Furthest Thing Chapter 3

Name of Chapter: Wall of Fame

The next morning, Scott woke up to music blaring in his ears. The whole play list had replayed three times. He looked over Stiles' bed to find it empty. He took the headphones out and placed his MP3 player on the small dresser. He looked at the clock, he still had 20 minutes until breakfast. He got up and left the room. He decided he would be there early. He stopped at a water fountain. 'Were coming' There the whisper was again. They were getting louder every time. He felt a light tap on his shoulder, and flinched to the touch. He turned around and saw Allison. Then, all of the whispers stopped. He looked around. "Are you ok?" She asked. He nodded but continued looking around. He wasn't crazy. He knew he heard some thing. He turned his attention on Allison, who was staring at him like her had two heads. He smiled at her. "You're so weird." She said with a laugh. 'She has a beautiful laugh, she should do it more often' He thought. She put her hand on his shoulder. "C'mon I want to show you some thing." She said. Scott nodded and let her lead him. They reached what her room and they walked in. She stopped by the wall near her bed that was filled with pictures. "What's this?" He asked. "This is my wall of fame." She said as Scott looked at the pictures. There was one of Stiles and Lydia. They were both scoffing at the camera and held up the middle finger. There was one of Allison and Kira, Kira was wide eyed while Allison did a normal smile. Their was another of Stiles and Lydia. It looked like he was trying to give her a kiss on the cheek but she held her hand in front of his face. All of these made Scott laugh. "Want to see some videos?" She asked as Scott nodded. She went over to the similar small grey dresser that Scott and Stiles had in their room, and got a camera. She patted a spot next to her bed and Scott sat down. Once she turned it on and found a video she pressed play.

It was Stiles and Lydia sitting in this very room. "Stiles do your impression of Lydia." Allison said from behind the camera. Stiles cleared his throat and did a high pitched voice. "Well, I just think I'm smarter than every one, and I'm like so pretty." Allison laughed from behind the camera as Lydia hit Stiles up side the head.

The video ended and Scott wanted to see another one. It's like she read his mind because she plays another. This one starts with Allison and Lydia. "Oh it's on. Hi this is Lydia and this is Stiles." Allison aims the camera towards the floor where Stiles is sitting. Stiles grabs the camera from Allison and wiggles his eye brows. "You're so weird." Lydia says behind the camera. "She's totally in love with me." Stiles mouths to camera. "Hey, what does this yellow light mean?" Stiles asked. His face gets closer to the camera. "Oh that means it has to charge. Say bye." Allison says. Stiles does a slight wave and the video goes off. Scott looks at the camera with a content smile. He doesn't know much about these guys but he knows he wants to make memories with them.

They head down to breakfast together. They're surprised by a blonde at the table. Her hair is dull and she looks scared. They make their way over to the table and the blonde stands. "Oh sorry, am I in your seat." She asks Allison. Allison shakes her head and smiles. "No your ok." She takes a seat next to Scott and the blonde sits down with ease. "What's your name?" Scott asks. "Her name is Erica, and I invited her over." Stiles speaks for her. Allison nods before stealing a grape from Scott plate.

The rest off the day flies by and before Scott knew it, he was in his room with the light switched off. The whispers start again and he has no choice as they start getting louder. He grabs the pills from the small dresser and takes them. The whispering stops and he's sleep in minutes.

That same night he has a nightmare. With the glowing eyes. They all surround him and he wants to wake up but his body won't let him. It's like his mind id roaming but his body I still in bed.

The next morning he tells every one about his nightmare. "It happened to you to?" Allison asks him. He tilts his head a little. "What? Did it happen to you to?" Allison nods. He asks around the table, asking them did they have the nightmares to, but they all shake their heads. "It was like… I wanted to move but I couldn't… it was like I was paralyzed."

"Allison, do me a favor, do not take those pills tonight."

Sorry. I had no more ideas. I'm willing to do whatever you guys want, just PM me.