Clare's POV

I desperately tried to not look anyone in the face. I hated everything about being here. The hallways, the students, the picture of Jesus on every single wall. It all bothered me. If my mom had at least listened to me, I wouldn't be here. I would still be at Degrassi with Alli and Jenna. My mom found out that I was taking drugs, and she sent me here immediately. I am by no means a drug addict, it was just an occasional thing I would do when I was bored or something. It never meant anything. Sometimes I just get lonely, you know? It was just something to do. My mom obviously didn't see it that way. She sent my to counselors, therapists, and even a rehab, but none of them could prove it was an addiction, so my mom sent me here. A catholic school. My mom always raised me catholic and all that, but that doesn't mean I believe in it. I just pretend too. I don't need another lecture about morals. At the end of the hallway I could see my classroom. This school was weird. It was like a old building mixed with modern technology and interior. Whatever. I just kept walking, heading to my locker.

Eli's POV

I messed around with my watch. Leonardo was supposed to be here five minutes ago, and we are going to be late for class. I never really cared about school or academics before I came here, but now it mattered that I was on my teacher's good side, so that they would feel bad if I was late or if I did badly on a assignment. I came to this school because I was offered a scholarship. One of the best schools in the area offers me a scholarship, who am I to say no? I heard great things about this school, and I knew it was a prepatory school, but I didn't know it was a catholic school, and neither did my parents. We thought about it, and we decided it would be best if I went here instead of head back to Red Wing Academy, which, despite the fancy name, was the trashiest school in the country. Half the girls were pregnant with no baby daddy, everyone drinks and does drugs during classes, and the teachers basically allow it. I hated that school, so I was happy to come here, even if the constant Jesus-talk totally got under my skin sometimes.

I looked back up to see if Leonardo was anywhere in sight, and got a glimpse of the funniest sight I've seen in a while; a new girl barely able to walk in her clunky Mary-Jane's. She looked like a newborn deer. She looked fresh-faced, almost contradictory. Her bright blue eyes made her look like a doll, and her bouncy curls and side bangs made her look like any average girl; add that to her baby face features, and I would think that she was maybe in grade ten, or maybe even nine. There was an edge to her look though. Her skirt was obviously up higher on her legs than all the other girls. It wasn't places any higher on her hips, so she must of cut it. Surrounding her baby blue eyes was dark, smoky makeup, the kind that the other girls here would be too scared to wear. Her accessories were also edgy. She had buttons on her bag that said very suggestive sexual things, and it made her look dangerous, especially in a catholic school.

I met her eyes when I noticed she stopped in front of me.

"Can I help you?" she asked. She has a intense 'get away from me' stare, which was strange, since she came to me.

"Excuse me?" I replied.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asked, getting even more annoyed. Almost like I'm supposed to read her mind, or something.

"You just look different," I said. I wasn't afraid to the truth to anyone, especially this chick. I could tell I angered her though, and she stepped closer to me and narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean by different?" she asked me.

"I mean the other girls would be scared to wear what you wearing," I said bluntly.

"Why is that?" she asked. This girl asks a lot of questions.

"Because it's very suggestive," I said.

"And what do you mean by that?" she asked, hitting me in the shoulder. Honestly, it did hurt, but I wasn't going to show that to her. I wasn't trying to be mean, but she obviously doesn't play nice.

"You cut your skirt shorter than everyone else, which violates the uniform and dress code, you have pins on your bag saying very suggestive things, and your eye make up is dark. Some guy might get the wrong idea," I said, explaining myself.

"Like you?" she asked.

"No. Not like me. Remember, you came up to me," I reminded her.

"But you were staring at me," she said.

"Well, it's not everyday you get to see Satan walking down the hallways of a school of God," I said, smirking. I'm not sure if she was trying to play a game or something, but I liked it, even though she was generally annoying. She just rolled her eyes.

"Oh God, your one of the religious freaks, aren't you?" she said. I scoffed. Did she not now where she was? Did she walk into the wrong school this morning?

"They are all religious freaks," I said, gesturing to everyone around us. "I am not though. I am actually a atheist," I added.

She scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Then what are you doing at a catholic school?" she asked.

"Scholarship, and also I didn't know it was catholic. I just knew it was a prep school. Why are you here? You obviously don't believe in it either," I said. She sighed and rolled here eyes again.

"I'm here because my mom believes in it," she replied. I smirked again.

"I'm sorry to here that," I joked. Here eyes narrowed in on me again.

"Whatever," she said, picking her bag up and leaving.

I didn't know who this girl was, but I wanted to know more about her, like why she's really at this school.

"What's your name?" I asked, watching her leave.

"None of your business," she said, turning around and flipping me off with both hands.

All the girls around her gasped and gave her a look that would make you think she had murdered someone with her bare hands right there in the hallway. All the guys just gave her nasty, unaproving looks, causing her to laugh at them all before turning the other way.

When she walked away, everyone turned to me, almost as if to say 'what are you going to do about her?' and 'what do you think you were doing with her?'. I didn't care though, I only really liked a few select people here that were like me, so I ignored them.

"Well my name's Eli," I shouted to her.

"Congrats, you can say your own name," she said sarcastically, going to her locker. I made a mental note; 33421. That's her locker.

The bell rang, and I knew I was going to be late, so before I could say anything else, I ran off to my classroom.

Later on during the day...

Eli's POV

I held a bright red tray in my hand and look across the cafeteria. I kept an eye out for Leo, but since I didn't see him at all today, I figured he was home sick. The cell reception here sucks, so even if he sent me text, I probably wouldn't get it 'till later.

My eyes settled on a lonely table with what looked like nobody sitting there. The tables surrounding it were crowded, so I couldn't see it too clearly, but I figured I'd give it a try anyways.

I walked over, and once I got in close distance of it, I saw that there was someone sitting at the table; the girl from earlier. I stopped when I saw her, because I didn't expect anyone to really be at the table, let alone her. She stopped eating her sandwich when she saw me and she gave me the same nasty stare from earlier.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I want to sit and eat," I said.

"Sit somewhere else," she said, going back to her sandwich.

I looked around the cafeteria once more, but I didn't see any other tables that were empty.

"Sorry. This is the only other table," I said, walking closer. Before I could get too close, she grabbed my tray, causing me to spill my milk.

"Sit on the other side," she said, obviously oblivious to the spill she caused. I smirked and sat the tray across from her.

"Nope. You spilled my milk, now I get to sit wherever I want," I said, taking my seat.

She just glared at me. I smiled back, mockingly, and started eating. I ignored her, but I would occasionally look up and mock her with food, since she wasn't eating now that I was sitting there.

"If you keep staring, your gonna have a empty tummy," I joked.

She slowly unwrapped a fruit cup and started stabbing the fruit with a fork, bringing the pieces to her mouth slowly, one by one.

"Good girl," I said sarcastically.

"Why do you have to be such an ass?" she asked.

"Why do you have to be such a bitch?" I snapped back. She seemed shock to hear me say that, and that's exactly what I wanted.

"I'm not afraid to play this game with you," I said. She leaned forward.

"I just want to eat alone," she said.

"Well I just want someone to eat with. My friends out sick," I said honestly.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, but what does that have to do with me?" she asked me.

"Your alone too, and your new. Your someone I can talk to," I said.

She didn't say anything. She just looked down at her fruit cup and kept eating. When she looked down, I noticed a necklace that has a big C on it. Ah-ha, so her name must start with a C.

"Is it Cecelia? Charlotte? Caroline?" I asked.

She looked back up with scrunched eyebrows.

"What?" she asked.

"Your necklace has a C. Your name starts with a C, right?" I asked.

She grabbed her necklace and fidgeted with it, twirling it around her finger and twisting it.

"It's Clare," she replied.

"Like the saint?" I asked, knowing it would get under her skin.

"Yes, like the saint," she said louder, obviously annoyed. It worked. I also could tell she's heard that a lot.

I nodded. I at least knew her name.

"Is your full name Eliot or Elijah?" she asked hesitantly after a moment of silence between the two of us.

Hm, looks like she's interested in knowing a little more about me too.

"Elijah," I said.

She scoffed.

"Elijah is a religious name too," she said.

"Yes, but I wasn't named because of religion, but I'm guessing you were," I said.

She looked back down.

"Well you'd be right," she said.

I could tell she really didn't want to be having this conversation, so I must be making her uncomfortable.

"If you really hate me, I'll leave," I said, testing her. This is how I will now if she's worth playing around with a little bit, or if she is really just a bitch.

She just shook her head.

"It's okay. You can stay," she said. She didn't seem enthusiastic. Looks like she might just be boring after all.

"Do you have any friends?" I asked.

She looked back up at me.

"Not here," she said.

"You need some," I said.

She laughed.

"Like you?" I asked.

"Doesn't have to be," I said, looking into her eyes. There was obviously a tension rising. I was already bent over the table to look at her, and she bent over the table too, getting closer to my face.

"Maybe I don't want any friends here," she said with a smirk on her face.

"Maybe I don't care," I said.

We both sat back in our chairs and stared at each other.

I could see through her eyes that she had a lot of questions and emotions going through her mind. Finally, she sighed.

She stuck her hand across the table and held it out for me to shake.

"Hi, I'm Clare Edwards," she said.

Ah, of course. The 'let's start over' approach. Hmph. I'll take it. I shook her hand.

"Elijah Goldsworthy," I said.