"I hate that Inuyasha, he always leaves and breaks Kagome's heart over and over again" said the sad little kitsune.

"That idiot is always messing up a good time" replied the monk.

"Kagome… how could you bare such pain and still have the strength to stand by his side" asked Sango with a voice of anger and concern.

"because Sango, when we first met, I promised him that it'll always stand by his side no matter what and I intend to follow that through until the jewel is completed and Narakus' dead." Answered the young miko.

"Kagome, in more ways then one you are stronger then many, if it were me in your position, well lets just say he wouldn't need to worry about having kids any time soon" said Sango glaring daggers at the nervous monk.

"Its okay Sango, I'm fine, sure it hurts when he leaves, but what can I do about it" she said looking at her lap.

"What kind of person will I be if I wanted to destroy what they have by making him feel as if what he's doing is wrong... thats the human heart I guess. You love someone, but they love another, sure most people will do anything to get what they want but not me. I have no right what so ever to stand between them because of jealousy."


"There's only 1 thing I can do"

They stared at her with curiosity.

"It's time that I let go of those feelings for Inuyasha and set him free to be with the one his heart chose" she said.

(Everyone just sat their eyes wide at her words

"Kagome, you're not thinking of leaving for good are you" asked the kit with tears.

"Of course not Shippo, I'm just saying from now on I'm going to support him" she said reassuring him.

"Think about it, he never had a good life growing up, who am I to come and try and take away the one thing that made him truly happy. I am jealous but not heartless" she explained.

(After a few moments of silence the sisterly Demon Slayer spoke up)

"Sadly, Kagomes right and we're not making it easy on him by scolding him" she feeling a little guilty.

"When Inuyasha comes, tell him I'm going for a walk and I took my arrows so he doesn't need to come searching for me okay" she said getting up retrieving her bow and arrows.

"Besides I'm only 16, I have a lot of time to find my special some one" she said giving a thumbs up and a reassuring smile.

"Kagome can I come, I can be your protector." Asked shippo

"I would love that shippo" she said with sincere smile as he jumped on her shoulder.

(And with that they left for a walk)


"Lady Kagome always seems to amaze me" said the monk.

"Yeah, she truly is one in a million, I just hope Inuyasha knows what he lost" she said looking at the door.

"CAUSE THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL IM GONNA LET HIM GO BACK TO KAGOME". She said coldly with her hair flaring and fire in her eyes and a fist punching the wall making a hole.

(She is not a demon just angry)

Anime sweat drop… "Dearly noted my dear Lady Sango"