A/N: Since FFN says that all chapters must have a narration/story/idk, here it is;

"Nami poked her head out of the cabin, scrunching her nose at the rambunctiousness of her captain, sniper, and doctor."


Anyway, The Demon King lately has been dragging on me, I have zero inspiration, and it feels more like a chore than anything else. I won't be dropping this, just taking a break. The new school year's started and I'm incredibly busy. Sorry to anyone who was anticipating the next chapter (AKA no one ;-;).

That being said, when I get more inspiration I will probably return to finish it. And hopefully it won't be when I'm thirty, married, with a kid. Hopefully. You never know.

Thanks for being so understanding for my break, I will not quit writing here (I've been at this site for at least two years now, I think; wow, time's really passed, hasn't it, even if it was on a different account) and will continue my other stories.

Again, thanks so much!
