Cat was out of the bag now. Chuck and Blair were married…and expecting a baby. All of them stared at the couple and very uncomfortable silence was broken when the Vanderbilt –Archibald clan came. Ann, Captain and William were surprised to see Blair.

''Oh, Blair… What a surprise…''

''I can only imagine…''

Ann was surprised how Blair was smiling and being happy.

''You look nice…''

''Thank you Ann… You look nice too…''

William broke the pleasantries.

''You are no longer member of the family, you may leave now.''

She smiled…

''I'm Archibald anymore, but I 'am member of the family… I am a Bass now…''

The shock was on their faces too...

''Chuck and I got married after my divorce was finalized…''

That was where conversation had to end since some more guests came. They were surprised to see Blair and even more surprised to see her standing close to Chuck. Chuck smiled at his wife and turned towards the guests.

''We will not be intruding anymore. I'll see you man at the wedding on Sunday. Have a nice day.''

''What? No bachelor party?''

Before Chuck could say anything his wife did.

''You had it for ten years…Nathaniel…''

He lowered his gaze and didn't say anything.

''Have a pleasant evening. I'm leaving now.''

One of the society ladies had to ask.

''And how are you Blair?''

''Never better.''

That answer surprised them. They expected her to fall apart somewhere.

''Oh, that's nice to know dear…''

''I'm glad I gave you a satisfying answer.''

With that she and Chuck left. Party was least said weird. Newcomers, who had no idea what happened few moments ago were cheerful, drinking and having fun. Family was still in shock. Nate had no idea two of them ever had anything? How and when did that happened? How he didn't notice it? Too many questions in his head… Serena was trying to figure out the same things her husband to be had done. She and Blair were best friends. How was it possible that she never noticed something between them? Was Blair having an affair with Chuck during entire marriage with Nate? Was Blair also a cheater? Bart was happy Chuck married someone like Blair. He saw her as a good entrance to the New York old money world and he loved that chance. On the other hand he was excited to have a grandchild. Ne never believed Chuck would marry and it was all new to him. He will be a grandfather… Chuck will be a father. At that moment he remembered his mother. What would she say if she knew about what is happening? He felt bad for never telling Chuck his mother is alive and that she choose to tell him she is dead. Would he like the woman who gave birth to him? Would she love him now? He was wondering about a lot of things what could or would have happened if they didn't end their marriage the way they did. He went to the library and got the phone out. He found the name he was avoiding for years. He clicked on Elisabeth and dialed the number.

''Why are you calling?''

''You will be a grandmother.''


''Congratulations Elisabeth…''

''Is he…? Are they married….''

''Yes, they are…''

''He got married and you didn't tell me?''

''To Waldorf girl… Almost a month ago…And we found out today. You know he left and didn't want to come back. It was because of her. Now they are together and happy.''



''I remember you mentioned her being married to Archibald boy. She is an…interesting person…''

''She is… He is happy and they are glowing.''

''It's a young love Bart. All of them fail after some time.''

''Some don't.''

''I loved you very much Bart…I was young and foolish to believe we could work. ''

''So did I. But we didn't fail because of lack of love. We failed because you were not brave enough to love me when it was not all easy and nice... ''

''Let's leave past behind us Bart… We ended our marriage too long ago. And let's leave what was in out past where it should be…In the past…I want to talk about now. I want to know about Chuck… I am very happy Chuck will be father.''

''I know… Lilly is also happy that Blair and Chuck finally managed to patch things up and she was excited for the baby. She was not sure where Serena and Nate stood at that matter, but she had a feeling Blair and Chuck will fill the house with children.

''He loves that girl?''

''Surprisingly he does. And she loves him very much. She and Archibald boy had very bad marriage. He had an affair with Lilly's daughter since forever and Blair kept it quite lady like until one point when she decided to leave him for my son…apparently…''

''Bass, you are getting old… You will be a grandfather…''

''And you a grandmother…''

''Send me pictures… I want to see him and his family…''

''I will… Take care E…''

''I will… Speak to you soon Bart…''

As the conversation ended, Bart sat at his desk and put his head into his hands. Elisabeth… She was his first love and very possible the love of his life. Two of them met when she was fifteen and he was seventeen years old boy from a family that was very poor. She got pregnant, they got married. He went to school and worked to support them. He used few tricks here and there and earned his first big capital. Bass Industries was started in a small leaky apartment and in two years it became serious competition to many firms. On the day he married Elisabeth, he promised her she will have it all… And three years later they and their son had it all. Or almost all. After the birth of Chuck, she changed… She was always so sad and her eyes were so empty. Bart saw that but refused to believe she was not happy. Elisabeth got pregnant for the second time. She hoped it would be a girl so she could change her and play with her like she was a doll. Unfortunately she had a miscarriage and she lost the baby. After that everything changed. She was not happy anymore. She wanted out of the marriage and life they had. She didn't love Bart anymore and she lost all the attachment to her son. One night she just packed her things and left. She didn't look back. She just left her life behind and started searching for something. Almost thirty years later she still hasn't found that something. Bart found her soon after she left and she told him she is not coming home and insisted on a divorce.

''You don't have to be my wife. I can understand that you don't love me anymore… I can get that… But, don't take away the mother from out son…''

''No, I can't… I can't be a mother…''

''What will I tell him?''

She got up from the bed and went to the window…

''Tell him his mother died giving birth to him. ''

Limo ride was long. Chuck was on the phone and Blair was tired and taking a nap. When he was done, he put his hand on her stomach and smiled. She was pregnant… With their baby. He smiled at her.

''What is it Bass?''

''We are having a baby…''

''Yes, we are…''

He kissed her and hugged her tight.

''I love you so much…''

''I love you too.''

He held her close and all the sudden he smiled again…

''What is it now?''

''Blair, we are family…''

She put their hands on her belly and smiled at him…

''We are Bass… We are family…''