Hi this is my first story and I don't have a beta (if you like the story you can?) If you find mistakes tell me.


I sighed as I sat down on the couch of my sister's apartment. The last 5 months had been very hard on me.

I was dizzy when I woke up. I looked up at the sky and saw it was dark, but that wasn't right. It had been morning when I fell asleep in the back of the truck when Cuttler was driving to the camp for a reconacence.

Then I heard a hushed voice nearby "She has had a terrible ordeal!" someone whispered-yelled "She will go to the rehabatation center tomorrow" then I heard the voice I had escaped six years ago.

"SHE WILL NOT, I WILL TAKE HER HOME TOMORROW AND SHE CN LIVE LIKE THIS, IT'S HER OWN FAULT!" my mother said-wailed at the man who I think was the doctor.

"What's my own fault?" I rasped at my mother, I was surprise to hear how parched my voice was.

"Miss Bennet, I am sorry to inform you that when you were in Afghanistan you and your partner hit an IED and-"


I looked at the doctor and he nodded slightly, letting me know that she was telling the truth. My mind went into shock, I slowly lifted up the blanket and sheet and saw that where my leg should be was an empty place and further up was a stump about two inches down from my knee. Just then I realize what the second thing my mother said was. Rob was dead.

Rob Cuttler had been my best friend since sixth grade, when he got kicked out of his house at sixteen for being gay he lived at my house for two years before living together during collage and when we both signed up for the army. It had been my idea. His death was on my hands.

I shook my head to get rid of some of my worst memories. It had taken a lot for me to stop blaming herself for Rob's death and even longer to get used to having an artificial leg, I was still getting used to it and sometimes when I was flustered I would stumbled a bit.

Just then my sister breezed in. Jane was the best sister anyone could ask for, she always listened to others opinions and tried to see the best in everyone. She was an elementary school teacher and all her kids loved her to the ends of the earth, she had been the only one to visit me while I was at the rehabilitation center.

"We are going out tonight. Okay?" Jane said in a sweet voice.

"Ohhh, must we?" I asked in a fake British accent, I was too tired to celebrate my release tonight. I just wanted to eat ice cream and fall asleep watching Bones with Jane.

"Yes, Charlotte insists," said Jane. "she says that it's a celebration of life and loss."

"Charlotte is too sentimental for her own good." I grumbled.

"You were the last person to see her brother alive, she has a right to be." said Jane in a doting voice.

"Up, onward, to get dressed up" I said in a childish voice, taking Jane's hand and pulling myself to my foot and other thing. We walked in to her bedroom and I walked to her closet, opened the door and saw that half the closet was filled with dresses, "I am NOT wearing a dress" I state firmly.

"But then you won't be able to swish your skirt, you love that" Jane said pouting and giving me huge doe eyes.



"No" I said and grabbed a pair of black dress pants and a bright yellow top, I took of my sweat pants and baggie gap sweater and pulled on the dress pants, they only got stuck on my leg once. Then I buttoned up the yellow blouse after that I was about to put on my runners when Jane unseromously shoved a pair of yellow flats in my face and said I should wear them instead, so I did.

Jane and I went down the elevator and into her car, and she drove us to the bar we were supposed to meet charlotte at. It was stuffy and crowded in the bar with lots of men hanging around, there must have been a hockey game on. I spotted Charlotte at the bar wearing a dress and stilettos with her briefcase and a blazer beside her, Charlotte was a lawyer. She had worked for her father's firm for 3 years and she was good at it but found it to be the most boring thing ever. Charlotte had always wanted to be a mother, I thought this was weird I mean we are in the 21centurey why would someone be a stay at home mom?

"Hello my dearly missing friend" Charlotte slurred, she already had a few shot glasses in front of her and she had always been a bit of a lightweight not that that stopped her from consuming a huge amount of alcohol in collage with me and Rob.

"How much vodka have you had?" I asked dryly.

"None, the fairies took the stuff from my shots" she slurred out. I rolled my eyes and sat down beside her. The barman came over and I ordered a G&T, I hadn't had alcohol in seven months and wasn't about to get smashed on my first night of freedom. Just them I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to find Jane standing there with two other guys I had never met before.

"Lizzie, Char, I want you to meet Charlie and his friend Will Darcy.

Line break.

Okay how was it? Did you like it? If you did leave review!