Hello, everybody. I'm back. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've decided to make a sequel to my previous story, Dance of the Crane. This one is Trial of the Mouse.

There's going to be a lot of development with character in these next few chapters, while a sinister shadow is watched our protagonists fight for their lives.

But that's enough suspense. Let's dive into the story!

Oh, and just in case I forgot on my last story. I do not own the Batman Universe or the comics, save for two comics that I got for Christmas. Because if I owned it, Becky would have a heck of a lot more development than she had.


Stalker in the Night

In a dark corner of the Amusement mile, a dark figure watched the monitors of his lair with interest. Around him, chemicals brewed and bubbled in their vats; the light of the moon shown through the darkened warehouse, casting shadows around the room, with only the glow of the chemicals providing illumination for the walkways

A henchman approached the figure, whom held up a hand for the henchman to stop, all without looking up from the monitors.

"We located more of the chemicals you needed. Shipments will be arriving in three days."

"Good," the figure replied, its feminine voice revealing that the figure was a woman. "Be sure to deliver it to my hideout by then and have your men guarding the shipments." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Do NOT lose it."

The henchman gulped. The last henchman to defy her orders ended up being used in her experiments. If he failed…he didn't even want to think about it. "Y-Yes, ma'am."

The figure's face twisted into a grin, as she turned back to her work observing the figures on the screen.

"Soon, my love, I will make sure that nothing will stand in our way," she crooned, staring at the taller man on the monitor. Her eyes narrowed as her eyes caught sight of the smaller woman on the video. "Including her."

Turning away from the monitor, she strides away, unable to watch anymore without losing her temper.

But soon, it all went well, the girl would be eliminated and the man would be hers.

It would only be a matter of time.

Alright, this is the prologue. Send me a review to tell me what you think and stay tuned for more chapters coming soon.