ssj. Only thing that worries me is that he won't trust me and won't cooperate. Oh, and that lack of food and sleep. I think that that lizard wants him die of exhaustion. Dishonorable death for a warrior like him...

'Sir, isn't it a little bit dangerous?' Zarbon asked his lord

'Oh my, Zarbon. I want to have some fun with the little monkey before he dies. I want him to belive that he can defet me and then crush his dreams and kill the worthless piece of shit.' Freezer giggled like a schoolgirl and turned his attention to the people locked in the anti-ki chamber 'Are you having fun down there, Goku?' he smirked cruely and increased the power of the chamber. Krillin, as the weakest, fell uncontious.

'Let us go you monster and fight like a warrior!' Piccolo growled

'Nah... It's more fun seeing you like this...'

'You'll see, Bulma will find a way to get us out of here!' Goku spoke through clenched teeth.

'Oh my! You Sayia-jins are sooo stupid!' and the room was filled with loud, maniacal laughter...

Short note for the ending: Sooo... How did you like it? Should I continue? Please, review and tell me what you think!
