Hello again =)

Well! You all seemed to really like TimeLady!Rose in "5 times the Doctor didn't find out Rose was a Time Lady (and one time he did)" and in this story, and a few people have mentioned/asked/requested sequels or continuations. I still stick by what I said in the first story- I'm not going to make this a multi-chapter fic, simply because I have way to many other multi-chapter fics going, and I don't want to take on another one right now.

HOWEVER, I enjoyed writing Rose as a Time Lady as much as y'all seemed to enjoy reading about her, so I am open to writing more one-shots featuring her and the Doctor- making this sort of a series of one-shots, I suppose. If anyone has any thoughts, ideas, etc. on something they'd like to see, leave it in a review or PM me and I'll write a one-shot for it. That way, I can continue it without having to worry about updating regularly(ish) and can still work on my longer fics. There's not gonna be an A/N to tell y'all about every one-shot I write, though, so you might wanna keep your eyes peeled and all that.

Thanks for all the support, and happy reading! =)
