Ch. 7 A Shadowy Rescue

Hiccup sighed then glared at the setting sun, the early sunset was the one thing he hated most about the fall and winter. Though he did love the changing leaves and the frost patterns on windows when he was younger he loved to try and copy the frost patterns he saw on his windows adding a few pictures of his own in to the mix.

"Barely five p.m. and the sun is gone stupid daylight savings time" he grumbled as he dug out his ear buds and iPod then proceeded to shove them into his ears as he set the device to shuffle before shoving into his pocket and hoisting his backpack over his shoulder as he started walking home. He would have bummed a ride from one of his teammates, but they had all left by the time he had exited the locker room. Hiccup heaved another sigh as he adopted a leisurely pace instead of dead sprint that his mind was screaming that he should be doing. His mother had drilled it into him that the second the sun disappeared the danger from spirits and fairies tripled, the best way to avoid attention was to act normal and running always attracted attention.

He was more than half way home when in the silence between two songs when he thought he heard a sob, he stopped and looked around as he removed his ear buds listening intensely for the sound, just as he was about to shrug his shoulders and move on when he heard it again the breathless sob that a small child would make when they were truly scared and frightened. Turning away from the street he spotted what was once an empty lot before the neighborhood transformed it into a flower garden. In the middle of the garden sat a small figure, even with the limited lighting Hiccup could tell that its shoulders were shaking he guessed it was a small child that had gotten lost or turned around.

"Hey kid are you lost?" he asked as he made his way towards the kid seeing them flinch he stopped and held up his hands to show that he wasn't going to hurt the now obvious scared kid.

"Hey it's okay no worries I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help" when the kid didn't say anything or move away Hiccup took it as a sign to move forward again. Within a few steps he stood close enough to the kid that he was able to start reaching out to put his hand on the kids shoulder when the kid snapped around and latched onto his arm. Hiccup gasped as he felt claws dig into his arm, he felt like the air in his lungs froze over as he caught his first good look at what he thought was a kid. The skin was a sickly green color with darker green spots splattered randomly on its arms and face, the eyes were huge and bulbous the eyes themselves were a luminescent neon yellow color with tiny black dots for pupils and when the thing blinked the lids were split vertically instead of horizontally. The things lips were swollen and puffy as they split into a wide ugly grin it was revealed it had hidden sharp pointed teeth. Hiccups heart seemed to pitter to a stop before bursting into a thunderous pace, his lungs started to work enough that he could make panicked sounding gasps. The thing let out a wet bubbly sounding laugh as it took in Hiccups fear.

"Well well well look what we have here, I set my trap hoping to catch one of those dimwitted light dwellers but instead I catch a human instead the fates must be on my side tonight" the fairies voice sounded like the croaking of toads he grinned and tighten his grip as he felt Hiccup try and shake him off. Hiccup stopped moving as he felt the things claws start digging uncomfortably into his skin, his mind was scrambling to try and find a way out of the situation.

"What should I do with my new prize I could rip out your eyes and sell them for a high price any dark fairy would want your eyes and they are such a nice color" watching Hiccup grow pale at the idea the fairy cackled before appearing to think then stated.

"Or I could keep you alive and just siphon off your blood to sell, mortal blood is such a strong thing it's full of life where ours has a stale taste to it" seeing the fairy bending over his arm and opening his mouth like he was going to bite into his arm Hiccup panicked and scream before tugging and twisting his arm trying to get free when suddenly he was released. He took a few unbalanced steps backwards before tripping and falling hard onto his backside. Looking up he couldn't believe what he saw the green toad fairy was screaming and screeching obscenities and rolling around on the ground when he stilled Hiccup saw why that the hand that had been cleanly cut away and now the only thing the fairy had was a stump of an arm that was freely dripping acid green blood Hiccup scrabbled backwards gasping but stilled when the toad's screeching turned into words he could understand

"POX ROT YOUR EYES AND MY YOUR BODY BE LACED WITH IRON YOU UNHOLY OFFSPRING OF LIGHTING AND DEATH" the toad glared up at someone to his left causing Hiccup to look that way as well what he was like a black smudge had decided to detach itself from the shadows Hiccup could see any details about it other than the luminescent green eyes with the vertical pupils that reminded him of big cats eyes glaring hatefully at the toad. Hiccup didn't know or cared who had just saved him the only thing he wanted was to be as far away from here as possible as carefully as he could so he wouldn't draw attention to himself he got to his feet and took off running.

~*~(sorry I can't figure out the page break thing)~*~

Toothless watched as Hiccup ran off satisfied that he wasn't running in a blind fear when he disappeared he wanted to follow and make sure the kid made it home but he had to deal with the screeching scum in front of him first after a few minutes of listening to him cry and moan he had had enough. Sheathing his sword loudly as he let out an annoyed growl

"WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT YOUR OVERSIZED FACE HOLE YOUR DAMN ARM WILL GROW BACK AND DON'T TELL ME IT WONT BECAUSE I KNOW YOU BAEL" he thundered causing Bael to fall into silence when Toothless was sure he had Bael's full attention he kneeled down in front of him so they were on eyelevel with each other as he hissed out his threat

"you are to tell no one of this encounter do you understand if I find out that word has gotten out about that boy and I see him attacked by another dark spirit or fairy I'll kill them then I'll track you down and make sure that you wished I cut off more than your arm" seeing the right amount of fear in Bael's eyes he stood with a smile and turned to leave.

AN: okay I'm sorry this is a little late but it's better than several months right? Again sorry about that thank you MySweetYaoi49 for your review XD

Okay guys who can tell me where I got the toads name from? If you can then I'll let you design a fairy or spirit that is to appear in an upcoming chapter.

The next update should happen on or before 12/20/2014

Your friend always Demo aka Demonicsis XD