KrissyKat91: Boy, I hope I'm doing this right. Anyway, this is (I'm pretty sure) the very first fanfiction I ever came up with. I think it's something like five years old at this point, so I can only hope it's good. So, obviously I don't own these characters. I'm not even sure I own the title; I think I saw it in another story. Can't remember where, though. I only own my OCs Lightningblade and the Stormblades (verbal cameo only). Also, the upload instructions said to double space in between paragraphs, so that's what I'm doing. Hopefully it won't look to weird.

Normal speech: "Hi"

Bond speech: Hi

Ch. 1: Double Agent

Optimus Prime stood in a hidden vale near the Ark, surveying the stars. If he looked heard enough, he could just make out the twin suns Cybertron had once orbited. Oh, how he missed his home-world, and his Sparkmate, Elita-1.

The sound of footsteps behind him, the ever-so-slight shuffling step of a mech with foot thrusters, pulled him out of his nostalgia.

Turning, he said, "Your report is not due for another half stellar cycle, my friend. Why did you wish to see me?"

The mech before him shifted nervously. "Soundwave's getting suspicious of my disappearances. I think I'm meeting you too regularly."

"Is Wheeljack's psionic disruptor still functioning?"

A brief smile crossed the other mech's white face. "It hasn't blown my head up yet, if that's what you mean."

Both mechs chuckled. Wheeljack's inventions did tend to explode, more often then not.

Sobering, Optimus said, "Then I don't see what you have to worry about."

The other mech shook his head. "Reading a bot's processor isn't the only method Soundwave has of finding information. If he discovers I'm a double agent, I'm as good as scrap."

The Autobot Supreme Commander thought for a moment, then noble cobalt optics met worried crimson ones.

"The time of secrecy is at an end. Meet me here tomorrow at noon, and I will introduce you to the others."

"You know Megatron will notice such a large gathering."

"Let me worry about that. You need to get back before they send a search party after you."

Saluting, the Seeker most knew as Thundercracker vaulted into the sky and soared off.