Hey everyone I'm sorry for such a long wait for the chapter update I've just been really busy. Also sorry if some things don't seem right in some areas I've been out of it but I hope everyone likes it anyways. Thank you everyone for staying with me and dealing with the waiting. Enjoy the story! ^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight sadly

I woke up from the strange dream, finding myself in my dorm room. I looked around everything was still the same, not even the papers on the desk were moved but there was a dark figure standing by the window. I sat up, my head feeling light as I did, and tried to get up but the figure moved over and push me back down onto my bed. I tried again and it would push me down again.

Finally another figure appeared and looked at me, freezing me in place. The very glare of the pureblood made me immobile; except the very chills running up my spin.

"Why won't you just stay put stupid girl." A calm chilling voice spoke to me, "You would be better off not trying, but please be my guest to try."

I shrugged, not really caring about the figures wants. My mind was also to blurry to care about anything right now, not even the figure right beside me who grew tenser upon seeing my shrug.

"How dare you, you stup-" The female voice couldn't finish her sentence when I unknowingly glared at her. It was like she was scared of me.

"Luka. You may leave us now." The male voice spoke to her in a calmer manner. The girl with long curled brown hair quickly left the room. Since she was gone, with her perfume washed scent, I was finally able to smell the other blurry figure in the shadows of the room. Kaname.

Kaname still smelled like his normal stuffy self but with a hint of someone else. I could smell the blood coursing through him but couldn't pin point why it smelled so familiar. As I thought about it in deep concentration, I was swirled out of it by a loud shatter. My attention quickly turned from my head to the now broken vase on the floor then to Kaname.

"Hmm…still can't control it too well I see."

I blinked; my face blank then turning into shock, my mind raced into fear. "Kaname d..did you do that?" My voice was shaky, almost not wanting to hear the answer. "How did you do it?"

Kaname turned his cold eyes towards me. I could see the sly smirk appearing on his face or I might have been imagining it. "Yes, I did. It's what happened when our kind drains each other's blood."

My own blood runs cold hearing drains, each other's, and blood in the same sentence. I didn't understand what he was talking about. My head started to hurt and my vision went blurry. All I could see was red, and my parents. The last thing I saw was me, mouth covered in red before I snapped. Blood. Blood. Blood. Give me blood. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was until now and it was burning my throat. I needed it now.

I couldn't go and bite the closest thing to me because I would be killed then. I quickly turned to the side of my bed looking for some blood tablets. I didn't care if I had water or not I just needed the tablet. I searched and searched through the drawer but nothing. God dammit. Before I realized it Kaname had moved over to me offering his shoulder.


I resisted.

"Do you want to go crazy? Drink." His voice was cool but strict.

I took one look at him. The collar of his uniform was pushed to the side revealing his neck clean, and soft. He looked to the side, his hair falling that way. I licked my lips unconsciously and slowly leaned towards the neck. I opened my mouth; my fangs extending out, and my mouth closing on the soft skin in front of me. I slowly sucked his blood. It was warm and went down my throat easily. I couldn't resist it, I needed more. I sucked Kaname's neck more; I had no control over myself.

I had to stop when I heard papers flying, that's when I realized I had drunk too much. Kaname moved himself from me, grabbing a tissue in the process. I could still smell his sweet blood, even tasted it in my mouth. My teeth retracted and I had realized what I had done.

"Kaname I am so sorry, I didn't mean too."

"I wouldn't have done that for you. I only allowed you to, to protect Yuuki. Though now that you're full I need you to do something."

I listened to him closely.

"First off tell me what you saw going through your head."

"I saw a little me and followed her. I followed her into a room with two people on the floor dead and my parents standing behind them." I told him knowing there was no point in lying.

"Do you know of your real parents?" He spoke.

"I know my mom and dad were vampire hunters."

If I hadn't of known better I would have thought that Kaname had just laughed but I knew he hadn't because it is Kaname, he never laughed and only smiled at Yuuki. I was pretty sure he was laughing at me though.

"You really know nothing Rin."

"Um..ok? Tell me then since you seem to know so much of vampire hunters." I was starting to get irritated now.

"You're real parents weren't vampire hunters. They were of noble pureblood lineage but their reputation was hurt along the way so some vampire hunters came and I believe you know the rest." He spoke to me as though I was stupid and his stupid brown eyes had nothing in it. Not a single bit of emotion at all.

"If that's the case then why did my parents take me in?" I spoke trying to hold my temper.

"No idea. Maybe they just weren't the smartest vampire hunters."

"Shut up please." I clenched my fists.

Apparently he didn't get what shut up means for he kept on talking.

"I mean they ended up in a bloody mess either way didn't they?"

"I said shut up!" I flung my arm at him missing but something else was hit. I looked over to see that a pencil on my desk that was more than an arm's length away flew across the room.

"What the hell? How did I do that?" I spoke with a shaky voice.

"I see." Kaname said turning towards the door. "The blood you just drank has already made you stronger. I don't know how you'll ever be able to control your new abilities now if you can't even control your temper. You seem to be a threat." He started walking to the door.

"What?" I was shocked. How can I be a threat?

"I think it's best you leave, for everyone's sake."

"No wait, I wouldn't harm anyone. Please this is my only home." I pleaded.

"Don't make me have to take action, Rin." His voice was calm but it wasn't to be messed with making anyone who heard it scared. "I'm only thinking of the people here and you. If you come back I will have to kill you." He left and closed the door.

I couldn't help the tear falling down my cheeks. I had technically just lost my home again I couldn't stop crying and the tears kept coming. When they stopped I quickly packed some clothes, few fillings worth of blood tablets from Serena's stash, I wrote a letter to Serena, then left.

I walked into the woods and kept going refusing to turn around in fear of more tears. I kept going and kept going until I had just stepped off of the school grounds. The sun was coming up now and I was getting tired. I found a large tree in the forest and laid my stuff there. The tree was tall and fat but it was a nice tree that didn't hurt me when I attempted to sleep. I named it Idnar, it was a nice name for a nice tree. I finally fell asleep.

In the darkness I was again and an image came to mind. It looked like three people in a picture a little girl, the one from my mental break, and two blurry figures. Mom? Dad?

I will show you a sweet dream next time

I really hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. If there are any confusions please tell me and I'll try to clarify either pm or in the next chapter. Thanks again for reading and I will hopefully get the next chapter out soon. ^^