The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the intricate painting on the ceiling of the healing ward.

My eyes, not fully adjusted yet, were trying to make sense of the patterns and shapes above me. They slowly started to clear, so I tested my muscles. I could twitch my fingers slightly at first, and then I slowly regained control of my body.

Without turning my head, I looked over at Loki. He had his back turned to me, so he still hadn't noticed me.

Well this should be a nice surprise, I thought.

I tried to sit up, but as soon as I did, my body screamed in protest. I groaned and plopped back down.

Loki turned around quickly at the sound, his eyes wide. "Hannah?"

"No," I said sarcastically, "I'm Odin."

He smirked at me, shaking his head. He walked over and sat on the bed next to me. "Even in pain, the sarcasm never ceases."

I smirked back. "Of course not. I have a reputation to uphold, you know."

He smiled and took my hand. His eyes suddenly grew serious, and I remembered his declaration and my realization.

"Hannah," he said, "when you were-" He was cut off by Frigga and the other healers entering the room.

"I see you're awake," Frigga said upon seeing me, smiling.

I smiled back. "Yes. The only problem is I can't sit up on my own."

She chuckled. "And you won't be able to for a while. The healing process will take time."

I rolled my eyes and groaned. Great.

Loki sniggered at my antics and I shot him a glare. He just gave me an innocent smile.

Frigga then explained to me all what happened. When Loki performed the spell, my body couldn't absorb all the magic and, even though I didn't feel it then, the pain. The coma helped my body 'reset' itself, but physically I would need help doing certain things until my muscles relearned how to do them.

After checking me over, Frigga said she would send someone to bring me food. I thanked her and she left.

It was only Loki and me in the room. I looked over at him and said, "Help me sit up. I can't stand just lying here."

He chuckled. "Of course."

He braced his arm against my lower back and took my hand in his own with his other one. Making sure I had enough support, he pulled me by my hand and pushed on my back slightly. He then propped me up against the pillows.

"Thanks," I said, realizing then how close we were. I looked into his eyes and remembered my feelings for him. His eyes flicked down at my lips for a moment before looking at my eyes again.

"Loki..." I began, "I-" I was cut short telling him that I heard what he said when a servant came into the room.

Loki let go of me then, standing up straight. I turned towards the young girl holding a tray. She set it in my lap.

"Thank you," I told her sincerely, looking at her. She smiled at me and left the room.

I looked down at the tray. I then realized how hungry I was and began eating.

Loki watched me eat for a moment before he spoke.

"You had everyone worried there for a moment," he said. "You stopped breathing."

I swallowed the bit of food in my mouth and looked at him. "What?"

"We had to jumpstart your respiratory system." I noticed then he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at the ground, as if he was trying to forget.

"Hey," I said, grabbing his hand. "I'm okay now."

He gave me a small smile and nodded his head towards my food. "Eat. You need to regain your strength."

I nodded again, letting go of his hand. We sat in silence for a moment longer when Loki spoke up again. "You know, you lost the horse race. I believe that means you owe me a dance."

I almost choked on my food. "What-" I had no words.

"She's left speechless! What a marvel!" He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "That was our deal, wasn't it?"

"Yes." He said, smirking.

"Well," I said, crossing my arms, "I did almost die, so-" I was cut off by Loki putting his hand on the side of my face.

"Don't remind me," he said sternly, looking into my eyes. I could feel his hand shake.

I grasped his hand. "Hey, it's okay. It was just a joke." I gave him a small smile.

He just nodded and turned away. I furrowed my brow. What was going on with him?

"Loki, what's wrong?" I whispered.

He turned to me. "You really have no idea, do you?"

My heart rate sped up. But then I began to worry. What if he was just like Michael? What if I got hurt again?

"Hannah, I-" he was cut off when Odin walked in.

"Loki," he said, "could I talk to her alone please?" The tone in his voice didn't leave room for opposition.

"Yes, sire," Loki gave me one last look before leaving.

Odin circled around towards the other side of my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Considering the circumstances, I feel quite well, Your Majesty," I said hesitantly, wondering why Odin wanted to talk to me.

"Good," he nodded. He looked at me, as if he was trying to figure something out.

He sighed. "I have to ask this, Lady Hannah. Are you in love with Loki?"

The question took me by surprise, even after all the thoughts I had formulated earlier. Why did Odin care?

But I thought about it. I am. I am in love with him.

I looked at Odin. "Yes. I am."

The king was silent for a moment. Then he said, "The prophecy is coming true."

"Sir?" I asked.

"You have asked how you are going to save Asgard," he began. "Your destiny was foretold thousands of years ago, before anyone knew of the tragedy that Loki would inflict on Asgard and beyond," he paused. "It was written that great destruction and strife would befall Asgard, and that a person who watched our world from beyond would come and heal our land. It spoke of three women- and you are one of those, Lady Hannah."

I thought for a moment. "So what you're saying that me loving Loki will change him and remedy what he's done?"

Odin nodded. We were silent a moment as I took it all in.

"Well," he said, "You need rest." And with that he walked out of the infirmary.

Loki came in a bit later, but I didn't tell him about the prophecy. There were too many questions I had, and something told me that Loki wouldn't be the best person to ask that.

Thinking about it later, I realized that I felt like Odin was keeping something from me, and I was determined to find out.