I Do Not Own Kill La Kill

Ira lay on the coach, allowing Mako to curl up on his chest and letting her head rest just underneath his heart. His jacket covered most of her back. Jakuzure glared at sleeping brunette.

"Why are you letting this underachiever date him, Satsuki-chan? She doesn't belong with the Elite Four. She belongs with all the other no stars. Plus, she's friends with that trouble maker, Matoi, and her being with us would…" she sneered.

"I have to agree with her this time. They are ill-suited for each other. She'll never understand our mission." Inumuta said.

Satsuki sighed, knowing that Jakuzure was going react like this, but Inumuta agreeing with her, then she needed to give Mako a chance to show that she can handle being with them. "It was deal and if she can handle her best friend being with one my Elites, then I can do the same thing. It already been decided Jakuzure, Inumuta, I expect you treat with her respect besides she may be able to bring some insight to our mission." She paused, seeing Jakuzure turn away in a huff. Needing to find something positive for Jakuzure look at it, Satsuki looked over at Gamagoori, who was ignoring their conversion. "Nonon, think of it this way: she will be the one taking care of all his needs, even the ones that requires additional help." she finished, smirking as Jakuzure, Inumuta, and Gamagoori looking up at her.

"L-Lady Satsuki, normally I would never question you, but are you sure that this is good idea right now. I just got her. At least give me a better answer when she wakens. I don't wish to scare her off or change her view of me when she finds out my quirks." he said softly, stroking Mako's hair.

Satsuki walked over to him and gently touched his shoulder. "I understand your concern, but I think she will understand and accept the way you are. After all, she is friends with Matoi. But we shall see after she wakes up and despite what Matoi said, I believe you should ask her again since she didn't get any sleep last night. She may have forgotten what happened." she said.

Ira remained quiet and tightened his arms around the brunet, tucking her into his chest more. He agreed with her on last part. Mako was known for her short attention span and as tired as she was earlier, there was a chance she may have forgotten what happen in last 24hrs, so asking again was good advice. He wasn't going hide what he liked or keep secrets from her, but he wasn't going to tell her yet. He wanted her to get to know real him and find a way to get her to stay by his side forever, no matter what the future holds.

Looking down at her, he smiled as she adjusted herself so she was curled into his chest. Her head was rested on his right chest plate. He could feel her breath on his nipple. The strong man had to fight urge to moan very time her breath went cross making his nipple hard. He wondered if her mouth was any closer to it, then would her mouth would be on it. He shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself. He really wished Satsuki hadn't put the image of Mako doing things to him. He shouldn't be thinking of Mako this way, not when she was sleeping so peacefully on his chest.

Jakuzure and Inumuta looked at him and then at each other. "He really does care for that underachiever, doesn't he?" she said.

Inumuta shrugged and continued to remain silent.

Satsuki was about to walk way before she noticed a silver shield like charm on the blond's necklace. "Gamagoori, where did you get that? I thought you were against wearing jewelry at school." she said, startling the three of them.

Gamagoori blushed and gently played with his charm. "It was made by Mako, it'd be shameful not wear it after all the hard work she put into it. No one, especially that girl who liked me, gave me anything before. She's even got Matoi to test how the strain and make sure it would still stay intact." he said softly in awe.

Satsuki eyes widened. She got a closer look at the charm and saw the dragon and wolf wrapped around each other. "Strong like a dragon, loyal like a wolf. She described you perfectly." she said walking away.

Inumuta and Jakuzure walked around the couch to see it. Ira smiled. "You missed one more part. According to her, both are very loud."

Satsuki lightly chuckled and walked back to her seat. She watched as Inumuta and Jakuzure looked at Ira's charm.

"The underachiever made this? I never thought someone like her could make something so amazing." Jakuzure said in awe.

Ira's chest puffed in pride at her comment. "I've never seen or heard of materials that could withstand that kind of strain from Matoi. I need to analyze it," he said, reaching down to grab, but unfortunately, Mako began to wake up and when she opened her eyes, she saw his hand.

Screaming, she punched him, sending him flying backwards into the wall. Burying herself into Ira's chest in her attempt to hide, she then realized whose chest she was burying herself in. She looked up at Ira, blushing. Jakuzure tried to hold her laughter, even Satsuki held back her own amusement. Ira let out a laugh, making her shake before noticing her glaze.

"How long have I been sleeping on your chest, Gamagoori?" she asked softly.

Sighing softly to himself, he sat up and placed the brunette on the couch while making sure his jacket stayed on her. "Ever since you collapsed this morning and it is now 4pm. Do you remember anything about this morning?" he asked softly.

Rearranging herself, she shook her head negatively. "No, I don't. I'm sorry. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was very important." she replied.

Smiling at her, he gently grasped her hands and kneeled before her. "It was and still is. Mako Mankanshoku, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

Mako eyes widened and began stuttering. "B-But y-you belong to Lady Satsuki and…" She was cut off by his lips crushing against hers and slipping his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. Mako eyes widened in shock, feeling him his tongue roam as he kissed her. The shock quickly went away, and she kissed him back, wrapping an arm around his neck and allowing him pull her close to him. He slowly pulled apart from her lips, causing her to whine softly. Smiling, he leaned her back and they looked each other eyes. Blushing, she looked over at Satsuki who just gave her 'answer him, don't worry about me' look. The black haired girl smiled back at her.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend Ira Gamagoori although I'm confused on things, but I want to be with you." she said.

Eyes widened he kissed the brunet hard, feeling her kiss back. However, they were interrupted when Jakuzure lost her composer and laughed. Mako looked over at her confusingly. "I'm missing something, but I'm pretty sure I don't want know what it is that I'm missing." she said softy.

Ira chuckled softly. "You gave rather mean right hook to Inumuta a few minutes ago. You sent him flying to wall." he said.

Mako look over the couch, using Ira as leverage to see Inumuta peeling himself off the wall and sat back down on his lap, huffing. "Well, he shouldn't have been hovering over me. I get enough of that at home. Besides, he's lucky I didn't pull out my electric pull or he would really be hurting." she said.

Ira, Jakuzure and Satsuki looked at the brunette in surprise. "You have electric pole and get attacked by your family?!" Ira and Jakuzure yelled, causing Mako to hide in the jacket. After seeing what he had done, the blond pulled her into a tight hug. "Sorry for yelling like that, Mako. I didn't mean to startle you. Please forgive me." he said softly.

Mako lifted her head out slightly and snugged against his abs, wrapping her arms around his waist. Gently rubbing a small portion of his back, she felt him relax under the touch. He slowly loosened his grip, allowing her to look up at him. "I'm not angry or anything. I'm used to your voice getting loud whenever you're concerned or need to. It was Jakuzure's loudness that spooked me," she explained.

Ira sighed, happily resting his head on hers. Mako decided to take this chance to explain what she meant. "My father is a peeping tom and enjoys trying to take peek whenever he can. When I hit puberty, he liked to peek at me, although Mamma always catches him, and unfortunately my little brother, Mataro took after him, so Mamma taught me at a young age how punch and use a weapon. You never know when you need it," she explained.

She felt Ira's hand tighten on her shirt. She looked over at Satsuki. "Is there a bathroom and shower? I don't know where I was before school, but I really need shower, fresh clothes and empty my bladder." she asked softly.

Satsuki nodded. "Soroi, please take Mako to my private bathroom and get the clothes that sit in spare room ready." she ordered.

Soroi bowed. "As you wish, Lady Satsuki. If you please, follow me, Lady Mako. I will lead you there." he said.

Mako smiled and untangled herself from Ira's arms his jacket letting it falling off of her. Giving him a light kiss on check, she followed Soroi out the door. When Ira was sure Mako was out of ear shot, he slammed his fist into table, breaking it in two.

Inumuta, Jakuzure and Satsuki looked at him. "What is matter, Gamagoori?" she asked.

He clutched his fist. "Last night before she walked home, she told me that BDSM have been trying to turn her into a slave even before school started. That was why she has weapon on her, and punched Inumuta. Even if her father and brother are peeping toms, she shouldn't have to be afraid. I noticed while she was sleeping that she was not exhausted from just staying up all night. It's like she doesn't get enough sleep at home, like she doesn't feel safe around her own family." he said.

Jakuzure sat next to him. "Maybe that's why she sleeps here. She knows it's safe enough of for her to sleep. I guess she keeps herself busy when sleep eludes her." she said thoughtfully.

Satsuki narrowed her eyes. "We'll investigate this matter later. Gamagoori, you need calm down. If she comes back and sees you like this, she'll worry and ask about it. Also, if she doesn't remember this morning, then I doubt she remembers when she told you about the BDSM club. Jakuzure, have someone come in here and clean this mess, then get them to bring in a replacement table." she said.

Jakuzure nodded and got a One-star to clean up the broken table and brought in a replacement table. Gamagoori nodded and picked up his jacket, bringing it to his nose, taking in her scent on jacket.

Soroi walked into room. "Lady Mako is now taking a nice hot bath. I took note what she liked, cherry sakura tree bloom body wash, although she also seemed to enjoy the melon, pomegranate, juniper berry/ylang-ylang/ and vanilla, and jasmine. She had a hard time choosing, but she ended up using the cherry sakura bloom body wash and she used the honey shampoo and conditioner." he said.

Satsuki nodded. "Give that to Gamagoori so he can have it for future reference." she ordered softly.

Soroi nodded and gave the list to him. "My Lady, which clothes and accessories am I to give her?" he asked softly.

"Let her choose them and if there are any she likes, have them prepared to be sent with her. I won't be needing them." she said.

Soroi bowed and walked out of the room. Gamagoori gently rubbed his charm between his figures, trying to calm himself. The four of them sat in silence, waiting for Mako to come back.

To be continued.