
"Seriously, you're playing Assasin's Creed 2 again?!" My friend Rachel groans as I put in the disc, adusting myself for a good playing spot.

"What can I say it's my favorite out of all of them." I grin and munch on chips.

"You sure you just don't have a crush on the main character?" She laughs at me when I roll my eyes.

"Desmond? Nah, he ain't my cup of tea, you can have him though." I chuckle as she blushes and glares at me.

"No, not Desmond," she sits up straighter,"Ezio Auditore". We both laugh ourselves silly, one because we know it's true and second because of her face when she says it. It's a cross between a pervert and and idiot; yeah, that about sums her up.

I laugh at her more, "Whatever... Hey how do you think Ezio would react if he popped into our time?" I asked, more wanting to see a stupid reaction than a real answer.

Pondering, "Well, he's probably freak out at first, then flirt with the first cute girl he sees." Cue bursts of laughter.

"Probably, whelp. Time to play!" I choose a new slot and get playing, Rachel pulls out her 3DS and plays the newest Pokemon, fist pumping the air.

"You know if you play that too long, you'll dream about it. And as Cinderella says, ~A dreeeeeeeeeeam is a wissssssssh your heart maaaaaakeesssss!~" I shove her to shut up.

"I haven't in the past and I won't now, besides that stuff never comes true." I snort and start playing.

Hours later the girls fell asleep, and she did dream of meeting Ezio, in real life.

And at that time a shooting star happened to cross the sky and grant the girl's heart's wish.