Randy couldn't swallow. He couldn't speak. The little girl was excited as if she was meeting her hero for the first time. Randy stared. She had his eyes and he saw himself in her in so many ways and he saw Mia.
Mia's froze. She didn't' think that Cheyenne would remember the few times she had shown her Randy's picture. She had always wanted her to know that she had a father, that he was a wonderful, kind man who had saved her life once. She wanted her daughter to know a face as well as a story, but she never planned on them meeting before she had found a way to tell Randy. Now her co-workers stared, inquisitive and confused. They whispered, they snickered and the charge nurse crossed her arms over her bodice.
"You are my daddy? Aren't you?" little Cheyenne cupped Randy's cheeks in her small hands.
"Yes, I'm your daddy." Randy said so softly with a smile on his face and no doubts in his heart. "And I am very happy to meet you." "Mommy bought me a new dolly. You want to play?" "I would love to." He rolled himself to a table and his daughter ran back to Mia's side to collect the small suitcase she always carried with her. Her favorite, Barbie and her entire wardrobe. Soon, she had it set on the table, unzipped and was handing one to her father. Mia had to shake away her emotions.
"Is she okay with you for a little while? I have to make my last round."
"She's not a problem at all." Randy said sweetly. "And after you clock out, I would like to visit with you too." What could she say? She nodded her head and went on with her job. Her belly felt sick the entire time and each room she exited she saw her daughter smiling so big. There was no way she could take Randy away from her now that they had met.
"Mia, a few words please." Mia didn't get a chance to clock out before she was ordered to head to the front office with her charge nurse. "Mia, um … is there something about the patient in 401 we should know about?" She asked her after joining the director of nurses.
"Yes. I guess." she looked at her lap. "He's my husband, but we've been separated and I didn't want to there to be any drama where my job was concerned. I need my job."
"You're not going to be fired just because someone you're related to moved in. That's not really something anyone can control but I am concerned that you didn't inform us."
"I didn't realize it was him until I went in that day and I really wanted to avoid him. I don't want to discuss our marriage. Not here."
"Well, that's what I wanted to tell you. You have been nothing but professional and if you need to speak with Randy on your own time, you are welcome to do that. In fact, since you two are still married, you're the one who should rightfully be in control of his care." The director of nurses added.
"I don't want that responsibility. We've never been a conventional married couple."
"But I think its in his best interest if you did take control. His mother – well she isn't – well honest enough to control his finances. Randy's in danger of loosing his room. He's in danger of being sent to another floor – another room that he will have to share with three other men. Mia, I don't know what went on or if your marriage was good or bad, but you're not a cold hearted person. You're one of the best aids we have and if that man is ever going to function outside these walls, he needs you."
"I just … I..." she could feel her whole world crumbling. Everything she had wanted behind her had followed her, but she couldn't walk away from him. Not now. She owed him her life and it was only fair that she do something to save his. "Okay. What do I need to do?" It was explained to her and it seemed pretty easy, but first she needed to talk to Randy.
Randy wasn't where she had left him with Cheyenne and after a couple of light knocks, she figured out that he wasn't in his room with her either. She should have felt panicked, but she didn't. She just didn't know where to look for them. Randy rarely left the floor, except to follow her out to the smoking area, but she knew he wouldn't take a little girl out there. She clocked out and grabbed her purse. She started walking the entire building, looking side to side. He had made no friends, so she doubted he would be in anyone else's room and soon she couldn't think of anywhere else to look.
"Hey, Mia." Frankie, the girl in the kitchen waved as she passed. "Have you seen Randy's little girl. She's so cute." The word hadn't gotten around yet, but she knew by the end of the week there wouldn't be one soul who didn't know that she and Randy had a past together.
"Have you seen him recently?" "He's in the kitchen."
She hurried through the dining room doors and into the kitchen and found them both. The kitchen staff was fawning all over Cheyenne and she was eating it up along with whatever snack Randy had managed to con out of them for her.
"You're spoiling her."
"nah." Randy grinned. "One snack won't hurt anything. Except maybe her dinner." he put the toddler on his lap and bounced her up and down. "Are you in a hurry today?"
"No." she couldn't lie. Randy could always see right through her. "I'm usually rushing out to pick up Cheyenne and I already have her."
"Good. I think I can grab something from the DVD box in the common room that will hold her attention for a few minutes."
"Why don't I go get us something to eat?" She looked at her watch. "I like Cheyenne to eat at the same time every day."
"I would like that. I would love to have a real family meal. You know how long that's been for me." He chuckled. His family never had dinner together. She knew this man, knew his entire history probably better than she knew her own. Definitely more than she had ever known about Roman.
It didn't take her long to pick up a decent dinner and return to Randy's room. Cheyenne picked at her food. Her little eyes were too heavy. The day's excitement had worn her out and she clung to her father as if he were a dream she did not want to let disappear. When she was out, Randy laid her on his bed and covered her up. It melted Mia's heart the way he kissed her little forehead and rubbed her hair.
Then they were alone, eating their meal in silence until the words finally escaped his lips.
"You should have told me."
"I planned to after the hearing. After you were arrested I just couldn't." She stared at her lap. "It seemed too cruel. I didn't want to give you another reason to hate me."
"Is that what you think? How many times do I have to tell you that I never held you responsible for what happened. I put myself in jail."
"For me!" she spat. "If I had left a long time ago, it would have never happened."
"I would have found you. You must know that. I found you this time."
"By accident."
"No. I've always known where you were." She stared at him feeling foolish and stalked. "But I didn't know you worked here. I knew you were in this town somewhere." He laughed. "I actually thought I was going to sneak out of this place and find you. I guess I didn't want to accept that I couldn't. I'm always going to be dependent on others."
"You don't have to be, Randy. You can still live alone."
"I don't want to live alone." he snapped. "what the hell's the point if I'm still going to be alone."
"You're not alone. I'm still here for you, but damn it Randy why does it have to be about that marriage all the time. We were fine when we were friends. I miss that. That's all I want."
"You would have loved to be my wife if Roman was never in the picture and don't try to deny it."
"I'm not. But I was with Roman and I can't pretend that we didn't do something horrible."
"He's moved on." Randy insisted. "Why can't we? Stop torturing yourself. You've never thought you deserved to have what you wanted. Girl, you deserve it more than anyone else I know."
"I am not the kind of person who runs off with my boyfriends best friend." she began to sob. "I am not one of those girls that doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants."
"No one thinks that about you Mia." They both turned. Roman stood at the door with his new girl. How long he had been there, neither of them were sure. He gave his girl a smile and apparently she understood what he wanted and stepped outside. Roman came over to Mia and kissed her cheek. "I am not angry about what happened. I am the one who didn't deserve you and I would have never given you the kind of life you wanted. Randy loves you and he always has. Since the day he met you, in fact. I'm the one who is the horrible person in the mess, but I want to make it right. I want you to do whatever your heart wants you to do. We all know what a good person you are and I can only imagine the punishment you have put yourself through. The way I see it – the world will always find away to bring together two people that belong together. That's what happened in Vegas, that's what's happened here."
"OH, shut up, Roman." Randy chuckled and shook his friend's hand. "you always were long winded when you thought you were right."
"I was only dropping in anyway." but she knew Roman's menacing look. "I'll catch you next time I pass through town."
"What are you doing?" Mia asked after Roman had left and Randy preceded to pull the privacy curtain in the middle of the room, blocking off the bed Cheyenne slept on. He didn't tell her what he had planned. Instead, he went to the sofa and slung himself onto it, then he patted the place next to him. Reluctantly she did and he put his arm around her shoulders. "Randy, I'm -" he interrupted with a kiss and she tried to fight him off but he seemed determined to show her just how strong he still was. Before she could fully grasp what was happening, Randy had laid her down and pinned her beneath him. His hands caressed every part of her body and she found she still loved his touch.
"Please, please Mia. No one will ever love you the way I do."
"I know that Randy. I know."
The End.